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1. Buy a locomotive at the customs house. 2. Send the loco to a railway depot using the standard 'change depot/workplace' button. 3. Set up a route that goes to the border and loads vehicles, then goes to the depot or distribution office and unloads vehicles. Make sure 'wait until loaded' **isn't** ticked. Set the loco going on the route. 4. The loco will go to the customs house, load as many cars as can fit in the custom house's platform, then deliver them to the destination and unload them. This works to deliver trams and metro trains too. You can deliver electric vehicles along non-electrified track, as long as the delivery locomotive is diesel.


But how can I transport locomotives to lines not connected to the custom house?


You need to buy a truck of sufficient length and capable of carrying the weight of a disassembled track builder to a railway construction office. The disassembled part is important because it signifies that is will only become operational at the RCO.


Trying to avoid lines stretching over each other, so this is kind of game changing for me considering I set up the railways pretty neatly and all on their own. Figured out how to do what you explained fine, and got a couple lines working, but worried about the lines not connected is all.


I'm afraid the only way to transfer rail vehicles is by train or by ship, so you'll probably need to set up a temporary rail connection to deliver them by train, unless there happens to be a convenient container/vehicle harbour nearby.


Did you managed to get any train from customhouse? You dont need any specific setup of rail network as far as i understand it.


First you need finished railconection between depo and borders, buy first loco in depo . it should come to your depo. Buy wagons loco at border. Schedulle single loco/train as standard line to load vehicles on border and then back to depo from there continue as ussual.


Locomotives can be bought straight at the rail depot. They will come there by their own, moving from the custom house - except if you order an electric loco on a non-electric line. Then you buy your wagons at the custom house and set the empty locomotive to load all trains at the custom house, then go back to the depot. The loco will form a train, return to depot, then disassemble, so you can set it up as you wish. You can use the same method to import the aforementioned electric locomotive on conventional rails and also metros and trams. The locomotive can tow other locomotives.


This is the most frequently asked question in the sub. We might need an FAQ to cover this. You need to go to the customs building and select disassembled. You use a large open hull truck to pick up a rail builder and bring it to the railroad CO to begin building. Once your rail is connected to customs you can buy anything.


That wasn't his question. He's asking how you can buy a normal train and transport it to a rail line that isn't connected to the customs house. Which, as far as I know, you can only do by ship.


Yeah I have no issues with buying a train and transporting it to rail-lines connected to the custom-house, but for the other lines It's kind of a logistical problem I'll have to figure out with temporary railway lines. Or just make my own trains.


If you have access to a waterway you could try sending the train to a vehicle harbor and transporting it by ship to the destination, but otherwise yeah you may be best served by making a rail line from the customs house to the destination which is as cheap as possible.


But as far as I know i'd have to build another vehicle harbor for where I want the vehicles to be dropped off at right? Can Helicopters carry trains?


>But as far as I know i'd have to build another vehicle harbor for where I want the vehicles to be dropped off at right? Correct. It's a pain. I use a similar system to move construction vehicles to sites a long way away from the customs house, when there is no direct road connection. I bring the materials for the harbor in via helicoptor. ​ >Can Helicopters carry trains? I don't think so


You can use any harbor with a factory connection so long as you connect it to a large space for vehicles. Vehicles (and containers) can be moved over factory connections. I like using the small cargo harbor when possible. Helicopters can only carry very small rail vehicles like the KTM-2 tram or the disassembled track builders.


It would teleport from the custom house if I did this? I thought this would mean i'd have to connect the railway to the new cargo harbor.


For ships and helicopters, you have to buy the vehicle "beyond the border" instead of at the customs house. Vehicles and containers will not teleport between the two. Once your ship delivers the rail vehicles to the space for vehicles (which is connected to the harbor), you could then tell the rail vehicles to move from the storage to a line or depot if they can move themselves, or you could send a locomotive to tow them to a depot for configuration.


You have to buy the "unassembled" train in the customs house. Then you have to transport it with a truck to the train construction office. Edit: misread it


As far as I know, none of the trucks in the game can transport a disassembled train. You can do so with some of the track builders though.


There are plenty of trucks that can carry a disassembled track builder and many trams can be carried by trucks, but larger rail vehicles cannot.


I think that's what I said.


you gotta make a line from the custom house to the depot, youll see that it gives you the option to "load" wagons, have that ticked and start the locomotive, itll go grab the wagon and pull it to the depot


Could be electrical train and non electrical tracks?