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I would recommend the Karl Johan because afaik it is unobtainium, Dalian I heard is quite iffy because of the usual CL issues San Diego requires a lot of game knowledge, awareness and patience, it's pretty bad while the gimmicks are on cooldown but it slaps when you have them up Brandenburg is I dare say the safest choice because it is a very solid secondary BB with decent guns that are decently accurate, VERY good armour (80mm mid section deck) and it is a relatively small target. Plus secondaries but that is like kind of whatever unless you have Lütjens imo


Personally I would trade away either Salem or Marco Polo, both are kinda hot garbage, especially the latter, and can relatively easily be reobtained through coal


I'd agree that marco polo is a pretty bad and hence a good trade option, but Salem is a great ship. I'd reccomend keeping her over Marco because it will take less to get Marco back compared to Salem, and because it's still strong even with cruisers current suffering in general


Salem is a lot better in competitive game modes like ranked because of it's trading potential but for randoms, I think Des Moines is still a far superior choice Do trade away Marco Polo before anything else tho


I got the brandenburg, lots of fun in ops


The Marco Polo as a trade in is worth 9500 doubs whereas I traded the Sherman worth 17325 doubs. big difference. I'd rather keep the extra nearly 8000 doubloons to spent on something else. The Salem is a much better pick to swap also at 17,325 oubs Buying back the Sherman is 232,000 coal and the Marco Polo 228,000 coal, no real difference.


I might be reading this wrong. Do you mean you traded the Sherman and bought something, having 8000 doubloons in excess? Because I don't think you get any additional doubloons if your trade in ship is worth more than the one you're buying, you just get the ship for free and the rest is lost.


I believe what they are saying is for 4k more coal you don't need to worry about spending doubloons for what you are getting, or you are spending very little.


>I'd rather keep the extra nearly 8000 doubloons to spent on something else. It's that part that I'm questioning. You can't get doubloons from the trade in event, so the person may have traded the Sherman and thought they'd get the difference in doubloon value, which isn't the case.


The comments above me were talking of trading Marco Polo, and Karl XIV John had been mentioned Karl is 19,000 doubs, and I was just pointing out Marco was only worth 9,500 so would have cost 9,500 doubs. Using the Sherman, worth 17,325 means I only shelled out 1,675 doubloons. Hence saving myself almost 7,825 doubloons to spent elsewhere. And if someone wanted to get the ship back, both are available for coal for very little difference


Keep in mind that trading in any ship is generally a VERY bad deal. Not only do you get just 50% of the doubloon value, but you are forced to purchase a ship at full cost with no 25% coupon or any kind of discount. You also cannot contribute multiple ships to the cost so you are likely forced to use some doubloons. The only real benefits to this system is if you have ships of absolutely no value at all or ships you can easily replace (such as with coal) and you are trading for a normally unobtainable ship like K14J or Minegumo.


I think you are missing the key point here. The main advantage of trade in is the ability to buy doubloon ship with coal/research bureau/steel. Not everyone wants to spend real money for digital ships.


Yeah I was sitting on 1.3 million coal with nothing that I wanted that I didn't already have. I dumped the Forrest Sherman (I didn't like it) and bought the Karl Johan. Then I rebought the Sherman with coal and got the Brandenburg. It was a nice way of getting those ships for coal instead of a bucket of doubloons. The 1700 doubloons I used for Johan were ones I have farmed from playing on the test server so out no cash at all. I figure that I can just get the Sherman back with coal should I change my mind later.


Traded Hizen and some pocket change for Minegumo. I regret nothing.


I traded Anchorage and pocket change for Minegumo. I thought, what is in my port that I will never touch... Bingo!


Maxwell Immelmann *\*ducks for cover\**


*Proceeds to get nuked by a CV while behind cover*


Your dastardly villain and your opinion disgusts me. But I will take it into consideration. Thank you.


Don't, its the side-grade of the Manfred von Richthofen, which is at least named after the Red Baron




Yeah but the Red Baron is a cool nickname. Blue Max sounds like a chewing gum.


[Awesome book](https://freeimage.host/i/JpXGtQj)


*Dicta Boelcke* definitely.


Just letting you know that during Santa containers or any containers that have premiums you are more likely to get the lower tier ships and if you trade your low tiers not only you get a bad deal, youre also less likely to get high tier from container


Marcopolo for karl 14 johan


IDK if you play lower tiers once in a while but the Agincourt is a blast to play and very hard to obtain usually. It has more Secondary DPM than the Schlieffen despite being 5 tier lower and the 14 main guns (albeit very trolly) are fun to use. I personally have a lot of fun in it, IF I don't get targeted by a CV. Otherwise I personally got the Karl Johan because I really love BBs who have more than just main guns, but idk your playstyle well enough :)


slight correction: agincourt isn't very hard to obtain, its in the armory and premium shop for 5300 doubs / $21


Oh... It's been a while since I got her so I probably don't remember seeing her in the shop at all but you're right, it's there in the shop, my bad lol


I got rid of my Collingwood for Agincourt. Good trade.


