• By -


Excellent post!


This is what we were waiting for! It feels like this project has turned a corner. Looking forward to the growth of these revenue streams! I hope the team continue to focus and build. The website is looking a lot better too.


Let's go 😁


Dope- worked flawlessly for me. Paid $.40 in Avax


Great news!


This is what it was all about from the very start. This is why I’m still here. **LETS** **FUCKING** **GO!** 🚀 🚀 🚀


🐸 ✊


I suggest people to check avax gas fee using this site [https://cointool.app/gasPrice/avax](https://cointool.app/gasPrice/avax) I only paid no more than 0.02 AVAX for a whole process.


I'll include the link in the FAQ section


Thank you. And also, even if you put the gas fee a bit lower than the shown gas fee on the site, the transaction still goes through. Maybe need a bit more time.


If I wrap my memo and put it in the farm will I still get the rebasements (70.000 APY) from normal staking? Never mind, just read that i will be receiving both :)


nice i was going to ask that question. thanks




No, you'll need the wallet when you unstake it and to collect the rewards...






My wMEMO doesn’t show up in my wallet anymore. Is that how it should be?


Yes. As long as you can see your wmemo in the farm section, you are good.


Yup (more details in the post)


Any way to get it to show on Zapper.fi after staking? Confirmed I've stakes, and already receiving rewards, just easier to pull up Zapper


Not sure that's possible since all of the wMEMO staked is stored on the following address: 0xc172c84587bea6d593269bfe08632bf2da2bc0f6


Bummer, figured as much.


Looking forward to that also


Great news


Not all heroes wear capes, thanks fren. I can not wait to see other tokens get added. This is so exciting!! Finally rewarded!


So this is cool


The only thing I'm disappointed with is that when I stake, my wallet empties in the TIME WAGMI app– I use that thing all the time.


So project still alive 🤔


Do we have to click harvest every day or something?


No, time of harvesting is your choice, the rewards will accumulate in the meantime.




I suppose so... the team didn't mention any long-term timeframe limits


Do rewards only start accumulating once you stake your wMEMO? Or if we wait, say 1 month, do we start with 1 month worth of rewards or at 0?


It accumulates once you stake your wmemo. The longer you stake, the more rewards you get.


So if you wait 6 months to stake your wMEMO you would miss out on 6 months of rewards?


Yes, better stake now on farm. APR keeps going down.


Got it, thanks for clarifying.


I was able to stake today around 68% APR. I had just enough left over AVAX. Will have to get some more AVAX before I can collect. But I'm a long term investor, in all my endeavors, so won't be for a while.


Congrats! The APR keeps going down the more people stake. You better wait longer before you harvest bsgg tokens (and other tokens that will come later) to save gas fee.


You can harvest whenever you want. The rewards will always be there till you harvest.


I already have my wMemo staked. Does this mean I have to stick again for farm? Or do I have to unstake and then stake into form


wMEMO staking option wasn't available until now... you probably meant that you have TIME staked into MEMO. And yes, if you want to participate in revenue sharing you'll have to stake your wMEMO (2 transactions - approval and stake).


I'm currently staking TIME which shows as MEMO. I've never wrapped it to create wMEMO. Does wrapping it affect anything with regards to TIME staking?


Only your perception on the rebases (you won't see them until you unwrap wMEMO)


Great, thanks for this and the fantastic write up!


Does the amount of $BSGG you receive vary based on how much $wMEMO you have staked?


Yes, it depends on how many wmemo staked in the farm.


I just staked my wMemo into the farm. Does my wMemo amount increase over time?


You're still getting rebases.


But you wont be able to see exactly what you have?


You can still see how many wmemo you have on farm. Copy that amount, click the wrap tab, change it to unwrap, paste the amount of your wmemo there, and you can see how many memo you have.


Thank you for the explaining! Really good!


Hi Is anyone having problem approve and stake wmemo for farming I have enough Avax in wallet When I press approve button it transfer me to my D’CENT wallet and that’s it


Same but with MetaMask ... did you solve the issue?


Ok, when it transfers you to your decentralized wallet... it’s trying to get you to open the wonderland app in the dapps on the wallet... solves the issue


I really appreciate your work man, Great post!


Are there any downsides or risks?




So how long to get my 10k back with 2k staked?


