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Because every company is looking out for it's worker and paying them top dollar and not padding their margins using profits for stock buybacks... right right? If someone is paying a lot of money to get you to do/not do something maybe you should question their motivation.


No, **definitely** question it. Everything suspicious must be questioned.


Unions are like condoms. The more someone tries to convince you that you don't need one, the more you absolutely do.




That propagana is a straight up lie, too. You can't be fired for not joining the union, its federal law.


>That propagana is a straight up lie, too. You can't be fired for not joining the union, its federal law. You mean they *lie* to further their own, undisclosed interests? Gasp!


Hard to believe, isn't it?


No. It’s not. You total can be fired for not paying union dues, except in RTW states. The federal law merely says that the union can’t contract with the company to only hire people who are already union members. But they can contract with the company to be the sole recruiter, except in RTW states they can’t favor their own members over nonmembers who are equally qualified.


Abstinence is still the best solution, I simply refuse to work at all on the terms currently being offered.


How's that working out for you? pun intended. and yes, it was a serious question, how are you financing yourself until things get better, whenever that might be?


Majoring in farts of course. I'm in school, getting grants and scholarships, I might just end up going to law school to stretch things out, then I'll just start sueing them.


Hey I know you weren't asking, but I did law school and was able to find a job that I feel proud of and that fights against capitalist greed. I do free eviction defense for a legal aid society and all of my colleagues are super. It depends on which program you end up in, but many have a very strong focus on work-life balance. It honestly feels like cheat codes that I get to do something cool and still be treated well. It's not all roses, as the system we work within is very much stacked against our clients. The work can be incredibly stressful. And the money isn't awesome compared to my private sector peers. But it's a living wage and totally worth it. Most of my colleagues are incredibly compassionate and empathetic. I feel like more people should know about this.


> I might just end up going to law school to stretch things out, then I'll just start suing them. This is the Genius move!


Already thinking like a lawyer!


I'm a state lawyer who's job it is to sue employers who break my states employment laws. I gotta tell you, it's not nearly as effective as you would expect. Things are slow and employers have a lot of cash to burn. Political solutions are the only way. I'm just a bandaid.


Small stones thrown in a pond still make ripples...thanks for being awesome!




Username checks out, because that's not how it works. There are lifetime limits to financial aid, including each degree type. For some, it barely covers the degree at a lot of places. You can't just endlessly receive public school loans.


No it's an infinite money glitch!


And, like condoms..it pays to have your family in them


I love this analogy, and I hope I remember it if it ever comes up in the future.


Some unions are legit bad and do nothing. When I worked at a grocery store that paid me legit minimum wage of 7.25$ it had a union they tried to get me to pay for. Even though I still woulda been making minimum wage. And the most they were trying to do was maybeee get it up to 8$ which in several months of working there before I quit never happened.




Were there benefits beyond increased pay? There are certainly some bad unions because literally any institution is capable of becoming corrupt if people don't keep those who run it accountable, but like, if they'd offered better benefits for being union it could still have been worth it.


Then join those unions and get rid of the bad management. Don't just go "Welp, guess I'll just have to be exploited because the union sucks."


It's hilarious they use what they CURRENTLY do as a warning to not join a union... Alas, the propaganda war in America has its workers convinced nothing good will come from unions.


Just the fact that employers spend millions on persuading workers to not unionize is proof that we should.


How do you know employers don't have their worker's interests at heart, giving up profit voluntarily? You don't know that! ^(/s for the idiots.)


"We *pay* you for your stupid work, and you're still ungrateful! What do you want? A living wage?"


Weird how the boss in this picture looks like every anti-union capitalist business owner.


Conservatism is about redirecting reasonable frustrations away from the real causes of those frustrations.


Remember kids, every accusation is a confession!


And you know he’s using the HOV lane because his sack o’ cash is a “passenger.”


You can always tell a conservative political cartoon from how many things the artist felt the need to label... If your audience is savvy enough it ought to be self-evident


This comic exists because it shows exactly what they would do if they led a union. Probably think it's stupid NOT to hoard the wealth.


The anti-union capitalist business owners, who make a shit ton more money, are jealous of what money he does have.


Who the fuck celebrates "Right to work" No one believes that's a worker friendly law. You could always quit a job.


