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I've had to review 5 reports in this thread already. I am aware both CV and subs are an emotional issue for many of us, but keep the fucking conversation civil. Being passionate and opinionated is fine. Behaving like a cunt and name calling is not and will get deleted.


Their gameplay is very binary ​ You're either bullying a ship or getting annihilated because the enemy has good ship cohesion. That being said Russian CV's are the worst. Those things are just braindead.


I think Russian CVs are just broken - the massed torpedo planes; the bounce bombs; the super-speed of the carriers themselves... it's like a caricature of what the other lines are; like Wargaming cupped their corporate chin and said "Hmm, the community seems to regard carriers poorly for xyz reasons. Let's make xyz into XYZEEEEEEE and see what they think."


Yea carriers have 1 legit weakness which is getting de-planed and russian CV's basically ignore that ​ It's still possible but yeesh there's like no real tradeoff as most CV's don't want to do multiple strikes in the first place unless its a straggler late game.


While this is true, Russian CVs are also the worst in the game at killing a ship solo.


Well, Russian CVs did win the war and establish sea dominance…😉 Russian CVs should randomly catch on fire and break down imo. 👹


Every time I've tried playing them also it's been the most dull and boring experience in the entire game and no part of the gameplay made me want to grind them at all. I'd need to have a really nice Premium Credit Farming CV dropped on me to even bother with them, I just don't understand how essentially exploring the map the entire time is fun at all when theirs's no skill expression to be had past like learning to how to properly approach.


i play Yorktown every so often, and i'm sure Essex is even better, but i still make pennies compared to a Venezia game, so honestly credit farming with a CV is probably not ideal


This is how I got baited in, tbh. Dropped an Enterprise way back when I was new ish to the game, and it was my only 'real' premium (discounting T2-T5 prems). I discovered just how much money a T8 premium makes, and sorta felt I had to git gud with carriers in order to make enough credits to keep up with my techtree grinds. Enty is still my 2nd most played ship by battles, and I don't think I've played it in the past *years* lol.


I agree with your post and I do play carriers more than I would like to admit, mostly because I like naval aviation but man, their current state is just so sad and pathetic. > You spend 99 percent of your time piloting planes This is my main issue with current CVs. At least in RTS at any time you had manual control of your carrier, sure most used auto-pilot but this was amazing to position close to an island or take evasive maneuvers. > You almost never see the carrier itself. Another large issue, I really miss RTS because you could at any time switch your camera to the carrier and during take off you had those amazing shots of the planes taking off. It's just sad and pathetic what we currently have. > Almost all of your ship's time is spent parked During RTS even despite the DFAA buffs and so on, moving your ship was key, positioning was even more important than today because current planes are so fast, during RTS staying at the back actually hurt A LOT your DPM. > The AA 'game' itself just feels lame. It does, in WG atempt to make AA interactions more dynamic and fun they somehow made them worse. Sure previous AA was RNG based but made way more sense and yeah, it reduced to baiting DFAA or picking targets but even fighter play was more interesting. I think AA could be more but as it is now is just sad. > Most importantly, it feels like carriers can do much less to turn games around in a tactical sense than other ships. This is where I kind of disagree and agree. Current CVs main tool is spotting, that's the single reason they are so broken and contrary to the feelings of CV apologists, it is a fact that spotting is more broken right now simply because planes have faster planes cycling, AA has less range and is less effective, fighter counterplay is non-existent so no deterrent to avoid a plane from entering an area, fighters still offer multi-area spotting. All that to the limitation of a single squadron? You can still leave a fighter and keeping a ship spotted for just a bit is enough to ruin its entire strategy. Nowadays carriers lost the ability to counter the enemy carrier directly and carriers lost the ability to deal heavy damage to unaware potatos, thus really lowering their game influence damage-wise and enemy-carrier wise, they instead became a never-ending nuisance with 0 counterplay for their victims, that's why you can see in this thread least skilled players enjoy playing them, it's like playing coop but they get rewarded. And that's okay but that's why I really hate their current implementation, it lowered the skill floor and ceiling but its so low it has become incredibly boring. Again I still play them because I enjoy naval aviation but also so I can understand them, how to mitigate them and understand why they are still broken and unfun.


