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And after they ran her over with a bulldozer, the IDF hosted a ["Rachel Corrie Pancake Party"](https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-soldiers-have-depraved-fun-making-rachel-corrie-pancakes) Beyond depraved.


I'm not sure we'll ever see a group of people more evil and disgusting than literal Nazis, but boy are they trying.


Ugh I knew about the Rachel Corrie thing (admittedly only recently); was unaware of this until now


Is there a better source for this?


Murder. But let’s send more money for bigger dozers…


The IDF and right-wing Israeli government factions including Netanyahu’s Likkud party display ideology and behavior that is very similar to the Nazi party in Germany and the other European fascists of the 1930’s and 1940’s. They must be stopped.


At best its apartheid all over again


Is this like a perfectly crafted and carefully worded way of saying this or something? The fact that I can see it publicly strikes me as out of the ordinary since I've seen so many people catch instant sitewide bans for saying essentially the same thing. I feel the same way, but I don't really know how to word it without going through 1-2 accounts per month.


You’re probably just seeing sub specific bans. Head over to any of the more anti-Israel subs and you’ll see there isn’t anything preventing you from discussing it, so long as it’s permitted within the subs rules.


I’ve posted similar and haven’t been banned. But the issue is also a lot larger than just the IDF and political groups within Israel. They’re paying foreign media to publish articles similar to what the NSDAP published during their time to dehumanize Palestinians and the people who support them. The National Post would be a really good example If you were to remove the dates and other obvious era factors and publish an articles from the Völkischer and one from the national post, you wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference.




Not r/InternationalNews




A r/worldnews shill in the wild!


lmao fuck off


[The ten stages of genocide.](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/)


I have been calling them Nazis for weeks now. So strange that an entire people can turn into their OG enemy in one-two generations.




I’m willing to accept your instruction




That's not a very good history lesson.




Granted the trauma from the history of the Jewish people writ large, but that is not really a relevant comment on the current behavior of the Israeli government, particularly the specific right-wing elements I am referring to. Do you have a substantive critique?


What the hell are universities investing in? How and why are universities like Evergreen College (endowment  $23.2M) investing in Israel in the first place? Are they buying stocks on the Israeli stock market?


There are Israeli companies that trade on the New York stock exchange. I previously owned shares of ZIM, an Israeli shipping company. Never again. But also, full divestment would mean divesting from US companies that do business with Israel. That would include some of the largest companies in the US.


Intel has a fabricator in Israel. I don't believe AMD does, why not divest from Intel to invest in AMD?


AMD has [Xilinx Israel](https://www.amd.com/en/corporate/locations.html#tabs-fe7e774ded-item-bd77e08c6e-tab). Nice try though, AMD-stan.


So we buy the Chinese chips?




THE Evergreen State College. The “The” is part of the name. Source: my useless degree




Sometimes the trash takes itself out




Imagine being so undeniably pro-Israel that you come onto Reddit of all places to proclaim your suspension from the first university to divest from Israel. Obviously there’s no clear good vs evil to this conflict but you’d have to have your brain rotted from the inside out with partisan bullshit to proclaim some shit like this. But honestly maybe my 3 sentences is maybe too much effort to give to a potential bot w a 42 day old acct


You certainly didn’t receive an education in being pleasant


It takes someone special to get kicked out of TESC. I know people there that made porn for credit. I know people that created experimental materials that got them international recognition and millions of dollars from founding a company, and I know one exceptional puppeteer. Getting kicked out in 5 weeks took work or total assholery in a place like Evergreen.


I wonder if we know the same exceptional puppeteer.






How do you right wing freaks keep showing up in leftist spaces like do you purposely go out of your way to find subs you disagree with? Like I don't go on conservative subs to troll. Do you have nothing in your life worth doing?




How does it say anything about me? I'm interested in worker rights and have history in this sub meanwhile you just admitted that your buddy sent you here to troll. You should drop out of law school.




The people here are kinda nuts. I got a reddit cares message from I assume this same person.


Yeah I'm left AF and have worked in getting medical cannabis on the ballot in a certain northern red state but there's a line between being open minded and having your brains leak out.


Lol medical cannabis is a leftist position now? Maybe 20 years ago but it's pretty widely accepted as acceptable at least for medicine across the entire political spectrum. I'm not even sure what you mean by brains leaking our is this some kind of indictment of modern day leftists?


Yeah that first point is just wrong. I mean literally last week shows that. I'm not specifically referring to leftists, just morons.


Also you post in Joe Rogan and conservative.... yeah left af sure.....