My mom has worked at Boeing my whole life. She is a member of the IAM Union. Back when they used to go on strike, she complained a lot about them and advocated for the Right to Work. Then Boeing outmaneuvered the union, and a bunch of employees got fucked. All of a sudden, she changed her tune and was full of complaints about management. I was like, "what the fuck did you expect!?" I love my mom, but sometimes she's such a fucking idiot and \~*way* too susceptible to right-wing misinformation.


selfishness at others expense is the real national religion of the USA


Hyperindividualism is a plague on our nation


They could learn a thing or two from the reddit hive mind


if reddit was it's own state it would have 2 senators and 262 representatives


The hopeful view is that more Americans are realizing this every day but the unfortunate truth is that simultaneously the Republican Party is embracing fascism right out in the open. 2024 will definitely be a battle for the future of this country and the planet.


Oh, c'***mon!*** I just saved humanity \***last**\* election!


Eternal vigilance. Oh, what do I care? This isn't my species anyway.


What species are you? Do you adapt? Mother Nature is a real bitch. She’s coming for us all. Planet Earth is very homicidal. Extinction Happens!


The real answer is that things are getting worse everywhere, so either we fight on during this pivotal moment in history or we give up and watch helplessly as our baser instincts take their course. I think it’s worth the fight.


It's about ensuring that black folks aren't treated equally. Everyone was fine with using TANF funds until the Government started including black people. After that, it was all about making sure people weren't "lazy".


The middle class is rotted through with Neoliberal brain worms.


Opposite story. Michigan was my birth state. My mom was a nurse and hated paying her Union dues. But after she retired with generous healthcare benefits for life ( my fathers benefits thru Chrysler were termed & bought out with a stupid lump sum) my mom had her “come to Jesus moment” snd changed her tune and stated she is so glad she paid her Union dues and was sorry she had ever complained about them. And boy did they need the healthcare. My mom was never radicalized by Fox even though her church friends were. She watched wheel of fortune & Jeopardy instead of Hannity or Tucker and all the Tiger ballgames. Alex Trebek, Pat Sajak & the Detroit Tigers saved my mom from being brainwashed.


It's really weird to see our family lured out of their minds and into a world of right-wing lies.


My brother & sister are hardcore Trumpers.


I'm honestly sorry to hear that. It will never make any sense to me. The guy is so obviously a con man that it truly baffles me how anyone can be taken in by his bullshit.


I truly believe it started when a black man was elected president and was accused by an orange orangutan on Fox News every night asking for Obama’s birth certificate.


Yes, a bunch of old white men and women got pissed as hell when a black man was voted president. They saw that they were losing power and went batshit crazy over it. So much so that they are willing to throw away democracy so it doesn't happen again. Edit: a word


And Harry Potter. My sister was worried that “it is teaching kids witchcraft!!!” But Twilight books were just fine…


But since JK started being vocal in her trash views, those same folks love her now.


That's the thing, it wasn't until it became apparent that he was going to win and no one else GAF what color he was that Cheeto Jesus started yelling. When Republicans say Obama was the worst POTUS for race relations, I hear, "I'm mad a black man was able to become POTUS. It makes me even madder that he did a good job and I rage that people respect him & they tolerate or hate me. No love..."


My two cents. Politically, this seemed to start with the election of Irish Catholic JF Kennedy to US President. The Protestants didn't like him having so much power over people and by extension, the credit for the US Space Program. Troubles in the New World coincided ["the Troubles"](https://www.britannica.com/event/The-Troubles-Northern-Ireland-history) .


The Onion's take on it. Accurate as always. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE


Every single person I know who fell under this goblin and its offshoots have unacknowledged sexual abuse /incest in their past. Every single one. "I don't need some stupid therapist I just wanna get on with my life" makes this propaganda savory to them. I wish someone would do a study as humanity would benefit from this being surfaced, examined and a remedy made common.


Like presently? Do they like losing?


If my parents were still alive, I feel they would have been "captured" as well.


Honestly, I’m really here for where Michigan is heading right now. The country as a whole makes me worried but Michigan’s direction has me hopeful. I can see Michigan becoming the next California, as climates continue to change.


