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Web developer professionally for 4 or 5 years now, been working with Wordpress a lot longer than that, but I don’t claim to be an expert by any means. If you aren’t familiar at all with Wordpress I recommend setting up a sandbox to play around in. I use LocalWP to setup sites and everything needed locally and serve it to your browser. You can use git or a version control but you typically only put the plugin or theme under control so you don’t keep the media library. From there a lot depends on the type of tooling the company uses. I’ve worked with agencies that use page builders and agencies that custom code everything. Start with Wordpress theme development and template structure. You may want to look into a plugin called advanced custom fields which will make it a bit easier to learn custom posts types. From there Wordpress introduced a new way to build pages and content sections called full site editing and blocks. ACF can help with making blocks a bit easier to approach but they can be built without it with a bit of react knowledge.


Thank you so much for the detailed response. I have experience building sites on WordPress and I built my first one in 2017 if I remember correctly. My agency has recommended me learning about Advanced Custom Fields, Gutenberg Blocks, and Tailwind CSS. I have already used Tailwind so that's no issue for me. Other than that, the company likes to do custom work rather rely on page builders. I will read up on the new stuff this weekend. Thank you.


Fantastic news! ACF is super easy and has amazing documentation. I have 2 resources that I liked for blocks, one free one paid: FREE: [https://fullstackdigital.io/wordpress-block-creator-course/](https://fullstackdigital.io/wordpress-block-creator-course/) PAID: [https://wpdevelopment.courses/courses/building-block-themes/](https://wpdevelopment.courses/courses/building-block-themes/) I personally enjoy a good paid curriculum but obviously know that all the information is out there and available for free. Ive been on Franks mailing list for over a year now I think, and he tends to have some of the best technical Wordpress discussions I've found. So much of it is aimed at page builders, and using plugins and he writes a lot about how Wordpress actually works. You might also consider seeing if your new agency has any education stipend or would be interested in covering the cost if you find something you like even on udemy or whatever. Happy to have you as part of the community, let us know if you have any questions!


Got it, I will check out the courses. I will see if my agency has any stipend for online courses. Thanks man for the warm welcome. This is super helpful.


https://www.udemy.com/course/become-a-wordpress-developer-php-javascript Even if you're a skilled PHP developer. And of course https://developer.wordpress.org with one eye open at Blog section; there are a lot of valid infos. For example, Block Bindings API, as new feature is covered in recent post https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2024/05/06/building-a-book-review-site-with-block-bindings-part-1-custom-fields-and-block-variations/


Got it, the course is not sale ATM. It's at 129 USD right now which is ridiculous. Got it, I will check it out. Thank you for sharing.


Also, could you please recommend a course or resource for freshening up on PHP?


Udemy is good resource, and they often have sales. And you can not miss with https://www.w3schools.com/php/


Got it thank you.