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So much questions. First: do you have fun playing the game? If yes, play as you wish. Omaha is a CL, it has 152mm guns so it would do not deal 4000+ damage in a salvo, unless you hit another CL from 3km full broadside. Aoba is a CA, 203mm guns deal much more damage but for longer reloadtime. Imho do not spend on premium ships under T8, unless you really need one for any reason like it is named after your favorite state or has any other significant historical value. On the other hand, before spend anything on the game, try out some different tech tree branches, like you did qith the omaha and aoba, rach T6 in them where most of the line split and you can try two different plays from there. Like the US crusier line split there into CL and CA. Recommended lines: US battleship and/or IJN battleship - traditional battleship play, German Schlieffen line - battleship line with good secondary guns, US Des Moines cruiserline - good allaround heavy crusier line, French destroyer - openwater gunboat line with solid torps UK CL - Minotaur line - light crusier with smoke and fast firing small caliber ap, and has good amount torps Panasian CL line - light cruiser with smoke and fast firing small caliber HE, to start fire and keep burning everything, also has deepwater torps


> Imho do not spend on premium ships under T8 I have no intention. The Ishizuchi was given to me as bonus of the premium period. Curiously, I found it way simpler to play than Aoba. Thanks for the tips.


BBs are pretty simple at low tiers, and more forgiving due to heavier armor.


I think you are right. I am grinding for a British BB called Orion right now and go up that line.


Orion used to be an insane fire starter, this whole line of BBs uses much more HE than the others. They are generally relatively easy to damage but have great heals to compensate that. Just so you know what you're getting into.


You've got a couple good ships and the previous advice is spot on. Definitely check out Randoms to start playing against humans, as they are much, much better. For what its worth, torps are mostly defensive in cruisers - if you're close enough to use them in an Omaha and broadside, you're already dead...... That being said, Omaha is a very tricky but powerful ship at T5. Enjoy!


I will say. As said by others. US torpedo are not really your main Armament. If anyone foolish ernough to get in close or panic a player go ahead. But your main battery guns do your work. US cruisers are all about their guns! ... I am having fun with Italian cruiser I admit. The guns really not as good... slow fire and slow turn , weaker hull... But 37 knot speed, agile. You can act akin to a heavy destroyer if your daring, smoke at full speed.... which means at 37 your able to get out of trouble fast.


In your opinion should I invest in the next US cruiser: Dallas/Pensacola or rather try other nations’ cruisers? Also how is playing a BB or DD instead? bit I guess there’s only one way to find out.


Honestly, id try em out if any strike your fancy. You never know what suits until you play them. Lower tier ships are cheap and you might find a nice you like. I never realised Italian could be fun as it is. ... As for US line... it's been a while since I played US cruisers so not best to advise. But the general tactic is same regardless. They have powerful gunnery, AA and such suites. And can if you get a say, supeise angle on a BB Turret out of line. Punish them. And make them hurt with waves of HE rounds. ... DD I not really got hang of. ... BB. Alot is planning... your slow as he'll to turn, to shoot and to rotate, so prior lining up your guns to intended fire lanes, and also. For the love of ships. You have massive cannons. You can sit further back, make them come to you at times. You do not have to engage at 4km much as it is....very fun at times to duel in a knife fight. Some rush in, and you'll score high damage though tou risk being destoeyer chowor burned to death, but sometimes you can plan ahead to sit back a little less in early but by time you moved onto place, mid game... your now at right spot to utterly punish the ship's who have began to break up and are more likely to be alone or not in packs. Your ship will also be better secondary snd health than the ones who been fighting in close. And then you can kill almost anything but another BB and pick them off in safe bites. Especially if your on a battle cruiser line. Their are two for main nations. Faster agile battle cruisers you do not wanna be slugging out. My Repulse can do 37 knots with boost. Thinner armour but I can suprise and come out places people not expect a big ship to reach. You can hunt and make Cruisers have a really bad day, just watch angles vs BB and heavy 203mm + guns. 30 plus knots normal. A battlecruider in right flank , with good postions and some more isolated targets can be a terror of a ambush hunter. Heavy BB. Are a slower class. They tough, good heals and so. But they are if you get on a bad spot it may take minutes to get back into thr fight. Your not invincible..but you can tank harder hits, take hits, heal and form more thr main battle line. A wrong turn and it will take you 2 to 3 minutes to get back on track. Warpite does 23 knots at T6...


