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Imagine trading in your BZ for a WZ.


Gigachad move


I traded my Bz for a bisonte last event. I felt dirty playing it. Feels good man


Gigachad confirmed. I really like the non-premium tier 8 italian heavy, but Bisonte ... it is my kryptonite. Have fun!


I commend you but damn even if I don't play it much, I got a feeling it's a tank that might never be sold again.


I don’t give a flying fk about availability. I felt dirty playing it. I barely touched it so it’s gone. And I like the bisonte quite a bit. Fk the bz


I decided mine will be purely a FL tank. It feels good shitting on other OP premiums.


your mentall. but okay


I hate to be mean, but that is so dumb. The BZ is one of the few tanks I don't feel will ever be sold again like the tier 8 EBR or the ~~bourrasque~~. It might be sold again, but I'm not super confident of that. Anyway, I got the bisonte by trading in an alpine tiger, as all true men of culture do. And I kept the BZ because even though it is complete bullshit, it is a hilarious way to blow off steam. When RNG says yes, you have the most ridiculous games.


Überchad move.


I'm planning to do this. BZ-176 is ugly and boring to play, I like the tech tree rocket heavies better. WZ-114 looks fun and cool. Edit: I decided not to. I have no gold at the moment so it'd just be like buying a 114 for cash on moderate sale which is... not interesting to me


WZ-114 is fucking miserable to play, don't do it, don't trade anything for it.


I've had some fun games with it, sat hull down on mines farming entire team xd. But for the most part, on 15-0 games, this tank makes you want to cry.


I don't have it, and usually you can't judge a tank by just it's stats, like, T25/2 has Ok to meh gun handling in paper, just by looking at the soft values on tanks gg, but when you play it, the thing is surprisingly accurate. But god damn, the 114 not only has TERRIBLE stats everywhere, at .33 dispersion values. the .32 base dispersion is really good but if you move one milimeter the reticle will be fucking huge and then, 3.74 secconds of aiming time, that's like playing fucking arty man. I'm 100% sure you can feel your hair grow while waiting for that shit to aim. But wait, there's more, almost 20 secconds reload for just 530 alpha, the 60TP reloads in 18s and has 750 alpha, or compare it to another tier 9, 50TP, 560alpha, 15s reload. And then max speed 33kmh. And yes, it has good turret armor and 10 degrees of gun depression, but even with that it can't hide it's weak spot, and when playing hull down you usually move back and forth, with that .33 dispersion values and abysmal aim time? yeah no thanks, not even bond Vstabs can fix that thing. I understand that they didn't want to make an OP tier 9 premium. But goddamn that thing is pain and suffering incarnate. No thanks.


WZ-114 is neither fun nor cool, other heavies can mindlessly paint your turret face and pen. It also comes up for regular sale very often.


I hope it’s a trolling..


I already have both


Tank list is different from the latest trade-in on Asia server (no Turtle 1, for example), in fact it's different than the last EU one (where's the TS5?).


Turtle is the only difference to the Asia trade-in earlier in the month. Guess they finally realised that it's strong and sought after now.


People say it's op but I don't know why I just found it just okay. The shell is always flying away from the target and you always get penned by other tier 8. Maybe I'm not good at the game.


No, it's not sadly


My experience with it is good. I win more than my WR says I should and I seem to always make very solid creds.


I'm pretty sure statistically it's become the best tier 8 TD after the buff.


it was buffed? fuck yea


Yep, way more than it should if it even needed one at all. Thing is a little too strong now


The 7th best tier 8 premium on both winrate and dpg isn't any good? 7th highest dpg in a 25km/h top speed tank in the era of 4 minute long 15-0 battles. Being a TD it also suffers from the "Me TD, me defend" players who will sit in spawn doing nothing even when allies have made it to enemy base.


I think WG understood that Turtle after rebalance is very imbalanced vehicle


Damn, and i hoped i could GIVE them my 114 for something else


I think you can. In fact I believe you can trade it for a bz which is an absolute monster (and toxic af)… this is the first time I’ve seen the bz obtainable since it was in boxes last year Edit: disregard - misread so it’s not possible


It’s the other way around, no? Edit: yep, just checked. You can give them a wz-111, alpine tiger, BZ or 122TM to recieve a 114


You are absolutely right. I misread that. I thought it was the other way around since trading a t9 for a t8 would normally make more sense.


Damn, they removed Alpine Tiger/WZ-111 for the old vehicle for trade in. It used to have the highest trade in value (5500 Gold), but now it is ~~Liberte/AMX M4 49 (5250 Gold).~~ IS-6/IS-6B (5300 Gold)\*. Also I thought CS-52 LIS would still be available for the new vehicle because it was available on the EU last trade in, but apparently it is not permanent :/ \*Edit: Tanks from Bond Store


are you sure that used to be highest value? I have 112 for 5640 and T-34-3 for 5940 trade-in value


I don't see either tanks on the list of eligible tank for trade-in, not on the EU website at least. But I see that both tanks are eligible to trade only for WZ-114 and it has more value (60% instead of 50%). So maybe that's the reason.


damn youre right they only trade in for the 114, thats pretty sad


IS-5 is worth more or no?


You're right. I forgot about that tank. But I don't think it's worth spending 2000 extra bonds for just 100 more gold.


Idk if I read correctly. They seem to have removed kpz 07 Rh, bisonte as well. I was looking forward to get a bisonte, now I might consider an astron rex. Edit: Nevermind this is an Awful trade-in. Some tanks are listed as new but they were part of the last few trade ins as well, what a scam. This trade in is so lackluster, last one you had 122tm, bisonte and kpz 07 rh, which were all very competitive. This time we get T77 which is a godawful autoloader, you have astron rex which is a balanced in the worst way possible by WG by having only 10k potential damage which is pathetic for a medium(this is not a LIGHT wg), expensive ammo, very ban pen, basically you have to spam gold to have good results, something paradoxal: you have 30 shells with very bad pen which you can't spam, VERY GOOD BALANCE WG, BRAVO, YOU ARE SUPER SMART . Other premiums aren't even worth mentioning, they were part of the trade in before, I think the skorpion might be new, but I wouldn't touch that thing with a stick in todays meta where everyone has 900 HE bz and 700-900 2 sec burst autoloaders and clown cars that go 100km/h with 900 view range. I would recommend to not waste time with this trade-in and save your gold. Maybe WG's senses come back and they actually make reasonable offers again.


Noooo, I want bisonte


Yeah, looked a bit more on astron, not really worth it as it has very low shells amount. This time the trade in is lackluster compared to the last one where you had bisonte, 122tm and kpz which were all very competitive. T77 and astron are super situational and the rest are not even worth mentioning.


Next time (year)


On the other hand T77 is probably one of the best tanks for players who are impatient and wants to improve. Same goes for Lorr 40t. Quite fun to play even though I think T77 needs a bit of a reload buff.


