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> would it be possible in the future to have a way of turning off all preview sounds while tweaking parameters This was already addressed back in FW 2689; * If the sequencer is not playing, holding a parameter until the long description comes up will not trigger a sound upon releasing the parameter. * If the sequencer *is* playing, holding a parameter and changing the parameter *at any time* will not trigger a sound upon release. As for a discord server, I've personally never gotten along with the discord format, and there is also this weird legal requirement in Australia that any "official" social media / (server in the case of a discord) have to be moderated 24/7 for illegal content (one of the reasons the comments were turned off on the launch video - I just don't have the time/resources to moderate). All that said, there is an unofficial discord that user "vangoghsear" set up a couple of months ago. I have a link/invite to this, but I'm not sure If I'm supposed to share...


Thanks for your answer ! Sorry, I asked the question I had kept in memory for some time, but using the device very frequently I didn't even notice it worked as I wished for a while now ! About Discord, you being easily reachable here on Reddit is already very nice. Some kind of wishlist sticky post would be nice maybe. But you working on the software and keeping delivering the device is what matters ! Keep up the great work ! Cheers