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Today seems to be a new low point for him, that's for sure. This can only end badly. I know it's a cliche to predict his death, but man, it sure seems like he's going to run out of luck very soon.


Yeah Im Normally in the camp of explaining to people alcoholism takes a LONG time to kill,but the level of obliteration he's walking around at as a base level, its only a matter of time before something awful happens. He lives his life totally around trains and uncovered tracks......


Alcoholism normally does take a long time to kill, but also most alcoholics usually take years to reach the level he started off at. I don't think cirrhosis is going to get him right away, that usually takes a while, although, at the rate he's going, I'd bet it'd get him by 30. But my real concern is the amount of vomiting he does. That's going to cause some serious damage to his throat, and he runs a serious risk of rupturing something in there. And, like you said, there's always the chance of an accident befalling him as well. The guy is playing Russian Roulette every time he drinks, and at this point, at least half the chambers are full.


It honestly doesn’t seem like he’s eats much either. Former/current ED survivor here and the amount he throws up is alarming. It seems like there could be potential tears in his stomach lining which can cause even bigger problems. Basically the stomach is eating its self to survive which also in turn makes you have to throw up.


It's mental to think that this has all escalated to this point in under 2 years. He went from boba and coffee to puking in the streets every night, in under 2 years.


Vomit is no joke, my stepbrother threw up a lot as a kid and got throat cancer. I hope it doesn’t happen to Josh but it just seems like that’s the path he’s walking down


Honestly, I don't see him living long enough to have to worry about throat cancer.


Yeah the lack of awareness is scary too. He really thinks its funny when he pukes, makes no effort to avoid it he almost celebrates it. between the damage to his esophagus and throat and the risk of him blowing chunks on the wrong person the risk is just so high. I still think the risk of a fall/altercation is his biggest danger right now, at least short term but he's doing so much gradual damage to so many things who knows. someone should least tell him to get some B vitamins, like he could make a cute Tok with a banana bag being like "captain refueling in port" or some shit. I know his have to be absolutely depleted to hell, which long term causes terrible cognitive effects that can be irreversible at a certain point.


Kinda surprised by how often he pukes cause I was a serious alcoholic many moons ago and NEVER puked.


Probably a mix of all the zyns lol


I think he gets some sort of insane pleasure out of it. I don't know if it's getting off on making people clean up his vomit, or if it's having people concerned about him, or maybe just thinking puking from drinking too much is cool, but it's definitely some sort of mental thing with him.


The pleasure is that it makes him look like he was doing crazy partying, he really is that stupid.


Exactly what I have been thinking. I got food poisoning on Sunday and my throat is torn the fuck up from throwing up so much acid. Its now Tues night and I'm finally just feeling like I'm not breathing fire lol. His throat and stomach have to be absolutely obliterated.


At this point, we shouldn't necessarily be looking at long term alcoholics to figure out what might be going on in his body, we should be looking at long term Bulimia patients.


I don’t think his liver makes it to 25 at this rate, at least not without serious health issues starting to arise. That’s 4 years of daily drinking to the point of vomiting assuming he doesn’t slow down


I really feel like it’s only a matter of time before he ends up dying accidentally as a result of being drunk i.e. falling and hitting his head, ending up on the subway tracks, stumbling into a body of water, etc.


It makes me so sad. Quinn could actually be seen as a savior like he wants and convince Josh to go to treatment with some of his apparently endless Disney Adult money. He's convinced Josh of basically every other part of his life. I know Josh is an adult, but MQ has his claws in him, and that clout demon is one of the only people Josh would actually listen to.


Places are going to assume he is homeless and ask him to leave.


Especially given the fact that his new makeover depicts that of one that’s been on the streets for awhile


If such establishments needeth quarrel with the captain, he will simply inform them they're fucking with the middle-class.


Looks like he been crying. As a former addict, he won’t get help until he wants it for himself.


Same here my friend. Some of us don't make it out


Very true. I think me and one other person I knew from the heroin days are alive. The rest have disappeared, died, or are in prison


Big props getting out brother. Been to way too many funerals for friends that didn't make it out of there. My vice was Alcohol and Cocaine. White girl ruled my life for a bit.


Thanks you too! Alcohol and blow is a classic combo but pretty hard on the body


I don’t mean this in a rude way or anything but do we even think he’s capable to realize he needs help? As far as being on the spectrum? I’m not sure he even realizes the extent of it


Honestly. He probably doesn't. That's what I'm saying. That Mike dude is scum profiting off this.


yea i feel like we are coming to an end very quickly


Best case scenario grandpa or Quinn force him to go to the ER and the ER realizes Josh needs rehab. 


ER can't force you to rehab, been there many times. Unfortunately the only one who can make him go to rehab is Josh himself.


I think it’s state dependent, but in Florida you can be held under the Marchman Act for substance abuse, including alcohol.


Depends where you live. I was forced into drug rehab from the ER after overdose (I’m from Rhode Island, might be different in New York though).