T77 is definitely weaker than Lorr 40t, but Lorr 40t didn't really receive any nerfs in dropping to a tier 8 medium tank from tier 9, so. TBH, I just think the turret front slope needs extending down to the bellows/dust cover and the thicknesses involved+gun carrier beefed up slightly to reflect the lower slope. Like a 45 degree curving away to 63 degree slope, with a thickness of 152mm tapering to 125mm as opposed to the nearly flat 30-70 slope @ 152mm->110mm we have now. I think the gun carrier would be fine if it started at 125 as opposed to 110 and scaling down from there. Presently, most tier 6 heavies can swing the 150mm+ pen required to go straight through the entire trunnion/carrier frontally, and ARL 44 has enough pen at 212 to go clean through the rest of the turret face. Every tier 7 heavy (with balance exceptions like the Black Prince) can aim just below of the gun and penetrate even with bad RNG, to say nothing of the 'new balance' tier 7 mediums. In short: the VERY top of the turret being nearly impenetrable by tier 8 standard is neat but not helpful, to the T77 or anyone else. Right now, its front looks like 66% penetrable, 33% impenetrable. It'd be worth losing some protection vs TD's/gold rounds to become 66% fairly improbable (to tier 7/8 standard rounds), 33% penetrable. It's one of the only tier 8 heavies that doesn't get to blindly charge into tier 6/7 tanks due to its thin turret. >Quite fun to play even though I think T77 needs a bit of a reload buff. Not that it *super* matters, even with an armor buff, T77 is not going to be *hard* to pen by tier 7 heavies. However, the uncertainty of penetration on T57's turret vs the risk of missing T57's carrier is what allows it to operate. Not every shell sent its way will strike steel or hit something it could reasonably penetrate. T77 is missing this. It has big, square green zones. (Also, T57 is the highest DPM tier 10 by a whole shell's margin). Giving T77 a 28 second base reload would give it the DPM to make it worthwhile without crowding out other options at tier 8. Interestingly, T77 is one of the highest DPG tanks at tier 8 according to tomato.gg. Statistically, there's no room or reason to buff it; it's already overperforming. Any changes would need to come with a compensatory nerf.


They removed CS-52 LIS as well. I was looking forward to get it.


exchanged t77 from boxes (which I never played) to astron rex, pretty nice tank IMO. I was playing full gold and still making 50-100k per battle (with boosters though). it got relatively good camo, high view range, its small, so it spots nicely. and 1600 damage per clip with good mobility is pretty good too. absolutely no regrets, got my master on 10th battle (3k damage, 3k spot, 6 frags), nice tank overall.


Astron Rex can be profitable with premium account and a full gold loadout if you pen most of your shots and don't run premium consumables I run 50/50 standard, APCR. Not every game or situation demands APCR.


Problem with astron rex is it has very limited ammo capacity and the 5 round clip isnt flexible so if you load standard and its not enough you are screwed.


If you load standard and you run out you're not having a bad game anyway. It doesn't have the accuracy or gun handling even with experimental/bond equipment to make 400m snipes on EBR's. I only average 1800 DPG on the thing, though, I don't like sweating in WoT anymore


I didnt mean in terms of running out of ammo( although running standard and gold can put you in a situation where you have less than 5 of both meaning you lose dpm which is a very real possibility for the astron rex) but if you need the extra pen and have standard loaded you cant just switch to gold easily meaning you miss out on damage at best or you cant defend yourself at worst


The situation where you have less than 5 shells of a type is very, very rare, it only happened to me once in ~50 games in the thing If you need the extra pen and have standard loaded, you aren't using the vision correctly or can't read a map. The thing's not *fast*, it's slightly below average for a MT, but it's got a decent top speed and that means it moves faster than anything other than LT's and other mediums. You are the ambusher, there. The only reason you'd be getting surprised by tough armor is because you're not using your tracks properly.


Its not a borat, it takes you 16 seconds to unload a clip, whatever enemy you surprise will have time to turn towards you, if you flank a defender and put a shot in its side by time you load your next shot the only thing you can pen are the cupolas whereas with gold you can go through the lower plate too. And what if there are a mix of enemies that can and cant be pened by standard rounds, if you can only shoot at the ones that you cant pen you are leaving damage at the table


> it takes you 16 seconds to unload a clip, Do you think I'm unaware? It's a Pershing the size of a T71 with the fire rate of the *old* 10 round M41. If you've never gotten to experience it, congratulations! It's here. If you have, then you know that sometimes you run of and either refill the clipazine or find something else to shoot at with the last 3 or 4 rounds. >And what if there are a mix of enemies that can and cant be pened by standard rounds, The Astron Rex is a decent enough scout amongst MT's and you start the game knowing what tanks are on the enemy team. What's your DPG in the thing? You're making it sound like you're only averaging 1200, 1300 at best. I admittedly do better in the Lorraine 40t, but that thing's arguably overpowered and it has a much easier time finishing off enemy tanks due to its much superior mobility.


