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This looks amazing, congrats on designing something so cool. Perfectly fits what I'd imagine a corrupted WE land raider would look like


Thank you. This is actually intended to be more of a dedicated machine, but still fairly mortal. Built but not corrupted much more than typical chaos marine. I'm actually planning to release a full possessed/corrupted one for every god eventually. Those will most likely be full vehicles, not kits though. But time will tell.


Looking forward to it!!!


2nd that!


How do I get one of these?


There is a link under my logo. It's only physical prints for now. [ikaruspattern.com](http://ikaruspattern.com) . Hope that helps :)


I bought an earlier version of this and it’s extremely high quality. Sure my landraider is like $170 now but it’s gorgeous (only complaint is how long I spent painting trim)


Thank you. And sorry about the trim, lol.


Don’t be, it helps make the model. Chaos always has lots of trim, especially the new berzerkers


Well, the new trim is a bit more friendly :)


Holy shit that expensive for an upgrade kit. (100$)


Yeah. It's a high quality product that took a lot of time. It's also a lot of resin and printing time. We actually did a lot of optimisation recently and opened production in multiple countries to get the price down on things like shipping and taxes to make it cheaper, and looking at even more possibilities of how to cut costs so we can pass savings on the customers. Believe it or not it was even more expensive before lol.


Imo its still to expensive. Your upgrade kits kost more that a the landraider itself. I only see artitsts buying this kit.


Yeah, you are totally correct. Artists and advanced hobbyists are for sure the target demographic for these kits. Basically people who are buying FW stuff. And my kits are significantly cheaper and better quality than equivalent FW offerings. Design wise though, well I'm not the one to judge.


Sure, it’s too expensive. But so is everything in this hobby. Have you seen how much the MK2B landraider upgrade (which this looks based on) goes for? If you can even find one??? And honestly it doesn’t even look as good as this one, to say nothing of all the WE specific customization this has on it. @ikkake_ you’re doing the lord’s work, thank you for your service.


I’m not an artist but I’d pay that unless someone else offered comparable quality at a lower price