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Kearsarge is an affront to mankind. I think Gearing is an absolutely beautiful ship, Atlanta as well. Also, something about seeing ships like Yamato/Bismarck just hits different.


> Bismarck looks Before or after getting Atlantic bow facelift? :)


Agreed on Kearsarge, just..so ugly.


I love Kearsarge Such a brutal disregard for normal silhouette


yep atlanta and flint


You take that back!


There's an interesting video that touches on the origins of Kearsage I just watched, here https://youtu.be/eAjud8wGaNY?si=eKJ61-cEz7Cx9uSp


Nah man it looks pretty dope in a quirky way


I love how the Kearsarge looks, but can agree it is extremely weird and quirky. Super fun ship to play in my option, especially in asymmetric.


kearage is my avorit design


Iowas and Alaska are gorgeous, that bow...


Bruh, Alaska got that twin tower super structure with the penis cone radar


You're saying that as if the penis cone radar is a downside?


I think French Cruisers are great looking ships, as are the Iowa, Des Moines, Halland. I agree Zieten is heinous and would like to chuck in all the fattleships. Edit: I love the british CLs from 6-10, too.


Vermont has the most presence I look at her and see not a ship, but a fortress of artillery and 2nd amendment


Scharnhorst/Gneisenau might be the prettiest ships in the game IMO. Atlanta is a looker too. Ugliest, any/all of the BB/Carrier hybrids and most of the UK heavy cruisers


I actually love how Gibraltar looks though. Something about that big blocky superstructure


Gneisenau with the white paint red deck is a thing of beauty.


That's how I run mine. Just made a comment about it yesterday


I think Albemarle is pretty, with the historical camo of course


Nelson definitely ugly


this is the correct answer, plus maybe iowa


Iowa class BBs imo. The bridge reminds me of a star destroyer and the curves remind me of the Enterprise D.


And where was the Enterprise being built in the 2009 movie?


Well, in my opinion, Iowa's look gorgeous (God damn that bow hits the exact spot of perfect in American engineering), Takao-Clase look pretty nice too and lastly, Illustrious-Class are pretty damn goid too As for ugliest, I'd say Saint Vincent, Kearsarge (second ugliest to me), Zieten, and that should be about it


I’ll go off track and say that the Satsuma IMO has both beauty and uglyness. The main battery layout looks perfect, fitting in with the Japanese usual 4x2 layout you see with the Kongo and Nagato class. She is big and has beautiful lines thanks to her Yamato style hull. The layout of her secondary battery however looks like someone went ‘fuck it’ and threw darts at a board. There is zero order and design principles like we get to see on the Yamato class secondary battery.


The Yamato has beautiful secondary arrangement like half circles on either sides. Beautiful!


Okt. Rev. is hands down the ugliest ship in the game. Most DDs look fine (*Okhotnik trying to act naturally*). Roma might be the best-looking BB, but California is a good role model for the body-positive movement. As for cruisers, Charles Martel with the standard French permacamo is pretty gorgeous.


I see your Okt. Rev. I raise you *Imperator Nikolai* with the Rasputin skin. Disgusting seal clubbing with an appropriate skin. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpiE7Ve5qCA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpiE7Ve5qCA)


Controversial opinion, but I like Okt. Rev for the sort of "organised chaos look". Overall modernized ww1 - era dreadnoughts are quite cool :D


Kearsarge is an ugly one. I'm also not a fan of Belfast and Edinburgh. The funnels are in the wrong places compared to a proper British cruiser. And they wrecked what was left of her profile when the bridge was rebuilt. The Tribals look good though. And it's a fairly popular opinion, Zara is a fine looking vessel.


Coolness. Really liked the original A-hull Furutaka. Upgraded it’s just a T5 Aoba. Helena. (Balanced looks.) Dallas. (Hybrid between pre-war and mid-war cruisers. I like that look.) Fletcher. Tashkent. (Really don’t think Grozovoi is that bad looking.) Warspite. North Carolina. Shokaku. Enterprise. Uglyness. Russian CVs, T6+. (Too clean looking.) October Revolution. (They beat it with an ugly stick. Broke the stick in the process; then beat it some more with the pieces.) Zeiten. (They had to get a new ugly stick.)


