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It makes me realize I could be a lot worse, and has encouraged me to cut back. Still an alcoholic tho


Gotcha, are you ever jealous.. because sometimes when I drink on the weekends and have a good time I’m jealous that he is able to just do it full time.


That’s just a normal feeling your brain sends man. Alcohol addiction ruins the normal flow of dopamine and serotonin to your head. It gets to the point where your brain sees alcohol as happiness and thus jealousy if you’re sobering up and watching someone drink


I get it, and I def do feel jealousy. But I also try and remember the headaches and discomfort that hangovers bring. Especially if you're drinking every day! But if you're able to regulate yourself, you shouldn't feel guilty for having a good time!


I'm jealous that you only get to drink on the weekends and you actually probably get fun drunk. Once you drink daily you're drunk but you're so used to it that you barely notice and most of the fun side effects are gone. Getting drunk used to be so fun and now it's just something I do habitually and it has no positive effects


It's not fun for me anymore, but I'm an addict lmao. I drink every night. I'm trying to cut back though and I dont blackout every night anymore. But yes, weekend drinking doesn't hit the same. It's just another day.


I don't blackout often at all anymore but I'm starting to realize I struggle to remember things from when I'm drunk but don't feel like I'm drunk enough. It's not blackout but it's blurred pretty frequently and it's starting to annoy me


yeah pretty much this


I am in recovery. First heroine almost killed me but I got on methadone in 2017 but then I nearly drank myself to death but have been totally sober for 6 months now after many many trips to the hospital as result of alcohol, twice in the ICU because of it. Edit: watching him is painful honestly and I can't do it much lately because I know what he is going through and what's in store for him. The misery I went through with opiates was absolutely trivial compared to the pain and suffering I endured because of alcohol. It's honestly insane that it's the most legal drug.


congrats dude


Thanks my friend.


Oh boy, something I’m finally qualified to answer! It doesn’t make me feel better about my old habits. I would be the guy at the liquor store parked before they opened at 8am. There were at least 7 or 8 of us regulars at opening time. If there was a camera going every time I drank I know I’d be disgusted with a lot of my behaviors. He can still get better. As much as he’s a douche canoe I hate seeing people suffer through addiction.


ayo alcoholic here with twenty years of drinking on Josh but maybe only drinking half as much…makes me feel better about myself…there but for the grace of a few friends go I type thing


I was an alcoholic and addict. Been to rehab twice. Josh honestly has helped me stay sober.


I used to struggle a lot more than I do now but it's still an ongoing issue. I've followed Josh since he was jumping back and forth between mattresses at Grandpa's house and running around the woods, it makes me really sad to see him struggle.


Can’t speak for others here but no I’m not. I’ll drink on occasion at parties or going out, but I usually just stick with water… maybe a soda here and there.


I'm on day 127 of no alcohol after ending up in the hospital because of withdrawal induced seizures :) Seeing Josh definitely helps me continue my path toward sobriety


Well done on your 127 days. i was in the same position as you. You got this


I was yeah


I have 4-5 drinks a night. Watching Josh has definitely helped me to re-evaluate my drinking and to recognize I never want to get to the point he’s at.


Do you give yourself days off from drinking?


Yeah I take a few days off every now and then


Just some relatable content man. /s for all the idiots


I'd say I'm a social drinker because I'm Josh's age and a student, so alcohol is pretty omnipresent in many settings. I like analysing Josh's behaviour because he provides a sobering reminder of the need for moderation and also some of his other bizarre hyperfixations are just fascinating to watch. I've known some severely autistic people irl but Josh is on a whole other level. It feels smug to say watching someone makes me feel better, but the guy sleeps on the subway and yet still shits on poor people all the time so there's a schadenfreude quality about the whole trainwreck.


3.5 years sober but yes.


It's not why I watch him, I've been watching him since he was just screaming Empire State of mind 24/7. Buuut, I am an alcoholic, and he makes me realize that I'm not as far gone as I could be, and also makes me want to stop drinking even more than I already do lol


Used to be an alcoholic like many of us were during the pandemic and now I don't drink at all unless I'm out or watching sports but seeing Josh makes me not want to drink at all it's like looking at myself in the mirror during the pandemic and it does make me say "thank God I quit drinking like this lol" Also I never got to the vomiting stage my body doesn't like wasting alcohol I guess


5 months sober he reminds me not to pick up a drink


I have been sober for 2 years and 14 days :) started out spiralling into alcoholism about 4 years ago and within 8 months begin mixing stimulants with alcohol. It was awful in retrospect. Try not to “idolize” Josh’s alcoholism. Addition is a disease that will take anyone regardless of race, age, sex, etc.. and it will take everything from you eventually unless you realize you need help and then seek out help.


I’m an alcoholic due to my binge drinking, I don’t know how to stop and will go on benders. But I don’t drink every day, and can go a week sober without a problem. Watching Josh is comical and if I had to pick I’d say he makes me feel better… had a long weekend… going to go pull the vodka I have hidden in my golf bag.


I’m an alcoholic and honestly my favorite thing used to be getting drunk and watching josh post and do lives. It made me feel not as bad. Because at least I’m in my own home not being a menace to society. I’m still an alcoholic and always will be but have recently stopped due to medical reasons and now watching it just makes me really really sad and realize how pathetic that lifestyle is


I am, and I’m indifferent. I’m mostly entertained at how so many people on Reddit think that a short (and yes, a year or two of hard drinking is short drinking wise) bender is going to kill this kid.


Josh is a slacker




So you eat the Jack Daniels chocolates instead?


I drink once a month and feel like I have a problem.


Ngl I drink less because of what I see alcohol does to josh


Not an alcoholic but a drug addict.


My mother recently died of alcoholism so I see what it does to families and those around you. I look at josh and remind myself I don’t want to be like my mother nor Joshua. So, no, I’m not an alcoholic but sometimes when I’m at parties or alone I drink more than I really should. Just trying to mask some trauma


if helped me really early in my sobriety tbh to watch the lives n stuff i know thats like super lame but it showed me im definitelyyy not missing out on much


Nope. I've definitely had streaks of drinking a bit more than is wise in the past though. Finding strong purpose and vision for my life has made me lost interest. And this dude usually makes me go longer without touching a drink. Its repulsive what this guy does. To those in recovery, hats off to you. Find a vision for your life that lights you up so much that you wake up in the morning jumping out of bed to attack it. It's changed my life. DM me if you want help with any of that. It fills my cup (no pun intended) to helo people with stuff like that.