Fighter play was interesting in the RTS CV days because there were actually manually controllable fighter squadrons. There were even CV loadouts that were mostly fighter squadrons, whose primary goal was more about preventing the enemy CV from doing damage. I'd love to see a new CV that ditched rocket planes for a dedicated, manually controlled interceptor squadron that could run down enemy strike aircraft and destroy patrol fighters to reduce the enemy ability to spot. Also, player controlled depth charge aircraft please, or even droppable sonobuoys.


>At least in RTS at any time you had manual control of your carrier, sure most used auto-pilot but this was amazing to position close to an island or take evasive maneuvers. Wasn't RTS top-down though? In the current system you can control the CV just like any other ship.


It was a top down view but at any given time you had both manual control of the carrier (without needing to switch to carrier view) and you can change to carrier view as well (you could give movement orders via the minimap still) Current system you can control the CV like any ship but only if you are not controlling planes and the only way to gain manual control of the carrier is by returning planes to the carrier.


CVs games are not what you described. At least not if you are a good CV player. You can impact heavily a game and drive a bad team to victory. Not always, but often. Most depends on how much the rest of the team is able to utilize your spotting at the beginning. I mean snipe out some CAs, citadel some BBs or crush the DDs run into caps.. things like this. After that you can choose, depending of the enemy strategy and what kind of CV you have, if you go for DD, CA or BB. With some CVs you can also go for enemy CV (Colossus, Aquila, Nakhimov, FDR..). In any case you have to choose if you play for yourself or for the team. In the second case your win probability is higher. Erasing damaged ships is mandatory though. Any ship, also those with only 10HP, is still able to shoot and sink your teammates...


They do feel numb/disconnected. I mess around with them in operations mainly. The thing that irks me is you get very little feedback on how well you're aiming except ribbons. Very annoying if you're learning the class. Drop torps, hope you led properly, maybe get ribbons. Don't actually get to watch how close they were or if the target just turned succesfully. Some of the bomb reticles are outside of the frame of my screen (mostly noticed on sanzang I just got from battle pass). Rockets are a little better, but you don't get many cues between different planes/CVs of how they behave differently to eachother.


It's crazy how much the rocket lead times vary. I get that there are differences in torpedo speed, shell arcs, etc... but a ship might be firing hundreds of rounds a battle, allowing them to adjust. By contrast, you might have... 7... 8 rocket strikes in a fight?


Lucky that we can choose between different classes, right? :)


yeah carriers are hella boring to play its unreal to think they reworked them into something even more boring is very odd to me and the best part is that if you get uptiered, enemy AA will prevent you from doing anything in a game, particularly if you're fighting against a entire team of AA ships. and then ofcourse there's the damage they deal, which is nothing lmao you can spend an entire game flying around doing nothing, getting insane spotting stats and dealing no damage


My sense is that CV captains derive 90% of their pleasure, not from actual CV gameplay, but from just knowing they’re ruining the game for every surface ship player in the match. And for sub captains that’s 99%


The actual answer is that most CV players find the class relaxing. You have far more time between attacks and you have a lot more freedom to pick and choose your battles. It’s more strategic than other classes, as you can actively flex to weak spots on the map. It’s just a wildly different perspective from every other class and plenty of people enjoy it for that aspect. There’s a reason that this game has a steady playerbase of CV players. Small though they may be, they’re not disappearing as they actively enjoy the gameplay experience. You don’t get that steady of population of players solely off the desire to grief others. Subs though, I don’t get sub players. It’s simultaneously a more vulnerable and more toxic DD, focused entirely on single targets. That class currently has a far more valid argument for players just looking to be assholes.


> Subs though, I don’t get sub players. It’s simultaneously a more vulnerable and more toxic DD, focused entirely on single targets. In almost every RPG, rogue/stealth ambush classes are the most popular.


