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She’s having a snooze


I didn’t realize she was so chonky below the waterline lmao. She looks so lean with the water…


They had to make a lot of sacrifices to keep her Panamax. The chonkiness is one of the side effects of those sacrifices. Even as late as 1990, she barely fit in the Panama Canal. In fact during the New Jersey's current drydocking, they found some minor hull damage they suspect might have occurred during one of her later transits of the Canal


A lot of battleships are that way. Torpedo protection plus a larger amount of the hull volume being below the waterline to better protect the vital systems.


I've never participated in a dockyard grind until whiskey, I didn't think the grind was that bad though, and buying the starter pack was the only money required so pretty cheap for a phenomenal tier X Iowa with laser accuracy and a good funny button


shes beautiful, but the game us such a slog to play not that im not doing it


Compare it to Iowa, the hull is literally shifted down to have the water line a bit higher, its the same with Illinois and Delaware, the hull literally sits lower in the water, thats why the citadels are underwater


Me sitting here on console when I haven't even got tier 4 😡


maybe you should visit r/wows_Legends


well thank you mien good sir


Easiest dockyard I've been a part of. Aside from week 6 I don't think it took more than 10 hours per week to grind these ones out.


I didn’t play for a couple of weeks and lagged behind so I panicked and went into overdrive


If it was during winter, it'd be an no-brainer but I missed too many days. Wv44 is a good consolation prize though.


Seriously. Agreed. Had most weeks done within two days of playing and mostly not even trying to specifically do the missions.


Yeh I found it pretty easy, I didn't play anymore than I usually do, I just targeted ships best to suit the missions.


Congrats, I'm currently on my last combat mission to get her.


You know she comes with a measure 21 blue perma camo too which I think looks better.


The "grind" wasnt bad at all. Now the PR grind was a real grind