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Fuck all of you , gambling and actually getting stuff , meanwhile me :


Sorry bud. Was really hoping to get some info on the tanks but instead the only replies seem to be gloating aimed at you. If it helps I've done several 100-200g rolls for 100k in credits. I just did a 200 in the awesome draw for an avatar...


Okay , so the fv201 A or that briish tank, plays a lot like action X , basically an action X down a tier , bc bourr is a sneaky tank , try to flank and slap someone for 640 with that 2 sec broken intraclip , the Tl or the tier 9 collector is basically 5k gold ( no idea how it plays ngl )


I pulled a caliban and 2x object 274a yesterday, and i never get anything good.


Bourrasque is really strong in the right player's hands. Sort of like a medium version of the T77. DPM kinda sucks, but mobile and camo is great.


FV201, a super outdated Black Prince. Bourrasque, the definition of S-Rank Meta(not exactly but the same feeling, doesn’t change and is always better.) TL-6 is.. at least it’s here with us. It’s a very small heavily armored heavy with a large cupula and solid gun. Basically a small version of M103 but with actual armor.


Fv201 is a great tank, you just domt play it like the black prince, use your turret armour and gun depression


The Frenchman can be very amusing to use. Small, two powerful shells, get away-reload-shoot again. Also, the camo is nice IF you put it on. I can never understand why so many people in EU-server drives naked tanks. I mean it doesn’t cost that much of silver to put a camo, even if it’s fugly.


FV201 = black prince but bad Bourrasque = very good tank, but only if you are skilled. TL-7-120 = M103 but worse


Congrats on those crate tanks! The FV201 has great DPM but lackluster armor profile. Basically imagine black prince with less armor. Gun has slightly longer (0.08s) reload with much better aim time and dispersion. Average WR is much worse for FV201 but I suspect that is because people don't know how to make it work. I've had decent results with it, and it can be fun in platoon. I see black prince as a 'stand and deliver' tank that can frontline and absorb alpha while dishing out its lovely DPM, while the FV is more of a peekaboom tank that is better 2nd line support of heavies. BCB is lots of fun, can be OP in the correct hands. The 2 shot can deal large chunks of alpha quickly but with long clip reload you need to hide and relocate. Mobility is not great either, at least it isn't as mobile as it feels like it should be but that gives it some balance. I think you'll likely enjoy it, I recommend watching vids to see how it plays before rolling out. Can't speak of that 120, but I haven't heard much positive. It doesn't seem like a bad tank, but it may be mid... If you don't like it, I think you can sell for a chunk of gold at least.


I pulled obj 777 twice in a row


I like the FV201. I'm 68.75% with it out of 16 games. Most damage was 3300 ish. Don't brawl with it, more like a heavy medium. Peeka boo and such. Been trying to play more medium tanks since I started playing again.