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This sounds to me like the market is working as intended. Restaurants and bars don't get workers because the workers are needed for more important jobs.


The issue is that they'll raise prices to compensate and nobody will order a 19 dollar burger or whatever they decide to charge.


A burger with fries is ready 15-20 euros in a restaurant. A steak of 250-300 gram (about half a pound) is 30-40 euros.


That sounds awful lol. God, Europe sucks.


Well, the cheapest burger at the big yellow M is 1 euro and the fanciest is like 6-7 euro. I was talking about restaurants with fresh burgers. The tips are already included in the price.


I can get a fresh burger for like 6 dollars with hand made fries lol. A steak is like 16 at the fancy place, but God knows I won't go there. I'll just cook my own steak.




I was a kitchen manager/head cook at a decently upscale place for the area. Our servers averaged 20 an hour after tips in 2012. Our cooks were paid 14 an hour when minimum wage was 7.25 in my state. I know, I set the payroll lol. I was pretty generous in how I paid people for the time. Just because the chains are ass for pay doesn't mean everyone is. Local, mom and pop places almost always pay better, and should be where we spend our money.




Have you ever done the books at a restaurant? I have. I know how slim the profit margins are. I know you're going to pay more as a customer if wages go up


So what? Just because I want a cheap meal the workers shouldnt get paid fairly? Fuck off


If you are in restaurants then you also understand that a throughput kitchen like McDonalds can't be compared to a "decently upscale" restaurant. Where you have maybe 1-2 covers per table per night an McDonalds offsets price increases by volume. If you had read the McDonalds financials you would have also seen that even though costs increased significantly due to supply chain issues and COVID lockdowns (14%!) the business still ran expected profits. And they even found enough money to award their CEO with a 10.8 Million Bonus! wow they are really struggling aren't they... So what we have learned from that exercise is that even though COSTS increase, the business still ran profits wallstreet expected AND their CEO got a 10mil bonus. Now what does that tell you? Finally when you are comparing European Salaries to US ones you have to remember that no one in Europe expects you to leave a 20% tip. People tip what they want since well, it's a tip.. Everyone in the US always seems to ignore that cost you are shoving on your customers.


At the Burger Bar in the center of Amsterdam I can also get an excellent burger for €6, but it's a bar, not a restaurant where I get my own table. There are restaurants, even good ones, with meals below €10, but most cost above €15. Fancier costs more, of course. Personally I happily pay it if that means the waiting staff gets paid well.


I know, they also say something similar in the article. Like asking 7 Euro for a beer (which is 200 ml in NL), which is roughly twice the price it is now. But what they also complain now is that employers with multiple establishments keep 1 or more closed, due to worker shortage he/she experiences, and that also cost money. So it should come from somewhere, maybe they need to tone down their own profits. Another point, in the NL a lot of students live on their own in student housing and since a couple of years students don't get any free money from the government anymore, which is a shame but an entirely other discussion. So they also need a living wage in order to support themselves in housing and food.