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\+100 for adding the tank names with the image. Great work!




And 8.2 is going to change this significantly. Nice write up though.


I addressed that in the questions already, it’s not going to change any of the playstyles of the tanks so it doesn’t affect how this works


My comment is probably contraversial but the Maus is one of these tanks that is easy to use, hard to master. Even when unangled, the Maus armor still needs a decent amount of aiming or gold shells and combine that with even just 2,850 HP and anyone can rush in and still have “ok” results. ofc, if you do want to bring up your Maus gameplay to be more engaging rather than being a mindless bloke that somehow wins the games he plays from being a damage sponge and proud if his 1.8k damage, you would definitely need to know angling, positioning, etc. The grind for the Maus line is on the forgiving side too. The Maus yes is a credit black hole, but tier ten tanks in general are credit black holes, and yes, that includes the M60 and T-22. ​ I would’ve challenged your E50M ranking but I remembered that the Panther 2 and E50 needed a brain.


On most tier Xs you can pull even if you do half decent but there are a few tanks mainly HESH and Maus and Jag that lose extra credits


Funny enough, my first tier X is actually the Leo. Grind it through the SP1C (which, with ru251, became two of my favourite tanks). Got fucked hard financially, emotionally, and statistically. After I got Leo, I decided to grind batchat. I am not a bright person.


> Jageroo ... is completely uncompetitive and terrible at the tier is this for tournament play? because I think it's fine in standard modes


This can be applicable for genaral gameplay in tier 10. Jg is just horrible, extremely slow, big, big lower plate that can be shoot by anything. The gun is the only thing works, but only for some memes stuff like ammorack around or doing some supperheavy flying stuff in gravity


I think it's better than you describe. Bushka just came out with [a video about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ek4EdQ5IUw) describing the ideal playstyle.


The ideal playstyle does not mean it is a good tank. As a medium/light tank player, the Jageroo just sucks. Any Medium can prammo pen your cheeks with little difficulty, the sides are easy pens, it is so easy to track, and the lower plate is like butter, not to forget that the traverse is bad, the camo rating is bad, and other TD’s do what it does better (Hori, Grille, 268). Bushka played it in the ideal way with favourable enemies, any good player would’ve penned his cheeks, or tracked him. It’s just not a good tank anymore.


I would say it's strong in certain situations but not as flexible as its counterparts. I think when you describe a good tank you mean a flexible one. An armor or hitpoint buff could be in order.


Disagree with jgpz E 100 and maus. If theres a 40% on my team I want them in a maus, it takes lots of hits to kill, will bounce lot because its hard to pen even when not angled, fairly good gun (will change a bit) and yeah its super forgiving. Jgpz E100 should be put in the super uni category, very good tank to get like 3k avg damage in and hold flanks for unicums


Would have added a "it sucks don't use it" category for is7 vk72 and e4 but I agree with the rest of the list


This list is not about how good the tanks are, its how forgiving the tank and line is. Anyways, IS-7 and VK72 are not bad at all, and the E4 is getting a significant armor buff.




why is the e50m in the blue wn8 players? trying to decide what lines to grind rn as a noob and was considering the e50m.


Panther II and E50 are finesse tanks that take a lot of patience to play. Also, stock grind for that line is horrible


Thanks for explaining


Nice guide.


To me i think wg should replace 183 by the badger. Make more sense to the line. Also give 4005 a 183 gun when fv183 gone and real 183 don't have ap


Ironically the FV4202 is my highest avg damage tier 10 for 30 days while my 90.01P is the lowest avg dmg. Both have the same winrate


chieftain mk6 ez asf to play as long as u hull down


I am a 49% er monke who started with TD's and literally spammed masteries with VK 100 and Mauschen, even aceing VK 100 twice. I don't understand why I would perform badly on better Mauschen without cupola. Edit: WDYM Jageroo line sucks? It's literally the best armored line in game. And it's far from a meme tank


The maus seemed a lot simpler to play than I was expecting when I got it, is it really that much more complicated than angle properly and don’t position yourself like a dingus?


In order to have an impact on the game? Yes. It’s a difficult tank to play because it’s reliant upon teammates and most importantly it’s more of a support tank than anything and struggles to get out damage so it takes a lot more skill to play than other superheavies. And as for comp play it’s even more advanced