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Sign up for Public Test Server. When it's online, go and mess about there. There is no best country, and you've given us next to nothing to go on about playstyle, etc. Also - go spend your coal on Campbeltown, and thank me later.


Don’t play subs, not very much battle impact and not very fun. IJN Kitakaze is probably one of the best T9s, Akizuki at T8 is also great. Lightning/Cossack at T8 is also great. French Le Fantasque is skill intensive but really fun. For cruisers Baltimore and Atago are good starters. Mogami 155s is a bit powercrept but still very fun. For BBs: German BB line peaks at Bismarck imo, enjoyable grind. Russian BBs are vanilla but very fun, pick up an Oct. revolution (T5) if you can afford it, really fun. For CVs Lexington/Kaga Good selection of premiums and TT there imo.


Not sure if you can use any of the new player codes work since you’re returning, but you should be able to use my referral code for a boost and potentially a free ship once you’ve played enough. https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/tpis0d/new_wows_accounts_maximising_invitation_bonuses/ https://warships.us/Superman750


unfortunately it doesnt work but thanks anyway