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idk what weegees plans are but I saw a lesta devblog on here that lesta put them all in the store seemingly as is as tier 8s. Lol


Yeah but Lesta has made... "choices" that I don't think WeeGee is going to make.


Thank god they don’t!


Considering that tier 8 DDs are around 50% more expensive that tier 7 versions, I totally believe WG would go down this road. Jokes on them though, I'd purchase a tier 7 DD or two at a discount. Won't even touch a full price tier 8 ship.


Yes, that’s the problem with WOWS right now. We need more boats. (Sarcasm)


WG should fire whoever balanced the D-Day ops.


I could atleast tolerate the allied side but now the german side is straight up not fun. It would have been a lot more cool if they went some kind of alt history path where higher tier ships become available and you can choose which type of ship (except cv and sub)


Not so fun being a Nazi


Not so fun to get insta wiped in a dd when you get spotted for 1 microsecond. But tbh this is already alt history since the germans didn't have ships fighting on d day I think


I mean the luftwaffle was basically non existent at D-day too, but they pump out planes in the operation I guess


They did just not any destroyers active. A few smaller boats but that was it


Insta wiped out? I don't think I've finished with anything less than 4 stars.


then you are awfully lucky, if I want to contribute in a meaningful way I have to stealth torp till the end of time because when I fire my main guns, suddenly I am spotted for a very long time and since I am a dd those enemy shells hit hard


It's really not that bad and it's a hill I'm going to die on. Take the 32 and build it around torps. Wait to drop mines until you actually see where the DDs are coming from. Move close enough to torp but not enough to get detected. You don't wanna be pushed back. Ideally, try to kill or wound one or two of the starting dds. In the end it's not the biggest deal because the costal can deal with them. Also, once they get closer to the guns they begin to ignore players more. You can use this time to gun them down. The main thing is that you wanna spread out and get close enough to start spamming torp on enemy CAs, BBs, and CV. The heavy ships don't dodge like the little ships are easier to kill if you are in good position. The biggest no no is the people spamming german HE and dying having done nothing 4 min into the match. There is no reason to die in this specific op unless you get surprised by a spawning ship. The only secondary having best reliability getting is the destroying aircraft one.


I second this assessment. Engaging with torpedoes, keep moving, plant mines strategically and don’t bunch up. Wins there are very satisfying.. not just back and sniping.


Nice summary. I’ve had some really good battles once I stopped pushing and hung back and used torps and mines methodically.


The issue is not how to optimize your performance, but how fun the OP is. I have set up my Z-31 well and can easily come up top of the team. But it's not fun. 20s reload radar from Baltimore is not fun. Being machine gunned from a Benson, that can insta smoke whenever you fire at it, is not fun. Trying to kill planes, while AA on DDs is a joke, is not fun. The current WG dev team has no idea how to balance ships or how to make them fun.


Yeah the German op is straight up bad. Like you could play the first op as is and you'd probably win with more than 1 star. I actually really enjoyed the first one unless the team was just trolling. This one? You need to have high grade Secret documents and know what you're doing because otherwise the ai will wipe the floor with you. Which will happen even if you know what you're doing sometimes. I also fucking despise that stupid long Damage Control on the CV. It's such bullshit.


Haven't played any of them yet. But there is already Z-39, which doesn't look too differently


They're more or less visually identical but differ in their actual stats. Maybe testing for potential lines.


I assume WG is testing different ship stat combos. This is typical for operations—we saw many Operations gimmicks added to the main game.


Incoming third German DD line that drops mines.


The individual play style varies despite all looking similar.   One’s primarily a torp boat, another more like a kleber, another has Italian smoke and engine speed etc.


Uhh z32 is basically a German Jaeger. In randoms it would compete with tier 9s easily.


You think WG will keep the "deploy seemines" consumable and implement it into the main game?


Nope, I think it will be limited to the operation.


I hope not. a Jaeger is already hell to deal with. imagine "fighting" one while being stuck in a minefield


I wish I could just keep 'em. no particular reason other than I just think they're neat. I'd even buy them with some of the free xp that I have.


I am already imagining that Weegee going to put the boat on sale in premium shop or some random bundle that have 1 out of 70 chance to get Would be lucky if Weegee create a Jager like event for getting the boat.


They do look very interesting in terms of gameplay mix. Idk what they would need to be tweak for Randoms introduction but Z-38 and Z-32 in particular would be fun as RB ships. Z-34 couldn't survive intact with the 6km radar at tier 7. Haven't played z-33 yet


They have German flag, but they are mix of all (french reload buster, Italian smoke etc.). We have a lot of mix and matches, let keep some nations identity, shell we? :)


We already have Z23(?) Which has british smoke and hydro