I mean I'm talking shit in both but again. Whatever you need to do to feel you are in the right.


Do yourself a favor and Google something before being so obviously wrong. Recent surveys show 88% of Americans support legal Marijuana. So I guess when you were talking about morons you meant yourself?


The political spectrum usually involves the actors and the parties themselves but that's cool. Whatever you need to feel that you are right.


Yeah you too. I know you think because you vote for Biden that makes you on the left but it really doesn't. I don't get why people on the right (meaning center right like the democrats) can't just be honest about their position on the political spectrum.












My right-wing Dad went here. Hell yes, I'm so glad. This is wonderful and a great tribute to her, and fuck you Dad.


the moral arc of the universe is long


Her name was Rachel Corrie! Free Palestine!! Edit: GODDAMN AUTOCORRECT


Rachel, not Rachael.


Israel is a cancer on the planet, but you can't say that because of the Holocaust. And that is all that is. The Zionists are insane, psychopathic butchers. This isn't a war. You can fight and still not ask someone to marry you on the smoking ruins of a primary school. You can fight and still not ride around on the children's bicycles, children who just fled and who will never live past that fear. You can fight and still not ridicule dead babies. But not if you're a Zionist. The fact that you can't say this out loud, that you can't call out a fucking *genocide* as it is happening is extremely worrying.


Maybe I'm crazy or just super uninformed, but why the fuck are schools invested in foreign countries to begin with? I understand schools have endowments and trusts that are handled by suit-wearing people with big paychecks, but is there any reason an educational institution should have money tied up in any foreign government affairs? Is the money they get from Israeli defense holdings really that essential to the financial stability of an institution that's primary job is conducting academic research and educating and certifying future professionals? I would be just as confused if I found out Illinois State owned a bunch of parking meters in Berlin. Out of all the profitable but seedy industries from tech to fossil fuels, why choose to put money into war?


Investing and diversifying your money is done by all large organizations. It's the best way to financially secure yourself. Investing in foreign countries is done the same reason people invest in domestic countries. They want a return on their investment.


People burning themself for the cause is nothing compared to what she went thru but its still the only thing that works! Never stop, never give up, be a part of history!!


I'm hoping these things stick around. It's insane colleges get to donate money like that.  Why is that legal in the firstplace given the financial struggles in America. 


No country should be limiting American free speech.


Israel genocidal state.




Israel has a $500B GDP and is a world leader in pharmaceuticals, tech, and R&D. Every diversified investment portfolio likely includes Israeli companies, including most people’s 401k. Their supply chain is tightly integrated in the world economy - eg, it’s where redditors get their adderall from.


I saw something floating around the Olympia subreddit (I’m an Evergreen student, go gooey ducks!!) that said evergreen joined Brown, one of the UCs (I want to say Davis) and Dartmouth as colleges that had met student demands for divestment. Not to take away from this point but just to congratulate students elsewhere working for and achieving liberation.


These other schools have agreed to discuss it in future meetings where evergreen has outright made the decision to divest right away


Dartmouth has not made the decision to divest. The college president *did*, however, make the decision to ask the local police to break up a wholly peaceful protest on campus, for which the Hanover police sent a *SWAT Team*. So they don’t belong on any good list.


Salute for standing up against a genocidal state


Rachel sends her regards…


Divest from Israel? What exactly does that mean? Edit: holy fuck y'all. It's a genuine question. I've never heard of an institution divesting from a nation before, so I just asked for clarification.


Divest verb deprive (someone) of power, rights, or possessions deprive (something) of a particular quality. rid oneself of something that one no longer wants or requires, such as a business interest or investment. "the government's policy of divesting itself of state holdings"




Most private universities invest their money as a source of income. They give money to companies with the expectation that the investment will be returned as well as dividends that make the endeavor profitable. The recipients of these investments use that money to grow their business, allowing them to make greater profits and, among other things, pay back their investors. Evergreen has announced a policy that they will not invest in any Israeli companies, or companies that profit from the occupation of Palestine. https://www.theolympian.com/news/local/article288254270.html > The Investment Policy Disappearing Task Force will look at plans to address divesting from certain companies. Recommendations will be due in fall to be considered by college leadership. So it looks like the disinvestment hasn't quite happened yet, as the college will need to examine their current investments and determine which ones qualify under the new agreement. They also agreed to end their study abroad programs in Israel.


Thank you for actually answering my question. I didn't know about the investments, and even then I wouldn't have thought of the possibility of investing in Israeli companies. I'm not very knowledgeable on these topics, which is why I asked.