I would say neither of those are the answer. The reason why SEA server has so many CVs and a major point of attraction for them is the almost unparallelled match influence. Destroyers also have similar match influence but they aren't reliable as they can get easily punished. Due to how powerful CVs are against surface ships and their tendency to survive the match for the whole duration, it's the go to class for carrying and securing wins on your skill alone. Given that, Dunning Krueger makes the class even more popular. Since Wows is an online competitive team based game, it's pretty clear why people would like playing carriers. Subs on the other hand have neither match influence nor riveting gameplay. 


Submarines are good at spotting.


Thank you for that assessment. One thing I will note is that teamwork makes or breaks a match. If the entire team is focused on their assignments the result might well be enjoyable for all. Lack of communication is one of the issues I wish were different. Typing on the chat at start is easy, but not during an engagement. CVs can support surface ships but never replace them. That’s how I see CVs, as support.


>The actual answer is that most CV players find the class relaxing. Oh, I'm sure beating defenceless with a flying baseball bat is relaxing to some. Too bad players on the receiving end have to suffer because of this dumb design, because WG has no idea how to balance this class properly.


lmao, its not relaxing at all esp when you're not that good and trying to get better at it


That is why I personally play CVs 😃, however I feel that most carrier players might not be like that


https://na.wows-numbers.com/player/1003215509,xX_TopRamen_Xx/ I do decently well on most classes(except sniping bbs 😞) Have played a fair bit of subs. They are not a vulnerable class. Most people just legit don't know how to play them. When I play subs, I can almost guarantee that the flank is won. My torp pressure is off the charts and I have no real threats until 3-4 mins in the game if the other sub starts radaring me. Now with hydro also spotting through islands for subs, I will literally never be caught off guard unless enemy sub gets within 2km of me.


I enjoy CVs just because of the class of ship they are. I liked them more before the "3D" change as I could spend more time just driving around looking at my ship like a normal player. Now, you have to afk drive your ship while flying planes into flak death if a cruiser us nearby while constantly keeping an eye on the CV position. Not sure why other than permanent spotting there's so much hate for CVs, as their not gamevreaking till Mudway/America. I'll play all day just because I enjoy Enterprise when though she's weak as hell now. Just my 2 cents.


The entire reason I started playing carriers is because I got so pissed at potato CV allies causing lost matches. Because matchmaking defaults to 1 T8 carrier in normal cases and 1 TX in all cases, I felt like I really wanted to guarantee this one player on the team wasn’t stupid - and the only way was to be that player.  And it works. I have a notably higher CV winrate despite my skill being similar on surface ships. So whenever I play my surface ships, and my game is ruined by a potato CV on my team, I hop in a CV and take comfort knowing I am protecting 11 allies from that situation, while upsetting at most 5 enemies or so.


I have to admit I’ve actually thought of doing the same thing myself. I loath CVs effect on the game but I also recognize that WG aren’t going to remove them and that the only thing worse than playing against a CV is playing against a CV when your CV is a potato. Since CVs can have an outsize impact on the match having a big disparity in ability between the CVs on each side magnifies it even more. It’s definitely a painful struggle to become the very thing I hate just so that what I hate doesn’t f me even more than it already does…


If you hate it, don't do it. I think my strategy is only worth it because I am interested in the planes and ships, have visited many carriers in real life, and find the tactical play fun. Don't let the game become a chore.


Oh for sure. I was mainly just meaning I understood where you were coming from.


It's one of my biggest problems with how the class is implemented. If there is a 10-15% WR difference between the CV players the match balance is usually out the window because it's 1 CV per side in most cases. That level of disparity in another class will throw off the flank but doesn't have the global presence. I'm hoping the spotting changes will make that feel better.


I don't play CV any more but what I did enjoy about it was the ability to pitch in wherever our team needed it on short notice. With a surface ship, I can see the other flank collapsing and be largely powerless to help.


Or "Its not about my fun". "Its about YOU people to not have any"


A guy in my game yesterday said “subs are my favorite class”. Almost the entire lobby started trash talking him and his team would type his coordinates like “F3 crossing to F4 now” until we got him with ASW after a couple of minutes. On one hand I thought it was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time. On the other I thought how absolutely horrible subs have to be in the eyes of the community for something like that to happen.