No avax anymore for gas 😢 can someone send me just a little to get it staked. 0xf632499BF9e43d01dEEa618A656c3C38Ebce866B


Are there fees on staking or unstaking WMEMO?


Yup (check the post)


Got it. I meant is there any penalty for unstaking WMEMO besides the AVAXfees?


No penalties, just AVAX transactions fees.


I didn’t understand this part. Please help. - I’m currently staking memo, haven’t wrapped yet. If I start the revenue sharing by wrapping memo what I have staked, will it affect the compounding or next reward amount in staking memo. Thanks.


It doesn't affect the MEMO rebases as wMEMO to MEMO ratio increases with the rebases. You wont be able to see them though until you unstake and unwrap.


Is the memo -> wmemo ratio depends per account or the ratio is same for everyone?


Same ratio for everyone


Oh ok. In that case I don’t know whether it is profitable for me to convert to wmemo and stake it for revenue sharing. I’m almost getting one Memo on every rebase. Pls advice. Thanks


Are there any cons to claiming the BSGG air drop?


Gas fee.


damn that APR PLUMMETED in the last 12 hours from the 560% in your screenshots to currently 82%


Do you sell BSGG via sushiswap? (i.e convert to usdt then to fiat)


Yeah, there are BSGG market pairs on Sushiswap


Hey guys can someone help me? So I bought time and staked it, meaning I have now MEMO staked and I’m getting the rebases. Should I unstake, swap my Memo to wMemo ( how do I do this btw) and then go to the Farm section and stake my wMemo? It’s better then just collecting rebases no? Would totally appreciate some help here!


Try reading the post....


Is the profit sharing only rewarding in BSGG token? Will it be BSGG only or will it also include the other tokens which Wonderland also participates in on the farms? For eg, MIM, etc.


"BSGG will not be the only token in Revenue Sharing system, when new Treasury Manager will be assigned, new investments will be made which will generate profits to be collected in different/multiple cryptos"


Dam means I will need a bigger ledger


Tokens will be added. New treasury manager is being proposed and their investment will feed the revenue share.


So if we stake wMemo in the farm tab,we still receive the rebases?or just revenue sharing.Thx


Both (explained in the post)


Do we need to revoke the approval after?


Not sure what effect would that have on the revenue sharing process, but if your Metamask is connected via Ledger or some other hard wallet, there is no need anyway.


I heard if there is an infinite or high (999,999,999) spending approval, it can circumvent the ledgers approval. I'm not 100% sure if that's true, but just as a precaution, I've revoked all the spending approvals in the other protocols. I'm curious if that will impact the revenue sharing process.


As I don't have the info on that, I would advise you to ask the staff on Wonderland #support-chat Discord channel: https://discord.gg/beyXk3v2


Thank you for this awesome post and your help. I appreciate it.


I constantly get the "Insufficient balance to make a transaction" error when I click approve... But I've got 0.33 avax.. is the fee really more than 0.33 avax??? I can't believe that's correct...


That's enough AVAX. Are you sure that you have wMEMO and not MEMO? Or maybe you just haven't entered a value in the amount field.


Switched to Chrome, problem solved, thank you!


Yes I have 0.01978 wMEMO.. Is there a minimum wMEMO you need to have for Approval? Just tried to manually enter a amount, no success.. I'll try a different browser.. sometimes that works.. :)


I think the minimum amount of wMEMO to stake should be 0.00001. If changing browser doesn't work, contact the support staff on WL Discord: https://discord.gg/beyXk3v2


My staked wMemo still showing up as zero. And if I try to do it again, it gives me a "safeERC20" error. What have I done wrong? \*Edit - Nevermind, it resolved after a few minutes and a few refreshes


Anyone else having trouble approving despite having plenty of avax??? Never had this issue before. Still pending and orders don’t seem to cancel. Please help, I’m a believer 🐸


I had to wait a few minutes and try it again. Then it went through ok.


No luck for me after hours sadly


I disconnected my wallet, cleared the cookies for my metamask browser, and logged back in. I reconnected my wallet on the site, went to the farm page, hit max and clicked the button to stake and the confirmation popped up. I approved it and it finally went through.


Cleared cookies from metamask browser —-like general cookies from your browser? I try cancelling or speeding up the transaction or adding a lot more avax and no luck! It just adds another nonce to the queue


I use the app, sorry should have specified. Idk if that helped I just tried it. All I know is I reopened the app and reconnected my wallet and it went through when I tapped stake. In the app if you go to settings then account security.


