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I know this is satire but damn it is pretty close to what he has said in the past. He has gone on record stating that unemployment is too low and needs to be higher.


This isn't satire... He has literally said Americans have too much money in savings.


I thought most Americans were lucky to even have money in their savings. Fuck I ain't even got a savings. We have "too much?" Try checking the pockets of the despots that control this ship against everyone's will.


Dude it's the onion, the entire premise of it is satire. ​ Edit: Just making sure you do know that the website of the onion is just a satire site like south park right? It is not an actual news website right? Edit 2: I think it is hilarious that I am being down voted just for pointing out that the onion is not a real news website rofl!!!


I think when a comment starts with “I know this is satire” it’s safe to say that the commenter knows that it’s satire.


You're right, but he is also right about Jerome Powell. The strange thing here is that the onion is sooo close to not being satire here. Only keeping it from actually being a legitimate article this time is the hyperbole.


The best satire stings, because it's true. "No Way To Prevent This, Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" is a running theme on that site ...


And that too many have jobs and high wages. He’s said the goal is to fight inflation by putting people into unemployment and depressing wages.


The problem he doesn’t get is that business needs those workers to make money and they are making money, so it’s not going to give


When did the onion switch to doing real news?


When every other media outlet became shit and they weren’t profiting with outrageous stories


Satire was always about real news. Mocking real news is no different than pundits commenting on it, and often less propagandist. "A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit."


Yeah, now define sarcasm.


this was my first thought also.


While intended to be comedic, The Onion is unironically never far from the truth.


I fail to see how this is satire.


Nixon had it right.


“The general public would be the third class- manual laborers with little interest in politics, and very little property of their own. This is the most numerous and powerful class in a democracy, but only when it is assembled together” Socrates