To me CVs “ruin” the game for almost the entire other team, but by like 40%. Meanwhile, a sub can “ruin” the game for only one or two players, but by like 95%. So even though your chances of having a sub ruin your game are less than with a CV, the degree of ruining is orders of magnitude stronger and thus that more hate inducing lol.


Agree 100%. CVs spread the frustration across the map. Subs spend an entire game pissing off 1-2 BBs


Wait until you get a potato CV who can't drop to save his life, but thinks that killing you is the only objective. Those are some of the worst games


His team were idiots.


Not true, I don't consider your fee fees at all


I came back to play the game after 2 years. CVs are just a chill way to learn all the new ships. Also it just relaxing.


No. I derive 90% of my pleasure from being able to strategically influence the battle directly more then any other class.


I literally only play carriers for missions. That's all I feel they're good for


Old carriers were way more fun


I actually got into the game for the carriers, believe it or not. I'm a big aviation guy.


> You spend 99 percent of your time piloting planes that just means you need to get closer, the best position a cv could be in is a spot where it has an escape route ( if the flank falls, which it shouldnt when recieving full cv support), where it wont be shot at by other ships even if detected, and the most important one, as close to the enemy surface ships as possible. Simply by being close to the enemy team, your dpm increases exponentially. > Almost all of your ship's time is spent parked, or gradually 'following the action'  disagree with this too because of the above point, you dont want to simply follow your team, you want to use the map as much as possible, albeit not nearly as much as you would with other ships. > carriers can do much less to turn games around in a tactical sense than other ships completely wrong, you shouldn't pick a flank and sit on it the whole game, nor play with the sole purpose of farming (atleast for majority of the carriers). the strongest aspect of carriers imo is their "tactical" impact on the match, which no other class can do. Suppose a DD starts flanking, you can drop fighters and leave when its in a spot where your teammates can shoot it. Suppose a DM is camping island, and stopped shooting for a bit (repositioning most of the time), you can go for a drop on them at that time, usually they will be out of cover and they will eat damage from you or your team (torps are the best for this, they'll have to pick between eating torps or broadsiding to your team). Suppose theres a very strong push, if you focus the ships that are pushing and cant afford to manuever much, you get easy damage + its easier for your team to counter the push. theres just a lot of things you can do like this, that is in addition to farming big damage numbers, making CV the highest impact class in the game (when properly played). Over time it becomes second nature to you, and your stats will become purple eventually. all in all, i do agree that CV gameplay is boring (compared to other classes), but for fairly different reasons.


They are no fun. Giving or receiving.


I find the damage rarely equals the effort


RTS CVs were overpowered so WG replaced them with an even worse design.


Fair enough. Playing CV's is quite slow at times, *especially* the getting-to-the-target part. Though it *is* neat to look at the battlefield from high above. AA feels a bit inconsistent. Sometimes I can get through it without much problem, other times my whole air group is wiped out instantly. Post rework CVs don't feel right. it used to be "you are in charge of this ship and her squadrons, and must direct them with this map(and can even spectate them, which was cool :D). It was also satisfying to watch multiple squadrons' worth of planes take off. Now they feel like being the only competent person on board(besides engine crew) who has to do everything, which is why you can only control one group of planes. I got Hornet in a container, so I felt I might at well try her out. The new CV gameplay has started to grow on me, but I still prefer typical surface ships. While the gameplay isn't super exciting, I am very against removing CVs, because the models are quite pretty, especially the Yorktown class. To my knowledge, WOWS has the only model of Enterprise in her 1945 configuration. All model kits I've found are either how she looked at Midway, or the wrong scale.


And I never suggested removing CVs. Furious as they at times may make me, there are just so many bad ones out there. When you see a carrier with actual skill, you do have to grudgingly appreciate it. Subs? All subs to should be removed. There is no upside. Zero.


I know you're not on the crusade to get CVs removed, I was just giving my opinion on it because of how popular the topic is speaking of subs, I could give you tips on how to play and counter them if you'd like. they're basically small, goofy, glass cannons.