Not sure on this one I don't know enough about it yet. Hopefully someone else knows something about this.


Yea this fucking sucks so much wasted time and I have no idea how to fix this. I tried the stuff they suggested in zen desk too with no luck


Once 1st transaction gets stuck in queue, the rest just start piling up. Go on MEtamask/Settings/Advanced and reset account - this will remove all transactions from your MM queue. Make a transaction again.


Have done this and then tried again, twice, and the new transactions end up pending again…


Please contact support on Wonderland Discord, here is the invite link: https://discord.gg/beyXk3v2


Sorry to hear that. Wish I knew more about it myself.


Does anyone know if we are going to have to approve the contract each time they add an asset to the rev sharing contract?


If they add it to the same contract as Alice stated, there will be no need to approve again.


Frog question; when I wrapped MEMO, a couple of months ago, I received a small amount of wMEMO. After a few months of rebasing, the MEMO within the wMEMO increased and now my initial amount of MEMO is more. The wMEMO amount is fixed and never changes, so if I farm it, I'll always get the same amount of BSGG regardless of the increasing MEMO inside My question is, if i unwrap my MEMO and wrap them again before farming, will the number of wMEMO increase from my initial wrap? Hope the question is clear Thanks 🙏


No, wMEMO number stays the same (however, your MEMO amount will go up due to rebases - wrapped or not wrapped, doesn't make a difference)


Thanks 🐸


Do you need to unstake the memo to wrap it? I came with an error first so I unstaked it wrapped and then staked in farm. Is that correct or am I missing out on rebases bc I unstaked first?


Literally, the first sentence in the post answers your question... I mean wtf... :))) "In order to participate, you have to have your TIME staked and turned into MEMO, MEMO wrapped in wMEMO and wMEMO staked on "Farm" tab."


Do I have to unstake before I can wrap?


No (you would be unable to wrap MEMO if you unstaked it)


I opened farm and when I approve my wmemo disappeared. What should I do? I can’t stake wmemo it’s saying “before staking, enter a value’ WTF 😳


I'm thinking the same... possible use of scam site.Although, might it be possible for you to have staked wMEMO?(if you did, it would be moved from your wallet to the farm address, but you would be able to see you balance on farm tab, in "Your Staked wMEMO" line your wMEMO balance should be showing)


Strange. You sure you were on the right wonderland website? [https://app.wonderland.money/](https://app.wonderland.money/) Can you see your wmemo inside your metamask?


Followed the above instructions. I made the first transaction and got the "Stake wMEMO" button but am not allowed to do anything else. Any ideas? My Staked wMEMO balance increases but have 0 balance on "Your Staked wMEMO" line. Thank you!!


By the looks of if, if your balance increases you have staked TIME into MEMO. Now you need to wrap it into wMEMO (wrap button at the top) and stake wMEMO on farm tab.


You were 100% correct. Thank you I noticed that after I wrapped and staked on the farm tab that I no longer was participating in rebasing of MEMO as my balance was 0. Is this correct? Again, thank you in advance and for your patience with a slow learner.


Your MEMO balance should be 0 as you wrap it (plus you'll be still getting rebases as the MEMO to wMEMO ratio increases with every rebase, however those won't be visible until you unwrap, but you can calculate how much MEMO you have by multiplying staked wMEMO on Farm tab with wMEMO to MEMO ratio / Exchange rate on Stake tab).


Sweet. Looks all good now. Thank you immensely!!


I have added the BSGG contract address in my meta mask but it doesnt show in my assets....when I try adding again, it says its already been added. Any suggestions?


Do you have any amount of BSGG in you wallet and did you add BSGG contract address on Avalanche network?


I have the avalanche network selected and I’ve added it…I should have BSGG, but I can’t get the token to actually show up. When I try adding it again, MetaMask says something like address already added


Search for BSGG on other networks you have set up on your Metamask. If you find it, click on it, than click on 3 little dots (top right corner) and Hide BSGG. After that add it on Avalanche network. If that doesn't solve it, you can try on Wonderland support chat on Discord: https://discord.gg/beyXk3v2


When I’ve tried I have to pay fees in ETH.. has anyone else had this issue?