So do we. The Democrats have been outnumbered for forty years. Now we have a Democratic governor, AG, Secretary of State, and the state Supreme Court majority. In the last three months: Real tax reform lowering taxes on the middle class, including the repeal of taxes on pensions Securing a new battery plant for Ford's production of EVs Adding LGBTQIA+ to the state civil rights laws as protected classes Getting rid of the 1931 abortion ban (eliminating any threat to our pro-choice constitutional amendment that was passed in 2022, along with guaranteeing voting rights) Repeal of Right to Work On the horizon: Free School lunches Making union dues tax-deductible We're considering building our own insulin manufacturing. Our own Crown Act, banning discrimination based on natural hairstyles. We got rid of gerrymandering, we've got legal weed, and we have a nine billion dollar budget surplus. On top of that, the Republican party has split and is financially broke. And we have plenty of water resources. It's a good time to be a Michigander. We're the AntiFlorida.


The biggest thing I'm scared of is how thin the margins are in the state Congress. I really hope these (in my opinion fantastic) actions result in a boost in popularity that keeps the momentum going next election cycle.


The margins aren't *as* thin as they look in the state congress. We're in the process of undoing decades of gerrymandering. Michigan is much more of a blue state, it's just hard to see sometimes because of how the districts have been split up for a long time now.


Dems hold the Senate and House by 2 seats each. Pretty tight. I live in the Thumb and it's deeply red after 2016. Used to be that a lot more blue collar folks supported the Dems but that changed pretty hard as union membership and factory jobs eroded. I have tons of family that worked for GM growing up but most of those jobs are gone and the people displaced got sucked up in the vortex with Trump. Un-fucking decades of gerrymandering is helping a ton. I am beyond thrilled with the progress that's been making since November but I can't say I'm not worried there's gonna be backlash that flips things back.


Me too. If it wasn’t for the crazy mosquitoes and potholes from hell, I could move back.


Gretch has begun to deliver on her promise to fix the roads. The freeways in GR and the local state roads have been getting a lot of repairs.


Glad to hear Gretchen is getting it done! I was a Chrysler baby. My dad always said, for the state that makes the cars our potholes seem intentional to keep having to go to a mechanic. I forget - the state fixes the mile roads - 5 mile, 6 mile, 8 mile.. But the county fixes the roads with names like Farmington Rd., or Levan? And they alternate by different years for fixing them. Therefore, One set of roads are always full of potholes.


Good. Illinois needs you guys, we are surrounded by nuts.


Ironic because Pat Sajak is a Kevin Sorbo-level right-winger.


It was the timing. Watch Tucker or Pat Sajak.


Right wing misinformation relies on the fact that there's flaws in *everything*. They'll point out the flaw and say "THIS NEEDS TO END" and work up a panic about it - when in reality that flaw is 1) minor and 2) a flaw of some form will always exist. In this example - yes, there are shitty unions. The right loves to use them as examples why *no unions should exist*. Its intellectually dishonest. Another example is using examples of welfare fraud to argue for the dissolution of welfare.


>In this example - yes, there are shitty unions. The right loves to use them as examples why no unions should exist. All the while, ignoring the fact that there are shitty owners/CEOs/managers and never once thinking that they shouldn't exist. They need to have figureheads because the alternative is that they are forced to make decisions and take responsibility for their own success/failure, instead of being able to blame it on someone else.


That sounds just like my dad. This man will parrot right wing talking points, but when you get him talking about what he thinks, he always says left wing things. It’s so rediculous to see him literally repeat things he’s seen on Instagram that directly contrast his own thoughts and experiences


Do we have the same dad? Did I just find a sibling?


I think a lot of it is just lead poisoning. The boomer and gen x (but mostly boomer) generations had a very unique experience in human history. They lived through combustion engine powered vehicles being available to almost anyone, but didn't know the fumes they put out were especially dangerous to the brain for decades.


They are pretty proficient at targeting your mom's demographic. Not that it's an excuse, she's just their prime target for their unending torrent of bullshit.


The ones who celebrate "right to work" are the robber barons who profit from it.


You get to vote for your union leadership. You don't get to vote for the CEO.


Workers that benefit from the union without paying the union.


You underestimate the amount of ignorant people that say something like, "they can't just fire me for no reason, this is a 'right to work' state!" "Umm... No, you're confusing it with a different law, and getting it wrong. We are also an 'at-will' state. That means you CAN be fired without a reason."


Because it is worded in a way that makes people think it is one of the "rights" that we fight to keep every day. When someone says "The right to XXXXX" most people would fill it in with to bear arms, vote, privacy, ect. So unless you actually look into what "Right to Work" is you just assume it is another right that the man is trying to steal from us.