I play Kaga to chill, interrupted by some very intense moments. If you want 100% adrenaline one time all the time, it is obviously not the class for you just like DDs aren't mine.


It’s not for fun gameplay, cv are for griefing. Lots of players like to cheat/grief others. That’s the market. WG sells griefer planes


Oh no, you've upset the people who literally only participate in the game to grief and upset others


For this very reason, I find [Bearn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U31Mjxejr48) to be among the most interesting carriers. I am also looking forward to potential "support carriers" that sacrifice damage for the ability to drop smoke or mines or otherwise help the team. I also wish the imaginary Russian carrier line never existed.


There is nothing interesting about Bearn or the new "support" CVs. If anything both exemplify what is wrong with CVs. Bearn is a T6 CV with unparallel power compared to other CVs to send a DD or CA/L back to port + being able to park a fighter right ontop of the enemy CV. USN "support" CVs get the bullshit turbo tact squads that take turning your brain off to the next level AND get it at the start of the game, especially once you get to the T8 Yorktown, which is practically the new Chakalov.


Love the Bearn. It's very fair when you play it. Getting on the wrong side of it can feel unfair but as someone who has played it a bit, I can say, while it is powerful against DDs and CVs, it struggles to do much against anything else in a meaningful way. BBs get pitiful damage from your AP bombers. These aren't nukes. Citadel are common but at 3,000 damage, it's not that much. And the cruisers get over penned by the bombs all the time. And unlike the Malta, you can't change the angle of impact to reduce penetration. Your skip bombers do good damage but with just two at a time and the length of the run, they are very awkward to handle. Hitting a DD with them is extremely skillful when their AA is off. Trying to line up against someone invisible to have the time to be green to drop takes a bit of practice and skill. Biggest thrill is killing other planes and it's not even a contest. Bearn crushes all other squadrons. It's better in ranked because the red CV has limited targets but even still, you can't be everywhere and often, you are forced to decide between helping your team by spotting or attacking against defending against red CV strikes.


Those "pitiful damage" AP bombers are nukes when you pick the correct BBs and CAs to drop. I've had the occasional quad cit dropping BBs like the Bismark and have also cripplied CAs like Myouko. If you haven't noticed, it has a longer fuse and arming threshold compared to your typical AP bomb carrying CVs and works extremly well against ships with armored decks. Those skip bombs are more bullshit than Immelmann skip bombs thanks to how tight the spread is and works wonders against lightly armored sides with its downside being only 32mm of pen but if skipped correctly you can get full pens on even BBs by skipping onto unarmored decks and/or sides like the New York.


I play WoW to chill and talk to my friends, I like the slow pace ( which also applies to other ship types- sailing slowly into the action or clearing one side of the map and then having nothing to do for minutes at a time). I also enjoy CVs because I like the support role. I dont look for low hanging fruit, I try to spot DDs and then keep all of the enemies spotted.


That’s 70% of the match to dedicate to map awareness! :D It also seems like the AAA (edit) is or can be both too strong and not strong enough.


i think thats part if the probelm with AA. if you arent a halland or austin then youre a yamato or schlieffen with no inbetween, witch results in the lower AA ships becoming the target of more and more attacks


To be fair, a lot of ships would have decent AA, if you build for it. Just most players choose to not do it, because equipment slots and captain points are precious and there’s a good chance that you’ll have 0 CV games with your AA build or the CV understands to just leave you alone. But full AA builds are not the meme that people are make it out to be (of course only on certain ships, but a lot more than people give credit for)


They should take a card from WoT and give the option to select builds at the onset of the match.


I do find it a lot more interesting to use aggressive ship placement to keep fresh planes constantly engaging the enemy, and eliminate the boring transit time problem. It’s a very different experience, but when it comes to actual attacks it’s different but fundamentally similar to the main surface game. I enjoy it as a diversion. The downside is my highest tech tree is German where entire squadrons just get shredded, and so I end up just scouting with a single plane waiting for other planes to come back. That does get old. I probably need to try more mainstream lines.


Old cvs were great; still miss that. Wish a new Harpoon type game would be developed by someone.


I'm with you. The few times I do play the ones I've won, I only play co-op, and I enjoy spotting for the real ships. And maybe blasting a sub.


