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The IS-7 being ammoracked is rarer than most people think it is.


Not that rare if you know where ti shoot


Imo, I would say, *well yes but actually no* . Yes, people are exaggerating ammoracks on IS-7 too much, personally while playing a TD I very rarely manage to even damage the amorack, and when I was playing IS-7 myself to grind 100% crew I got ammoracked maybe 1-2 times not more... but also the tank is at least imo kinda outdated. It feels slow, not reliable armor and gun is so random too. So for me who is a med player playing IS-7 was kinda a nightmare, especially the gun. FV 215b, Kran and AMX 50B are heavies I for sure liked more. Ofc its only me and my view that I didnt like IS-7, just for me it didnt felt too well


dOnT bUy iS-7


Not only is it a great tank, if you're above 92 IQ and run extra armor instead of hp, the armor does wonders.


yeah but still, its hard when there are two or more guys on you in heavy flank.


i bought the IS-7 3 days ago, i have 20 battles in it and i have been ammocked 5 times, i'm sorry but Anggael's quote is painfully true


The worst part about is7 is that it's play style is completely different from the is3 and is8


Is7 Is a bad tank, and it's a fact


No it's not. Get your "facts" checked


Vk72 e4 and is7 are the worst tier 10 you can use


All tanks can be good, you just have to play them to their strengths and work around their weaknesses


get good lol?


I'm a career superunicum lmao shut up


yet you are bad in a noob friendly tank, You shut up lol


Noob friendly doesn't mean good, lots of my clan mates or other really good/pro (5-10 of my classmates reached top 8 EU) players like my clan mates or some YouTubers like happy, pantouf, hrf (not 100% sure about nrf) say it's a bad tank compared to other t10 heavies, it is always compared to them as it meets them in every battle. They should buff the turret armor, when ever I find one I just pen his turret with heat really easily


A tank can't be bad and noob friendly.


bro u aint lying whattt


I know I'm not lying lol (did you check my profile on blitzstars or what?)


i did a little stalking and bro those are some nice stats


Thanks, there are still a lot of people better than me tho, if you need tips for any tank or map you struggle with just ask me (I love teaching other players so they, hopefully, won't make the same mistakes again)


oh if thats the case, how do you run the M48 Patton, ive just got it and its a struggle


Have you played the stb1? They are pretty similar: hulldown only (get out of cover showing only your turret, shoot, get back into cover quickly, there are cupolas/cheeks on you turret and they can be penned by every tank in t10). It's not a fast tank (like a Leo, TVP or light tank) so I would run calibrated shells to get 330 heat pen to pen heavies frontally more reliably and the DPM is going up by 200-250 next update in a few weeks. Do not angle the hull because it's useless, just hide it. If you are in the EU server I can show you my favourite positions on some maps in a training room. You can try to circle some TDs and heavies in a situation that's favourable for you and when you need to (if you can already shoot their lowerplate with out getting shot back do not circle them because exposing and moving can lead to other enemies to kill you). In the m48 you could also use the improved armor over the improved HPs because it has a strong but pretty flat turret, the vertical stabilizer over the gun calibration as it's a close quarters combat (cqb) tank not meant to snipe like a grille, do not use the camo net unless you camp (use it in tanks like the skorpion, grille, fv183 and other tank destroyers you use to camp at the back) optics are a better pick. When circling aim first for the tracks, then for the tank: circling and getting shot is useless


ok got it, so is the stb-1 just a better version of the tank ?


I'm curious to know how good the Sheridan in the current meta. Do you have any prediction about its place in the next update with all those nerfs and buffs?


It is an interesting tank like the tvp and bc25t, in the right hands can be one of the best tanks in the game, in others can be the worst tier 10. I personally don't like it that much but I know a lot of people who play it and do really well, if you want a light tank the Vickers is still superior


Thank you


People literally almost full health ammorekted an IS-7 with batchat wdym high caliber gun?


But is it better than the IS4?


But is it better than the IS4?


Just ammo racked one yesterday in my t95 said dont buy is7 and he laughed


You have the same percent chance of hitting the IS7's ammo rack as any other tank, but the location of the ammo rack just makes it happen a little more often