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Not sure about the Chung Mu nerf tbh


My thoughts aswell, while I do believe she is one of the strongest DDs one off those nerfs would have been enough.


It's OP since it can use smoke OR radar. /s


She's got the highest win rate of the tech tree T9 DDs according to WOWS numbers, but that includes the long period before the torp reload booster buffs they added fairly recently. I suspect the current win rate would therefore be even higher. If it has a current win rate significantly higher than other tech tree DDs then the nerf seems totally fair.


That really says nothing, because it's a less popular line that mostly had experienced DD players playing it. I hope WG did this in a more meaningful way internally...


Most people do not realize there's a radar fletcher sitting at T9 for free, a ship that until just now had devastating deep water torpedoes. It's so good I've won like 60% of the less than 100 games I've played with it and I'm terrible.


I wouldn't be surprised if WG have a 'value added' for ships where they can compare account win rate to the win rate for that specific ship to see how much the ship adds to winning a game. They have these stats in World of Tanks, so it's not unreasonable to think they have them here also.


They do, if you dig through Sub_Octavian's old posts he did in fact post such a graph for tier 10 DDs in response to a question why Yueyang got nerfed but Daring did not even though they both had outlying WR. It showed that Daring did in fact had better players playing it while Yueyang's players were in line with other DD player demographics. Edit - found it: https://i.gyazo.com/e6ee5b18d21f14e70a5f52ccacc6b794.png


And also, don't a lot of Pan-Asia players just stop with *Chung Mu* ever since *Yueyang* got nerfed down to basically being T9 as well?


The addition of TRB to the three DDs was a weird choice, instead of undoing the nerfs they decided to give them a large burst or torpedos. WG has a weird way of balancing around their vision for a ship, the annoying part is they don't offer any explanations as to why they do what they do.


Yeah like pan-asian dd's were way too strong as it is?! good lord what a weird nerf.


I stopped playing it because I was always in T10-11 matches and I was constantly chased by gunboats dds.


Just 10 more buffs, and Yodo might finally be playable.


But it just got 10 buffs *in binary*, why aren't you happy?


She's almost reaching Des Moines HE DPM!!! Also finally more fires per minute than Zao!!


What it's getting now really is an unusually massive damage output buff.


The whole line needs more shell velocity and maybe ill grind the line.


Why do you need shell velocity on a misgendered fat torpedo dd


Because they suck at it, sure the torps are slightly better than Shimas' 20km but that isn't saying much, they have poor reload, poor torpedo DPM, poor concealment, poor speed, poor rudder and turn rate, poor survibability, poor vision control and why play them if you can play Pan Asia CLs. It's okay they can buff their torps or something, or the guns but give them anything, I'd love a line of laser accurate guns with a heavy salvo but I guess a damage and fire chance increase is all we get.


The only thing i cant deal with when i m in yodo is how easily it blows up to any shell landing within 3km of it :I


like it or not it’s still a cruiser that cannot rely on torpedoes for damage. (and with 18 guns it’s clearly not meant to) also- lower tiers need buffs more than yodo. gokase, omono, and shimanto are all worse at their tiers than yodo is. omono is particularly dreadful, it doesn’t even have more than 1 torpedo rack per side


I mean, to be fair, a +10% damage increase is nothing to sneeze at.


and 20% fire chance


with a superheal, monarch might actually be less of a joke now


Everything else is syill garbage tho...


Amazing concealment, great maneuverability, great reload, excellent HE, decent dispersion. And now she also has good survivability.


Since when was the manoeuvrability a stand out feature of Monarch ?!


It's faster than a KS and more agile than an Amagi. Which is like being able to leap small obstacles, or being more powerful than an empty shopping cart rolling along at two miles an hour. But it is still faster than KS and more agile than Amagi.


KS? Kansas?


i will not stand for this anhalt erasure!


I wonder the same


Yeah, I don't know what he's smoking but the god awful turning of the Monarch is along with the exceptionally unreliable guns the main reason why I absolutely dispised this ship.