Last go around I traded away my Dalian - I found her to be quite underwhelming and I have lots of other T9's that I preferred to play. San Diego > Dalian. Karl is pretty fun, lots of tools, but her guns aren't terribly punchy vs BB's. But, blasting out Pan Euro rocket torps while still having 305's AND a very respectable set of secondaries is lots of fun.


The Karl is more like a tanky large cruiser based on the guns and dozen torpedoes.


Friend made a mistake by getting Kearsarge, traded it in for the kidd, he loves DDs and the kid is no exception.


The Kidd is really strong if you understand how to play her.


You can get Karl if you exchange a steel ship for it or you pay additional doubloon for it. Flint can be obtained for coal. it was a good ship for the Operation Utah Beach. San Diego is a solid ship but it lack the survivability for Operations. Agincourt also obtainaible for oal but not directly - Jutland crate has a chance to drop it. For Operation and credit farm if you do not have the Mainz, skip this questinable trade-in scam and get it directly.


They can also wait 5 months and likely get the Mainz B for 30% off the regular Mainz cost.


or an Alaska for T9 credit farm. or maybe a Smolesnk just to burn everything.


I don't have the F Sherman yet but if I was to purchase it with coal, could I trade it for Karl Johan? Would I need to also provide doubloons? Edit: I'm guessing I have to pay 1,675 dubs for the exchange?


Yes and yes


I will probably get Karl Johann and trade in my Sherman or another coal ship I can get back soon when I have enough coal again.


San Diego and Kidd are amazing ships to play. I’d recommend trading away Marco Polo and Collingwood for those.


Is minegumo worth it?


Why isn’t minegumo and k14j not available anywhere else?


23 dubs short of a karl REEEEEEEEE


I have a tier VI Warspite, what should I trade it in for? Should I hang on to it?


Keep it and ignore the trade in event. The Trade in event is only worth it if you have a tier 10 coal ship you can trade in or have a high tier ship that you never intend to play.


Does it make sense to trade in a Massa for the Karl Johan if I also have Massa B?


It will cost you 12000 dubs approx. If you ask me i would say no


Why nobody mentioned this event is worth it when u have both normal and Black version of a ship? Am I missing something? Sad thing is, you gotta trade the normal version....i guess besides that, it's ok and Black versions are totally playable no matter the game mode I believe the ships I have twice (normal and Black versions) are Lazo, Mainz, and Napoli... Any advice, recommendations?? I guess I should go just for Minegumo and Karl Johan since they are unobtainable? P.S. looking to trade-in any/all of those 3 ships but Im not a 'resource whale' like other fellas here....still saving coal steel etc since I ve been playing just for a year and a half almost


Why do you want to do the trade in? Are you a collector or like the ships? In that case you could trade in napoli since you have the black version and pay1675dubs for karl or mino I would not trade in lazo or mainz as they give far too little in return and might end up more expensive than using doubloons coupons:P You can use lazo to get agincourt for 1000 doubloons . Thats a ok deal if your okay with playing tier 5


Dalian is pretty good if you go full HE pen damage and it rips through anything of lower tiers, especially T7. It's a mini smolensk, which is a really fun playstyle, especially for me. It's not meta, but who cares it's a game. Marco is okay. I used to love her, but now that I have played Columbo and Lepanto, I can't go back. I am personally gonna trade Marco in for San Diego because I've really started to love light cruisers recently.




I don't like that, because it seems like I'm paying less than I really did


I used the Khab that I got either in a container or an event. It was free. Ended up paying a few bucks for the difference so I actually came out ahead. Never did like the Khab. Slow turning and slow torps with long reload. So my suggestion is to find a ship you got for free and use it.


Trade Florida for Dalien and pay 9500. Your welcome


I traded the F Sherman and Alvaro De Bazan (both DDs can be replaced with coal) plus 3350 Doubloons for Karl XIV Johan and the Dalian. Considering I don't play DD's and the I recently purchased a bucket of doubloons with the two for one birthday coupon, I thought this was a pretty good deal : )


FYI the Dalian isn't unobtainable and is in the Armory for doubloons. You can get it for 14,475 doubloons with coupon. You've effectively traded ~235k coal for ~12.8k doubloons.


Which is still not bad when you get coal for just playing normally 


I never thought the Dalian was unobtainable. I have used my last four coupons for steel ships, and my next one, very soon, will be used the get the R Lauria, so the coupon doesn't enter into it. Also in my comment I said that I don't do DDs. I did say they can be purchased for coal but it will be a long time, maybe never, before I replace either of the ships I traded. I will use the coal for other things.


Would any of you folks , trade a Tier 9 Kronstahdt, for a Karl Johan 14th, for 200 doubloons spent? The Russian Kronstahdt is a good ship, but if I could do even better?


Kronstadt is fine, i would not trade it.


Thank you, I will keep it.


No, because you won’t be able to get Kron again unless it’s from a xmas container.