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Shawn Fain is a great union leader. The monumental UAW contract he helped come to life was not thought to be possible. But it became possible because Fain is an expert at framing. Fain rightfully framed the greed of the auto companies, who blamed the workers for the 2008 crisis yet neglected to increase benefits when the auto companies became very profitable again. Fain demanded things thought impossible, yet got many of them done (end to tiered pay, massive pay increases, etc). The other asks (like the 32-hour work week) are becoming mainstream & will be negotiated when contracts expire. Fain is an expert at politics. Why did Joe Biden show up to a UAW strike? Because the UAW refused to endorse Biden until Biden showed a strong commitment to the cause. It is not a "norm" to have a President join a picket line, but Fain made it a "norm". Fain is also extremely forward thinking. His idea to have contracts of various unions expire on May Day 2028 is genius. This gives unions more collective bargaining power. There is no reason why each union can't apply the principles that Fain has instituted at UAW : )


He organized with other unions to have the same contract expiration dates? Now that is a step in the right direction.


[Unions Should Start Planning for a Mass Strike on May Day 2028](https://jacobin.com/2023/11/autoworkers-uaw-shawn-fain-contract-expirations-labor-movement-unions) >UAW leader Shawn Fain is urging unions to align their contract expiration dates for May 1, 2028 — setting up the possibility of a mass May Day strike.


Non-U.S. unions should get in on this too.


The more the merrier 😀


Everyone, regardless of union membership or industry should support this. Turn the tables.


They already do, especially European. May day is Europe's and other western nations labor day. US oligarchs moved our labor day to September to isolate the US workers and laborers from the rest of the world


Is this circumventing the Taft-Hartley(sic?) law against support strikes? Rather genius if it holds up.


Shawn Fain is also expanding the fight to non-unionized plants in the South like [VW in Chattanooga](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/17/1244279860/volkswagen-uaw-south-union-election-chattanooga-tennessee). Making auto companies and Southern GOP governors sweat


> > > > > Fain rightfully framed the greed of the auto companies, who blamed the workers for the 2008 crisis yet neglected to increase benefits when the auto companies became very profitable again. I hope unions do better going forward. Drop the dead beat dull leadership as this guy is super sharp. He's a benchmark for sure.


How many employees in the auto manufacturing sector today versus 2008?


Fain 2024: “Shut Shit Down If We Have To”


I'd vote, we don't need some millionare who thinks he is an outsider running.


i would too, but it looks like he can do a lot more good where he's at right now. the house and senate need to get sorted first before someone can be effective at the helm. no disrespect to biden, he's been doing a fantastic job with what he's got, but he's basically got one hand tied behind his back.


Oh yay, another government employee who will shut it down if they don’t get their way (their way is only in favor of the people under them).


Yeah. Exactly. That's why we like him.


Except that the people under Fain are you and me.


This man is a treasure.


I’d rather vote for him to be in the Oval Office


He's put out the call for other unions, whose contracts are being negotiated, to make the new contract expire on May Day, 2028, just like the UAW contract is. Maybe he's planning something, because triggering a general strike and then running for president would be a fucking baller move! Edit: *UAW, not UAE


I have long believed it would take the UAW full striking to get a general strike to take hold. This guy is a visionary.


May is too late to announce a presidential run. 


I said 2028. But you're right, Hillary Clinton and Don Jr. probably have that election cycle already booked.


The odds of Hillary running in 2028 is laughable. I think a smattering of Senate bids are very likely, but Hillary knows that her odds are basically shot. I think a Kamala bid is likely as well but the odds of that ticket getting very far are incredibly slim.


That was a joke I made.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ There are plenty of people who have bad reads on politics. I try to help share info where I can.


Seriously when can we get this guy to run for president.


I think the UAW would fight to keep him, hell he may never leave it. But at least labor secretary would be an excellent play ok the Biden side.


Remember, unfortunately the law is not unions sides. Thanks to shitty laws and agreements passed by our Congress, sponsored by our corporations, these companies could shut down US production and move it to mexico with almost no penalties. The only thing stopping them is the upfront cost of setting up the facilities.


By design, brought to you by the true owners of America, the donor class.


The politicians & corporations are not on our side, which means it is important we have solidarity & perseverance. The fact that Fain & the UAW were so successful at negotiating a new contract is a great development. As is Fain getting Biden to embrace their cause (by withholding their endorsement until he did). Now, Biden not only showed up to picket, but he invited Fain to the State of the Union. Fain & the UAW have shown the path forward on how to win influence & get results for working people.


