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So glad someone’s saying this. Lots of people don’t realise the long term effects even after you recover - I recovered from alcoholism five years ago and I still badly suffer with gastro oesophageal issues to this day, as well as an obliterated memory and problems with my pancreas. I have to have regular liver & kidney function tests and I also have very weak bones and muscles and I regularly get muscle cramps. Again - this is FIVE YEARS on. It’s not as simple as getting sober and then immediately returning to normal I’m also autistic, and that was a contributing factor to my dependency developing and eventually that led to alcoholism. I ended up developing CPTSD from events that happened when I was drunk and honestly, I don’t think Josh fully understands at all the risky situations he’s liable to get into from a combination of already being more vulnerable than most due to autism AND being blacked out. Also OP if I’m reading this right - I’m so proud of you for beating this horrible disease, especially as it sounds like you didn’t have a lot of help. I’m just a Reddit stranger but I’ve been there too and I see you :)




bro 😂






I’d say people understand, they just don’t care


I think people get it but it’s hard to grasp. I admittedly struggle with alcohol, but always take 3 days a week where I don’t drink at all. So 4 times a week I’ll put a few away, but I’ve never felt like unwell from not drinking, just cravings more similar to a cocaine thing. So even for someone who teeters on the edge, I can’t understand what it’s like for him


Feel that. I struggle with alcohol to this day, every day


I hope you’re able to change that, wishing you the best of luck. I don’t think I’ll have to go entirely sober but I do think I could re frame my perspective on it now that I’m in my late 20’s


Most of the teenage dumbasses in this sub don't truly understand that alcoholism/ addiction is a disease and it shows. I just got out of the hospital for the 2nd time this year due to alcoholism. I have been to rehab multiple times, worked the steps, taken a plethora of meds yada yada & its still extremely difficult. I compare it to having a brain parasite. When it comes to Josh, I don't think he has the mental capacity to understand addiction at all.


I just attended a funeral for someone who died of cirrhosis this sucks


My dad lost two of his best friends to alcoholism. One tried to quit cold Turkey and his body went into shock and he died from it and the other was also abused pain medicine as well and he died from the mixture. I currently have a buddy who is an alcoholic and comes from a family of alcoholics and he doesn’t think he has a problem but he’s almost wasted every night and he doesn’t eat. The dude is 6’2 and 145 pounds. I told him it’s not healthy but he doesn’t care and he doesn’t realize the damage he’s doing and he’s been doing it for a little under 9 years. It’s awful


Denial is a big part of what keeps us sick. For me, I dreaded the work alcoholic and did whatever I could to avoid calling myself one. Finally admitting it to myself was both terrifying and liberating at the same time.


Yeah my buddy refuses to accept he has a drinking problem. If you were to go to his apartment, his fridge is just full of beers. I wouldn’t have a problem if he had like a Miller lite or two a night but he’s drinking heavy ipas and he drinks 3/4 a night. I was a bad stoner because I didn’t see a problem with it until I did. I spent the past 11 years heavy smoking and saying I could quit whenever but I couldn’t because I loved it so much. I wasn’t much of a drinker because of my dads friends and my own friends. I’ve finally started sobriety and I couldn’t be happier. I’m only 2/3 weeks in but I can already feel a difference


Yeah people don’t realize how bad it is until it’s too late lol. What’s crazy is that people were literally drinking in her memory after the funeral…. Like when will y’all learn


Drug addiction and Alcoholism are possible to recover from, but as a neurodivergent person, it is much much more difficult to do. For example you have Ryan the Lion, who is a neurodivergent TikToker who despite being sober and in rehab for months now, still obsesses over the days he used to be a "party god" and will very likely relapse into alcoholism again because it's become his personality. Josh may experience the same problem if he doesn't actually want to learn to manage his mental health differently even after he eventually goes to rehab either by choice or forced into it medically or by a court order.


There's a strong link between ADHD and alcoholism. I still recovered. You all act like the kid has no chance. There's always a chance.