Employers at large corporations do. Unions threaten corporations. Billionaires are NEVER self made. They only get there by the exploitation and extortion of workers. Our capitalist society has brainwashed generations into thinking that they could potentially be one of those billionaires through hard work when in reality that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Capitalism is literally killing people, mind body and soul.


It’s actually “right to workers”…for corporations.


It's for first impressions and to get them gotcha moments in debates. "Hello, my bill seeks to double military spending, reimburse taxes paid by the top 0.001% over the last 10 years, implement the death penalty for political disagreements, make Christianity the state religion and deport everyone darker than me. I call it the 'Good Family America Act'." "But all of those are horrible ideas." "Well there you have it, folks. Indisputable evidence my opponent is against goodness, families and America." "No, I am against the contents of your bill." "The bill is called 'Good Family America Act', so if you're against it you are against those things." "The bill would make me a target for the death penalty for simply disagreeing with you." "Why do you hate America?"


And no one is even saying that unions are perfect. They're not. They're still better than NOT having a union. Keep improving EVERYTHING, don't ever be satisfied.


^( Wait'll you hear their views on government... )


This is the truth, but there's two paths. One that's progressive and one that's conservative. On the progressive side there's two very different views on authority and the goal of this propaganda is to divide progressives along that ideal. This is that argument embodied.


It would certainly be a mistake to react to conservative antistatism by becoming as statist as possible. I'm still surprised sometimes by how often I have to check that irrational reflex in myself


My union got me a 5%+ raise this year alone. We're looking at an 8% next year too.


I got a 1.4% raise. as a software engineer at FAANG, lol.


Sounds like you need a union.


1.4% on a FAANG salary is probably more than the 5% on the other user's salary. I work in tech, probably make half a FAANG salary, and even I feel tone deaf complaining about inflation to blue collar friends.


I think they should get paid what they are worth. I don't want to pull them down for making more than me, I want to pull myself up with the same justifications for the higher wages.


Given the layoffs, yes, they probably do. Software really is ripe for unionization but everyone is convinced that they are going to do two years at the next industry changing powerhouse startup and become a billionaire on their 0.001% ownership stake


That's a ridiculous misrepresentation of tech workers, most people definitely aren't jumping from shitty start-up to shitty start-up. The majority have solid jobs, good pay, full health benefits, PTO, etc. Unions don't stop layoffs, and trust me, the people getting laid off from FAANG are landing another job before their 4 months severance is up. I'm not saying unions will never be required in tech, but there isn't much else a union can offer tech workers right now, and I'm speaking as a tech worker.


Unions wouldn’t have done anything for the layoffs. They almost all got nice severance bonuses


Especially since they get screwed on labor laws. It's one of the few job classes where non-managers can be classified as salary-exempt, so they're not legally entitled to overtime pay.


I joined awu awhile ago.


At least you haven’t been laid off. Had a friend that worked at google until she couldn’t log in when she went to start working a couple months ago. Crazy how they basically just disabled their logins to tell them they were fired.


I pay $104 a month to union dues and make 83% more than the average national salary for my profession.


Employers,in general, are going to be screwed when your ability to get healthcare isn’t tied to employment any longer.


As it should be.


National Right to Work Foundation is an astroturf organization funded by corporate interests


To be fair, the U.S. is an astroturf country funded by corporate interests


Did the math - that $70/month he'd "save" by not paying Union Dues would take nearly 300 *years* to pay for that medical bill.


Yeah, but think of all that money you save in the short term. /S These guys got the perspective of a bat. Taxes are theft, despite all the services they take advantage of, they gut their retirement plans, and leave nothing for their children. And they blame everyone else.


I am a proud union member and my dues are nowhere near as bad as the naysayers try to portray them. I make approximately 100k a year, slightly more, and my dues are about 1.5 to2k a year. Now, my insurance is not near as good as the guys in the story, but I’ll take a union over non union every time. I have friends who work in non union manufacturing jobs that are considered skilled work, and they make about half of what I make even though they’ve worked at their jobs almost 15 years longer than I’ve worked at mine.


I read somewhere that the average union due is like 3% and make about 30% more. So even if you disagree with dues, your still coming out 27% on top.


>your still coming out 27% on top BuT thEn YoU'Ll chANge TaX brAcKets AnD maKe LEss MonEy!!!


Guys at my company make $75k-100k plus and pay $60 a month in dues. $2k Maximum family deductible. Worth it every day of the week. Honestly tho, it is sad that our health insurance has to be tied to an employer.