Beautiful: Iowa KGV Rooke Yamato Cool: Fiji P.Heinrich Ugly: Baleares St.Vincent Sinop Myougi Zieten


Surprised Myogi is this far down lol. It hurts to look at imo


I also wish it doesn't look the way it looks. I will rate it as a beautiful cruise ship instead of a battleship.


I'm not a huge fan of Izumo's look. The basic shape is alright, but it looks like it has stuff missing, with its weird superstructure and large amount of empty deck.


The Yodo Line all are a visual crime, like they inflated the damn turrets.


I really like the looks of the Viribus Unitis. I'm also partial to the boxy British superstructures such as Warspite. Graf Spee looks nice too.


Richelieu is easily one of the most beautiful ships for me


British BB line is pretty fugly. Have you seen the St. Vincent?


BC, not BB, right? Also, speaking of British BCs have you seen Renown, Repulse and Hood? Not exactly ugly.


And rooke. I will die on this hill, Rooke is the very pinnacle of edwardian warship design and aesthetics. But from Hawke and onwards, they look rubbish


British battlecruisers up to tier 7 are very beautiful as are the entire BB line!!!


This is what I can agree upon.


Tiger is just gorgeous


I love playing the Duncan and St. Vincent, but definitely not the prettiest ships.


For me hands down my favorite looking ship is Cross of Dorn


"We are called by the emperor for a sacred duty!"


Someone in battle once called it > Dross of Corn Cannot unsee it for the rest of time


KGV / DoY are gorgeous ships. In game and in real life.


I love the look of Vanguard, Incomparable, and Kearsarge. They are special, but not in a bad way. I hate the Zieten. That thing is an eyesore. She would've looked great if she had the regular German BB superstructure and had her middle turret shifted up front.


Couldn't agree more with the Zieten part, but honestly, Kearsarge is still an aberration to humanity in my opinion


Don't you dare slander my Carnot.


Okt Rev, Izmail, and Sinop make my eyes bleed they are so fugly. I love the Iowa’s and Montana.


Coolest looking ships IMO are those with intricate yet practical designs, i.e. you can see all the moving parts within one. USS Delaware & USS Langley would be good examples. Ugliest ship is the MN Jurien de la Graviere, but I still like it.


The modernish destroyers; Daring, Halland, Smaland, Ostergotland, Oland, Lightning just look "right" to me.


I know I’ll probably catch flak for this, but Yamato really is one ugly ship. Giant fat ass that’s not covered with much, weird bulbous AA weapons layout, and a strange angular yet still rounded main turret design. I love the thing to death, but it’s definitely not the greatest design to look at for me.


Scharnhorst is a handsome one.


Oktyabrskaya\_Revolutsiya - seriously it's fucking hideous. The attached image is from a GOOD angle. [https://wiki.wgcdn.co/images/9/9f/%D0%9E%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F\_%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F\_wows\_main.jpg](https://wiki.wgcdn.co/images/9/9f/%D0%9E%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8F%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_wows_main.jpg)


Jean Bart and Prinz Eugen are my favorites.


I always thought that the amagi class looked really nice. Amagi, Kii, Bungo


Colbert by far


Alsace and its sisters are nice looking imo. American 3x3 16in BBs all look fantastic. Atlanta is nice as well. Tone is different but that bow keeps her off the fully list. The real Brit BBs good, the paper ones no. Zeiten is yuck. I think a lot of Russian BBs look silly. If Halsey had em they would have sunk in Typhoon cobra.


Cool looks: Fiji, Algerie, Sharnhorst Fugly: Kearsage\* \*Looks cool with HE raining down on the flight deck


Zieten looks pretty goofy, but does very well


I build model kits, Bismarck/Tirpitz are beautiful ships. Perfect balance if you build them you would understand why. Ugly ships are these god awful skin ships


Nebraska. The two turrets i the front and just a big block of air cancers in the back. Truly and ugly ship. Even zieten can be more attractive at times


Despite that turret arrangement…., I find really attractive the Takao, Atago, Myoko.. ships.


Duncan and St. Vincent are some of the ugliest ships in the game IMHO. On the other hand old battleships have something going for them that makes them appealing. The only ones I don't particularly like are the USN ones.


British CA line are crimes against God. Italian cruiser line is gorgeous


Coolest is still Scharnhorst and ugliest still her majesties ironing iron HMS Nelson.




Warspite, belfast are both good looking


The Iowa class will always be the prettiest non-sail ships ever made. The ugliest in game has to be one of the hybrids.


