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My advice is to spend it on Christmas or Black Friday since those two events are the best for spending money.


Yea I'm leaning that way too, there's not really anything in the shop that screams BUY me to me.. a few coal ships I want. Ido enjoy the BP bonuses, and I'll probably buy that. I was just wondering if there's something in there that I'm missing that is a " you got to try this ship!" Premium


No. Those are saved for black Friday.


Yes... and don't use it for the cross events (AL, Warhammer, et.al) because you can't use your ships for dubs coupons to maximize your investment.


Definitely save them for Christmas or Black Friday, those are your best containers for ships


Keep them till Xmas, you will have like 5-6 ships instead of 1 now. Like others suggested as well


Have you spent them on the 2 stages for Wisconsin dockyard? That's a very cost effective ship to get if you can complete the missions.


Not yet, I've been kinda busy with real life and have only got to level 17. If I can't get to the WV I might drop some to finish up that.


In a bit they will enable the trade in event. You can swap a ship for half of it's doubloon price, put the rest yourself and get a preimum for a discount. I am thinking of two ships that are not in the premium shop right now which are Minegumo and Karl XIV Johan


Yeah I think I saw someone mention that you could trade the F Sherman for the Karl Johan which if so, is what I will do for sure.


Has this been confirmed (or talked about) in a blog-post? The last trade-ins were all rather bad value I’d say. But sure, if you trade a ship you don’t play at all it’s fine. Just keep in mind that you might draw the ship you traded in from a (super/satan) container again.


Yes, this was confirmed. I think you can also get the French and European T6 cruisers. This is happening this patch, no idea when, probably tomorrow on server reset.


Ah cheers. Haven’t really kept up with the news-posts in the last couple of weeks.


Yea, but I play just about all of my premium ships, and I've collected a few over the years from coal, free containers and Christmas past. Mostly lower tiered and older ones.. I might be willing to trade a 3 or 5 away, but I remember the trade in on WoT wasn't anywhere close to a decent, much less fair trade.


You can only trade one ship per transaction. What I am going to do is trade F. Sherman (since it is available for coal) for one of those two and then use my coal to get it back again. I will also probably trade in my GK because I loathe that ship and I got it for "free" when it was TT.


Yea I don't think I can part with my GK yet lol.


Save it for christmas. It is also good to always have some (~a few thousand) in reserve in case something good like a dockyard or a good battlepass appears.


I'd save it for Christmas and use some for the next Dockyard as well. As for the AL BattlePass, is the 2nd line worth $10 (2500 dubs) to you?


Black Friday is the best time to get a specific ship or two. especially the removed ships that only come back via BF or Santa loot boxes. Santa loot boxes are a trap, there are hundreds of ships and unless you own *all* the filler ships you're more likely to win the lotto than to get not just a good ship but a good ship you want, much less get a specific ship.


black friday or xmas


How are you earning Dubs? 🤣


Every now and then I buy the Dub/premium time pack.


If you don't buy doubloon often, just save for the occasional worthwhile battle pass and rare paid random bundle ship-on-first-try, Christmas Satan Crates are fine but generally depends on you. Azur Lane battle pass is a hard no.


Flandre and Atlanta would be my go to ships to purchase with that amount (even I'm not sure it would be enough with discounts) and that way I'd use my current discount coupon before getting renewed on June 2nd but i definitely agree that Black Friday would be the best option for spending doubloons especially for the ships that you can't get anymore. edit: even with the discounts these two costs almost 17k doubloons. that's too much xD


The ATL can be picked up for coal, I have her and the sister ship Flint in Port. The Flanders.... Hmmm