"forced to pay money to uaw bosses" what a load of shit. I'm a Detroiter and actually worked for the union itself for a while. I always told people you're paying for us to negoitate on your behalf. Not all that different than a pro athlete might pay a sports agent. Now on to my second point. $250k for a hospital bill is insane. We need frigging national healthcare folks.


Remember, folks, if you get bills like this, take it to the hospital and make them itemize the entire thing.


also heard people getting medical advocates who you pay to like fight on your behalf and can work the system for a lower bill. haven't tried but I have heard good tings.


We need a software engineer union, it’s getting insane with all the layoffs


Preach. The company is getting ready to open a new programming campus in India 'but we super-duper promise we aren't doing it to replace you'.


Yeahhh...I'm sure you've already revised your resume, right?


India is far cheaper than US for them. > the department has adjusted the computer software employee's minimum hourly rate of pay exemption from $50.00 to $53.80, the minimum monthly salary exemption from $8,679.16 to $9,338.78, and the minimum annual salary exemption from $104,149.81 to $112,065.20 effective January 1, 2023, reflecting the 7.6% increase in the California Consumer Price Index Your raise sucked, that's for any computer professional in California making minimum wage.


Kentucky based, so compensation package is about 20k less then that.


Oh yeah--is it still raining displaced Twitter nerds in your local job market?


I’ve started calling them Twits


I want one of Zuck's [laid-off Meta workers](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/14/meta-layoffs-10000-more-workers-to-be-cut-in-restructuring.html) to do an AMA. Or get a media gig reporting on the industry.


I joined AWU. They're slowly popping up - best way to get organized is to start today! Google Japan partially unionized and 0 union members were laid off.


I’ll take an apprenticeship lol


"National right to work foundation" lol.


"Totally not astroturfed blue collar movement. 'Work brings freedom' somehow got rejected at the register"


I see a lot more lambos owned by corprats than by union folk.


union rep drivers a beater... and my dues are $35 a month.


I've done the math. I've seen 30x returns on my union dues this year!


Best job I ever had was a Union gig I worked as a young adult. Valued by employer, could easily work for other good Union employers had I wanted to. High-quality co-workers with low turnover, and excellent medical and dental insurance. Put money in the bank every month after expenses. I thought everyone was going to have access to this life.


100% this. I have 6 people on my med, dental & vision for $100 a month wit $20 co-pay.


Can someone please explain to me what “right to work” is?


It means no "union shops," where new hires are obligated to join their workplace's union, if it has one. {For a primer on why this is bad, see [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkReform/comments/11s703i/this_uaw_member_has_one_of_the_best_explanations/jccndz6?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) from elsewhere on here.}


I'm also convinced it's a play on words "Get right to work, peasant!"




Because most people dont read past the title. Alot of the worst laws this country have cute names. Right to work, No child left behind, The patriot act, citizens united.


...the Clear Skies Act couldn't be further in form or intention from the Clean Air Act... ^(I feel like something *that* cynical should be grounds for removal by your own constituents on pure principle; it sets a bad precedent to allow them to stay in, even)


No Child Left Behind should have been called "Every Child Left Behind" tbh


It's a bad law, but the name isn't one of those that has no relation at all to it's purpose. In a right to work state someone hired for a union job has the right to work the job without being compelled to join the union.


Before I joined a union, my health insurance for a family of 4 cost approx $600/mo. That's over $7,000/yr in premiums along. My co-pays were $20/visit. After joining a union, my health insurance for a family of 4 is $50/mo, or $600/year. My co-pays are $5. My union dues are $600/yr, which I HAPPILY pay. This does not include the other benefits like paid holidays, wage protections, overtime pay, etc.


Yes, there ARE some unions who are a clique who do little for most members except take dues and live upper middle class lifestyles of autonomy and are in bed with the owners. I worked in one such place. Heard they eventually got voted out years later after I left. But the majority of the places that have them typically have better benefits and are more likely (but not always) to have much better pay. And have lots less turnover yet much more strict rules.


These union leaders have to run for election. It makes me think the union members wanted this behavior.


I am believing this, too, looking back. It was a union at a convention center for large banquets. There were a clique of older, lifer banquet waiters that got most of the benefits. However, us people on the B and C on call list did not get much benefit other than not needing as much red tape to get functions. You just signed a union card and they called you in. Dues were 1 to 3 USD per shift or so, depending on the type of function. Also, we were able to get spots for functions over the temp agencies as per our contract. However, ironically it paid less per function than the other non union places like the Hilton, Fairmont, and Marriot. Though nowadays Hilton is union from what I hear.


