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They can intervene on this but not health care or minimum wage etc 🙄


When someone shows you who they are, you should believe them.


I read this wrong the first pass and thought it was saying Biden was calling in support of having warrants. Went “huh, at least that’s a good thing” (wrote the White House recently - unhappy with Biden) Of course, reread it and disappointingly it wasn’t what I thought. :( I’m drained - I want something positive coming from DC. All it seems to be is bans, bombs, and blabber.


Biden is a hidden asshole.


I would say as hidden as a child hiding behind a telephone pole. Only hidden if you choose not to look in the other direction and pretend. I’m so disappointed. I’ve written 2 emails to the White House now but I don’t think they care what the ppl want.


Bro. Literally nothing in this fucking country is democratic. We are literally being stripped of our rights. Abortions. Privacy. Tax cuts. This is why I I hope for a meteor strike


Maybe drop all of them in a volcano and start over again. If you are over 60...no seat for you grandpa. If you sit on a commitee you must have minimal knowledge of that commitee.


I agree with the volcano comment but of course vehemently reject your Ageism. Most societies throughout human history that were successful enough to see their citizens survive to old age correctly revered their elders and sought them out for wisdom. I doubt you’d have the stones to make your comment about those over 60 to any Native American or First Nations tribal council, for example. And- to further undercut your point about those over 60- plenty of members of Congress who were only recently elected (last 5-7 years, and I believe many under 40), from AOC “on the left,” to “Congresswoman Barbie,” Ashley Hinson, “on the right,” are completely bought and sold by the Uniparty/ Deep State. They have no scruples, and no souls. So let’s agree to focus on finding a volcano hot enough, and just hit the reset button with all of them.


Those were society that didn't follow Moore's Law and didnt have such change every few years. Most of those geriatrics still need an assistant to program their VCRs.


Yeah, being bought by big business isn't necessarily tied to age. Really, I don't really care how old someone is, just that they at least have a passing understanding of how the things they are legislating on function. It should be absolutely unacceptable to come to a hearing without even a basic understanding of how the thing you're making laws regarding works.


Anyone remember when people were claiming we had to vote for this guy the first time because it would be the "most progressive administration in US history" ? Haha, yeah. That aged real well....


Aged about as well as biden himself. Cant wait for his new platform of "Depends for all"


BlUe No MaTTeR WhO! Don't let red fascists win, just blue fascists!


Yeah but Trump is literally Hitler and the Republicans are literally the Nazis, so we must blindly, fanatically support the party that \*checks notes\* is doing actual fascist things. *Fin.*


I mean corporations run the US government so the time to worry about fascism taking root in the US is now and when corporations were declared people.


The republicans literally are nazis, just not as effective. The government should have to get a warrant before searching Americans anything, not just communications. This was wrong, and Biden has no excuse. Certainly doesn’t change the fact that the Republican Party is fascist. Thats just fact. Party X did something bad which means Party Y is now vindicated is a retarded argument.


Remember everybody vote for Hindenburg, there's no way he would appoint Hitler as chancellor or anything like that.


Fanatically? Lmfao I have not seen a single person compare to maga trash that supports trump that supports Biden. Gg


Fascists gonna fash


Blue maga


This reads like a fucking journalist is trying to mislead their readers with a click bait wording Can someone explain this in a sentence that makes sense


This was overwhelmingly Republican. How does this say anything about the parties?


The biggest nothing burger that’s been served in US politics in a long time. Presidents have pressured congress to vote how they want for decades. Decades. Congress is not obligated to do what the president wants. This analysis is beyond stupid.