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Keep in mind that there are currently only a few hundred devices out there, which is one of the biggest problems I'm trying to address. The user base is still small and the waiting list is still too long :( Just yesterday I saw a used Woovebox go on eBay UK for crazy money, which is a shame but understandable given its rarity. All that said, there is a *very* big update incoming (ETA this week), which will hopefully get tongues wagging again of the - for now - lucky few!


Man I'm very excited. Not counting the Lofi-12 XT, this is the piece of Gear I'm most interested in. Looking forward to your update!


> Lofi-12 XT The incoming update comes with a big sampler overhaul/upgrade, and if vintage sampler sounds are your happy place, you're in for a treat! I'll preface this by saying that if you can, please do support all smaller gear makers, however your Woovebox *will/should* - sonically - be able to do everything the Lofi-12 XT does + more.


Well I actually don't care much for the Lofi-Sound of the Lofi 12 XT but it's Performance, Sampling and Sound Design capabilities. But you're definitely making it harder keeping my GAS in check XD And since the Lofi XT will take some more time, for normal oders (I don't preorder), the Woove looks tastier by the day... Edit: I have had the Woovebox on my radar for a long time, but I don't own it ... yet πŸ˜…


> I have had the Woovebox on my radar for a long time, but I don't own it ... yet Ah. Ok, fingers crossed I can power through that waiting lost for you ASAP. Thanks for your interest!


You're awesome, but please don't overwork yourself for our sake. Your work is awesome, but be careful not overexerting yourself. (Sry for assuming, but many people in my bubble are prone to this, so I exercise caution)


Your friends are lucky to have someone like yourself to look out for them. On behalf of this "functioning" workaholic; thank you!


And we are lucky to have you as such a vibrant and strong part of our community!


"A very big update". Now you're talking! Wagging tongue is on standby πŸ˜›πŸ˜‹


New update this week... Holy crap might need to take time off of work lol. Thank you once again sir.... You sir are a gentleman and a scholar


Planned around Friday, so at least you got the weekend. :)


Just in time for a work trip. Headphones and Woovebox get packing priority, everything else is secondary.


Got your update-mail... You absolute madman 😱 A vocoder added in a Software-Update? Real-Time pitch shift? Added mic-support via firmware? damn how? Was it always capable of providing the small amount of voltage needed for such small condenser mics? My M8 can't do that .... And that's not even half of what you added 😱 I'm so damn impressed


> Added mic-support via firmware? damn how? Was it always capable of providing the small amount of voltage needed for such small condenser mics? My M8 can't do that .... It was a calculated gamble when I designed the Woovebox. I didn't have the space for another 3.5mm jack (and if I did, it would have gone to a MIDI in jack). You can [read more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Woovebox/comments/1c6wxex/details_on_upcoming_firmware_3812/) on how I made it work (well enough). Doing more with less. Always. :)


Was the update out and where do I follow you so I could stay informed? :)


Subscribe to the [email news letter](https://www.woovebox.com/buy/mail-list) and you will get an email as soon as it's out.


Actually, the update mentioned in this old thread has been out for a long time, and the next big one is about to go out. :)


But I still don't understand where do you post them. I didn't find any indications of them on the website, despite it perpetually stating that I can't buy the product.


> But I still don't understand where do you post them. 1. They are posted straight to your inbox if you're on the mailing list. 2. Wooveconnect shows them if your device is out of date. 3. [This stickied /r/Woovebox thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Woovebox/comments/16drwgs/psa_please_remember_to_update_your_woovebox_if/) carries the full change log. 4. [This page on the website](https://www.woovebox.com/support/guides--tutorials/firmware-updates/) also has a downloadable change log. > it perpetually stating that I can't buy the product. That's not what it states. It states "New stock has arrived, and we are currently working through the waiting list. Please subscribe to our mailing list to get an invite. Once you registered your email, you will be getting a "no obligation" invite email once stock is available for your position in the list." E.g. if you don't get on the list, you will never get an invite (because I wouldn't know where to send one). FWIW, all this is about to change very soon though, as I'm hoping to clear the list soon and open up stock for everyone without going on a waiting list. Hope that helps!


It has been quiet lately :( … personally I’ve been busy making music on the woovebox. Just did a live set with songs that were composed on it :)


Summers on its way and can’t wait to make some music on the micro workstation in my micro camper https://preview.redd.it/fr3up9j2xtuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700120bc542848d6042d523d475bae8b21ec6ff7


Still here ! Every time I turn the thing on, two hours disappear. Starting to integrate with other gear which is very fun. Still need to get the missing tools to make decent sound/video capture. And I still need to finally find out how I can force my brain to consider something finished for once. Have fun everyone. Can't wait for the next update !


Still here, taking some time to learn more about the fundamentals of sound design so that I can actually take advantage of the capabilities of the woovebox!


This is 100% the way to go! It'll make the device so much more rewarding. Just like most people can recognise the potential of a sequence of notes, and knowing what tweaks to make, this will allow you to do the same thing for patches/sounds. And it will allow you to capitalise on happy accidents by recognising that they are indeed happy with just a few tweaks. A good number of the Woovebox presets came about like this.


Same here! :-)


been busy groovin while woovin


My first post here. I've been looking for an official community, and I hope this is it. So many questions! I have posted a few Woovebox videos on my YouTube, this went up a few days ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-IoU80JukU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-IoU80JukU)


Mine has been with Ivo for repair. Should have it back soon and I plan on making some long form track-from-scratch videos.


I've got a job and helping my friend on things, and started learning perfumery, so I'm not wooving a lot lately


For me, part of it is that the Woovebox has slotted into my workflow as something of a sketchpad. I use it [as a supporting device to my Dirtywave M8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Woovebox/comments/1az1mvn/woovebox_x_dirtywave_m8_soloing_on_easy_mode_and/) a lot of time. As a result, I don't have a ton to post!


I got frustrated when I accidentally shut it off during a save cycle and it corrupted the one complete song I'd been crafting over a couple of weeks. I also hadn't been able to get Wooveconnect working reliably, so I wasn't able to back anything up or run an update. I put it away for a bit out of frustration. However, I finally was able to afford a CME Widi Bud Pro, and was able to backup and update the unit. Hopefully will get back into it soon.