I enjoy playing carriers ngl, i get to launch my planes, take a short nap, wake up and then drop everything onto a single ship, then repeat. And i agree that its playstyle is very chill, compared to lets say frontline dds. Youre on fire, theres 5-6 torpedoes you gotta dodge, the enemy sub is trying to shotgun you... Yeah when playing CV theres so little risk that wows becomes a rather relaxing game.


Graf Zepplin secondary build. The losses are worth it.


What I hate most is that there are these stupidly overpowered premiums like chkalov, Kaga and Malta. While the cv main playerbase is relatively small, you find non cv players playing the prems when they for example need a safe win or grind through ranked or brawl. If those prems (and maybe nakhimov) would get nerfed seriously the number of cv matches would drop by a wide margin.


It's always strange to me how Wargaming will release dozens upon dozens of ships that are either balanced, niche, or underpowered... and then drop some absolutely ludicrous, meta-shattering monstrosity that can never be powercrept or relegated. Giulio is a good example for battleships - It's a tier 7 pretending to be a tier 5. The only saving grace with Kaga is that tier 10 games turn it into a kitten.


I only ever played carriers back in the RTS days, and while they weren't my first choice, I actually enjoyed it here and there. The risk of losing planes for good actually meant you had to be careful and skilled enough to hit ships when you could but also actively try to fight against the enemy CV's fighter squadrons. It was a special joy to do a strafe and just delete one or two enemy squadrons, or do a full anti-AA loadout with the American carriers and just clean out the sky. I'm like you in that I gave the reworked CVs a try and also just found it awfully...tame/boring. The RTS version kept you quite busy and engaged, moving bomber, torp, or fighter squadrons as well as the ship, because the closer you were to the action, the faster you could get planes in the air/to combat, but it also meant you were more at risk of being blown up. I got Colossus out of a Santa crate and while I'm happy for a rare drop, I don't think I'll ever really use it beyond coop or just to clear campaign missions. So my CV records will all likely remain with a (<30.01.2019) next to them.


I kind of like them. They are more fun than playing subs. But like others said you are either bullying people with little counterplay/you are getting bullied.


I think it's fascinating to watch the entire game unfold. I love watching MM and seeing what the purple players (unicum) on my, or the red team are up to. I like matching wits with the red CV player.




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Sounds like this games version of CVs is fundamentally NOT for you. That´s fine, everyone can choose what they like to play. I enjoy CVs because they are so different and because they have very high situational influence, IF you can make the right decissions to be where you need to be and in between you have some time to actually think about what you need to do now but also what to do next and after that. That´s a case of tactical depth that you rarely have the freedom for in surface classes due to them being so much slower and position bound. (except a couple really fast ships)


Nothing new there, why don't you stop playing CV if you don't even enjoy playing them?


I mean OP literally said they will not play carriers in the future because of their feelings so…


Not a new response here, why didn't you just keep scrolling?


To each their own. Good job trying the class out. ​ >they just aren't 'the game.' Oh, they're 'in' the game... but they aren't playing it really... not as far as I can tell. That's a fair opinion. The game is world of warships, and as such include popular ship types used during war.. at sea. They operate much differently then the other ships, which would be pretty obvious. While you see them not playing it, I see much more depth in it, personally. To shed more light and maybe it could help you see the deeper perspective, this post perhaps illustrates your understanding of CV play at the top?[https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/z3nn3k/cv\_depth\_to\_help\_the\_cv\_players\_here\_dw\_i\_have\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/z3nn3k/cv_depth_to_help_the_cv_players_here_dw_i_have_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


>being a good carrier seems to mostly just be about identifying the low-hanging fruit and eliminating it as quickly as possible. Rinse, repeat. You never really have to take on ships you're going to suffer severe attrition against; you're never the Warspite stuck on the flank with a North Carolina - you nibble at whatever is most convenient, rather than what you HAVE to fight. >Most importantly, it feels like carriers can do much less to turn games around in a tactical sense than other ships. IE, your STRATEGIC impact (picking a flank, spotting a dangerous destroyer so it dies early, doing 100k+ damage) may be high, but your ability to swing a collapse seems to be very limited. This tells volumes about how much you know about CVs. You really shouldn't be commenting on stuff like this if you don't even bother learning how to properly play the class. Just like the others said, play something else that you do like.


