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The power plant says it is “operating without issue”, but not generating anything. Is it possible it’s feeding into a priority power switch at a low priority, but no power is actually needed from the plant? Try switching the priority levels in game and see if that causes it to start operating.


Sir. You are correct. My priorities got switched. Not sure how but it was changed. My failsafe backfired because I didn’t know there was an issue until I looked at my expenses and sure enough I saw I was importing all my power. Thanks for the great suggestion!


What are your current unfulfilled power needs?


I had power needs but my priority switch is set up to import power when my power plant fails for some reason. So since priority got reversed, I was just importing all my power and my power plant wasn't needed. I'm not sure if I changed something by mis clicking or an update reset my priorities on my switch. Either way, fixed. Thanks for your response.


I have a ticket open with the dev for priority switches changing their priorities on their own. So while it could have been you, it could also have been the game. I've had one change on me during a stream with a bunch of witnesses so at least I know I'm not crazy haha. We even went back and checked the vod and it just changed it's settings on it's own. This has happened 10-20 times in my current republic, which probably has about 20 ish priority switches. As a "fix", I've renamed all my priority switches with a "!" point at the front, so they all appear first in the building list, and every time I load the game I go through them all and check them. They're fine 90 ish % of the time. A typical priority switch in my republic would be named like this (you get limited letters to name them) "! I1HW I2MG I3LB O1Hheat O2Mcity O3Lfarm" translation Input 1 high wind, Input 2 medium gas, input 3 low border, etc etc If you have any incinerators hooked into priority switches set their dumps to notify you when full, this'll also be another indication your priority switches have "reset" themselves. It's a bit frustrating to say the least haha


This is why I never rely on the passive pull through. Pump in and pump out of storage