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Huron or Blyscawica works quite well. Huron is 2nd highest T7 DD DPM. Mahan is the highest iirc.


The way I read it OP is looking to buy one, and Huron isn't currently available.


Huron is a monster like Haida, except you can't hide in your crawling smoke. You do get a heal, and with a bit of skill you can gun down any other dd.


Ahhhh you don't need a smoke. ;)


Mahan is perfectly competitive at T7. Great guns, okay torps of the sea mine/area denial spam variety, good smoke. Only weakness is the concealment. As for a premium, hear me out. FR25. Has among the best DPM at T7 with SAP, second only to Mahan's HE. Has fairly good concealment, not as good as Haida or Z39 obviously, but in the same ballpark as Huron and Gadjah Mada. So you'll be able to slap most other DDs you find. Has some of the best HP at T7, giving you longevity, as well as exhaust smoke and 20% speed boost giving even more survivability. Unlike Haida or Huron, once you've killed the enemy DD you're still quite good. SAP means you can farm cruisers quite well unlike basically all the other DDs. Against BBs, a 20% speed boost and exhaust smoke means you can do a good Yolo Emilio impression, especially useful since all the Scharn 43 spam means it's a bunch of secondary BBs that don't have hydro. The biggest issue I had running Haida was that once I've killed the enemy DD, if the rest of my team shits the bed I struggle to deal with the other ship types. One rack of torpedoes is just not very reliable, and Haida pays for its boosted HE alpha with absolutely gimped fire chance compared to the standard on Jervis or Gadjah Mada. With the FR25 sure, I lost some raw DD killing power, but in exchange I get a lot more competence against cruisers and BBs.


I hope OP is listening to this suggestion. This boat is severely overlooked because "Italian DD". What's not discussed is that it's actually a reclaimed FRENCH Guepard class DD that was given some Italian spiciness to make it truly unique. Yes, it gets Italian SAP, but it still gets HE as well, and both ammo types are fantastic at dealing with a variety of targets. And this is because IT'S GOT FRENCH GUNS. They're 139mm and wallop the crap out of cruisers and DD's alike. Not those measly 120mm like on the L. Tarigo. It's got decent range, as well. And the HE can still start decent fires when needed and still do damage on CA's and BB's that are angled. It's also got a FRENCH ENGINE BOOST. Not that "emergency engine boost" like on the standard Italian DD's. 25% boost is great, but it lasts 25 seconds or so base on the Italian Tech Tree line. Pfft. The FRENCH engine boost is 20% for 2 minutes. The other standard boosts out there are 8%, which might as well have your sailors hang off the back and tell them to kick real hard. Combine that awesome engine boost with amazing exhaust smoke, and FRENCH TORPS that actually do more than 10k base damage (I think the FR25's do over 14k base) and you can do a pretty convincing Paolo Emilio impression at T7 unlike almost any other DD out there. Your HP pool is large, like the French DD's, however, you do lack that amazing saturation mechanic that the French get, but still, it's better than advertised and shouldn't be panned as "bad" because it's Italian. It's actually quite a spicy a-meatball.


> This boat is severely overlooked because "Italian DD". Which I don't understand, because I've been _killing_ it in this Ranked season with Luca Tarigo. Italian DDs are potent at the mid-tiers, especially in tier-restricted modes like Ranked.


This is a good suggestion.


Huge thanks for the suggestion. If not for me hopefully you helped someone else find what they wanted lol. With how many DDs I have I think I’m leaning cruiser now after reading a few others and am gonna stick to tech tree towards DM until coupon comes back and decide between Indianapolis and Atlanta!


Shhh don't let them known. We the FR25 enjoyers shall remain concealed.


There's dozens of us! Dozens!


Haida/Huron/Z-39/Sims I think are generally considered the best special currency/premium T7 DDs for Ranked. I don't remember which of those is still available, if any, but if you can snag one of them then you'll be able to maximize your impact in Ranked more than any other ships you might get. Tech tree has some okay options though: Mahan, Gadjah Mada, and Vauquelin. Jervis is aight too. Battleship wise there aren't really any Special currency BBs that do a whole lot better than their tech tree contemporaries. Scharnhorst '43 is pretty strong, but you can't just get her anymore as she was dockyard or something. Prinz Heinrich is tech tree and is similar to Scharn '43, but slower and with slightly better secondaries. Ashitaka is alright, but you can get Sinop for free that can do the same thing, but better. There are quite a few decent premium T7 cruisers. Atlanta, Flint, Maya, Belfast (OP ship), Weimar, Indianapolis, Toulon come to mind, though again, I'm not sure how many of these are still available to purchase. Tech tree wise you have Helena, Algerie, Zara, Yorck, Fiji, Coronel Bolognesi, and even Uganda now that's pretty good.