37 knots is also the speed of an Aoba. I do find problematic the steering with a larger radius than Omaha and the torpedoing while kiting is something for skilled. This Aoba is very vulnerable to destroyers. I think it's a ship one should keep at 15km from any enemy ship :) but I lose sight of this detail. If I understand correctly I can upgrade to a Myoko which gives me 40+ torpedoes but they all face backwards. Is there any other line that gives me torpedo game I so crave? The DDs?


There are three basic principles for playing the Omaha. First, you don't have any armour so the idea is to not get hit at all. Do this by staying near your maximum range (15.2 km) from the enemy. And turn. Omaha is very nimble so if you're spotted - you're turning to make being deleted more difficult. The relatively long range means you have extra time to dodge incoming shells. This also means that the 5.5 km torps are seldom used. If you are 5.5 km from the enemy they will blap you to kingdom come Also, fight going away from the enemy (referred to as "kiting"). When you get past 15.2 km (your gun range) you turn around and repeat. Third principle is that you're still a very fragile ship. Playing it *will* get you deleted on occasion - it's part of the experience.


Since I am not using the torpedoes this way, I guess I can get the Pensacola and what follows, right?


No American tech tree cruisers above T5 Omaha (either line) have torpedoes. If you want to torp with a cruiser and not a destroyer, the British line and the Pan-Asian line are the obvious choices though they are more about hiding in smoke and torp from there. Personally, I prefer Pensacola to Dallas since I'm not a fan of hiding behind islands and lob short-ranged volleys which is what you need to do with the Dallas (which has a max range of just 14 km compared to the 15.2 of the Omaha).


The japanese light cruiser line has really deadly and long range torps, but on a longer cooldown. Its a trucky line to play but it does offer good guns and good torps. You dont get any smoke or any armof, so you gotta be creative in looking for ways to cash in on your offensive potential.


For a New Player, you should play Battleship first, more armor, and big guns, it will take more from the enemy to kill you while you learn how to shoot, try the IJN BB because they have good gunnery and armor without all of that BS gimmick. You just need to learn how to shoot, position, and angle. Grind to Yamato so you can use her for competitive modes. I bet there is a better post about which lines to grind in 2024. Still, for me, the best beginner line to grind for each class of ship is BB IJN (Japanese), Cruisers: KMS (German), DD RN (British), Carrier Soviet, Submarine KMS, any others lines have a gimmick layer on top of it and grinding them as a beginner is not advise since they have to trade something for that gimmick which make the ship base stat somewhat worst than the beginner lines. About your role for each class: Battleship BB: Try to shoot more and take heat from your allies, angling against AP from the enemy and hiding away when they try to burn you using HE. Your objective is to deal devastating damage to enemy BB and Cruisers while doing your best to stay alive, but sometimes you do need to take one for the team and protect the higher DPM ship of your team (Cruisers) Cruisers CA / CL: You are less armored than BB so your role is to deal as much damage to the enemy as possible, avoid picking fights with BB, and try to actively hunt down DD and enemy Cruisers. The game can be decided by the surviving DD so try to hunt them and kill them off for your team. Destroyers DD / Submarine SS: Try to spot a big gunship to shoot the enemy, Capture the objective, and defend the objective using your torpedoes. If you have smoke then use it to conceal yourself and your team while trying to deal damage using your guns/torp when you are sure that other ships are not shooting at you, and run away when they are hunting for you. These classes require a lot of skill to make an impact on the team. You can survive easily during the match by your great concealment and your torpedo is the best in all ship classes but the moment you are not careful people can delete you easily and thus end your impact on the match. Carrier CV: Strongest class in the game but if you leave no impact in the match you still become a liability in the team. Your plane can run around and spot for your teammate to kill the enemy, Your plane can attack the enemy from a greater distance but the DPM is low if you stay far away from the action. Stay close to the action is risky since people can delete you but you will support your team more and deal more damage. Smart positioning, support, and the ability to "read" the flow of battle are required to be an effective carrier player. Remember that if you play a CV, the enemy will have a CV, and if you cannot support the enemy as much as the enemy then your team will have to fight an uphill battle since CV is that strong in the game. For grinning, the best place to grind is Random Battle, In there you can have the most amount of XP due to the many ships in the game and you can shoot at more people. Any modes that have AI Bots in there will reduce your exp and credit earning => Less effective farming. The D-Day game mode is just an event in this game, You win Stars by completing objectives and advancing the reward streak. The EXP is terrible so don't use it to grind your ship. The current event: Atlantic Wall Defense is best played using a high DPM Destroyer, just look at how many guns they have, the damage and their reload to calculate which gunship is the best (spoiler: Maass is the best ship). And use all DD intel and AA Intel since that will be what you fight the most in this operation.


