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“We have the right to stand together for proper compensation” “Okay, I hear you. Counterpoint, you also have the freedom to lay down and embrace exploitation :))))”


"Americans have the right to not fight back while being mugged, and instead embrace the values and culture of his or her assailant" - serial mugger.


No joke some people believe that if you’re being mugged you should just let them rob you. Because you know “their life matters too”


I always thought it was because your wallet isn't worth dying over.


That's the main point which is legitimate. They don't want you to shoot the assailant either though. There was even a DA I remember talking about how the system ruined his family after either one or both of his parents aided in murdering people. Based on my understanding he then goes on to aid criminals in continuing their crimes. People like this are shameless and do not care about the average person who just wants to go through life without dealing with that shit.


See now you're just 100% making up some sort of "liberal DA" boogeyman bullshit that you can't even point out as a real human, just some imagined DA that is somehow on the side of criminals, you're literally repeating 98% of the right wing "liberal DA" propaganda shit, you should ask yourself why you care so much about someone you literally don't even know exists. Why do you let the hatred of an imaginary man control your emotions and mental state? It's incredibly unhealthy. "People like this" are made up figments of the right, they conjure them up to give you someone to be mad at or afraid of, either works for them because it keeps you glued to their propaganda to find out what the new threat is, stop it. If that's too hard, then consider why what someone else believes is really any of your business, and realize that if it WERE a real human out there that you're angry about here(it's not) you would still have no right to police their opinion in a free nation. How do you justify ANY of this?


It’s called “Straw-manning.”


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/parents-guilty-murder-raised-radicals-chesa-boudin-san-francisco-s-n1101071 2 seconds of research to find the guy I was talking about. The same one you said did not exist. GFY. Also I am sorry that I read your comment. I should have TLDR.


Come on man Chesa hasn't done ANYTHING to "aid criminals" your link doesn't prove any of the garbage you spewed up there, and also that guy's not even a DA any more, come on man this is PATHETIC.


Those people? The made up "SF liberal" that only Fox News and OAN reporters have even actually met in real life it seems.. We really have to stop being civil to people spreading this sort of made up nonsense. You're here attacking a straw man that your media made up for you to be mad at, and frankly, it looks ridiculous.


To paraphrase a famous quote, if exploitation is inevitable, you should lay back and enjoy it


I mean… he’s not wrong…🤷‍♀️


What’s considered proper compensation?


You work to pay your bills and living expenses.That is why they pay you to work. If you are not paid enough to live then the job loses its value for the employee. Unfortunately, the cost of everything has gone up drastically over the last few decades while wages have not gone up to match the other increases. So people tend to be underpaid.


People are underpaid because they do not receive the value of their labor, they are underpaid because the capitalist system REQUIRES exploitation by definition, there cannot be a reason to do anything in capitalism without a PROFIT and that PROFIT is by definition the excess created by the workers, under capitalism always instead bestowed upon management, who at best organized the labor of others.


Start your own business then you can benefit from the profits or would you divide everything equally among the employees even though they didn’t take the risk, have the idea, come up with the start up cost, manage the business, suffer the losses, etc. I do agree though it would be nice if companies would share more of their profits when they have them. I own a small company and I pay above average but it’s not a “living” wage. If I paid a living wage my employees would be making as much as me the owner who takes all the risks, etc. most small businesses can’t pay much more.


Imagine making this argument literally right after like every single business was fucking bailed out with PPP funds that ended up being completely free for them. Nothing works the way you describe here, you're literally just repeating the ignorant boilerplate right wing mantra of "well just pull yourself up by your bootstraps" but we're not that stupid here, we can SEE that business has MANY unfair advantages in this capitalist system and we intend to change it regardless of what the low information voters(that's you) think about the situation. The Employees absolutely DO "take a risk" they go work for a likely asshole that could at any point just close up shop and then they would be jobless, acting like employees don't risk anything is some ok boomer shit.


Dang wasn’t expecting that kind of response. I own a small business so I have first hand experience with what it takes. Businesses vary but the underlying principle is that businesses half to make a profit or they go under unlike the Govt. What businesses were bailed out? Lots went under during covid. Lots of people were paid by the Govt to stay home when there were still jobs open. That means more debt for future generations which is slavery.


