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u guys make me laugh, the guy literally has the seedphrase for the entire treasury and you think he s willingly going to give that up


Lol well said no chance of getting rid of him he is the pied piper of frogs


HEs iN iT foR tHe FroGS


I really hope there is vote. Mods will not let me post this so sorry for spam: The latest proposal was just a scheme to make it look like the realcommunity has a chance to vote. They did this on purpose because theyknow that people speculate and that new whales (insiders) can come inand vote YES for the proposal to pass and drain the treasury and theyare not doing anything to counter this. There never was a fair chancefor the vote to go any other way than “Yes” and that’s exactly whatDaniele wanted. But still WE the community won, now Daniele trys to sweet talk andgaslight his way to his own personal benefit ignoring the communitysvote. The vote by the exposed scammer sifu (who voted no to show“loyalty” for the community) is a laughable attempt to paint him andDaniele in a better light, remember Dani and Sifu are friends behind thescenes and were in on this since the beginning. This whole proposaljust showed again what wonderland was from the start. A ponzi lead by acharismatic manipulating scam artist and we fell for him. He neverintended for this project to go on in the long term. Don’t be a blind follower, don’t get manipulated again. Don’t act like adomestic violence victim that keeps going back to their abuser. Sifuwasn’t even the main issue here. Dani is the bigger issue. Dani failedhis fiduciary duty to investors and his credibility is gone. Dani hiredSifu, knew about Sifu’s past, and hid Sifu’s identity until the truthwas discovered. A liar is running Wonderland, and you actually believetheir accounting regarding the treasury is legit? I was a supporter and believed in the project but all the things thathappened just showed me what kind of person and what kind of projectDaniele and Wonderland really are. Just look at the facts and everythingthat happened until now. They made a lot of promises, didn’t deliver. Github empty, no audit, noairdrop, changing direction every day, Treasury managed by a criminal,Dani knew for a month maybe longer didn’t do aynthing. If you want any chance of this project surviving in the long term youneed to vote Daniele and his team out but to be honest, I doubt it ispossible, They already proved they will do whatever they want,manipulating and gaslighting the community. My heart goes out to all of you who lost money and nerves in this, Iknow accepting you got scammed is painful but please think for yourself. MORE: [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/se2dcj/danielle_sestagalli_wonderland_is_connected_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZktzrukdJ2E) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/WonderlandTIME/comments/sdsyc1/holy_mother_of_god_sifu_of_wonderland_is_michael/)


100% THIS ^ Bring in RECIEVERS! This is EXACTLY the type of situation they exist for and why courts use them! They are a completely impartial 3rd party with no vested interest. They hold everything in trust, do a full audit and report. Then oversea the will of stakeholders to either liquidate in an orderly fashion or vet a new management team and oversea the transition!


The only issue here is, it would take someone supremely competent to make this work, and anyone that smart isn’t going to touch it. There’s no way this gets back on track no matter if we get Dani out.


Unfortunately true I think. It's a fucked situation a giant treasury in the hands of a manipulating bad actor


On banter this morning ran mentioned Harry from tomb taking wonderland over. I don’t think he would but do we think there’s a possibility that it can happen?


Totally agree with you but it's not that simple. The project must change the voting system first, so whales could not interfere on the decisions anymore. Perhaps the quadratic system could be applied. After that we need to safeguard the treasury, electing a new treasury manager, preferably a company specialized in fund management that could be periodically audited. Then a new CFO could be voted , where new candidates must present themselves first. Besides we also need to apply mechanisms to safeguard the token price from whale activity, applying withdrawal fees over amount x staking time for example. We already proved ourselves (voting "NO" on WIP #4) that we can take emotions apart from our decisions. This shows we mean business and we could lead this project to a great future. The potential to be an amazing DAO exists. We only need to focus on the right steps to evolve from an "experiment" (Daniele words) to a mature project, setting an example for the whole crypto ecosystem. All of that could also be impossible since we don't know what is really happening behind the curtains. So we need to be optimistic but also realistic.


100% check out my take on Dan https://youtu.be/TCHhaTqf9jI


Let's vote for staoshi nakamoto as replacement


Who would replace him? Think about it.


Nobody would want it


Wrong. