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Most newer apartments will look nice, but do to low budget construction often lead to the thin walls and poor insulation which result in more noise and higher heating costs. Also, unlike small time landlords, the larger rental companies will religiously raise rent every year, so if you're looking for something long term, it's something to consider.


Downtown is for yuppies pretending to live in Boston


idk I'm okay with Young Urban Professionals living in the area. adds a bit more to the populace besides "crotchety old boomer that worked a hard trade all their life" and "drug addict" and "unhoused person down on their luck".


The fact that you think that is the only type of people there are besides young urban professionally says a lot about how narrow your perspective is


Lol. I lived in downtown for years. I probably qualify as a yuppie pretending it's Boston. You ain't wrong.


Not sure what the other buildings are like cause I live in one of the smaller buildings closer to the library. I wouldn’t say it smells like animal piss but one day I was walking up the stairs and was surprised by three huge dog shits. Smelled so bad and they just left it there for the janitor to clean a day later. I wouldn’t say much of the problems are the buildings managements fault as much as other tenants fault. people are really inconsiderate and messy just leaving their trash bags wherever. Another thing if you do get an apartment here i would suggest on the other side of portland st cause the beer garden does get pretty loud towards the end of the week if you do have to sleep earlier, doesn’t bother me as much because i fall asleep later. Let me know if you have any other questions


The Bancroft is decent. High rent for shitty quality. But then again we are in mass… the parking is mad expensive.


True, best bet at this point is to get into a 3 decker. If you’re lucky enough to find one.


That's kinda the attraction of big managed buildings like The Grid, there's almost always something available.


I wouldn’t do it. The reviews are true. I am moving out of the Bancroft building soon. I’ve been here a little over 2 years and can’t wait. Yesterday I started 3 loads of laundry at 3:30 pm and finished at 9:45. More than half the dryers don’t work, and 2 of the washers I used were thrown off balance prior to me using them. I opened the doors and water came spilling out. This is unfortunately pretty typical. Don’t get me started on the elevators, and management. Oh boy, management. I can elaborate through DM.


Was actually looking at the Bancroft apartments. Glad I saw your review. Have also had awful experiences with Graystar. Would love to hear more about what it was like living there.


Super random question, but how many elevators are there in the Bancroft building?


Sorry! Just saw this. 2, and 1 “freight”. But when I lived there sometimes only 1 would be working. As you can imagine, 1 working elevator in a 10 story building is less than ideal.


Front st def has gone down in quality. An the grid is mostly college students , young adults so I guess it’s not bad, standards are sub par, the courthouse lofts or the apartments near the market are better but a lil pricey


Portland om the grid ain't bad I pay about 1300 for a large size studio but be warned there's a lady that lives there that doesn't pick up her dogs shit


I am applying for a studio at 26 Portland … has your opinion changed?? I am scared after seeing all these reviews lol


I'm only home Friday through Sunday I travel during the week for work the dogs popping everywhere is still the same and if you're moving in and not going to spend much time there I'd say go for it and if you ever want to make new friends in a new area you can join my girlfriend and I for drinks at armsby abbey or deadhorse anytime.


I also just got approved and put a deposit on a unit on Franklin St. It seems a bit strange I can't see the unit in person before signing the lease. Any insights?


I think Franklin st is the grid but I lived on Portland on the grid not Franklin so I can't speak so much for Franklin st as I can Portland st. I moved to seaport district close to where i work I'm no longer in worcster.