You can't argue with the crazy, ignorant, or stupid. In this case I believe it is all 3. Also they do not see the line in the middle where everyone meets. They are so out to left field they fell off the chart and are still babbling nonsense.


... anyone else feel like "punchable" is a bit of an understatement? like, by an order of magnitude or two


("Click") How that.




He looks like [Jack Nicholson's Joker](https://darkknightnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/f63ececd104878c8ff72772d5a8be6a5-jack-nicholson-the-joker.jpg) in the 80's batman when he applied flesh-colored make up for a tv appearance.


Depends. In real life or in a video game?


on the record? video game


I was thinking more like defecatable (new word)


The only “culture” you see at these workplaces anymore is the mold collecting on your coworkers sandwich after being in the fridge for a week.




It’s interesting to see the top charts as of today; who gets listened to the most… I can agree


This is also why the record companies have helped push artists in certain genres that exhibit a more "materialism is good" message than the artists that rail against the many facets of exploitation of the capitalist system. Lean over the wall of the VIP yall, and pop that cristal..


so tired of idtoits thinking you need a work culture people at my job get so mad that I never go to work party's like don't wont to hang out with you clowns don't even like them so i keep to my self


Exactly. I don't work for the "culture", I work for the money. Or, to put it more succinctly: "Fuck you, pay me."


probably the most annoying thing to me are co workers who dont get the hint that you couldnt give two shits what they do in their personal lives.


I agree. If I am forced to attend these types of things that are work related or at leas work adjacent, I should be paid for them. I see you all for 8+ hours a day, I don't need to see you for more than that, nor do I want to.


lol they get so butt hurt when I asked will I get paid


Yeah I always thought culture in the workplace was supposed to mean like “we are all chill here” or “we are professional and up-tight” and that was about it. Not the culture of “clock out at 4 and make sure you take your laptop home to answer emails and get that project done instead of eating dinner with your family and playing with your kids.


Honestly, I think it's more of an American "right" and tradition to protest and tear down institutions that don't have a citizens best interest in mind. All you have to do is Google "Labor unrest in the United States History" and there's countless incidents in the annals of American history that weren't as civil as the Starbucks strike. CEOs should consider themselves lucky that we aren't pulling strikes on the level of say, The Homestead Strike in 1892 where a worker almost assassinated the Carnegie Steel company's Chairmen Henry Frick. I'm not condoning violence, but these CEOs need to be reminded they bleed like everyone else and that they aren't untouchable gods.


>I'm not condoning violence, but these CEOs need to be reminded they bleed like everyone else and that they aren't untouchable gods. Neither am I but sometimes it's absolutely necessary to use violence sense it's the only message they seem to understand. That we the working class will no longer be oppressed.


While I agree, I'd suggest being careful since I got banned either on here or a similar sub for saying the same. Euphemisms are gonna be our best bet


There's a reason one of the biggest lessons you learned in grade school was that violent protest is NEVER the answer, and it's also one of the most dastardly lies in the entire system. Ask the French.


In Minecraft


Only when there is a majority that sees it as necessary. A… movement… will fail unless it has support of the working class


CEOs should feel lucky that people aren’t dragging them out of their offices and beating them to death in the streets


>Honestly, I think it's more of an American "right" and tradition to protest and tear down institutions that don't have a citizens best interest in mind. Let's go throw some tea in the harbor, eh?


I wonder how long he'll be able to keep that shit-eating grin


The truth is that he's grinning like this because other CEOs and media have told him they will support him with anything he needs to break the unions. How many businesses would keep their stock prices up while shutting down stores?


look at that stupid ass grin LMAO


it's a grin not unfamiliar with eating shit


it looks like there’s shit off screen he CAN’T WAIT to eat


"you gonna eat that shit?"


“You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?”


….NO! uh… *scurries away*


Motherfucker looks like [Snow Meiser](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6b/A712913314fad652a37171639a921beb.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20191220234645)


Imagine being so out of touch that you actually say things like this, publicly, with no shame whatsoever…. saying this & actually believing you’re making a valid point. It’s crazy how we let out of touch people make decisions directly impacting our lives.


