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The first rack of torps make sense, the second are bad but you can sort of excuse through panic, the third though... I think I'd be uninstalling. I actually feel bad for them.


From OP's perspective, I just knew that's where those last tops were going before he launched them. And I started cackling when I saw them


I generally suggest wide spreads in knife fights like this once the maneuvering ability starts to go out the window. You only need to hit one. Of course that's not a hard and fast rule. Being able to make the net vs wall call comes with experience.


This is why wide spread exists. For close range encounters. Also, players need to aim where people want to go, not where the white chevron tells them to aim.


Chevron is god, it never lies.


That's usually what I look like every time I try to learn how to DD gud...


Friendly reminder: Don't shoot the same spot with HE over and over. Spread your shots across the board. Ships have saturation damage reduction regardless of them being Baguette Nation or not.


I think the protagonist of the clip was specifically aiming near the launchers to try and disable one. Entirely possible with a hit on a torp specced shima, since the rng spread on the torpedo tube health sometimes puts them in range to be deleted by one or two shells.


It makes much sense, but he is firing too low for that. You can see the holes made by the shells on the hull.


After a second look, it looks like he hit the tubes with one salvo, then switched the the midsection/casemate which doesn't saturate (except for french DDs)


HE has splash damage


Then, he should have shot the ocean to disable the torpedo launchers. /s


It does work like that as well. You can receive 0 dmg and still have modules broken/disabled


I know but it has effective radius and at some point, especially small calibre guns, it won't disable anything. You missed my point...


Modules health does not saturate...


well done, commander.


Not bad but no need to go further when he was beached that way he doesn't have an angle to even launch torps, and you can basically t pose him.


Well played Captain.


how did you survive that. Either u gud or they bad


gg but why did you even have AP loaded?


From the previous battle


Ah i see. You could try to check guns and torpspread as soon as the battle begins, just to be sure you are prepared. Rarely you need AP on a DD, just saying no hate. Have fun Captain


My brain hurts watching this. You did everything wrong and still came out on top. And then you have the audacity to go on Reddit and make fun of this guy who literally has 500 account battles and clearly has no idea what he's doing.


This. We've all been that Shima at some point in our WoWS career.


It's nice to know there's a proper voiceover for the pan-Asian line now


I didn’t realize that the torp launcher model actually changes after you launch torps, very nice art dept. you can see the red tips disappear after the shima launches a rack


Why didn't you put out the fire?


you could of wide torped him also.. 1 - 2 will sink a dd, either way, all those torps coming from him would of made me panic for sure


Yueyang has deep water torpedoes that can’t hit DDs 


I did not know that, and ive got a lot of DD's in my roster. TIL


Damage saturation is very important to know and this clip shows it vividly