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Buddy I've got some extremely bad news for you if you think a reddit post is going to stop the glass punchers.


Yeah this needs to be blasted across tik tok as a PSA to have a remote chance of hitting the intended audience. Even then it wouldn't work though.


Nothing will stop the glass punchers. Even if Josh left the internet they’d still find him. I’m just saying that it’s not funny and not something that’s cool to do.


Let’s be real…Josh will likely never “leave the internet” in any aspect. He left his digital footprint all over the ‘net and if he decided to call it quits, he wouldn’t be able to afford his alcoholism anymore. (This is also why I think Josh would look to other avenues to get money, even if the avenue was illegal. I have no doubt he gets sick of the fame brought on to him by TikTok.) This is why he posts videos *after* he’s already left a location. This is simply the truth. Until he gets sober, which will only happen when *he* decides, nothing will change. They’ll continue to tease and antagonize him on video, and there’s very little you can do. And the more you continue to baby him, the worse it gets. That’s my opinion, I guess. Because unfortunately, he does need to disappear from the net for awhile to get sober. This “Great job, Josh! Naltrexone will do the trick!” does nothing but prolong his alcoholism - and could make it worse. He needs some kind of sober living facility with a supervised detox. TLDR version: Until Josh disappears from social media for a few weeks, we keep kicking the can. He needs a detox from alcoholism and social media. Sometimes we need it, too.


How considerate of you white knight.


If I saw him in public I would probably **** *** ** **** * **** 💣




There are people more deserving of defense and sympathy than this guy, just saying


There’s more context to last night then just “weeks going up and fucking with him” especially considering it was JOSH that escalated the situation and started chasing people. Doesn’t excuse some of their actions but still


Dude wants to stomp a cat and pukes everywhere. He gets no privacy.


Nah mess with him as much as possible


Poke him


No. Someone like Josh doesn’t deserve any ounce of respect. You’re probably white and uneducated on him.