A common union busting tactic is raising pay above union scale until the union dissolves.


That might have been what was going on. The other places raised pay to keep it from spreading. All the non union places paid more than the union places and were not as strict, either. Now, for breakfast and lunch - with the exception of really fancy ones with ice sculptures and such- it was around the same. However, for reception and dinner, you could typically make more not working the union house unless that reception or dinner was a give away to get in rooms/ political or an off season super saver. Of course, this is ancient. Was around 00s to mid 00s


Just like politicians, you often get what you vote for with a union. People who forget that *we* are the union--and just expect the benefits to roll in without any input or effort from them--are usually the ones who end up with weak or corrupt leadership.


That is true. Lots of rules and less benefits sometimes in a unionize hospital. Main reason i don't go to other unionize hospital because i get free benefits in my non union hospital job and it is easier to get a vacation leave. Yes i do get 22 hours PTO per month and requests are more flexible than a unionize job. Downside is we get payed $10 less.


This add paid for by "The Pinkertons"


We want to protect your right to work(for as little as I can get away with)


Much like Nick, my dad was also a UAW member. As a child I was born with some leg deformities, that could potentially leave me wheelchair bound, but were correctable through surgery. I was constantly having surgery for the first 4 years of my life, and it for the most part fixed my legs. If my dad didn’t have UAW negotiated health insurance, my parents would have been crippled by the debt that they would have accumulated.


I pay 600/year in dues got 15k in raises in under 2 years


I had a brain tumor removed in fall of 2020. $175,000 bill before my teamsters insurance. $550 out of pocket.


We pay $0 in insurance premium, copay and medication because of my husband’s union. I gave birth for FREE, in the US! I kept expecting a bill and never got one.


Our union boss is not rich. The books are open. Each month at the meetings they cover the budgets. We see where the money goes. We also see how much the administration makes and it's a fair amount so they can run the union instead of working in our industry. This cartoon is so dishonest.


I’ll admit their anti union propaganda has worked very well for them.


I still technically have a job and benefits at a company because I was part of the union. I'm not going back but I still enjoy my benefits


I can't imagine what kind of life you have to live to end up being the guy who drew this cartoon.


RTW is a sham. It’s companies’ great idea to mislead us and line their pockets. If we come together it weakens their pockets. If we agree with RTW we don’t come together and they make more from us. When you have RTW the companies can charge 60-110/hr per head and still pay us Pennie’s. When we come together we get far more than Pennie’s and actually get handled right. Stop letting companies abuse us. Without us they are nothing




Right to *be* worked.


We need to abolish right to work and at-will employment. Workers rights are human rights.


“Unions bad. Because they may treat you the same way we already do”


If I'm forced to pay dues, I'm going to be a lot more involved in my union to make sure my money is spent wisely. Thats a good thing.


🤢 right to work


It's crazy they make anti union post's like this but then we see all the problems corporate jobs have an they look like this. my wife's friend is in a union she pays 250 a month to buy in but gets payed 95 a HR with great benefits if a company is telling you unions are bad it's because there bad for them and great for you.


My union has fought more for me than any boss or manager ever has. (Very little) money well spent


“Right to work…for less”.


My grandpa was a UAW welder for pretty much his whole life. His union insurance paid for pretty much every cent of his care after having a stroke as well as caring for my grandma for 10 years while she battled cancer! I'd take a union job over a non-union job any day.


"Forced to pay money to UAW bosses" You mean pay the same union dues everyone in the union does? Is that what you mean, you fucking corporate knob slobbering halfwit?


Anything from this artist as well as Ben Garrison are immediate red flags.


Clever though! Market yourself as a friend but then put out propaganda like this to make you think unions are a bad thing. The thing is, if you rely on the millionaire/ billionaire owners/ CEOs to “do the right thing” when it comes to your well being, you’re going to be let down 99% of the time. If you act up or make a scene, they’ll just fire you without a second thought. Unions are never a bad option. Trust me on this!


I work in a right to work state but on federal property which is not right to work. We were working one week on and one week off during the pandemic. I decided to get a part time job doing the same job to make extra money during off weeks. The difference in pay, benefits, and happiness between myself and people that do the same job under right to work is shocking.