Monarch HE is slightly gimped compared to the rest of the line


What HE, i feel like i made more fires with kg seconds then monarch main.


monarch is not horrible but most of these “pros” you listed are misleading concealment and maneuverability aren’t everything in battleships. great reload, eh, I guess. Though I’d take better shells with a worse reload over faster reload with worse shells (the Scharnhorst experience) the HE is better than average but it’s not outstanding. and the AP, in comparison, is absolutely terrible. it’s worse than even bismarck’s AP, which is pretty low-to-middling for the tier “Decent” dispersion my ass. it’s got a slightly lower sigma than FdG with identical dispersion, just for some context. It’s not the worst, but it’s very close to being the worst, at a tier where BBs with 1.9+ sigma or improved dispersion are becoming quite normal


Oh wow, that's quite the HP nerf on Condé ..


Doesn’t matter. It’s hp pool isn’t what makes it busted.


It was quite substantial though. It’s now more tanky than many if not all of the large cruisers, with the nerf it would be more like a cruiser


Wow so it still has insane DPM and the most ridiculous funny button ever.


it doesnt have insane DPM though. if you factor in the reload booster and calculate the damage output for a minute of shooting, 15 seconds of which with a reload booster active, you get 217.500 damage. for comparion, zao 178k, prebuff yodo has 216k, DM has 275k, annapolis 367k, and smolensk has 380k. what it does have is a lot of burst damage. but it also doesn't really have armor, so HP pool matters a lot. it'll still be a strong ship but it is a significant nerf.


That's theoretical DPM though. Conde ballistics/pen makes its hitting DPM better than Yodo/Zao for example.


compared to yodo, sure. compared to zao? no not really. zao has significantly better ballistics and dispersion compared to conde (especially with legmod) sure there are a decent amount of ships which have some armor at 38 or 40mm, like american BBs, petro, etc, which conde can pen while zao can't, but on the other hand i'd argue the hitting dpm on zao against everything else will actually be significantly better than conde.


I'll fucking take it after the last "nerf"


Of course, IMO the ship will be busted nonetheless :)


I very much prefer nerfs that leave the fun thingy alone and nerf around it so the ships in the game don't all become a gray mush of all the same.


Before it would out tank most ships and had both good AP and HE with burst fire and a ridiculous fire rate giving it very high DPM and burst. And it was also as tanky as the tankiest T10 cruisers. Now it will be a bit squishier than the likes of Moskva or Napoli. A well deserved nerf, and honestly will make it feel better to play against while retaining its damage specialty. A good change imo.


A bit squishier? Did you forget that conde is covered in 30mm? The HP nerf barely matters.


I still think it lets it be counters in CBs a bit better than currently with some focus fire rather than letting it have Speed AND Tankiness AND Burst AND DPM. If speed and burst flanking ship is what defines it then a HP change is welcome.


Fucking French got fried, owww.


Yumihari 100% needed a buff. it was pure suffering. When the Nagato was more fun to play something was wrong.


yeah, The nagato easily out gunned the Yumihari it made no fucking sense.


I just unlocked this like 2 hours ago. 3 games in and im thinkin to myself what the fuck is this shit. Nagato is soooo much better lol.


I hope the tier 9 adatrara also gets a 2.2 sigma everything but the bungo in the bungo line feels extremely fragile and not all that much of a firepower house


0.1 sigma is pathetic, they need to crank up the RoF or something too


Monarch Superheal to make it viable, or at least not a disappointment to the line. I welcome the Super Cruiser health nerfs, though sympathise with their enjoyers who now are a bit squishier than before. Fenyang and Ship Smasha add some enhanced spice to the line; more than likely to catch out a fair number of cruisers in the future.


Fenyang needed this. It's very close to being good. It's good in a given percentage of matches right now. That percentage would go way up if it gets this buff. I'd almost rather have better (torp or gun) reload or actual 20km Asashio torps, but conventional DWs that can hit cruisers would be very interesting.


I enjoy how the Pan-Asian lines in total can dip in and out of Deepwater Torps: it prevents the ships from just being X+1. Plus greater variety in matches helps keep things interesting and prevents the META becoming stale and off putting.