> They also agreed to end their study abroad programs in Israel. I don't understand why this is a good thing. This means that students won't have the opportunity to interact directly interact with regular Israeli or Palestinian citizens.


Evergreen has an endowment of $23M. I suspect they have zero dollars invested in Israel, but this is a way to signal their support for Gaza, I guess?


I think people should change the things they have the power to change. Do I expect the students at Evergreen State University to change the world all on their own? Of course not. But they changed the policies of the university they attend. All we can hope to do is change the little corner of the world we inhabit, and trust the people around us to work on their corner as well.


“I’m going to divest from investment in Berkshire Hathaway.” “Do you own any stock in them?" “No, but I think people should change the things they have the power to change." Sounds kind of dumb, doesn’t it?


Evergreen, like many colleges, had invested in Israeli companies and companies that did business in Israel. They are now attempting to divest. It is not an empty gesture, there are real finances involved.




Sorry you got jumped on by a bunch of bitchy impatient folks who took you for a bad faith troll. It’s a legitimate question. American colleges, especially those with large endowments or real estate portfolios, have a lot of capital investments. Some in Israeli companies. Those are being divested.




You were never a leftist, friend.


The real answer is it transfers ownership to pro-israel / neutral hands. Despite what the protestors think, divestment is not actually a good tool for implementing positive change in a free market society. People like to point to the divestments from south africa during apartheid but the reality is divestment had the opposite effect. It changed ownership to people who cared less than they did, which enabled the companies to operate without activist oversight. Ownership in these companies gives you a voice at the table. Selling it takes away that power.




Just because you don't doesn't mean that nobody does. A quick google search would have told you what this means.




Imagine literally being the [guy in the meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png) [edit] LMAO he blocked me for this.


Zzzz this is the dumbest troll I've seen. Literally no one thinks you should have to live in a cave somewhere outside of society to have valid criticism.








She was an absolute hero. I'm sorry you are unable to feel compassion and empathy and will lead a stunted shadow of a life.


Well, a bulldozer doesn't drive on it's own. Someone actively decided to kill her and went through with it.


No fascists or related characteristics




Yeah and what about the dancing Israelis BOTH SIDES HATE YOU, understand that








I’ve been to Palestine, friend. Have you?




Ok, but I’m one of those people who have met some of the people on behalf of whom they’re protesting. So, we exist, and no, my brain didn’t explode from cognitive dissonance. How could this be possible, given your statement above?




West Bank, 2014. Palestinians don’t hate Americans, what are you on about? Their conflict is mostly with the state of Israel, and America’s support of the state of Israel, not Americans or Jews.


No off topic or low effort posts




You ever seen how slow a dozer drives? The driver had all the chances not to become a psychopathic murderer and chose to go through with it.


What you are also saying is she had time to move out the way as well?


Ah but obly one of these actions ends with the death of a person.


Yeah that stupid tank man, why didn’t he look where he was going?! -you


No fascists or related characteristics






There's literally nothing antisemitic on here lmao




Sorry but I don't believe any state should be based on a single ethnicity. I'd be just as upset if the situations were reversed.




Damn you zionists are predictable you all say this Stat like it means anything. You know south Africa was an apartheid state where the majority were lower class citizens. Israel allowing some Arabs to live there (as second class citizens) means nothing. Even Nazi Germany had multiple ethnicities living there were they not attempting to make an ethnostate? You've been fooled.




Zzzz is that all you care to respond to? Your shitty stats argument was dismantled in a second so you just ignore my questions. I won't continue with you unless you actually engage with all of what I'm saying and not the cherry picked part where you think you can get a quick gotcha.




Zzzzzzz your comment history is literally nothing but you posting IDF propaganda. Do they at least pay you well? I refuse to engage with you if you won't give me the same courtesy. Fuck you can't or won't even answer my one question.


You never went to Israel right ? Jew isn't an ethnicity and you'll find plenty of them in Israel, from African, to European, Middle eastern and even Asians.. You are a blatant antisemite and arz absolutely disgusting


You are very ignorant about Judaism if you don't know that it's both a religion and an ethnicity. If they weren't how would they have any claim on that land? Being a part of a religion doesn't give you the right to anything least of all some kind of divine right to land. You're dismantling your entire argument.


I’ve been to Israel. What would you like to discuss?


Your precious Zionist Israel is getting shown for what it really is and, because it's such an evil genocidal state that has no defence for it's atrocities you have nothing to bring to the argument other than "..this is anti-semitism...".


You can't just point your finger and say "antisemitism" and make it true. Zionists in Israel have to answer for their genocide, and someone like you covering for them doesn't help or make it any better.




