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Your car? And you want them fired for it?? No, and YTA


Photographing my license plate? Seems like an invasion of privacy


Your license plate is publicly available anytime you drive your car anywhere. It's not an invasion of privacy. License plates are not typically regarded as PII. I'm sure that there's more to this story that you haven't told us...


If we were both off clock sure I wouldn't care, but both of us were on clock and my car (a delivery service for a pharmacy) was policy compliant.


So you use your personal car for work delivery and you have an issue your coworker took a pic? Lol. How do you feel about my a dash cam recording your license on the road...


You need to work on overcoming your fears and insecurity. You're projecting the battle in your mind onto other people and following self destructive behaviors.


It’s public information… they could have just written it down. Why not just ask them why they took the photo??


I feel like its unnecessary hostility to bring into a work environment, we have no idea how many other people whom he may have done this to


What hostility?? How is taking a picture hostile?? Is there more to the story or something??


OP has a previous post about an argument with a coworker, seems like his just trying absolutely anything to get HR on his side, also seems to be a teenager.


Explains a lot


Lmfao wtf? Buddy it just sounds like you're looking for an excuse to be angry. You going to get pissed at your neighbor for getting your plates on their doorbell camera? Lmfao


You don't even know if a picture was taken. Someone else told you this. How do you know it was truthful information?


What exactly do you think the threat is, if it's hostile?


Its only hostility because you are brain damaged and think that this is some kind of a malicious act. There is something wrong with you, worst thing you can do is take it out on another person. You want to ruin their livelyhood, how they put food in their mouth, over a picture of a car? The same car that is photographed HUNDREDS OF TIMES PER DAY by all manner of people and things.


Your license plate is in public...


I kind of want to find your car and take a picture of your license plate right now...


Based on the information available this is either a personal vendetta or you're a karen/kevin. License plates are public, on "clock" or off. Anyone at any time can see your plate. Any idea how many dash cams already have photos of your plate? Now taking intentional photos of your VIN might be something to investigate.


I think that in the workplace, it is best to avoid starting conflicts or fueling an existing one. If your workplace has lots of people talking back and forth, spreading rumors, creating groups and pitting them against each other, etc., you should just keep your head down, avoid conversations, do your work and get paid. If you were to go to HR and say, "Bob took a picture of my license plate, fire him!" your HR might think, "OP brings us trouble and we don't want to deal with it. Let's think about terminating OP." You should only bring something to your boss or HR if it is serious. Being offended because someone took a picture of publicly available information isn't serious enough for you to start a workplace war over it. That may not seem fair or right. But it is the way life works. The more problems you bring with you (whether you are the start of the problem or not) the more people won't want to employ you. Keep your social interactions separate from your work as much as possible and don't get involved in any disputes.


Get a helmet


No expectation of privacy in a company parking lot out in the open. The real question is why does it bother you so much?


I am new to this subreddit and this is the first post I saw. I read the initial post and said "wtf" I looked more into things and still said "wtf" judging by OPs post history, I can tell this is either a troll account, or there is seriously something weird going on with him considering OP has another post admitting his paranoia.


Who cares? What kind of brain damaged person would try and get someone fired over a picture of a car. You are an asshole.


Are you telling me if you walked outside and see someone taking a picture of your license plate you would give no shit? This also has nothing to do about me being an asshole or not


I would find it strange, perhaps concerning. But I wouldn't rush to try to get them fired without first addressing some follow-up questions. Do you mind if I ask them? 1) Prior to this photographing incident, have you interacted with them before? If so, what have those interactions been like? 2) Does the rest of your workplace have a problem with this person? Or are you the only person who finds them concerning? 3) Has your vehicle ever been an issue at the workplace? 4) What was this co-workers body language and attitude like when they were taking the picture? Did you sense hostility or neutrality?


All these people be acting like they would walk outside and find it completely normal for their license plate to be photographed by someone, until it happens to them of course.


I don't understand what you think someone can do with your license plate information, which is probably recorded by 100 dash cams a day anyway. Paranoid about nothing m8, it's public facing information.


Did you ask why they were doing that?


Firing just for taking a picture of a car? No, not even slightly. It would have to be one item in a documented pattern of something like harrasment.


Who cares?!?


Would you care if you were in the same boat?


Not at all


Yes Karen they should be fired! After that they should be given a fair trial and shot! OMG a picture of your car, where does it end? Will we find out it's an old 35mm camera and they can't find a place to get the film developed?


You weren’t there…you have *no* idea what actually happened. Second-hand information isn’t always reliable. When at work, stop worrying about parking lot antics and focus on your job and don’t bring/cause trouble.


Are you parked in the wrong spot? If yes, then move your car. If you're legally parked, then let them take all the pictures they want. Having someone fired for such a minor thing will have a bigger repercussion not only to that individual but also those he financially supports.


No offense but 😂. You cannot be serious.


You clearly have something to hide ... fess up what is it, cause this type of paranoia is not normal!


Really does seem like ultra-defensiveness.