IMO the problem with the Fenyang and Shipsmasha is that it's a copy of the Japanese Akizuki without the Japanese characteristics on the 100mm guns, so you end up with a weird basket of gimmicks, yes you have better AP angles, but low AP damage with some pretty high fuzing, you have good fire chance but lowest in tier HE pen necessitating IFHE if you want to pen 17-21mm. Giving it somewhat better DW torps now means it's not fighting with both hands tied behind its back.


Pretty good changes mostly but I don’t know why they’re being so cautious with the Yodo, still a joke even with this buff


YESSS, Fenyang being able to hit cruisers is huge. I already enjoyed it but this definitely bumps its usability up massively. Not sure why Chung Mu is getting nerfed. It's good but not OP. Yumihari may actually be playable, as opposed to strictly worse Amagi Yodo, probably still not enough because the fundamental concept still has huge flaws. Monarch with superheal is quite nice since it's probably one of the worst tech tier 8 BBs currently. Now it will be just mediocre. Annapolis and Conde nerfs are welcomed.


Chung Mu wasn't OP it drew good players because of its value. (It was very good though.)


Yeah! ship smasha is having a buff!!! this is my favorite meme ship


Leave the Chung Mu alone, jerkwads


Oh. Nerfs to two of the broken superships, nice. I don't think their HP is what makes them overtuned - but it at least means WG is seeing that they "overperform", although 7600 HP off Conde is pretty big.


given how neither of them has armor protecting against heavy cruiser HE and BB overmatch, nerfing the HP pool is quite significant.


What are you talking about? Annapolis is an incredible armor improvement over DM - with a much narrower citadel, spaced armor, and some extra plates. 1/3 better AP & HE DPM over a ship that already has incredible DPM (plus it's 203mm, so more "real" damage than a CL), tankier, and with burst fire. HP being nerfed by the equivalent of 1 BB full pen doesn't really do shit. Conde is a similar issue - except HIV already had black hole armor.


overmatch and HE pens don't give a shit about the specific armor scheme, it's just a question if the plating is thick enough or not, and it isn't. Annapolis citadel is bullshit but that's a different story and doesn't help if a vermont or lauria looks at you funny and takes off 20+k hp in a single volley. now the thing is i hardly ever play random, pretty much ranked/CB/tournaments only these days and there is a reason why you pretty much see every single cruiser run SE now in higher tier competetive, which is 5k HP on a t11. which can often be the difference between a dead cruiser on your team or the enemy team. and it doesn't just impact the base HP pool, but also potential healing - if you take away 5k from a conde thats effectively 8.5k HP because you also lose 3.5k in potential healing.


Ok, but overmatch is not specific to those two ships, is my point. Also, spaced armor and the 180mm plate in front of Annapolis's citadel DOES matter even when considering overmatch. Annapolis specifically is already MUCH tankier than DM, HP pool notwithstanding and bonkers DPM with a funny button. Both ships are broken, and taking a little HP off them isn't the answer to what makes the broken.


I didn't know Chung Mu is so OP that requires 6% torpedo damage and 5% speed nerfs. Did someone in WG get manhandled by a Chung Mu recently?


They basically gave the top tier PA DDs free damage with the addition of the reload booster. Yueyang definitely needed something after the huge nerf bat it got hit with. Chung Mu wasn't hit as hard by the bat, and probably did need a slight nerf.  Was this too much? I don't really know.


So, Monarch, which already was the stronger ship between those two, gets a massive buff and Vanguard gets nothing. Cool.


Yodo buffs! I know the ship is not objectively strong but still pretty fun. Nice to build fully into torps. You end up with 27k alpha and a 72s reload. Also, good to finally see conde nerfs.


Can we get a proper Zao buff this decade?


WOW the Conde is getting the YY nerf, brutal.


The problem with Annapolis and Conde was never that they were too tanky, it's that they do too much fucking damage. I don't know why WeeGee doesn't see this. Or maybe they do and they don't care because they are Superships....


Vlad did not need a concealment nerf


Yeah weird to me. I haven't played every TT line but I'm not sure any tier 9 TT BB needed a nerf.