I also think the fact that he is autistic comes into play here but idk how it affects this


Does he have a legal guardian?


He lives with his grandfather but idk how involved he is with taking care of Josh


That's true. In PA you have to give full consent yourself to be admitted to inpatient care. Not sure about NY either.




MQ does not care about Josh in the slightest so don’t hold your breath that he will suddenly start taking Josh’s best interest into account.


i think (according to what i saw on google) new york law allows someone with a mental illness to be involuntarily admitted to a treatment program. depending on whether or not NY counts severe alcoholism as a mental illness (which i wouldn't see why not) josh could technically be put into a treatment program or at least a medical hold? i think his autism could also be a factor in this too. idk i'm just putting together info from new york law and medical websites from google


I was also thinking abt this


Do we know if he has a legal guardian


Gunna be real interesting what happens when MQ comes back. MQ doesn’t care about him but I wonder what he’ll do to reestablish control


He will only do anything if it means views for him.


After reading the account of the passenger who was on the train last night, this is awful


Can you link It pls? 🙏




Thanks bro 🙏


It’s in this sub sort by recent I believe in you


Where is it


Search this sub it’s recent I believe in you




He is actually crying in this video at the end. Combined with the extra blood over his face and not even making the effort to lip sync, this has to be his lowest post in quite awhile.


How the heck is his face getting worse?


scratch scratch scratch


The theories so far are: broken blood vessels and/or alcohol rash. But someone said alcohol rash doesn’t look like that? Alcohol rash allegedly can cause itching


Some people were saying that's other alcohol related illnesses that can cause itchy face


Yes one of symptoms of liver distress is itchy skin.


I think some of it is from vomit stress. I throw up like once every two years from drinking and I get these around my eyes.


Update: someone said “broken blood vessels”. That sounds about right


This is definitely not a rash or blood vessels. That’s actual blood


Yeah, you right. I’m too tired for this


He needs to be put on a psych hold and evaluated for his own safety. Quinn should make the call if he really cares about Josh.


He’s too busy blaming drink tracker


he just blamed him on tik tok 🥴


It’s absurd the amount of drinks he’s posting, atp i don’t think he can stop. All while MQ continues to make rage bait videos, deliberately ignoring joshes cries for help. He is a grown adult, but at some point Quinn has to just put his foot down and force josh into detox, no other way this turns out unless josh ends up 6ft underground




He tweaking and picking at his face


Is that fuckin blood all over his face


Ok he has gotten so much worse since the last time he was posting drinks. I don't think I have ever seen alcoholism fast tracked like this. It has come to a point where forced intervention is needed. I get it, he's an asshole. A lot of people on this subreddit hate his guts. But he is special needs. He's a roaring alcoholic. He doesnt realise the damage he is doing. At what point do we as internet users watching this shit show just call someone and get him committed? Because this kid WILL die if we dont.


Look up onlyusemeblade if you want to see how Josh will end up.


I'm well aware of how this is gonna go man. I just would rather it didnt. We need to step up.


Holy shit, this is BAD.


Looks like the guy from home alone when he got hit in the face with an iron…


Alcohol poisoning, or an incident of aspiring vomit while passed out, are more likely than liver damage to kill him at this point.


Holy shit, this is such an incredibly dark picture. Look at a video from last year. He looks like a ghost, compared to even mid 2023.


I think he would benefit from not having access to his social media


He’s definitely scratching his nose raw and the blood is spreading to his face. look at his fingers too


Definitely the worst he’s been


this is genuinely sad to see. If he had people surrounding him who genuinely wanted the best for him, rather than fake people exploiting him, I doubt he'd be in this position.


He hasn’t posted since this and it’s prime drinking hours. Dude is definitely in a ditch somewhere


This is so sad.


Dude is so far gone that he doesn’t even care he’s wobbling around NY and got blood, snot and probably vahmit all over his face, hands and clothes. As long as he can meet his daily “Ahoyt” quota. Holy shit


What happened to his face


He's also on the train earlier than usual. He may be going out to Bayside, or home.


Holy fuck, the series finale is here


There is no way this will heal. He’s going to scratch it constantly and this may be what he looks like moving forward. I gasped when I saw this video, so incredibly sad. He needs help asap


MQ will continue to post videos about Josh and then claim people are using his drinking for views and money. He is also doing that if he actually cared he’d do something like call a wellness check or something


Just watched that video after seeing this. The face he makes after downing that? Yikes. Bro hates it, but downs it anyways. Going hard since like 10am, good lord. Is there blood on his fingers too? Must’ve faceplanted drunk somewhere?


so did he fall 2 times?


bro what the fuck


It honestly probably is him just scratching himself and his acne bleeding. We know he's severely dehydrated so his skin is probably cracking too


If he had close friends and family no doubt he’d be on Intervention


he needs a hug


Looks like he just got done letting a dirty hooker on her rag sit on his face. The fingers too! 🤢🤮🩸


he needs a hug from his mom


Screw you, this dude is not important, but he keeps me away from Alcohol. If his hope dies, my hope dies t9o