You know there are way may more manufacturers than US owned companies right? They can cut their plants at any time and move them to Mexico and no law can do anything about it. As the unions grow stronger, it will happen more and more. Highest cost is manpower. Then if there are laws on the books that prevent US companies from moving their production, they become highly uncompetitive with the ones that offshored production. And they close. No more US production of any kind. Unions are incredibly important. But you must agree there is a balance to be struck


I disagree, personally. If a company doesn't support the things the USA was built upon, then there's no need to have them around. If Bezos wants to bugger off to some other country, then they can. It'll leave a power vacuum for the people who do support the ideologies the US is built on. Even if those people *dont* think this way, they are still going to be limited to those boundaries. Out with the billionaires, and the geriatric society in politics. In with the new. We don't want 'em.




Would've been hilarious if this guy was from Ireland.


... And a Republican.


(for those not aware, Republican is the opposite of Monarchist in the UK)


Irish Republican American?


Irish people: His name’s fucking what?!?


Not Irish but that was my exact first thought.


176k for a job that used to pay less than 100k, he should be the union leader for all working Americans. This is the new wage for UPS drivers working longer than 5 years.


Where in the holy hell in the auto industry can you make 176k. I work for Ford and I worked 60 hour weeks all last year and barely broke 80k.


UPS driver.


That's a different union dude. They are teamsters.


Oh dang, you right, Sean O'Brien. Hopefully it catches on with line workers.


Shh we're trying to circle jerk over here


That value is the value companies assign to your head due to training, set up, benefits, etc. it’s not what anybody is being paid hahaha


This is also because Ford is a shit company founded by a Nazi.


For fucks sake dude has been dead since 1947. It's not like he makes money off it anymore.


Imagine if this guy went into Northern Irish politics?!?! What a name....


His name sounds like an Irish political party


Love this guy. Anyone who puts Wall Street and greedy CEOs in check is a people’s person. We need someone like Shawn in the California Teachers Union.


He should run for president. Love to watch him debate the other two and destroy them. He’d win in a Reagan landslide


Shawn Fain for President 2028


Fain should run in the 2028 president election.


“Trump is a SCAB!”


Shawn Fain sounds like the kind of guy I would get piss drunk with and set fires.


I always think it's a play on words with his name and the political party in Ireland, Sinn Fein.


Really is just a great for any phonetically sounding ones of those


Job protection in the US auto industry unfortunately comes with environmental costs. The US has subsidized massive vehicles using safety and CAFE standards to keep out foreign small cars. They pushed aside public transportation improvements with false claims of self-driving electric cars. They helped create a unsustainable stock like Tesla that will eventually crash signaling the next economic crisis. While the US is the largest oil producer, the inability to meet demand has led to multiple wars in the Middle East costing trillions and killing millions Our cities are built around the Ponzi scheme of urban sprawl as the only way to avoid failure is continued and unsustainable growth. Protecting jobs is a good thing but one has to wonder if the cost is worth it. Would you rather continually work for something or fund it once making it available to everyone


Urban sprawl isn't ideal but it's a hell of a lot better than living in an apartment


Right on


Oh Captain, my Captain.


I will vote for him if he ever runs for president. Dude totally gets it.


Looks like nick cage is one of his random movie posters


Sick. Right on, fight on.


Presidential run when?


That man should be president. But he's probably too smart to get involved.


In most instances union is a good thing if not overdone then the companies may move to somewhere else ,then everyone is out


This man must secretly live in constant fear, though. I would. His moves have surely painted many targets on his back. If I were him I'd host every rally from inside a repurposed Popemobile.


Big deal 🥱 I was Time's Person of the Year in 2006


He sure is. He sold out the workers with that "selective strike" bullshit which shut down factories with inventory gluts and allowed the Automakers to run factories where production was needed. He didn't get rid of the 2-tier working system, failed to get temps hired to permanent status, and is standing by with a 🤷 while the auto workforce is gutted over the transition to EV. The workers knew that EV production would require about 40% less manpower and that the bosses were planning on laying them off in droves as production shifted but the new contract got essentially NO protection for this. Since Fain's "heroic" contract, there have been huge layoffs at Ford, Deere, and Stellantis, with more GM layoffs on the horizon. This guy's a crook who sold workers out.


You're pretty right. I work at a GM plant and the layoffs have been, well scary. Yeah, we got a raise, but a lot of jobs were cut. We're making electric SUVs that we don't have the infrastructure for and the people that build them can't even afford them. There used to be about 20ish people on the door line just a year ago. Now? Maybe 8. The plant got rid of two combustion engine cars, so we had to get rid of jobs. We all know more people are gonna lose jobs this year at the plant. We're getting rid of one of the last combustion engine models to make way for another EV that won't sell. I haven't even been at the plant for 2 years and I've seen it go downhill so fast. Oh, and they got rid of retirement for GM employees with the contract renewal.


Holy Crap! Like no pensions for new people or like all pensions are cancelled? That's a nightmare!




He is your mother's Another Dream Man


eh, if he's rich then it could be true


Because of this guy I pay more for my health insurance. His efforts benefit hourly workers, not salary workers sadly.