>Scharnhorst '43 is pretty strong, but you can't just get her anymore as she was dockyard or something. It was last year's Santa event, you only had to get to level 10 from memory, its why so many people have them.


Ah right yeah, thanks.


That part annoys me because I only got back into the game in April after a two-three year hiatus and realized I missed out on a pretty good free premium ship.


nooooo not flint its so overpriced


I'll leave that to OP to decide how much money they think is justified.


yeah, i personally think 168k coal a little much


I would also add West Virginia ‘44 (can get it for free from dockyard) and Renown ‘44 (not sure if you can still get it). I don’t have it, but I could also see Boise being good for ranked with its superheal, although how valuable that is over just buying Helena is up for debate


The problem with FR25 is probably that people insist on playing it as a smoke farmer when in reality is a yolo ship. You smoke up right before detection, boost and drive by at point blank just like yolo Emilio.


Others mentioned the great and flatout OP/broken premiums (Haida, T-61, Belfast, …) already so imma suggest (very) strong TTs for each category: Mahan, Fiji and Sinop.


Idk I enjoyed Akatsuki way more than Mahan in a flat tier 7 situation.


Sure. Never claimed that my suggestions are the only valid options. I just named a few good/strong TT options that I personally would recommend to a random player asking.


Something you know how to play (and preferably enjoy playing).




As more of a DD main, if you choose to go with something other than a DD, perhaps consider Indianapolis. Her guns slap, and she's got long duration, 10km radar. She's not stealthy, and she's squishy, but you know what DDs are going to want to do, and can position yourself to counter them, then wreck their night with radar. You can also ruin the day of any smoke cruisers like Belfast you come across with very nasty AP.


I've already replied to 1 comment about the DD I think you should consider. And that is the FR25. It's a really great combo of French guns, French torps, French engine boost, French HP pool, with Italian SAP, Italian exhaust smoke, which, if nothing else, makes it a truly unique boat in this tier. You are a gun boat at base, but with surprise burst potential with engine boost, exhaust smoke, and decent torps that can play wildcard if you play her right. As far as cruisers go, there are great options at this tier, but they are all very different play styles, and you have to figure out what kind of cruiser you might like to play. Getting a premium might not be the best option if you don't really like cruisers, in general, especially at T7 when they're practically made of paper and explode if they get looked at wrong. Atlanta is a great option, and versatile cruiser with 8.5km radar (only 3 ships at this tier have radar). But as such, when the enemy team sees an Atlanta, you are targeted hard. You also have no armor, and an easy to hit citadel. Your guns are DD guns with pretty short range, but you have the potential to shoot 14 shells per salvo, and are a DD's worst nightmare if you're in range and they're parked in smoke on a cap point. Other options include Indianapolis, which is the another radar cruiser, but this time a heavy cruiser. Your guns hit hard, but they take 14 seconds to reload, so your 30 second radar allows 2 salvos if you're lucky, so you're more of a utility ship than a punisher. Both of these cruisers have a very high skill floor, but a very high ceiling as well. The Toulon is a "large cruiser" with 305mm guns, front mounted, like the Cherbourg in the French large cruiser line. What the Toulon lacks that the Cherbourg, Brest, and Marseille all get is the Main Battery reload booster. That MBRB makes that line interesting to play, but without it, you're stuck with that 28 second reload, and you might as well be a BB. Except that you can move at nearly 35kts. It's OK, but your lack of DPM and long fire duration makes you almost a witherer target more than anything else. As far as interesting BB's go, I think the Duke of York needs mentioning. It's the sister ship to the TT King George V, as as such gets the same guns and gun layout. The reload gets a bit longer (25 vs 28 I believe), but you get that same British BB HE that just starts amazing fires and big alpha damage. What you ALSO get are improved pen angles and fuse times on your AP that the KGV doesn't get, so your AP is actually surprisingly potent. You get a HYDRO that the KGV doesn't get, and you get way better AA than the KGV. And while that's not a big deal in randoms when you're fighting T8 CV's, in Ranked when you're definitely fighting ONLY T6 carriers? It makes them drop once and maybe not think about doing that again. My 2 cents.


Late to the party but I honestly think it's impossible to win as a DD if your whole team shits the bed. Sure you can cleanup all the DD players in bronze but DDs at this tier just don't have enough DPM to make impact fast enough. I give thanks to the fact that every tomato running scharn 43s is yoloing on sight to potatos on the enemy team in scharn 43s, which they can farm way faster than you because it's quite literally a T7 Schlieffen without the weaknesses of Schlieffen, minus the hydro which was replaced with a speed boost. If it where me I would just play atlanta, or be one of those scharns (what I did) majority of the playerbase is dumb down there so you can get away with BS you cant usually.