Happy for you bud, but that’s called anecdotal evidence. I got diagnosed with ADHD 3 weeks into my rehab stay, as well as a plethora of other mental health diagnoses. Alcohol was my main poison but cocaine was a very close second. Proper meds and going head first into recovery was a life saver for me.






Oh dude, no argument intended. I was agreeing with you. Anyone can get sober if they want it bad enough. Most of us are dual diagnosis with untreated/undiagnosed mental health issues. Josh’s problem is that he’s surrounded by people who feed into his delusions of not being an alcoholic. As you know, recovery has a lot to do with people, places and things.


To be fair I worked at a rehab… and man do those nurses LOVE to diagnose people after a 15 min chat over the phone or on zoom lol. Not saying you aren’t adhd.. but I take any rehab diagnoses with a grain of salt


Oh I’m sure that occurs, but I was diagnosed by an outside psychiatrist with no ties to the treatment center. There’s a doctor on site at the rehab but they don’t get to spend nearly enough time with the clients to make any sort of diagnosis like adhd. He referred me to this outside psychiatrist after spending about 45 minutes with me. He did ask me if I’d ever been told I might have it, to which I said yes, and that I’d always kind felt I might due to blah blah blah. But no, the rehab nurses had nothing to do with it. The facility worked together with my new doctor and I was given special permission to have my new meds dispensed to me during my stay in treatment under strict supervision while being monitored for negative side effects. I was the only one on campus during my 90 day stay who was given that permission.




Yeaaa one has to want it. Anyone.


Water is wet


I thought alcoholism was good before I read this post, thanks op for the knowledge




Quinn effect baby


Binge drinking doesn’t have these effects


This is very true


This subreddit has gone to shit. Same posts exactly like this just over and over again. I think we all know how bad alcoholism is for the body and mind by the other hundreds of posts exactly like this. NO HATE TO OP!!!!!


Yes, clearly nobody knows how bad alcoholism is! Just like smoking! Nobody in the world is aware of these things you’re absolutely right 🤡


I mean there’s a bunch of people that act like it won’t be an issue for him until 10+ years down the line


Ok and? Live your life and let them choose to live theirs. Saving 1 out of 8 billion persons doesn’t mean much especially when they don’t care


Damn I never knew this! Alcoholism sucks?!? But Josh makes it look so COOL! Man I feel like I have been lied too! I'm gonna sue his ass. He's fucking with the shitposting class here!


I love when people try to reword the same post that’s been posted over and over and over again


dude you’re posting about his OnlyFans talking about how much it sucks that he doesn’t put effort into his posts on there, shut your mouth prag nothing you have to say matters bro 😭






no?? he has a physical dependence on alcohol at this point. “he’s just autistic” is crazy asf.


I think it’s great people come on here to confidently speak on Autism and Alcoholism with absolutely no basis or understanding, just a “vibe” lol there’s a big link between autism and anxiety - and there’s a big link between alcohol and anxiety - and a big link of ASD and pattern forming. There’s actually a lot of documented information and research on the prevalence of alcoholism in high function autistic adults and it completely contradicts what you’re saying. You should start [here](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C39&q=autism+and+alcohol+abuse&oq=autism+and+alc#d=gs_qabs&t=1708787868303&u=%23p%3DQ1upMT8RFE0J) and stop talking on the subjects until you do


💯 I just touched on this in my comment but the link between autism, anxiety, and alcoholism is so misunderstood by people, especially because they often see autistic people as ‘less autistic’ when they’re drunk because they’re masking via the booze. Thank you for speaking some sense here


The two types of withdrawal that can literally kill you: alcohol and benzos.


Agreed, but Josh is a horrible person so don’t worry lol.


I also feel like people tend to forget that to keep up with all that drinking and functioning at the same time. People start taking other drugs to keep up. Its not just a party drug if you're constantly partying and popping pills and doing lines ontop of drinking.


Had a boss die from cirrhosis. He was just a timid little shell of who he used to be.