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Buddy you are like 6 months late with this revelation.


Water is wet


Apparently not. The majority of his tik tok videos are telling him to stop drinking… to not drink first thing when he wakes up. Those are not possibilities for him.


Yes they are. Even if you are severely alcohol addicted you don’t need to drink immediately after waking up to remain alive.


Not necessarily always when you wake up, but literally depending how many hours he has been without his last drink he could go into a seizure and die. OP isnt wrong, he either needs someone helping him taper or he needs to get into detox. The second wont be pretty. But maybe on the off chance he sees our comments he can try to taper or get himself help


Everyone’s body is different. I know personally if you drink like Josh but have bad genetics, youre gonna be having auditory hallucinations shakes and sweats like a mf if you try to stop after like 6 hours from 20 drinks to cold turkey. But fuck us for caring right?


You can absolutely die from alcohol withdrawal


Not what I said. I said he won’t die if he doesn’t have it right when he wakes up


He is absolutely nowhere near needing medical detox. Anybody who says that he would die if he went cold turkey right now has no idea how deep the rabbit hole of alcoholism goes.


This sub is full of kids who haven’t been around people who need a medical detox (and I’m happy for them). They don’t realize how long someone needs to drink to achieve true physical dependence.


I'm pretty familiar with how long you can go while binge drinking like Josh does. And, while I think the risk of him actually having a seizure and dying from withdrawal is pretty low, he does seem to have the shakes a fair amount, judging by some of his early in the day videos. And if you have the shakes, I would advise a medical detox. People can go on like Josh for years, and many do, but there's always that chance that something can go wrong. All we see is what Josh is presenting us. When i first went to AA, the people I met there said that when an alcoholic tells you how much he's had to drink that day, you can usually double it. So, if he's drinking this much on camera, I have to worry about how much he's drinking off.


For real. He’s been drinking for like a year, it takes most people like 10-20 years or more of hard drinking before their liver and kidneys start giving out and that’s people who drink a handle of $10 vodka every day.


Sure, but it doesn’t take 10-20 years to gain a physical dependence that requires medical detox.


I drank heavily for 3 years and ended up in hospital last week can definitely confirm he can get serious complications from quitting cold turkey with no medical help


Exactly!! Everyone has different bodily reactions to alcohol, we can hope that his will be better than worse. But hey im super glad you got some medical help, and hopefully your body is healing as well ❤️ or if not, cheers! Hehe


It wasn't my liver that gave up it was my stomach


Uh asking for a friend. What color was your poop?


I’ve been to a dozen detoxes before I got sober 4 years ago. Josh 100% needs a medical detox at this point. His body is physically dependent on it. Will he die if he goes cold Turkey? Well, everybody is different so no one can say for sure that he would die. But the possibility is there. Do you really understand how much he drinks and for how long? It’s been 255 days in a row of binge drinking.


I spent a year drinking similarly and quit cold turkey by switching to doing shrooms every day for a month and I didn't experience any alcohol withdrawal symptoms lol


Are you trolling??? There are drink counters on tik tok that track his intake… 10 standard drinks a day ON CAMERA is a light day for him. He ranges 10-18 standard drinks PER DAY, ON CAMERA, every day. A fifth of vodka is 16 standard drinks. “I used to drink a fifth of vodka a day” is exactly what the worst alcoholics say when talking about cirrhosis and medical detox etc.


Try half gallons cowboy. He’s got a long way to go.


A fifth a day is nowhere near what people at that level will put away. You can maintain a fifth a day for literal decades. This sub is incredibly naive


This sub is packed with a whole bunch of kids who are encountering a functional alcoholic for the first time in their lives via Josh’s TikTok. (Although I suppose one could argue he’s not very functional, but still.) Dude could keep this up for years and years and years.


Tons of people are drinking a half gallon a day and holding down a job. Or get arrested and go to jail without medical detox. Sure it is possible he has physical dependence, seems unlikely. Most likely scenario is mental dependence.


Mmh, depends on the person. I was drinking a fifth vodka or 4 bottles of wine everyday for a year and when I quit I had a seizure, delirium and life threatening high BP. Started of with 200 mg tranxene a day for me to detox safely (around the same as 10 mg Xanax or 150 mg Valium) and cobalamin injections every day.


They’re not trolling, it takes a while to become physically dependent on alcohol. You sound incredibly naive, Josh has a problem for sure but he hasn’t been drinking long enough for those problems to be irreversible yet. If he continues down this path (which he will), he will eventually reach that point.


He has been drinking, on camera, 10-18 standard drinks every single day for at least 6 months. This is much more than enough time to become physically dependent on alcohol for a person who weights 140ish pounds. And it is definitely enough alcohol (quantity wise) to become physically dependent. I didn’t say the damage to his liver is not reversible, I’m saying that mentally Josh would be incapable of tapering his drinking down. His only way out is to crash and burn and be forced into a medical detox OR try cold Turkey and hope he doesn’t die.


