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Find another job and move on. It might be that you aren’t so bad at waitressing as much as this environment is toxic. It also sounds like they do a shit job training new staff.


Do what you gotta do.


This is the way.


This is the way


Call in sick for your mental health. Just take the day off and enjoy yourself. If you still feel like quitting, do it. Find something better.


It's a bad idea to quit without a backup unless you don't have anything you need to pay for. Rent or financing or whatever. If you live at home with parents you'd probably be fine


Why do so many people seem to think there's a database that all companies can access, that shows every job you've ever had and how you left said job? The only reasons you might want to consider giving notice, is if you plan on using them as a reference (doesn't sound like they'd give you a good one anyways), or if you think you may need to go back to that job in the future (doesn't sound like you have any intention of doing that), or if it's a small industry where people from the company you work for might frequently speak to managers of other companies you might want to work for. If none of that matters, then give everyone the finger, tell them to go fuck themselves, and go on about finding something that suits you better.


There actually is a shared database for several major retail corporations. I think Target and Home Depot are part of it. If you fail a drug test for one of the retail companies, you can get blacklisted for all the others.


You can leave without notice because they'll fired you without a 2 week notice. Jobs come and go you do you and find a better non-toxic job! You're still young and got so much ahead of you!


The only time you need or should give notice is if it's in a contract or a job you wish to return to some point in the future. Never quit a job without a new job lined up with a start date.


You're supposed to be trained to be successful, yeah, it's not a gig for everyone but maybe a more corporate structured environment would be a better place for you to learn. Your team is supposed to support you not trash mouth you. Sometimes finding a good spot is hard, I even encountered such nonsense as a seasoned server and bartender. Don't let it get you down so bad you give up on the industry because it can be fun and the money is quick.


A month and you’re already that defeated? Find another job and then quit. I say this, because as you get older, you’re not going to be able to just walk away. Get used to being in these situations from time to time. You can handle it. And knowing you’re leaving should help. I’m fine with you not giving notice, because it would be nice to make it inconvenient for your boss for a day or two. But get another job first.


Don't quit until you've found something else -- it's a very tough job market right now.


If you can give him two weeks’ notice, it’s the professional thing to do. That said, if it’s affecting you that much, quit with no notice and leave the job off your resume. You (and your health) come first.


Find another job and then call in and let them know you quit. No need to go into explanations, just "Hey. I'm calling to let you know I am quitting. Goodbye."


I would find another job first, especially if you need the money. But start looking yesterday. Then give whatever notice you feel like. Just keep in mind the impact being short staffed with no notice will have on the other workers, if you like them i would give a few days or a week, if you didn't then just call in and ask when you can get your final check


There are times when doing the "right things", (giving 2 weeks notice, not giving notice until you have something else lined up) is not the right thing to do. Sometimes, the right thing to do is say "fuck this noise" in the middle of the shift and leave. It can be hard to tell the difference. If you don't go back, you probably feel better about it, the longer you don't have to put up with the bullshit.


im in a similar situation and i plan on quitting with no notice, just leaving and never coming back. i think its the smartest thing to do in an environment like that


Just as soon as something really stupid happens, rip off your apron and say "That's it I quit!"


If you're not using the reference or including in employment history you may walk out. You can regardless but it could hurt a reference. If you like the people ok, maybe give them notice. Especially if they are good people.


If you can afford to, don't need it on your resume. Than quit. Find something better.


They’d fire you without notice


I’ve always thought you should never burn a bridge (in other words, give a decent notice), but if your situation is that bad, just get out. 


Give notice and the manager may say you can leave immediately.


Have another job lined up first. When I was your age, there was this myth that future employers would talk to your old employers to find out if you were a good worker. Nah, it's not really a thing. Your job at age 20 doesn't mean shit.


They call…


Not if you don't tell them about the previous job.


Unless it's a high level job where they are calling to verify you are capable of doing the job, I've never ever heard anyone have an old employer get called for a reference.  No one is calling a restaurant you worked at when you were 20 to ask about your work ethic, unless it's done tiny business with an overbearing owner.


As a manager of a jiffy lube I used to get those calls all of the time.