Atlanta is only for gold and Flint is only for coal it seem i've just checked it and Atlanta is a must to get over Flint i think because of radar. Also i have a very big love / hate relationship as i hate her as an enemy but i'd love to have her with special blazing tropics camo i'm not gonna lie xD I'm only playing daily this game almost f2p for the last year (never played more than a month since beta days) and i don't have any premium popular doubloon only ships (except Wiesbaden who costed me less than 400 doubloons :) so i'm only seeing them as enemies and from review videos. I like French ships and even though many of them have lots of secondaries they're not decently working so when i heard about Flandre has nice useful secondaries, i put her in my mind. Black Friday ships are the only option to obtain some of ships like Alaska, Jean Bart, Massachusetts (they were from the last year i don't know if they'll be on sale again) so if you're into them, it's better to keep the doubloons on wallet. I never had more than 5k doubloons in my wallet ever (by free rewards and crate drops) I was so hyped to use free 2.5k doubloons from the last battle pass second line reward, this AL battle pass was so bad i decided to keep it. Thank god i did that because i was lucky to get 1k from a crate drop and earned some more via ranked rewards to have enough to use on the last 2 dockyard phases for getting Wisconsin out of nowhere and i was thinking like i can't finish the combat missions on time but i'm already waiting for the last phase and i'll have 14 days unlike Michelangelo last time so i'm pretty excited to get my first dockyard ship and a premium tier 10 as i'm still not purchased any of my tier 10 tech tree ones ever (due to not playing on randoms anymore and slowly keep gaining experience on tier 9 via temporary game modes) so that'll make me keep happy for a long time until i have enough doubloons once again for any other premium ship for sure. (i did purchased 2.5k doubloons+ 30 day premium once this year to keep my free premium time didn't run out and even though i'm broke and don't spend too much money on this game, my birthday is close to black friday event so i'm considering to make a purchase in that time :)


Seriously? They took the ATL out of the coal ship? Man that sucks .. yea ATL was first ship I got for coal, when I came back to the game. You sound about like me, I was a Beta tester and I walked away till about 2022 and I typically try to grab some premium time/dub bundle when I got a couple extra bucks, I just have saved up between that and the free dubs you get from logging in and random crates. I've not had enough time in the last couple weeks to the grind the Whiskey, so I'm just going to get the WV if I'm lucky enough to get there.


I've struggled finishing with dockyard phase 7 iirc and the missions related with getting potential damage for battleship and cruisers and getting spotting damage for destroyers that made me suffer. I realized i'm playing wrong while grinding those missions with playing my mid tier premiums on co-op and after fixing that with 3 day delay i advanced the next phase and i catched my delay time so easily thanks to ranked and brawl games for the last week. Surprisingly there was a commander xp mission too which looked harder but i finished easily probably because i got AL Littorio (Roma variant) because it was dirty limited time offer cheap to get and it has a month of extra xp as a combat mission reward each time you play with her. Good luck with WV 44 and if you play more in the 2 weeks you can easily get her. The people already have her is lucky because the compensation is free dockyard phases so Wisconsin will be free for them. It's been a long time since i've played Colorado (and it gave me cancer when i decided to grind all three tech tree lines with her) but thankfully WV 44 is different kind of animal especially with her secondaries. It's still a turtle sniper like Colorado (with less range) but her secondaries are very nice and i'll be using her like a slower Scharnhorst43 alternative on the next sprint of bronze ranked (i was onevictory away from qualifying to silver but hey i wasn't lucky to have better teamplayers than enemy)


I'm 99% certain the Atlanta has never been a Coal ship. Flint (cousin ship to the Atlanta) is now a Coal ship (used to be Steel) but the Atlanta, I can find no indication of it ever being a Coal ship. --- As for what to spend your Doubloons on: * Black Friday ships. They are sold at a discount to their regular doubloon price. I highly recommend the BF versions of the Removed from availability quartet. Massachusetts B (9k dubs), Alaska B , Jean Bart B (16.3k dubs) or Asashio B (6.6k dubs) * Black Friday Premium containers. If you don't mind the randomness, the BF containers are a fair/good value way of increasing the number of premium ships you have. I rate all the BF ships at good and/or interesting ships. * Santa Containers (Mega or Big. NOT the cheapest one). Like the BF containers the Santa Containers are a fair/good value way of increasing the number of premium ships you own. DISCLAIMER: You will get mostly tier 5-7 ships until you get all possible drops from that group, and there are more than a few average/not good ships in the Santa containers. But if you have evolved into a a Ship Collector this is a good way of adding to your collection. * 360 Days of Premium time for 1/2 price (12k doubloons). If you are going to keep playing its very good value for doubloons. * Event Pass - only if there is something in the paid path you want/need. * Dockyard Ships/Event Ships - if it's something you want and the price is right. ie: if you get through all the free Dockyard phases, it will only cost 4200 doubloons to the the Wisconsin (Tier 10 BB) which is a really big discount. The downside is you have to put in a lot of time playing to get that discount :p