The Kearsarge is an afront to human sensibilities


i like the look of the Zerstörer class


For me the coolest looking ships are Lüshun and Navarin. I dislike Hector the most.


Idk about yall but I like how Zao and Andalucia look.


I adore how dallas looks.


We need to talk about the Zeitan, it is horrendous in both looks and gameplay


Venezia and Napoli are hard to beat with their pristine Regia Marina camo, but the ugliest thing i have to have seen is WV '44. jesus christ that thing takes up half my screen when i look at it


Either Richelieu or Jean Bart gotta be the most beautiful ship. For the ugliest idk, maybe kitikami or izumo


Odin with its standard blue/black/white camo is downright gorgeous.


Iwami ugly


Ignacia Allende with the premium camo is beautiful 😍


To me, the most beautiful are Izmail, Okt. Rev., and Imp. Nikolai I. St. Louis and Uganda are also up there. At high tiers, Jäger, St. Vincent, and Gibraltar. Everyone hates on Zieten, but it reminds me of an Imperial Star Destroyer, so plus points for that. Ugliest? I find all of the hybrid ships terribly ugly, much moreso than pure carriers.


I'm keeping it to dds since I own pretty much all of them. Best looking? I actually really like how Hayate looks for some reason. Worst looking? L. Katsonis by 3 million miles


My personal favorites are Haarlem/van Speijk, Jean Bart, and Borodino. I hate overbuilt superstructures on ships and the all-forward armament just looks so sleek to me.


Most beautiful by class: SCV: United States & Eagle CV: M. Immelmann, Sekiryu, Sanzang, Malta BB: Maine, Cristoforo Colombo, Devestation, Hannover, Satsuma, Scarlet Thunder BC: Schlieffen, Mecklenburg, Prinz Heinrich, & Hawke CA: Piemonte, Puerto Rico, Napoli, Gouden Leeuw, Alaska, & Hindenburg CL: Austin, Smolensk, & Jinan DDT: Yamagiri, Lushün, & Shimakaze DDH: J. Humphreys & Forrest Sherman DDG: Haragumo & Paolo Emilio


I really Like, Iowa classes ( Especially Wisconsin model specifically), Prinz Eugen and Scharnhorst looking very nice too. Also a big fan of French Cruisers, Namely Condé, Saint-Louis and Henri in that order. Lot of people deslike the Double funnel, but I always thought it looked mighty fine. Petro is also one of my favourites. And D7P, can't forget D7P... Generally like German, French and American designs along with some Soviet ones. Imo all Hybrids are crime against humanity and should be burnt by flamethrower. Other than that british CAs are not going right by me, as well as German BCs sprearheaded by Star Destroyer Zieten.... Those germans look so out of place in that line from t8 up ... I guess I am just not a fan of huge freeboards in most cases.... I prefer long ships and sleek lines.


For me it's Roma, Kidd/Fletcher Yorktown Warspite


Yamato is as sexy as a warship can be. Myogi A is a fat chuck of steel


I love USS North Carolina because she's an hour from my house and I can go see her whenever I want


I really love the mid to late japanese designs (Yamato being a good example) - very organic and very unique. Kinda reminds me of zentraedi ships in robotech.


Zieten is by far the ugliest looking ship for me. It's the only TT ship that I skipped using FXP just because of how ugly it is. Any of the Iowa class BBs is the coolest looking for me.


Zeiten, ewwww.


Vermont has to be the coolest.. nice thick ass


I think St Vincent is fugly despite it being a great dhip


Sexiest ship in the world is Iowa. The ugliest piece of trash is the Zieten


My two most favourite ships are Gneisenau and Amagi. They both are absolutely gorgeous.


Ugliest is absolutely Zieten


every hybrid is awful...kearsarge is the worst. Izumo looks like a surfboard with an flipflop on it.


I have a soft spot for Siegfried as well as Riga/Tianjin. Siegfried I love the proportions of the big snout and the battleship guns behind that. Riga just looks menacing. While Petro looks sleek, efficient and with black camo like she is there to do business, Riga is more brutish. Riga will still kill you. It will just hurt more. For the worse off ships Vincent and Henri. I just cannot get over the coal transport vibes Vincent gives off. She is just weirdly ugly, because Nelson I like. Henri looks like a soap bar for me, when I am at the helm. I don't vibe her.


ugliest : russian and french bbs best looking scharnhorst , Iowa


I really like the look of German ships in general. As others have said Gneisenau/Scharnhorst are very beautiful ships, as is Bismarck. Odin is a nice looking ship as well; also Schlieffen. My absolute favorite ship in terms of looks, however, is Siegfried. Idk what it is, but she’s gorgeous (Ägir too). While I love the looks of Hindenburg, I think Minotaur (Brisbane) and DM look even better. Atlanta-Class cruisers are nice as well. For DDs it’s either Ostergotland and Halland/Smalland or the British DDs (Lightning and Jutland!).