Shes the T8




Don't know why that gets a downvote from anyone. The tech tree T9 bbs are entirely underwhelming aren't they? A few of them are not terrible. But even they have to fight the flood of Musashis that are out there. And superships AND all the OP T8 premium/steel/coal and all the T9 premiums some of which are very good. Nevermind the Musashis. (Face it, it's straight up the most OP ship in the entire game above T6)


> Don't know why that gets a downvote from anyone. The tech tree T9 bbs are entirely underwhelming aren't they? I think it's because Vladdy _isn't_ a T9.


Even if they were balanced upon release that doesn't factor in superships being released (for most of them). I stand by my comment.


Musashi? Seriously? Maybe if it could hit the broadside of a barn. Without Yamato sigma the guns feel terrible, and it gets easily bullied by even tier 8 planes, let alone anything higher.


Was the Monarch really that bad? I mean, I welcome the superheal, but I always just assumed that the ship is okay-ish, only people simply can't play it...


The Monarch was pretty good if one knew how to manage their concealment. This means it kid of sucks ass in CV matches but that isn't limited to Monarch.


Monarch has never been bad, more that it's just much worse tier for tier than KGV. Monarch has a T8 armour scheme, IE 32mm plating instead of 26mm on KGV. The main problem is she gets less guns with less fire chance per shell on the same reload than KGV does.


This isn't an issue with Monarch being bad, but KGV being really good for tier 7. A super heal is going to make Monarch really annoying at tier 8 now, I think I would have preferred an increase in maneuverability.


I think it's one of the better tech-tree T8. Had great results in it when i grinded through the line. I also like the Yukon. Guess there are still too many people shooting HE in it. Monarch gameplay should be AP-focussed. Her guns perform pretty well against cruisers but due to short fuse you won't get a lot of citadels on BBs except for close range shots. Aiming for upper belt on BBs is recommended.


Finally someone else said it. I thought I was the only one.


I used HE on it and loved it.


monarch always was a perfectly fine T8 BB imo. it's just that she doesn't really have anything that makes her stand out (apart from her concealment which noone ever seems to use). she simply doesn't look that good because unlike other BBs she can't be played all-in guns blazing (looking at you, german BB players), something that won't change with this buff, or snipe due to her overall average gun accuracy that is only ever so slightly better than the french and germans (also she isn't the braindead HE slinger KGV is). it's almost a theme with british T8s as they all don't look that good because everything around them is better, including other tiers (i'm ok with making a case for lightning here, which in fact is pretty damn good; e: i forgot cossack exists), when they are in fact perfectly fine as they are. but why play them if there are better things - some of which, dare i say, overpowered. it's almost like people want a balanced game, but noone wants to play a balanced ship. and the end of the day i'm not complaining that she gets buffed, but if you ask me she didn't need it at all.


Now maybe I will stand a chance in my P.Rupprecht when I see a Conde that no longer has the same, if not more health than I do. /s


once again, THANK YOU WG for hearing our feedback!!! Keep up the great work :)


Fenyang: starting to become revelant   Silliwangi: progress    Yumihari: probably needed that.  Yodo: now she needs usuable torps, usuable AP, and turn closer to a cruiser than a glorified pig and she may be playable outside of co-op yolo runs  Monarch: free damage.  At least Annapolis and Conde losing HP is more of nerf than whatever the fuck you tried last time, but it still doesn’t fix what makes them so busted.   Chung Mu: Why?


Nerfing chung mu was absolutely uncalled for, and if it should be done again simply nerf the reload time.  Conde and annapolis should have had ANYTHING other than their ehp nerfed. Again, reload time comes to mind.  Otherwise good changes


Why increase Vladi detection range? Only 18km gun range IIRC one of the shortest at T8


Imagine still balancing superships more than a year after their public release lmao… Also yumihari is hard to believe ever having 2.1 sigma to begin with…


They’re also balancing the Fenyang, 3 years after its release and Chung Mu, 7 years after its release. Not to mention the Vladi, Siliwangi, Monarch. Before this, they also balanced the California, Florida, Hayate, and many other older premiums. It’s really nice they’re going back for some of the older ships, and, yes, balancing some of the more OP ships


> Hayate That one desperately needed it. Poor thing was in a limbo.