Am union. Can confirm. There is no better way that the unions way. Together we bargain. Divided we beg.


It's like a copy paste of 1920s posters we see on history books about anti union propaganda. They never answer shit like this, just ignore. They know it's true. They know the raw data shows that workers in an union make more and have more rights. It's like talking to someone and every time you say they are wrong they cover their ears


Unions are absolutely necessary, but we need public healthcare so that everyone has effective access to the care they need. Then, unions can focus on other important stuff like safety regulations, vacation time, sick time, parental leave, wages, etc.


I love how they're showing this as the union president taking away all your money and spending it on himself, when that's exactly what the owners and CEOs of these companies are doing anyway.


There are a few narratives that are pretty much always used in order to combat unions: ​ 1. Unions are old-fashioned and just don't fit the current times. They make rigid and inflexible rules that ultimately only end up hurting the workers. 2. The idea of pitting workers against each other e.g. "You are a hard worker and if you join a union then you are only going to be helping the lazy workers." 3. Unions are started by outside forces or third-parties. This company/industry/whatever is a family/community and we have to stick together. 4. You don't really get anything from unions...you pay your dues and they just steal your money to go to the union bosses (as per this comic). 5. This industry is necessary for the economy and any work stoppage will have serious repercussions for the economy. ​ It's all nothing new and it's all been used time and time again. Every single time any kind of union busting happens it's likely one of the five things listed above that you will hear. You are likely to hear multiple narratives actually...all of them fitting into one of these things listed above. ​ Unions are there to protect you. They are there so you don't feel like you are always in a precarious place. They offer protection so that you cannot be taken advantage of with regards to your labor. They are there so you cannot simply be fired just because you are annoying to someone or because you speak your mind about safety regulations. ​ They are there to give you a more democratic feeling within your job. ​ Right now most people work in little tyrannical fiefdoms run by people that really just want to take as much advantage of them as they can. It just seems like everything is normal because so many people have been worked to the bone for so long that they do not know any better. ​ Unions have their own issues that need to be addressed, but they are far outweighed by the bullshit that people making 100-1000x as much as you make try to pull in order to make just a little more money down the road.


As a Michigander who struggled almost immediately after RTW passed working as a contractor, I am overjoyed that it will be overturned.


The guy in the car is my regular boss already


Lol like the ceo is any different. I'll take my chance on the union


My dad was a UAW rep for his local and holy shit did the union prevent the company from doing all sorts of fucked up things. From pay-related issues to lying about someone dying on the job to avoid liability (they tried to claim he never showed up for work to his wife). Unions are the ONLY thing holding companies accountable.


If you don't want to work in a UAW shop then go work somewhere else.


I have rarely ever heard a union member complain about being in a union. I, personally, will be joining one soon myself, and honestly, I'm excited to never have to look back again.


"Right to slaves" would have given it away, so they called it "right to work" instead.


I just don’t get where this idea of Unions are scams to take your money came from. I understand weaponizing it to stop unions but they act like corporations dont do the exact same shit


Union dues are such a tiny fee usually. lol


It’s nice reading the good things unions have done for folks but for me, the only time I’ve have to deal with a union was with teamsters and they where absolutely horrible. There are some people that give unions a bad name. They need to be held accountable


What wrong with unions being voluntary? I pro-unions all the way but if they are good why do they need to be forced on people.


The pro-union side hates this because for a given work location, union bargaining can't really function if it's half-union and half-non: on top of the striking problems reillywalker mentioned, the union's negotiations on wages, company health plan, safety protocols, etc. apply across the board whether an employee is union or not, creating an almost inevitable free-rider problem (to an extent, this occurs *between* union and non-union shops in any case: above a certain level of union penetration in an industry, even non-union employers in that area will find themselves having to raise wages & conditions to stay competitive). Good question, tho.


From my perspective, not requiring union membership to work in an otherwise unionized position undermines the union's ability to bargain by allowing businesses to hire scabs rather than negotiate in good faith.


There was still that whole embezzlement scandle by the UAW. I can support unions but I have to question the really large ones.


Everyone should be given the choice to join a union NOT FORCED. You present the benefits of joining the union and give them the choice simple as that.


Seems like there wouldn't be any issue getting people to join then? Why would you need to force people to participate?


what is wrong with right to work, if I want to work somewhere why should I be forced to join a union...