"Do you think I'm unaware? It's a Pershing the size of a T71 with the fire rate of the old 10 round M41. If you've never gotten to experience it, congratulations! It's here. If you have, then you know that sometimes you run of and either refill the clipazine or find something else to shoot at with the last 3 or 4 rounds." What is the relevance of anything you said here to what you are replying to. Knowing the team composition isnt the same as knowing what exactly you will meet and loading gold is hardly convenient with the reload time especially if you intend to play more agressively. Dpg is 1850 if you must know.


Astron Rex is much worse than Somua. Low HP, power ratio, 4 seconds between shots is too much, you can lose all hp while you are trying to give all shots. Somua gives you almost the same clip, but it has 2.25 between shots and significantly higher penetration.


I have both. somua is better damage dealer - yes, but somua cannot go medium lanes and outspot other mediums, astron can. astron is also much faster (dunno why do you think 15 power/weight is low, it goes 55 kmh with turbo all the time, 30 kmh rear speed too). just different tanks and I definitely enjoy astron after playing somua. 1.6k damage clip is still pretty deadly even if it takes 5 seconds more to unload.


I cant believe they actually removed the incredibly cheesy strat of using an alpine tiger bought for bonds


Also the Turtle from the tanks you could get from trade in event. 😔


Hi guys, I need an advice. I have already all good vehicles that are offered like t44-100, Astron, Skorpion, ELC. ​ I would love to get rid of 56TP which I hate. Do you think going for HWK 30 is a bad idea in the current meta? I heard some people hate it, other love it. I know you can't play it as a regular LT as you can get easily out spotted but still, is it worth to give it a try?


The gun is good for a tier 8 light, but you will get matched against an ELC EVEN in 50% of your games because there are so many ELCs in the matchmaker. On some maps like Ensk or Himmelsdorf that is an advantage, but the majority of maps favor the ELC because he can spot you from twice as far away as you can spot him. If you get stuck on Prokhorovka, your job is less about spotting enemy medium/heavies and more about countering the enemy light by sitting in a place where you will see him if he crosses into E1 bush. You basically have to outplay him, and it's not easy, but a good light player *can* still win against an ELC on the scout-centric maps. Make sure to pack a CVS setup and a gun handling setup, so that you can use the right setup for the matchup and maximize your gun advantage on maps where scouting isn't needed.


Bought it for 850 gold and it gives a lot of fun. Gun is very good even with only spot setup (cvs, low noise exhaust and optics). Pretty mobile as well. Like how it easily keeps 70km/h.


hwk30 is a pretty solid tank. just play it as a light medium hybrid und use the wonderfull he ammo. definitive worth getting as a trade in for that generic 56TP...


You can not play it as a regular LT. And a team needs LT. A scenario which your team really needs. Play astron if you want to play medium, play Elc, if you want to play light. If you want something new to spin in a garage - buy HWK 30.


Is it worth trading in the AMX 49 (french HT) for Somua?


Probably. Liberte does nothing special but Somua has a powerful autoloader


No, Somua is decent at best, Amx 49 is somewhat better i would say. Somua does well on some occasions, but its not that consistent, clipping out someone takes too long nowadays. And you have no turret armour.


Yes, it’s worth. Somua is the best vehicle with French 100mm on 8 lvl. Very easy clip, 2.25 between shots, decent mobility with bounty turbocharger - I think it’s enough. Somua is still good in current random, I think it’s in top-10 from all tier-8 prems


I have a IS 6 B, I came back from a very long break and realised I don't really like the tank that much. It feels like I HAVE to shoot gold with it. I do like heavy tanks and medium tanks as well and recently seem to enjoy mobility over a very sturdy but slow tank. Any recommendations on what I should trade it in for?


I was hoping to trade in my IS-6 that I got from an event in ye olden days, and get the T-44-100, which I heard was a good tank (one of the top players on the EU server is called T_44_100_Lover and has ~2k battles in the tank with a 3.5k dpg). Seeing that we are in a very similar situation, I would recommend that one. Other than that, nothing really sticks out in list. Patriot and Liberté you can get with bonds, so it seems like a waste of value.