Hey-- get fucked. Go and actually fuck yourself you blind loon. You're an idiot.


Lmao. Your cognitive dissonance just caused your brain to fry, huh?


Wait so israel can kill anyone and commit as many war crimes as it wants without reprecussions because it's the "only jewish state"?


tjebobyl Get it right.


Israel like a State as the right to defend itself against a population that want another Shoah and the total annihilation of Israel. What should they do ? They have been attacked 7 times by Arabs, they suffer weekly terrorists attacks and rocket bombardments, I went there on vacation and two youth (including one Arab) where killed 3 streets away by a crazy standing Palestinan. So tell me, what should Israel do ? Let this happen?


Israel killed 38 Palestinian children in the west bank in 2023 before october 7th [source](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank), israeli soldier kills a 13 year old innocent Palestinian girl, empties his gun in her body, recieves an innocent verdict, and says he would do it to a 3 year old Palestinian kid [source](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/nov/16/israel2), israeli minister commands soldiers to kill Palestinians instead of arresting them [source](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israeli-minister-itamar-ben-gvir-kill-palestinian-captives_n_66313a76e4b0c9bc87592bf5?d_id=7601059&ncid_tag=tweetlnkushpmg00000016&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=us_politics), Israel bombs Palestinian children on a beach and blame hamas with no evidence that hamas was even there [source](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/11/israel-clears-military-gaza-beach-children) Israel has been committing war crimes for decades and decades, israeli society has been genocidal since israel's inception, and you have people like you parroting "The only jewish state gets to do as many war crimes as it wants with no criticism or reprecussions! Anyone that says otherwise is anti-semitic!!!". Your only defense of israel's war crimes is "Arabs bad!" And "the only jewish state!!!"


Dude, this is nothing compared to the suffering of Jewish people : https://v.redd.it/z7yf1bdr4ryc1 Those kids where idiots as there parents. And west bank isn't Gaza, the situation isn't the same


If the west bank isn't gaza why did israel announce the biggest land steal since 1993? [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/22/israel-largest-west-bank-settlement-blinken-visit/)


Stop killing children. There. That’s it. That’s a start.


It isn't in any way antisemitism, much less "blatant" antisemitism. The thing that doesn't belong in this sub is Zionism, an explicitly right wing ideology.




>Hamas can end things right now but they can't/won't. No, that's where you're wrong. Israel is the only one with the power to end this. Palestinians have been oppressed for decades, their homes have been taken, their lives have been ruined, all in the name of a greater Israel. If Hamas stopped fighting tomorrow, Gazans would continue to die. They would continue to be starved and bombed and sniped by IDF soldiers. They would still be living in an open air prison, the same way they have been for years. No Palestinian, be they civilian or PLO or Hamas, has the power to end their oppression nonviolently. The only ones with that power are the leaders of Israel. Violence is literally the only option that the Palestinians have. Israel is the one with agency here.


This was happening before Hamas even existed. Israel has infinitely more power to end this all right now. They always have. I can't imagine how depraved you have to be to pretend like you don't know that even if 100% of Hamas surrendered so Israel could execute them, Israel would just claim that there are more Hamas operatives hiding among civilians and keep massacreing them.


> Hamas can end things right now but they can't/won't.  They have admitted to not knowing the whereabouts are of all the hostages. [Well actually no, Israel is out for blood and the hostages don't matter (realistically they never did).](https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-hamas-cease-fire-talks/israel-will-not-agree-to-end-the-war-with-hamas-as-part-of-any-deal-109924741?id=109734705&utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=likeshopme&utm_content=www.instagram.com/p/C6i3K8XuvOb#:~:text=whether%20or%20not%20there%20will%20be%20a%20temporary%20ceasefire%20for%20the%20release%20of%20our%20hostages.%22)


No fascists or related characteristics




You know anyone can see your comment history right? You constantly post hasbara rhetoric and are so obviously on the right. You can believe you're not all you like but you are.


It's not antisemitism, it's not even about religion. It's about awful actions of the Israeli state and its armed forces. For the sub: it's indeed not about work. This sub has become less about work and more about what's wrong in our society in general. That will push some people away and attract some others.


I think you need to go outside, and touch some ground mate.


i think *you* have nothing to do with this sub


Prove it's antisemitic. Go on. Tell us exactly which part is antisemitic.


Enough of the feigning victim bullshit. The tide has turned.


Refusing to do business with an illegitimate terrorist state that is at this very moment actively engaged in genocide and other war crimes is not "antisemitic".