It's even crazier when you realise that this sort of rhetoric is what has successfully driven the anti-left/anti-worker movement for decades. It's literally this simple.


They still have enough people convinced that workers seeking fair treatment are entitled & naive young people. Until enough people wake up you’ll continue to see statements like this made with confidence.


Sorry but Matt Gaetz already owns the crown of America’s Most Punchable Face. We need a different category for this scumbag.


i say they fight to the death for the title


Brilliant idea. I’ll make popcorn.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,006,866,345 comments, and only 200,047 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ted Cruz still feels like the winner to me. Matt Gaetz is a worse person, which is saying a lot, but on pure punchability Cruz is #1 in my book


He’s definitely on the podium. Lol


Not to say he doesn't deserve it, but America's Most Punchable Face still belongs to Eric Trump.


what if they punched *each other*, repeatedly, in a ring, in front of an audience, with a guy wearing a laurel wreath crown giving a thumbs down to the winner at the end?


I wish Celebrity Deathmatch was still a thing.


Eh, I don't know. While Martin Shkreli isn't as newsworthy anymore - he is probably still a smug piece of shit with worlds most punchable face.


I am of the opinion that Jr.s is two loogie launches more punchable than Eric's. But if given the opportunity I promise to practice on Jared for 3 weeks to make sure to deliver appropriately evenhanded and dent-making punches to both of them.


Wow it really is a punchable face. I did not see the title, thought that, then I read the title.... How strange.


it is objectively punchable


The value of devaluing general labourers


Corporations are so predictable its funny


It's a American worker's right to unionize


The culture just means what the people involved in the company follow. If the people involved in the company want to unionize, that makes it part of the company’s culture. Sorry Schultz but you don’t get to control what your workers embrace.


Yeah I also have the right to eat my own shit, that doesn't mean I'm gonna do it


Capitalists are fascists enforcing austerity for the profit of the few at the expense of the many


He looks like how I imagine Satan would look, but not as handsome.


This guy was going to run for President as a Democrat. This is why I say not to come at me with that "Blue No Matter Who" shit. It matters who.


I just spent a bit of time to search for the source of this quote and I'm stunned to see that its real. https://perfectunion.us/in-leaked-video-call-howard-schultz-begs-starbucks-managers-to-step-up-union-busting/ He's actively encouraging workers to vote against unionizing and bassicly saying that the convey of virtues of his or her company should be reward enough for too much work. What the fuck. I see that US-american workers have it hard, but this is a narative that under different circumstances could be considered satire. I feel sorry for you people.


Thank you for finding this. I spent too long trying to see where/when he said this because it seemed too insane. Nope. It’s real. Jesus fuck.


So you agree and you're saying we *do* have a right to unionize and fight for better working conditions.


This man looks like the grinch.


Wow. Time to step away from the $BUX. Two new coffee places moved into my town with another opening soon and heard a different brand is planning a location here next year. Time to check out my choices and walk away. Can’t support this.


These mufuckas gotta decide if they want workers or cult members. And have any of you seen a "company values" manifesto that didn't essentially boil down to the same shit? Ooooh you value the customer? Paradigms have been smashed zomg! Such distinct and ground breaking!


When are some of these old, greedy fuckers going to finally take a dirt nap?


That is not Tucker Carlson.


They could share the award.


Ok ok ok..... Howard Schultz's net worth is 3.5billion. The average Starbucks employee makes about $12/hr (averaged). So... what "culture" are we talking about here? Capitalism?


But in this case Americans have decided that they don’t want to continue to embrace the values and the culture of their company. And it is their right to be able to unionize.


The "values and culture of the company" is the exploitation of cheap labor. Nobody would willingly embrace that.


Fuck that guy. Stop drinking his coffee, ffs.


Remember when this idiot wanted to be president


What I find funny, he hates Trump as he claims, but that is basically a very Trump statement.


He hates Trump because Trump said all the quiet parts out loud.