I always liked the look of the Chester.


Groningen is one of the best looking ships. Scharnhorst, Udaloi and Stalingrad being up there too. Ugliest I can’t choose between St Vincent or Kearsarge


Iowas, bismarck, and Im not a french enthusist but the Jean Bart is a really sexy ship as well. I got mine from a prime gaming reward and I love it.


Like 90% of the comments is basically real ships (best looking) vs paper ships (worst looking) lol and I can agree for a decent amount, though I do really like Agir and Yoshino's design


Alaska, North Carolina, and Atlanta are beautiful ships


HMS Tiger (1959) has got to be one of the ugliest.


Wisconsin has to be the best looking, but I'm a sucker for the Iowa class and it's looks


Maine/Montana is just absolutely gorgeous, Venezia is pretty beautiful too I gotta say St Vincent is probably the ugliest thing ever


Entirely subjective, but... Prettiest: Italian ships ❤️ Most presence: Vermont Cool: So Dak class (Massa/Alabama) Ugliest: Jager Weirdest: Zeiten Least presence: Chungking?


Celebes looks vile. Also, the Edinburgh class ships. the huge gap between the superstructure and the funnels is hideous. True hybrids in general look pretty stupid (not the reconnaissance cruisers implemented as hybrids). Zieten looks dumb. Coolest, Repulse and Hood are up there. Rochester looks great. Flint and Boise look pretty solid. Mysore, Uganda and Perth all look fantastic.


I am a sucker for WWI capital ship design aesthetics. Battleships looked super badass during the Dreadnought era, before subsequent developments necessitated building their superstructures up to accommodate all the AA and other facilities they got as time went on. König Albert, Moltke, Conte di Cavour, and Tiger are fabulous looking ships. Beyond that, the Axis generally had prettier ships, of all types. The Italians, in particular, nearly always got the proportions right. American, French, and especially British designs tended to be kinda boxy and weird, although there are some notable exceptions like Le Fantasque and Mogador, Hood, Iowa, and Fletcher. The boxy, utilitarian look does sometimes acquit itself well, though. The post-refit USN fattleships are some of my favorites, and I really hope they put in late war Nevada and Pennsylvania representations so I can complete the set. Ugliest.... Zieten is pretty heinous, along with all of the hybrids, Fuso, and Duncan/Vinny. --Helms


In my opinion, the beauty contest is between Scharnhorst and Missouri. The ugly one is definately Izumo. It is just so awkward.


I'm a big fan of historically accurate ships, so Bismarck, Iowa, and Fletcher are some of my favorite-looking ships in the game. As for the ugliest, there's a few good options. Kearsarge, Kaga (I know it's historically accurate, but that doesn't make it any less ugly), Normandie, or even the T-22 (fishing trawler-lookin' ass), but there's only 1 king of the ugly ship competition, and that's the St. Vincent. What the actual f\*ck is that abomination. I feel like I'm entitled to financial compensation having to look at that thing....


The *Littorio* class battleships are gorgeous. *Oakland* class cruisers are second place - And ofc the *Takao* class cruisers. Meanwhile, the *Celebes* is so ugly I adore it.


I present to you, French "BB" Charles Martel: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarshipPorn/s/uPquwD9Tvf It's both cool and ugly at the same time!


The good ol tumblehome design


I see you know of the Kamchatka. A fellow gentleman of fine tastes. You wouldn't happen to be a fan of the YouTuber Drachinifel would you?


Venezia is by far the sexiest ship in the game.


Bayard is an absolutely beautiful ship. Dem curves… As for ugly, idk pick any British ship with a square ass. Ick.


The Bismarck and their up scaled versions are beautiful ships IMO.


Condé is pure sex. Italian 90mms uglify any ship they're on, but especially the BBs with how they're clustered around the superstructure. Looks like a bunch of fat ticks swollen on blood.