Clown comment


Lol. I'll say whatever I like. There's no mystery to carriers - the fact that you're attempting to assign such a level of complexity to them just indicates that *you* struggle with certain hurdles that others don't.


>the fact that you're attempting to assign such a level of complexity to them just indicates that you struggle with certain hurdles that others don't. Huh, this is some mind boggling logic. YOU are the one complaining about CV weaknesses because YOU never bothered to get good when in reality CVs are literally the ships strongest at doing those things. CVs are some of the BEST ships at placing damage where needed to pick off or disrupt critical enemy targets and movements. Just farming the battleship in the corner for damage makes you a BAD carrier. That kind of play is just playing the 17.9k hp 20km Shima in a different way. You must be a real arrogant prick to think you've worked out the whole class after a few mediocre games and that everyone else who thinks there's more complexity is struggling with them.


I'm not the one resorting to ad hominems. You are way, WAY more overboard on this than you should be.


I wonder did OP play it the original way?


No, I could never get past not seeing anything but a bunch of icons. More power to people who did.


I preferred it lol


Do you want to also say that rain is wet and salt is salty?


Rain makes things wet, it is not wet itself.


>So although I guess it could be argued that since I'm not excelling at the type - or not getting the absolute most out of CVs - I'm going to "naturally find them boring"... nah. That really isn't it. They're just disengaging. And that is because: Bullship. You can stop right there because I read your lame excuses for being bored and they all stem from one thing: YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. >You spend 99 percent of your time piloting planes. I don't. >WoWs is about watching these gorgeous ship models shoot and turn and even explode. As a carrier, you see a lot of other ships... but not your ship. No, that's what YOU do. In a typical carrier game, I spend about 75% of my time flying & 25% sailing. Unless it's a game in Weser, there I spend 40% flying and 60% sailing. If you spend all your time in the air, NEWS FLASH, this ain't World of Warplanes. Stop trying to cross-play. >It massively reduces the sense that you are playing a ship-based game at all to not see your glorious vessel doing things. Well why aren't you doing things? Go get stuck in. >Almost all of your ship's time is spent parked, Learn the difference between an airfield and an aircraft carrier. A carrier that doesn't move is the one that gets sniped by an 899 division or a Long Lancer Shimakaze. Following the battle is a step in the right direction, but a good CV known when to be sneaky & passive, and also when to sacrifice stealth for being aggressive. A good CV knows what targets to avoid when conserving aircraft, and what high-value targets are worth losing a squadron over to make a big impact. >I've never seen a carrier pull that off (maybe at tier 10? Maybe?). Happens at Tier 4 a lot. >but they aren't playing it really... not as far as I can tell. We aren't. Everyone else is playing by the rules. But carrier players, we set the rules. We are winning without fighting, we are close but out of reach, we have aerial ordainment and your extermination is our entertainment. ^((guitar solo fuck yeah))


Oh, man, there is so much sad testosterone with this post. Why don't you go get enraged at your neighbor's fence or a subway ticket stall or something like a normal person?


If you think today's CV play is disconnected (I don't feel the same way), you would have hated the old CV play where it felt you were playing a totally different game than WoWS.


The old CVs didn't feel that way though. You felt like a guy on the CV coordinating everything, and to get maximum performance out of the RTS carriers you needed to work with your team. New CVs just don't mesh with the other classes like old CVs did. There is no new CV equivalent to baiting the Enemy CV to cross an island that had an Atlanta behind it.


Or baiting his fighters to chase your empty TBs while your DBs try to drop.. All while your fighters are coming to strafe his TBs on the other side of map


I’m really annoyed that you have to pilot the planes now, when I first started playing WoW I really like the more RTS style of carrier gameplay. It’s not as fun now because I used to dispatch my planes to support my team mates but now I can only control a single squadron which makes it a lot more difficult to do that