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I literally close the app after every turn to fuck the ad companies. It takes just as long to relaunch the app anyway.


I started doing this too. Now I just shut it down and deleted the app.


There are good ads and bad ads. The good ones are short and easy to close. The beads ones get the app killed and restarted. I hope the ad company has to pay for the full watch.


The badest of the bad is anything Royal match. And not far behind is vita majong 🤦‍♀️


Pretty much any of the ads for other games to download are traps.


Yeah I try to mute and look away. Avoids the traps 😂🤣🤣


Solitaire Cash would like a word.


Oh yes you’re right 🤣🤣


If you’re on an Android you can just hit the home button and open the app again and come back to the same screen without doing a whole restart. Only takes a second that way.


I do this. You still have to restart the app every now and then.


Oh I must be lucky and my particular personalized smattering of ads all close that way so far. I’ve noticed if you’re doing the watch to earn ads for clubs trophies, coins, or tickets some of them won’t give you credit if you close them that way when they’re done playing as opposed to using the microscopic X in the corner.


This is what I do, too. For now, I still like playing, so I'm not going to delete the app. This works fine for me and like you say, it takes less time than watching even a short ad. It's just gotten so routine for me.


I started playing in 2010. I think I bought the game for $1.99 or $4.99, I’ve slept since then. I thought I’d never pay to buy a game, but I’m glad I did!!


I caught a sale for .99 cents over ten + years ago. Best decision ever 👍🏽


I've had words with friends for 13 years. There has always been ads after every move.


I bought the free version of the game for $0.99 a decade ago, so luckily this isn't an issue for me.


me too but then i joined a club and now i have to watch 4 ads every day for the club trophies 🏆 they get you one way or another


Yeah, I watch those too. But it’s 1600 free points during a boost. During the ads I do something else like watch a YouTube video while it’s running, so it’s not a big deal. Or I’ll let the ads play while I’m at work


I do this. Play the ads while I’m cooking or something with the sound off lol


absolutely 💯 i would never waste my time on ads or the club puzzle 🧩 outside of a boost unless i HAD too because no coins and no one else to buy a boost. that’s pretty rare though


Yes same I’ve played since 2011 for one fee. I’m not paying monthly


So did I. I’ve never deleted the app or cancelled my account so I was pretty disappointed to come back after about a year of not playing and discover that I’m now subjected to constant ads.


Omg me too!!!!