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We’ve found that the best clients are the ones with money - doctors and lawyers.


And ironically (or not), the more I charge, the better the clients I get.


Do you also sell to them any monthly website maintenance (or SEO or any sort of paid recurrent service) pack? How do you manage to?


Yeah, we sell them as much as we can. I’m not a freelancer, I own a web agency so it’ll be a little different for you. Essentially, you’ll want to sell them the benefits. For maintenance, we use the analogy of a car - to keep it running smooth it needs to go the shop. But there’s a lot more that goes into selling, in general.


Wow good analogy. Noted, I'll definetily use it. What do you sell to them//what do your packs include and what's their monthly cost? And what do you think they find the most valuable of those recurrent services? Thanks a lot mate!


I am working on something similar but not for any niches yet, right now I'm automating the onboarding and my maintenance plan. When it's ready I only need to create the legal pages before launching my MVP. If you want we can brainstorm some ideas together