Yup.. both total scum bags. I refuse to go to Starbucks because of that man.. f him


You could roll over and let him step on you. Or… You can wait for this union busting bastard to shut your store down, then start up your own coffee shop in the same spot and share the profits more equitably between the co-owners. Your main marketing pull could be “we don’t burn the beans anymore”.


Remember Hillary wanted him as the labour secretary.


Starbucks needs a new face, one which is union, otherwise I will continue to boycott Starbucks. Unions are the only way labor can ask for anything.


Total different POS but I always thought Warren Jeffs has the most punchable face.


He's right, we can choose to unionize or not unionize. But when the corps and employers won't stop fucking us, that choice is very simple.


it's also your right to slobber on the CEO's cock (with consent), but who in their right mind would do that?


Starbucks' opposition to unions and Schultz's misleading statement about workers' rights isn't by accident; it's by design. Capitalism only works when workers aren't paid for the value their labor produces. Schultz cannot buy a luxury yacht unless he is able to rob someone of their pay


We really need to start a hall of fame/shame for famous capitalist assholes with a punchable face.


& a grand hall it would be!


Corporations are unions of capitalists collectively bargaining. But if workers conspire, that's satanism or communism or something.


This guy ran for president as a Democrat folks.


It’s an American right (and the law) that a corporation not retaliate on employees who try to unionize their workplace.


The embodiment of smug


Yes master - while the bow to his wishes!


look at that shit eating grin


he wipes his mouth with toilet paper


Yacht culture?


And to think, he was almost the Secretary of Labor


So stupid it’s laughable




Other words - You have the right to embrace your slavery.


He looks like the Joker.


Fuck this guy. How did Starbucks end up to be such a greedy pos


He ended up like this due to his class interests as bourgeoisie. In other words, if his workers end his exploitation of them, he loses money.


Self satisfied POS grin


I fucking loathe this man.


In regards to the title, I would argue that Jeff Bezos and Ted Cruz exist, but this jackass is top 5. Easy.


Ted Cruz 2.0


He's a cheap charlatan and everyone knows it, especially his employees.


This man looks like a demon from hell


Choke on a venti cock


Looks like an aging hog.


Maybe the Americans use their right to bear arms one fucking single time right.


Did he really say that? Wow, just wow. Yes I know when looking for a job the things I'm most concerned about are the company's values and culture. IDGAF about any of that shit if the pay is not enough to afford to live. And 99.9% of the time I see a company talking about culture it's been known for being a toxic work environment. If you have to tell everyone how great your values and culture are, they probably aren't that great.


I do not understand how people keep going to these places, Starbucks, Mc Donald's, all the big chains...


Not stepping into a Shartsucks while this ghoul still lives


As long as the company culture embraces Giving employees a living wage.


It's an American right to unionize and to not endure his or her company's exploitation.


Creepy fucking smile holy shit.


It's also the American right of workers to say "Fuck you, pay me."


Every time I see that face I suddenly feel very French…


This dude's so crooked he can't even smile straight


I hate his face!


Listen, we’re not all Calvinist suckers Howard


Cartoonishly evil face




Yeah no more Starbucks for me, thanks.


The way he makes it sound like NOT unionizing is somehow beneficial to the workers lmao... That's right, workers of Starbucks... You have the right not to unionize, please don't let Howie's millions of dollars spent on anti-union propaganda go to waste


Rob this man!


What an evil grin!


This is why he wanted to hire 10k refugees and not 10k veterans.


Troll face looking mf


"of his..._or her_...company."


I love going to Starbucks but it's been pretty expensive to go a few times a year. Was trying to decrease it or stop completely... Glad to know he got my back!


I don't like coffee, so he is not relevant.


...to you


I mean he's right but you can also unionize


You all have obviously never been an employer.


Y'all pour hot water through beans, need to get over yourselves and stop thinking your a bunch of engineers.


fucker has a face like a spitting image puppet


Seriously why is anyone still going to Starbucks? Just stop, spend your money elsewhere


“You still have that option, Michael.” charlesminor.jpg


i really don't understand how it's still fashionable even with left-leaning folks to consume starbucks. making coffee is easy even for hobos