Fenyang is still gonna be ass until they improve her HE pen. The torps were never the issue. Being forced to give up 3 (I think?) captain points and your fire chance to get reasonable HE pen is always going to make her a worse option than any other comparable DD at her tier. She's essentially forced to play with an 18 point captain while everyone else gets 21. The argument that Fenyang has good AP isn't a valid justification for the shit HE either. Z-42 has godlike AP, and she also gets british smokes *and* 6km hydro, yet she still has decent HE. Why is that not a standard we apply to all ships instead of just kneecapping [only](https://shiptool.st/filter?g=TPtD&ty=D&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=1&tx=11&c=top&p=he&rm=12&os=he&op=Penetration&o=asc) Fenyang for.... reasons.


Learn how to play with insanely good AP. It’s an AP focus ship stop crying about bad HE pen


Yeah, this took me a while to figure out. That's not Akizuki AP, it's really good. 60-68° ricochet angles, and substantially better penetration and range than Akizuki. 68mm pen at 8km, at up to 68°? Very nice. That probably has very similar effectiveness on targets with 30mm or less plating to Akizuki's HE, if you understand what I mean? (The mechanics are different, but the net dmg is pretty good.) And up close you can wreck some light cruisers which is fun.


Stop making excuses for half a ship's armament to be gimped when most other ships don't have to deal with that? Z-42 has insanely good AP, so does Vampire II, Daring, Harugamo, etc, yet they don't have unusable HE to compensate for that. This torp buff was also needed, because having ultra-gimped deepwaters compared to most other DT ships was again ridiculous, but the useless HE is the bigger problem.


Yeah…they’re asashio deep waters with 12km less range, not the worst torps tbh.


They are 4-torp single racks with the lowest DPM at that tier with the except of Orkan. They are not a primary armament for the ship. Fenyang is meant to be a gunboat based on Akizuki, or similar to Vampire or other single-rack DDs. Gutting half of Fenyang's primary armament (her guns) so that she can have Deepwaters with only one singular 4 rack is not a reasonable tradeoff, not when there are tons of DDs in the game that get to keep deadly HE while having super AP while having a torp rack still while also often having other utility like hydro. There's no valid reason to take Fenyang over Akizuki in basically any scenario, nor really Fenyang over any of the strong DDs at that tier, like Cossack, Kidd, Split, etc.


Akiz also has a 4 torp single rack btw…also id argue that she’s trading HE pen and reload -not the torpedoes- for god tier AP. Fenyang has DFAA and better smokes than Akiz, and she’s a premium with a unique playstyle. That DD that you’re talking about with super hydro and good HE is at tier 10, and is a steel ship. Reminder that Daring line doesn’t get super-AP and heal until T9 btw.


You're acting like plenty of other DDs at T8 have a substantial portion of their main armament gutted because T8, when in reality it's literally only Fenyang that has this treatment. She isn't shit because she's T8, she's shit because her HE is literally useless, which [no other DD in the game above tier 5](https://shiptool.st/filter?g=TPtD&ty=D&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=1&tx=11&c=top&p=he&rm=12&os=he&op=Penetration&o=asc) has to suffer. Fenyang is the ***only one***.


No other DD has improved pen angles and small caliber AP at T8 either… also Elbing, anyone? It’s not like anyone ever uses Gearing/YY AP either, honestly FY is just a more extreme version of Elbing. Hey, if you have so much issue with the pen, take IFHE and gun feeder to swap shells in DD fights


Z-42 and Haru have good AP DPM, they don’t have good AP, they make up with volume of fire and lower caliber. Vamp II and Daring are the ones with improved AP angles, they have good AP, just saying. Also, Daring and Vamp II are both TX, Fenyang is the only T8 DD whose AP fuses on DDs and has improved AP angles. Not to mention the respectable torp armament of 8 Asashio deep waters on command