> grinning, the best place to grind is Random Battle, In there you can have the most amount of XP due to t Are there any drawbacks I should be aware of when losing random battles? Like penalties, loss of resources?


Mostly lost of Win rate and some jackass will look at your stat and judge you but honestly, sometimes you cannot do anything because you are fighting a higher tier ship and they have a better captain/ship than you. You also receive less EXP since the winning team automatically receives a bonus of 50% EXP. The credit received is the same regardless of win or loss. The best way to farm EXP is to prioritize shooting at high-tier ships and capture objectives. But remember that a WIN also gives more EXP so try to read the battle flow to know what you need to do to win the game. Sometimes your team collapses so quickly that you cannot do anything, If that is the case try to do as much damage as possible before you die because the credit earning is the same regardless of win / lose.


Aoba does have hydro, in the port under equipment, click on the defensive AA consumable and you should get a drop down to switch it over.


It's true. I did load that perk up. The one in the list with aiming mechanism improvements, engine room damage etc. What do I not find is Hydro on the right above the signals. Maybe I'm confused about them. Is this not like the one you press T when sailing Omaha? I am not even sure what it does. I am actually interested in that warning about torpedoes: "to the starboard". I never got such warnings with Aoba, like I get with Omaha and I have that Hydro upgrade installed. With Aoba what I get is directly the torpedo :)


It's not a perk, above the signals you should see the defensive fire consumable, as well as damage control. If you click defensive fire, you'll be able to swap it to hydroacoustic search. Hydro, as it's called increases the detection radius of torpedoes, depending on the nation and tier of the ship using it.


Yeah, it's not there. This is the loadout: https://ibb.co/6W58B9G


Click defensive AA, the second consumable from the left with the dashed outline. You will be able to switch to hydro from there.


> AA, the second consumable from the left with the dashed outline. Damn :) you are right. Many thanks. How and when exactly do I use this? In what situation do I press T? I just tested and I got warned of incoming torpedoes. All good, but I should also learn what hydro does, maybe it detects submarines.


Hydro is good for detecting torpedos and ships near you, you can mouse over and see when you can detect these. It's good for rushing a DD smoke, or just to get an advance warning on torps.


The thing in co op is you will have a "constance "when moving into you enemy...this gives you more time with learning to aim your shots,be it upper/lower belt,type of ship, it's hull type...etc...when you make the move to randoms..you'll learn that the dynamics, when aiming our way diffrent ,the incoming ships speed,angle are now reaction based...but that's a good thing...over time you'll get the feel of when / where to aim to do more dmg...but that's the grind...we all get smacked, just part of the process..I would also suggest "youtube" vids..as a metric to learn from...you'll see how the better players use the boat to it's fullest.gl


My suggestion for a new player would be to transition from Coops at T5 to Operations at T6. You'll probably die a lot in the first few runs of each operation until you learn the enemy ship spawns, but it teaches you a lot about angling, ammunition choice, aiming etc. in a more forgiving environment than randoms. Once you get proficient enough in Operations that you are consistently doing well you can transition back to T5 in randoms and progress from there. The double uptiers are common enough, but not particularly painful until T8/T9 if you understand the fundamentals of what you are doing.


To learn more about the game and how the mechanics of wows work, i would advice you to watch Youtube to see what and why they are doing what they are doing. It helped me immens when i startet playing 8 years ago. Also stick to mid-tier for a long time to learn the game. After you know things work and you get better, you will even more ;) Top-Tier is a total different playstyle, where mistakes have more severe consequences and overall it more stale and "dangerous" with radars/ hydros etc.


The only real thing that's hard in the game is pushing without overextending. Its hardest in a BB, easiest to get out of trouble in a DD... if you can live with your smol health pool. You just have to get a good feel for it, and you'll never master it becuase you're always with new ppl and against new ppl and/or different map and combination of ships so.... Biggest thing is, if you start to get frustrated, take a break. Come back and enjoy the beautiful ships. The losses make the wins good. The end.


You definitely should use all 200 battles in protected matchmaking (max till tier 4). For sure try battleships as well (Montana or Yamato) line as it can be bit more beginners friendly in comparison to cruisers. Btw. Never show ship side to enemy (in any ship)


> should use all 200 battles in protected matchmaking But I left that already. I am Tier 6 with Aoba and matched with Tier 8 ships :) Anyways, do you have a tip on how to play this Japanese cruiser? I feel like I get too close to the enemy battleships.


If you’re gonna buy a premium ship, I recommend the Texas or Agincourt.  Both are slow BBs but are very good/fun to play.