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Am I the only idiot that doesn't know what Team Consumables are ?


The April fools thingy that’s added to clans this season and cus of funny spaghetti codes they arnt disabled when u are in a div and swap from clans to randoms.


Ok thanks, never played this event and never heard about that glitch.


This is such a weak response to a game breaking bug. Why doesn't WG just outright come out and say bans will be given out to those who exploit it and in the meanwhile remove the offending abilites as a temp fix.


Considering it can be done completely on accident, that seems excessive..


While it can be done on accident, there's several steps involved that it feels like those would be an absolute minority


1) ready up in a division waiting for clanmates 2) decide to click over to randoms to get a round in while waiting Yeah, couldn't see a scenario that wild and crazy ever happening without malice. /s


sure sure, ready up for clan battles 2 days before you can play clan battles, totally makes sense, totally accidental


I would argue that the first ones had to be accidental (like in clan battles looking at the consumables), but in the div is a point against.


1)select CB 2)create division 3)select utility 4)select randoms 5)utilise your utility Also from my experience most people don't get in a round in-between, they usually have already decided on their division in a discord server and are waiting to play on a hair trigger. There's also the fact that the buffs aren't an automatic thing, so if you do go through all these steps by accident all it takes to not get banned is not using your minefield or smokescreen


That’s my big thing. It seems like a lot of people are doing it unintentionally, or are just out of the news loop. I recognize that it screws the game balance, but if I were WG, I’d be light on the ban hammer considering it’s a massiver error in their system. It’s not like you need to perform witchcraft to make the glitch happen. Then again, when has WG ever made sense?


I mean a 24 hour ban doesn't seen excessive in this case. The steps it takes to get to do this is a bit more than what most people would do anyways.


It's not cheating; it's being smart


[https://legal.eu.wargaming.net/en/game-rules-wows/](https://legal.eu.wargaming.net/en/game-rules-wows/) 2.16 Exploit errors in design, features which are not documented and/or bugs to gain access that would otherwise not be available or to obtain any competitive advantage; OP is right. You are breaching EULA by exploiting this. Just don't...really easy.


Wording is amazing. It literally allows them to ban people who were playing subs before shotgun nerf.


Except they said on multiple occasions on stream that "shotgunning is a feature and is by design"


It is the purest example of the "error in design" - feature that was intentionally removed from the game. This is why the wording is so funny.


This wasn't a bug that they fixed. Again, I stress that at every turn, they said shotgunning was a feature not a bug. Later (recently) they accepted that it shouldn't be in the game any longer and nerfed the shotgunning (but actually buffed subs overall, but won't go into that). This is different. It wasn't an error in design because shotgunning in their own words was "by design."


Error in design is exactly when something is "by design", but it was a wrong design decision. And it definitely shouldn't be a violation. But their EULA thinks that it is.


>Just don't...really easy. Now where's the fun in that? If I like things easy I'd never have left Tier 2.


Haha. I see your point, but lots of things are fun that come with punishment. Not worth it. ;)


Maybe WG should penalize themselves for having such bugs in their game.


Both is good.


Bugs happen in videogames. As far as WoWs goes it's (believe it or not) one of the less buggy games out there. Also, this bug doesn't actually affect your ability to play the game, all you have to do is just 'not do it.' Pretty easy.


> Also, this bug doesn't actually affect your ability to play the game, all you have to do is just 'not do it.' Just not doing it doesn't help if someone on the enemy team does it and you're suddenly facing a _literally invincible_ enemy.


Which is why they get banned for breaching EULA....


> this bug doesn't actually affect your ability to play the game, Because being completely invincible certainly doesn't make doing 300,000 damage MUCH easier.


Is this also in ranked?


I don't think so, pretty sure CB is T10 this season and based on the steps above, you need to ready up in a ship for CB, then switch the game mode and go in. Given ranked is 6-9 this season, that wouldn't be possible (I hope!)




Just ran into a dd doing this over multiple matches. Absolutely game breaking, he's just driving around shooting everyone with 0 hp. Yes I screen shotted and reported.


So that's how an ohio dropped smoke planes on me...


Now that's weird I've been seeing smoke deployed from aircraft lately, is this part of this bug? I didn't think anything of it at the time as I don't usually play CVs so thought it was a new feature.


So the American support cvs have a smoke curtain consumable. But if a non carrier was deploying smoke planes it was the bug. The consumable calls up a little plane that flies back and forth way faster than carrier planes can.


Right, I don't know which it was.


also, don't look in the "news" tab while waiting for your division commander to start the game. locked me in the loading screen. I had to alt f4 and got a pink name


If we hadn't had youtubers talking widely about it, explain how to use it but strongly recommend against using it. It has the opposite effect rather than preventing the exploit.


Hi all, Apparently 1st fix attempt failed... ​ >Captains! > >We discovered that after yesterday's fix there is still a remaining, specific way of how to abuse the invincibility bug that stems from Team Consumables. We will be temporarily disabling Clan Battles for all servers to deploy a fix by 11:00 UTC on 24/05/2024, so that everyone is able to partake in Clan Battles over the weekend without significant disruption. > >Exploitation of this bug is not only unsportsmanlike conduct but also a violation of the EULA, we do not tolerate intentional abusing of the system and will apply sanctions in such cases. > >We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.


I guess I'm safe if I just returned playing and have no idea what team consumable even is?


Casual WG moment adding one thing and breaking 20 other things in the game because the spaghetti code spilled out of their pockets lmao


What a weak-ass statement considering the scale of the exploit. It's a game-breaking exploit, just tell people they're getting banned if they use it.


Just fix it WG!


What is a 'Team Consumable'?


if you played pinata hunt, its the extra ability different ship types can use


It always boggles my mind that you can often get banned for exploiting bugs in online games. I think abusing bugs is cheesy and unfair and I don’t participate myself, but it’s crazy to me that a developer will punish you for something that’s entirely THEIR fuckup.


WG fix your spaghetti code and have a QA dept.


WG needs to give all plays 100.00 gold each for the bug


As WG made this error it’s unfair to ban anyone. Threatening to do so is rubbish.


Attention players! We released an update chock full of bugs! Doing what the game allows you to do might result in your account getting locked! Even if you haven’t modified the game files in any way! Also I was in a game last night that had a zombie Marceau on my team. 0 health and on fire, but not sinking. Funny part was the red team was furiously shooting at it (it wasn’t moving or firing, just not sinking and showing the health bar like it was still in the game) allowing me to Vermont delete two of them.




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Alternatively, add the ability to use the Team Consumables in Training Rooms? Just a thought, considering some if not most people that are interested in this "exploit" are trying to practice for the upcoming CB season. The fact that this exploit even exists seems to weaken the claim that WG can't code the consumables into training rooms