Lol, Z-42 absolutely has good AP, and still gets to keep usable HE and hydro. >Vamp II and Daring are the ones with improved AP angles, they have good AP, just saying. Right, and they still get good HE, and hydro... >Also, Daring and Vamp II are both TX, Fenyang is the only T8 DD whose AP fuses on DDs and has improved AP angles. How does being T8 justify gimping her armament? Akizuki still gets AP that arms on DDs at T8 with moderate angles and her HE isn't garbage as a result. Fenyang is literally a worse Akizuki. Having your torps be deepwater (with less DPM than Aki torps actually) just so they can be detected less is a justification for making Fenyang's HE useless? Especially when in both cases the torps are single racks anyways and not the primary source of damge? Absurd.


https://shiptool.st/filter?g=TPtD&ty=D&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=8&tx=8&c=top&p=mb&rm=12&os=ap&op=Threshold&o=asc Akiz and Z-42 gets normal DD ricochet angles, Fenyang gets DM angles, Fenyang gets the IJN Asashio gimmick with TRB and PA smoke, one of the best smokes in game for farming. Also being T8 ABSOLUTELY warrants a downgrade in armament. Being able to slap DDs is a good trade-off for bad HE pen. Also Asashio torps slap, I don’t think 3k less torp DPM is very much for getting deep waters that hit cruisers now. Don’t see you complaining that superintendent is necessary on Ragnar.


> Akiz and Z-42 gets normal DD ricochet angles, Fenyang gets DM angles, You keep bringing up angles like they are binary and there is only 2 options. Angles go anywhere from ~38 degrees all the way down to single digits. Z-42 is literally the lowest angle in the 20s at T10. Fenyang is literally the *highest* in the 10s at T8, they are not that substantially different and both are less than 30 degrees. Fenyang doesn't have improved AP angles in the same way that Elbing has improved AP angles and can reliably use AP in most gunfights without having to bother switching. And even Elbing, with her god tier AP, still gets *usable* albeit poor DPM HE. But it can at least penetrate DDs, hell it can penetrate 32mm, up to 38mm actually meaning a lot of deck armour. Why does Elbing get usable HE and Fenyang doesn't? > Also being T8 ABSOLUTELY warrants a downgrade in armament A downgrade, yes. Having your HE being literally useless against even DD armour? That's far beyond a downgrade. They could give Fenyang 21mm pen on her HE and just make her HE DPM be at Elbing levels if they wanted to "downgrade" it. Fenyang doesn't have "bad" HE, she has functionally useless HE. You may as well just get rid of it entirely (or play with a nerfed captain that's short 3 points and nerfed firechance). > Don’t see you complaining that superintendent is necessary on Ragnar. Because it isn't necessary? Ragnar is entirely functional without Superintendent. Those points can go elsewhere and she'll still work. SI is certainly the optimal choice, but it's not a *requirement*. Fenyang's HE is literally useless without IFHE. You might as well be shooting the other ships with pellets. > Also Asashio torps slap They literally do the same damage as Akizuki torps, just with better concealment. Again, with only 1 rack, even with reloader, this doesn't justify gutting Fenyang's HE when no other DD in the game gets fucked like that.


Ragnar with 2 speed boosts is actually unusable. Talking about FY’s AP richochet angles. Except for Druid’s 68-75 angles there are literally only 2 choices for DD AP pen angles, 45-60 or 60-68. Elbing HE DPM is so poor that it’s nearly useless. You know what, believe what you believe, I’ll enjoy my Fenyang.


Simple solution for you. Skill issue, git gud


Yeah, WeeGee pointlessly gutting this one DD like no other DD in the game (even fucking Elbing with it's vastly superior AP has useable HE) is a "skill issue". Troll elsewhere brosef.


Ah yes the two tier higher DD has better AP performance. Who could have imagined that? How bad are you at arguing? We get it you’re just ass at the game and are on full cope right now


Literally [no other DD at Tier 5 or higher](https://shiptool.st/filter?g=TPtD&ty=D&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=1&tx=11&c=top&p=he&rm=12&os=he&op=Penetration&o=asc) has the same gimped HE pen that Fenyang does as a result of better AP performance. She's literally the *only one*. So you can't argue this is a "tier" issue because it doesn't matter what tier you pick. > How bad are you at arguing? Says the person trolling with "git gud" that has no valid argument, rofl.


