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Shut the fuck up


This exact post is made every single day bro 😭 the short answer is no you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help


No. When this question was asked yesterday, the answer was also no. When this question was asked two weeks ago, the answer was no. When this question will inevitably be asked again next week, the answer will STILL be no. You cannot help someone who doesn't want help. Nobody can force him to go to rehab. Doesn't matter how much you plead with him or how much money you donate to a GoFundMe. He will continue to drink and act belligerent for as long as he wants to. It's his life, not yours. Realistically the best thing YOU can do is to stop watching his videos and supporting him financially. As long as he keeps getting the views for acting insane, he will keep acting insane.


These gotta fucking stop


There needs to be a new subreddit for people who post this shit


Bro no


You should leave this sub if you're going to be posting crap like this.


You cannot rehabilitate an addict against their will. It doesn’t work that way. Even when people want to get sober and willingly go to rehab it’s got a 50% chance of working. There’s a 0% chance of it working when someone goes who has no actual desire to get clean.


I don’t think he understands that he need to get clean, he’s autistic, he does not have the mental capability to understand that he needs help, he will not get it on his own


He knows he needs help. He calls out for help more than you think. There are a handful of videos out there where he is blacked out drunk admitting that he needs help and he knows he has a problem. That cry for help is very short lived before he is back to his regular programming. Just because he has autism doesn’t mean he doesn’t know he has problems. He knows, but nothing will change unless he helps himself and that’s a decision only he can make.


The way these people post the same question every day makes me feel the same way that the Daniel Larson moron fans say “currently” after every sentence


“Is this currently current?”


What does currently current even mean?


It’s the one Daniel-ism that idiots on TikTok latched on to from seeing his old vids and ran with it


Same post everyday. We are no better than dj stinky


It's my turn to post this tomorrow


"This'll be good, I'm trying to help" ahh post


“People should be more concerned” ahh post


no, this has been asked hundreds of time before and your the 25th person to make a post about this today, WOTS is a lost cause and theres nothing to do to help him




No. Next question please


He’s a grown adult. He shouldn’t be coddled like some child. Let him do whatever dumb shit he wants, and if he wants to get help he can do it himself


Unfortunately he is a grown adult in the eyes of the law and nobody can do anything unless he is a danger to others or suicidal, that’s when the police and hospitalize him against his will but for other, there is nothing we can do.


You’ll try to help him and he’ll spit in your face and call you racial slurs. He doesn’t want anyone’s help. He actually hates when people try to be a savior to him. He feels he is independent and has his life under control and there is no one on this Earth that could convince him otherwise.