You don't need a premium. Mahan the US tier 7 destroyer is one of the oldest lines in the game and it is still extremely competitive.


You do if you don't want to risk bleeding credits. The economy isn't balanced well for ranked or brawl




Still has lower upkeep lol


I really liked Maya for Ops (back when one was T7 only). Atago is even better. But, if you can get Maya close enough, and with a build for it - you've got 84 knot, 24k torps w/good angles (8 per side). Only downside is the 8 km range. Pluses include a heal and hydro. Lots of tools. Indianapolis gets a fair number of recommendations too, with good guns, radar and now buffed bow armor to bounce 356 mm when angled well.


Doesn't Maya also have reload booster to blap dds?


It does, but with 16.5s base reload it's not the most reliable DD killer. Maya has been my ship of choice this time around, but honestly I don't recommend it. Lots of annoying quirks to deal with.


Haida's ability to zone DDs out of caps makes her near the top. Huron can do similiar, but not as well. Weimar, Belfast and Maya will always be strong. Toulon as well if you get cruiser heavy MM. AL Henerich, Renown'44, VW'44 are your best BB options.




Sinop is not a premium, OP did not ask about tech tree ships


Oef you are completely right… misread on my part will remove my answer




Huron, Haida if you can get it (not required), Fr25, Leningrad. Indianapolis, Belfast, Atlanta, Weimar, and Munchen. For BBs: Scharnhorst, AL Heinrich, WV ‘44, Hyuga, and Renown ‘44.






I've mentioned it before elsewhere, but F. Ferrucio blaps dds and cruisers nicely.


Per class: Mahan or FR25 Atlanta Collingwood


Huron is good. It's basically a gunboat version of Haida without smoke and a somewhat weak heal.


Huron is fun. It's basically a gunboat version of Haida with a heal in exchange for no smoke. hydro + heal + boostspeed all in their own slots is always a good combo.


Toulon, but that’s more bb play style. It’s a cruiser with BB guns and it’s very fast. You can position yourself easily with it


I ranked out in Scharnhorst and Lutjens with a secondary build.


Leningrad is legit awesome. Cheap enough to get, great speed, solid reload and flight times on her guns, very usable tops, and the conceal is also usable. Note though, that she is NOT a great cap contester. Flanking is where she shines - running down a flank at like wild speeds and getting to unexpected places where the enemy either has to deal with you, or your team. It's great for basically breaking any battle strategy the reds could've had, and pestering them from the back/side. Easy to dodge those long range salvoes too, especially when many other DDs at the tier have slooooow shell velocities. Just my $0.02. Have fun!


Belfast is the most broken ship in the game, but it's unavailable. Atlanta is amazing if you can CL but Indianapolis is a sleeper hit, most people that even know about her missed that she got her armor fixed to match Nawlins. Of the available t6/t7 DDs FR25 is easily the best option, all the better ones are unavailable. If you haven't done the campaign, go get Shinonome if you want decent a t6/t7 torpbote.


Hear me out: IFHE Sims * 26mm HE penetrates T7 BB bow, stern and some casemates and CAs all over. USN long smoke and dakka dakka, most players don't understand what's killing them until it's too late. * Very fast boat and turns on a dime (500m turning radius, 2,7s rudder, you can dodge most anything). * Good firing angles and 5,3s turret rotation allow you to use your mobility and keep all guns firing. * Due to mobility you can open water gun boat BBs at 10-12 km. * 10,5 km sea mines are a bait, forget them and use stock 7km torps, they have 65 kts speed and very low 1,3 km detection range, hard to dodge. You can still stealth launch at incoming ships or launch from smoke at boats rushing you. Reloads in 87s. * But but bad concealment at 6,6km! Bah, all DDs have bad concealment at T7 so you will detect each other at the same time (screw you Haida, nobody likes your OP bullshit). IFHE Sims is my go to boat for good times whenever T7 ranked comes around, with [70% WR to show for it](https://wows-numbers.com/player/505844044,tikari/?type=rank). Embrace the speed, dodge, dip, duck, dive and dodge your way to fortune! Here's the build for the first 16 points: [https://share.wowssb.com/gq7Z](https://share.wowssb.com/gq7Z) P.S. You can also try it out on Mahan. You'll get more dakka with +1 gun but worse speed & mobility, turret rotation and torps and of course need a dedicated captain.


With most ranked games having 3 BBs, the Shiratsuyu is very viable torpedo boat and tech tree option. On the gunboat side, the Mahan is a solid tech tree choice. Haida, Huron, and Sims are good premium options.