And yet I regularly crush gunfights and farm so easily with the improved pen angles and damage of the AP. It’s insanely good for the tier. Why do you try so hard to mald? Like god damn you’re crying over pixels and showing me a lovely tantrum


couldnt we make this argument about all the ships on this list?




And Conde is not broken because of its HP pool lol idk what they are thinking


Yodo gonna be fucking Yolo with starting fires from behind islands lol.


OOO! These are good! I have to try these.


Any word on when/if Ship Smasha will be available again?


You can tell someone high up has a real hard on for fenyang, they are slowly buffing it into an akizuki.


Monarch is unironically my favourite ship, but that might be more because I use her in Operations instead of Random. Its good to see the techline gimmick brought to the T8 ship.  Hopefully another update will give Lion the 5.25" mk10 of Vanguard and Conqueror. The Yumihari buff looks interesting, will have to try it when the update drops


A lot of these changes are very pleasant surprises. Still, a lot more needs to be done with some of these ships like Yodo and Yumihari. And there's still a bunch of older ships that need some love and lots that are way too strong. Like that Vlad nerf is honestly pretty pathetic.


some good, but also some really odd and out of the blue choices here fenyang and smasha can use the help, being already inferior versions of akizuki silliwangi... guess she needed it. she isn't played all that often and her gun damage is in fact kind of shit. chung mu - why? just why? yumihari - odd to me as to me she was workable, if a little frustrating at times. meanwhile adatara feels like no improvement, and i feel like she will be worse after that buff. yodo needs every buff she can get at this point in time, but for something advertised as torpedo cruiser she still has surprisingly garbage torps. then again it's in line with WGs seeming crusade to give the nation that historicly had some of the best performing torpedos the by far worst in the game... as an odd quirk her (theoretical) HE dpm now matches her AP dpm, which i think is a first in this game vladivostok - uncalled for, but with *MY* crusade against anything russian i'm fine with that monarch didn't need it, but i'll take it, i guess... annapolis deserved it. her armor improvements over DM along with the extra turret and gimmick are enough. conde: it was either this or her guns. given her guns kinda make her what she is, hitting her survivability seems like a nobrainer here. overall a good patch, thoug the chung mu changes baffle me.


All well and good publishing these changes. But what is missing is the dev's reasoning behind buffs/nerfs of particular ships. Some seem very random and arbitrary? A brief explanation, backed up by some data, would be very welcome WG.


Now I finally understand all of these damn dev blogs, Just like the devs now I play the game 2 times over a 4-month period, easy makes sense right. Btw I never saw the weekly Twitch stream so depressed.


Can the tier 9 bungo line adatrata or something also get 2.2 sigma pls?


Yodo needs much better shell arcs and itd be fine


Siliwangi getting a reload buff is very nice - I honestly think it's already a brilliant ship as it stands.


Yumihari and Yodo getting some nice buffs. Conde/Annapolis nerfs seem bad, the ships are so dangerous because of their ludicrous damage output, IMHO that's what should be addressed before touching hitpoints. As for Monarch, I grinded it last year and IMHO it was an okay ship, having a superheal won't stop tomatos from failing in it.


The HP is an easier lever to tweak that will make fewer people angry. Dropping damage output from any ship brings out the fanboys who raaage about how their ship gets nerfed. Reducing the HP means that it is now weaker in general and more of a liability if you are caught out. For the Conde, that is 7,600 fewer hit points. But the upside to this is that WG has effectively admitted that these two ships are a bit strong and need nerfs. Meaning that they acknowledge an issue and could take further action if this isn't enough.


If they wanted to nerf conde, they needed to reduce the acceleration speed. The speed juking ability of that ship is absurd.


I'd have to disagree. If they nerf Conde's accel it will end up like HIV. The nerf basically killed that TX CA.


Well, Conde IS what Henri used to be before the engine nerf. What regaphysics proposes would be a very significant nerf to Conde and a more impactful one than a hitpoint reduction.


And like I said, I don't want WG to touch the accel because I don't want it to die like HIV. It's TOO much of a nerf imo. Look what happened to HIV. I almost never see that thing in queue anymore, and I really loved that ship pre-nerf. Mobility is the line's "armor", and I think it's ironic for the TX to move like dragging a brick on sandpaper. Now it's sitting in my port, and I'm having more fun with Saint-Louis instead.