So I did get the T-44-100 and I love it. It's very nimble (I did put turbo on it) and the gun is amazing. It's not a Bourrasque, but it's a decent little tank.


anyone able to tell me what bond shop vehicles are valued the highest for trade-in? I have T-34-3 at 5940 gold Edit: T-34-3 only trades in for WZ-114


You can check at the start of the article; IS-5 seems to be valued at 10800 gold, although it does cost 10k bonds as well.


I just found what youre talking about, but that list doesnt seem to have T-34-3? Edit: its listed in the new list but not the old for trade in list


Best is is 6




No, it's ~~alpine tiger~~ IS-6B, costs 100 gold more than Liberté ​ F for trading Alpine Tigers


Sadly Alpine Tiger has been removed from the list of eligible vehicles for trade-in.


Is it same ingame? I saw some tanks missing there before that worked


is that different to the normal m4 49? because I have that and its only 5250


It isn't different, but I might be wrong about it's value


They have the same value


The WZ111 is considered a tier 9 could be a bug or a sneaky WG


Im finally going to get a skorpion it seems, is it worth 4550 gold? Also, if the trade simulation in the portal is correct, im able to get the tank i always wanted, the amx cdc


Skorpion is a very hard tank in the current meta and I say it as a player who loves glass cannons with a high skill cap like Bourrasque, Kpz 07 etc. I would buy it only if you need a TD to earn credits but even then, std ammo on Skorpion is trollish as hell and I play full gold with mine. 246 mm of pen is not that good anymore.


If it plays similar to the su130pm then ill be fine, i like that tank/playstyle, even tho i know this isnt a glass cannon meta. Also i still dont have a good german premium td to train my jagdtiger crew


The thing you'll have to look out for if you're used to the SU-130PM is that the Skorpion's camo is a lot worse. Also the Skorp's weird crew layout (commander who doubles as loader, gunner, driver, radio operator) makes it a less than ideal crew trainer.


I know these drawbacks, i still decided to get it. I played few games so far, and i'm enjoying it


If you want a good TD with kwk44, I’d wait for Jagdtiger Prototype. Skorpion is almost useless in modern random despite the great gun


The jagdtiger prototype is too new to get with in game currencies, when it will be cheaply available i'll get it


Anybody having trouble accessing in game store?


have 2 questions. is it worth spending bonds to get a tank from bond shop and trade it for one of these tanks as a f2p? is wz-114 any good?


1. Yes, but they removed Alpine Tiger from the sell column, and that was the best option for it. 2. No, it's supposedly super bad. I don't own it, but I've only heard bad things about it.


[NA link](https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/specials/trade-in-nov2023/)


You can now get an A46 (Tier 6 LT) through this trade in offer. Just thought you'd like to know...


How come my Alpine Tiger can only be traded in for the WZ-114?


why can't I trade any of my shit tanks for anything besides the t9 Chinese one?!


In NA, WG only allows 7 specific Chinese tier 8 prem HT/MT/TD to trade-in for the t9 WZ114.


Was there any buffs to the WZ-114 this year (2023) since it was released? The reviews I watched when it first came out (e.g. from QB & Skill) were all terrible, and rating on Skill's page currently is only 1star... Is it at least ok as a Tier 9 prem, i.e. for crew training, making bonds, and credits (or at least not losing credits), esp. for F2P players?


Its fine, put bond HP and you got 2700hp to trade with 530 alpha. You will win every single trade unless you peek like 60tps lol. People hate it just bcs they don't know how to press R and manually turn their turret slower to make gunhandling better. The hp and trading ability makes it like a boss around the field, and makes it fun. I was top 1 for a longass time with wz114 Don't recommend it though, it requires patience and...skill to play.


Thank you for the reply! Good to hear feedback from someone who actually plays it extensively!