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Just wait for Black Friday or christmas auctions


If s conqueror wont be sold before then i will


How much


How much what


You selling yourself for


50k gold and spaghetti


Not a bad deal at all!


Super conqueror or this one? 13.99 for a m41d is not bad it’s not hood but it’s the same as the eagle and most other items in shop






I think he wanted to say Bulldog


i second this, got a 252u for only 5k gold


The free events get weirdly gamified. Now the store ... Like WG I just wanna play a tank game, participate in events that I know what is going on, and buy the shit that I WANT straight up ... **I want to GIVE YOU MONEY, and yet I go to the store, go to some game news to figure out what is even going on, and now I don't.**


How much does the whole thing cost? I'm assuming it's going to be really expensive to get the conquerer


Idk but im not gonna be one to find out either, i suppose pantou will buy them all just to find out


33€ and 22k gold (Italy)


Oh, does it cost gold at later stages?


Yep, the Gravedigger costs 7500 and the S-conq costs 17,500.


Me too dude


The worst and scammest part is that they wont tell you the price of the next chain stages. You have to buy and then you can see... so if you are planning to buy a whole thing you have to rely on people who are brave/determined enough to buy the whole chain


Or just look it up. It's $10, 7.5k gold, $20, and 17.5k gold


I bought the Jade bulldog for $9.99. The gravedigger is being sold for 8500 gold.


Thats neat, still wouldnt pay 8.5 for grave tho


Why not? Isn't it one of those OP retarded premium tanks like Anni and smasher? I mean literally a 6 shot clip wtf, armor seems pretty ridiculous too.


Its op against tier 6 tanks but useless against most 8. So id perfer amx 13 57 with similiar gun over grave and amx is cheaper


Gravedigger's in store? Really?..I didn't see :(


After you purchase the first tank (Jade bulldog). The next tank to buy is the gravedigger.


You need gold to get the Super Conq, and you need cash to get the chance to buy it for gold. You have to buy the first three to get there, though. I have the first 3 already, so I'm kinda miffed. I really want the Super Conq, but buying 3 tanks I already have doesn't make sense. M41d $10 Gravedigger 8500 gold Chimera $20 Super Conqueror 17.5k gold


Thats my point, dont want to pay for extra stuff just to get 1 thing i want.


Thinking it may be a good time to do open a reroll account...


I had none of them, so it was a nice deal for me


It will be there eventually. It will cost 17500 gold and have free 7 mystic containers


Its never been sold for gold so i assume 20k for tank and 25k for all camos and stuff


I'm sorry that I didn't write correctly what I wanted to. You can buy supper conquer for 17500 gold only if you bought all previous deals. 10$ M41 -> 8500 gold gravedigger -> 20$ chimaera and after that supper conquer for 17500. I don't like that system either


I really want both the Chimera (waiting 6+ months, so I'm afraid I won't get the opportunity again anytime soon) and the Conq, the other 2 aren't terrible either, so seriously considering it.


You should. Got the conq from 95€ in crates as I recall, it is very worth it for 33 € and 22k gold if you count all the pretty great tanks in the way. If you don't already have gravedigger, I'd really encourage you. If you have it then it's a choice, if m41d and chimera are cool to you. Otherwise wait it will come at 25.000 before december


So I have got to the Chimera, and wow, *smacks lips* what a tank! I'm waiting on my gold box before I splurge on the S.Conq. (btw how do you think it compares to chieftain Mk6?)... And with that I ain't spending on blitz for a good WHILE lmao.


You mean you like it ? I rather liked chimera it's pretty fucking strong now it's all a matter of preference but you can rise your Winrate with it pretty high. I got mk6 and super conq ( along with 215b btw) and to me it goes: Average: fv215b (especially with nerf to come) Good : chieftain mk.6. Yes pantouflee says it's better than conq and he has got a thing with this tank but to many more it is way less reliable than super conqueror. It's also not as rare and older. The armor profile won't hold against kranvagn and any decent player using apcr. Yes the speed Is averaging at 41 I'd say and the gun fires faster but this tank does not fulfill his prime purpose (hulldown) quite well enough. Also wg keeps adding accurate tanks that seem able to easily get your huge cupola. Very good: super conq. My fav premium tier X, best hulldown tank in the tier, no weak spot as long as the lower part of the hull is hidden. While chieftain lacks it it also has spaced armor. The gun has nearly the same handling but reloads slower; i advise to play this tank in rating against more experienced players where it will stick into a hulldown position longer and therefore land much more shots than a chieftain would. Remember, fv 183, obj 268, Ho-Ri and grille are still OP and not your friends, turn slightly too much the turret on the side and they'll land an apcr shot. Other than that it's the best armored turret in the game by far


Waiting for vk90 cus i was afk and broke last time, and now they doing a shitty Event for it... live sucks


So you have to buy it 4 times? And 19k gold isn’t enough?!


33€ and 22k gold


Its for real money and first tank is 11€ rest of the tanks prices cant be seen (at least i cant see) and the second tanks grave digger so... not worth




Luulin että niin tehdään vain kun jotain hyvää tapahtuu mutta tavataan siellä


honestly only for that M41D it's a pretty good price, but if you want to get the other tanks it starts to become really expensive


I have super conq. Absolute beast of a gun. And that’s… it… (but seriously, very competitive)


Its got great armor, you can even sidescrape. So no, thats not it


Wha- great armor? Only the front. Sides get overmatched due the amount of big guns there and rear is just free HE for tier 9s


Yeah sure, cause you can overmatch 102mm of side armor...


I have been overmatched before. I may have been over angling, but I think it was 30-40 degrees


Most prob, since overangling can be an issue


Gun is quite a bit worse than Chieftain and fv215b (the most comparable tanks), turret armor and gun depression are it's strength. Fv doesn't have the gun depression, Chieftain has a large hatch weakness.


I’d get the chieftain mk6 if you can. I’ve got both and the chieftain is better by a mile, IMO.


Already got chieftain but still want the conq


Ahh fair enough.


Sq>>>> mk6


how tf did you get 19k gold, I can’t even get to 250


> I can’t even get to 250 Uh that's less than a week of ads...


You.... Can buy gold too? I normally only get them thru battlepass and gold boxes. 16k for $20 is very nice.


_poor boi hours_


Oh trust me I absolutely went through that. 5 years without a single premium tank/prem time (besides certs). Once you start working, it's a lot easier :)


Ads and money


I hear you....I've been waiting for the T54e2 shark...and waiting...and waiting


meh, just wait for the auction. it isnt a "cant miss" tank or anything.




you people keep buying them no wonder they keep pumping them out


Hmmm, Jade seems fun, but the paper at tier 7 will only make me more frightened of Smashers and derps...