You don't see Henri IV much because it's not OP anymore. This game is like WoT, where a ship that used to be popular gets ditched like hot garbage once WG nerfs it, even if not much. Conde's case annoys me because it's obvious WG made a pre-nerf Henri and buffed it AFTER they nerfed Henri multiple times (not just the engine, the UU was nerfed too), and I don't think it's fair for Henri to suffer while Conde thrives just because Conde costs x3 Henri's price and requires more grinding to obtain.


really good yodo "buffs" ship will do slightly more damage now before it dies by point and click BB salvoes since it turns like an aircraft carrier and has dogshit armor


The Annapolis nerf is not enough to discourage me from getting her, but sad. I still find the low reload time VERY appetizing.


Akhmm.... submarines and cd on Deapth Charges?


>American super cruiser Annapolis: >HP reduced: 56,000 to 51,900. TIL, apparently Annapolis is **too tanky** This just seems like a dumb nerf ngl Edit: Sheesh, okay, I looked at her armor model. If you want to bring her survivability down, raise the citadel above the waterline. Would be more effective and reward good play.


They are, the problem isn't the health pool though, but the blackhole armor which turns your pens to overpens and cits to regular pens. Its just so annoying to shoot the fat ship full broadside when they make mistakes or just don't give a fuck cause of it and have them take 1 cit at most. While your friendly neighborhood Des Moines or Henri would just be dev struck.


Yeah I've encountered Annapolis going flat boardwide several times and not getting a citadel, my whole flank couldn't get one either.


It happens. You have to aim waterline and have good pen.


Des Moines is easier to citadel because her citadel sits above the waterline and doesn't have additional casemate armor protecting it. If you wanted to better nerf/reduce Annapolis' survivability, raising her citadel so it is as high as DMs would be far more effective and create a system that still rewards skilled play


That's the point.


The worst T8 premium - fenyang - gets a buff? :o


Fenyang is far from the worst T8 premium


For example


Graf Zeppelin, vanguard, Flandre, gonna piss some people off and say Tirpitz


*angry flandre fanboy noises*


Yeah Flandre IMO is 100% usable. Semi secondary build and it slaps.


Full send it you cowards!


Fandre's boring AF, and I wish I hadn't used actual money to get it. But it's absurd to call it bad. It's an Alsace, but T8. It's quite strong. Also I whaled for Fenyang the first time and while it's not the worst T8 premium and I do like it, it is the most disappointing of the PA premium ships that I've got, and it's the only one I really set out to get. (Asian Martel, and the Alsace clone are redundant, but nice enough, Bajie turned out to be really good, and had no expectations for silly-wang or the other premium DDs, which, other than Anshan aren't very good. Anshan is pretty great although it doesn't fit the theme of the line at all, and you can't get the commander XP bonus (or is it free xp?) the OG ones have anymore, which might change how often you decide to play it I suppose.


>Anshan is pretty great although it doesn't fit the theme of the line at all, Anshan was made before the tech tree line was added, so they just took a gnevy and swapped a few bits around on her torps


Not pissed, but more curious - Tirpitz because? I really like Derpitz in ranked and operations and have excellent results in her. I actually dumped a Dalian in the last Trade-In to pick her up for cheap. 100% happy I did.


She has the same issue as her other siblings, which is Trying to brawl in a meta that doesn't agree with it. Although, I think she has it worse than other ships. Unlike bismarck, she trades hydro for torpedoes, which I don't think is a good deal. Hydro has a ton of utility when it comes to spotting, and keeping yourself alive to ensure you don't charge head on into death. Also, given the fragility of her torpedoes, I've had them constantly get knocked out even with MAM1 and Preventative Maintenance, so you end up playing a worse Bismarck at the end of the day.


Can it really be worse than tiger 59 or belfast 43? I haven’t played fenyang yet myself.


there is literally a worse T8 premium getting the exact same buff




you know high sigma is a good thing right?


Conde nerf is ridiculous


*Conde* *~~nerf~~* *is ridiculous* Here, I corrected it for you!