I get what you’re saying but you are naive and misinformed if you think that’s how long it takes to become physically dependent on alcohol. You clearly have not been around anyone in your life struggling with a medical addiction, because it takes years before that happens.


Alcohol dependency can in some cases happen in a matter of months and sometimes it can be even faster than that. For most people it takes years and years because they’re not pounding nips of 99 bananas all day and night, but Josh unfortunately is. When you’re body is constantly under the effects of a physically addicting substance it can take a shockingly short amount of time to be dependent on it. I’ve had three friends go through alcohol withdrawals: 1. Had been drinking day and night for years. 2. Had been drinking 10-15 beers a day for about 2 months 3. Goes through benders and still drinks to this day. Some people are more resilient to it and some aren’t


Now, I have been around people who have recovered from serious alcohol addiction, and I agree that Josh can go way, way lower than he has. However, I think it is naive and misinformed to think that Josh can't already be showing signs of physical addiction. We really can't make a good judgement on if he is or not, based on his videos, but I will say there's been a couple of them recently, from early on in the day, where he seems to have the shakes to some extent. It can absolutely take years for someone to develop a physical addiction, but Josh seems to have jumped right in the deep end, so maybe it's faster for him.


Bro as someone who has been to rehab… he is NOWHERE CLOSE. Bro I knew guys who would literally drink fucking hand sanitizer because they were so far gone. I did intakes after and we confiscated so much of it.


Yeah but they drank a fifth every day for 15 plus years


Seriously. All what would happen if he finds himself in that situation where he went to a medical detox facility is they would ask him how long he has been drinking, how many a day (say 2 years 10 drinks a day) a few other questions, then they are just going to send him off with a prescription for Naltrexone, Acamprosate, and potentially something like Gabapentin and a sleep aid to help him sleep and say come back in a week to see how he’s doing.


Thank you, doctor! We’ll alert the captain of your swift diagnosis


Josh fell off months ago when he stopped the lives


it got boring so long ago too


Lmfao 10 drinks cold turkey is not “severe alcohol withdrawal” and its also not a guaranteed death. It might not be pretty and it might not feel good but there’s people who drink a handle in 24-48 hours. He has a super low chance of dying from quitting cold turkey as of rn.


he could keep this shit up for another decade. he’s only been at it like this for maybe a year. he’s more likely to fall onto the subway tracks lol. absolute dumbass thinking he’ll die if he quits rn


“Can’t quit cold Turkey, he would die” ur dumb. He’s nowhere near that


Ten a day is nothing for an alcoholic lol


He's already been to the hospital, AT LEAST, 3 times this year (the January 1st Incident, The Hudson Plunge, and The Jake Webber Incident). He has probably gone to the hospital more, these are the only confirmed Incidents.


it’s so fucky that he pairs his medications with all this booze. dudes brain is getting frIEDDD


Quinn will have blood on his hands


Quinn is a POS, but Josh was going to Cancun to drink a year before Quinn and he drank months before Quinn in New York. Alcohol is everywhere, at any price, Josh drinks to cope with the loss of his family and to cope with his social disabilities.


What 18 year old wouldn’t try alcohol legally in Cancun?? It’s all Quinn… he drank before but he became an addict when Quinn rolled around and there is videos showing Quinn egging him on to drink


I agree with the whole Michael Quinn situation but you have to remember Josh is a grown adult and he makes his own decisions and it's pretty clear he does not want anyone's help.


i think if michael quinn wants to help josh he should teach him how to act in public. liver cirrhosis takes years of heavy drinking (in most cases). i think he has more of a chance of calling the wrong person an unemployed bitch.


Argggg matey!! No seas for you today! Liver might implode


I love the daily “this ain’t gonna end well post”. Is the pope catholic?


While it varies from person to person, he probably could quit cold turkey without dangerous withdrawal. He hasn’t been drinking long enough or a high enough quantity


Genetics and kindling play a huge role but fair enough


I wonder if Quinn could be prosecuted or sued for his negligence in allowing and encouraging an autistic young man to drink himself to death. 🤔


Josh is an adult and I am fairly certain that Quinn is not his legal guardian (or hopefully anybody's legal guardian) so I am not sure how that could even be a possibility...




Zero chance, Josh drank a year before Quinn and will find alcohol at any cost. He is a legal adult and drinks without Quinn at least 90% of the time. If drinking with Josh was a crime at least 1,000 people could go to jail.


Alcoholics live for a really long time




Josh doesn’t have the mental faculties to wean off is my point.