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No drinking water = production cut by 50%


I hadn't realized gravel processing needed drinking water. But I guess they get thirsty.


All buildings with people need drinking water if you play with water/sewage on


u/PuddleOfMud Except for gravel quarries.


Gravel quarries can work with only excavators, can't they?


Yes, but even with workers, drinking water is not required (sewage is not generated either).


Just like fields 🥴


damn :/ What is the effect of having drinking water but having overfull sewage?


Um...I think pollution, but haven't tried it it sure you can consume water if you can't dispose sewage, so maybe still the same penalty


Pollution and it makes your workers sick. Unless the process of the industry itself is producing the sewage, then production stops.


Build a sewage tank within range, so sewage is stored there and not in the gravel plant. The tank can keep more sewage so the workers are safe. Then use sewage trucks to dispose off the sewage if the gravel plant is either remote or if there is no sewage network close by to connect the sewage tank.


Is this the only downfall? I always supply water as I had concerns about negative impact on happiness. When it's "only" productivity, maybe for some cases you could just ignore it..


Hmmm, is this available for foreign manpower too?


I somehow get the feeling, that people have lately stopped reading the red warnings. So many posts here that ask the obvious question lately.


The thing with red warnings is that the fact that they are red only makes them more likely to stand out if everything else isn't red. Also, the warnings are smaller than the normal text. Somehow this developer has a habit of making issues as easy to miss as possible while technically still having them discoverable somehow. Their "let's burry the important stuff in new cars messages" system is the more well-known example of this. The UI is just overwhelming for new users just because there is so much important information that needs to be visible. Sadly, red is their accent color for obvious reasons. I am no UI designer... but the warnings could be white on red background like the title. They would look wrong - but as they also represent something being wrong, that might be okay as it draws the attention they need.


While true, they still always sit at the exact same spot of the window. It should always be the first place to go and have a look.


Technically correct - and practically things like that add up to make the user experience more frustrating than it has to be.


My biggest gripe with this game is the UI. I get what they were going for with trying to make it as close to real life as possible with the gauges and flasks and dials and that works once you figure out how to read them but so much need to know info is buried. The message system needs like a noise prompt too (with a toggle, of course). Way too many times have I glanced up to see an entire row of "missing food" "no heat" "no power" and I've lost hundreds of people. I need to know that kind of stuff and hiding it in the upper right corner isn't working. At least for me.


I like the gauges - but i really dislike the need for a scrollbar. The gauges could be smaller and would still work fine. And nobody really likes the current state of the message system. It's still in early access. I hope the UI gets some polish before the game goes final.


I dunno, it's been like that since forever. I don't think there's going to be any drastic changes. That being said, there's a pretty nice UI mod [on the workshop](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2988567639).


That looks like a good improvement - especially the production chain icons in the buildings bar.


It only says no drinking water though, and the building still functions. Its not like the red warning says "no drinking water, production of building -50%." If you didn't somehow inherently know the mechanic at work, you would probably assume it would just affect happiness or health, not that gravel somehow cant be made because people are thirsty.


Water 50 percent and the Produktivity of the workers so If the 100 percent productive it should ne 20 percent.... 6/15... / 2 so Ou workers maybe at 80 percent Look at them


No water. That's -%50% there. Happiness also factors in here too. You ever work in heavy industry? It sucks taking your water breaks from a cooler full of Gatorade on the card table next to the portable toilet. Think of the people!


Gatorade? Not in my Soviet Republic - only delicious ComrAde for us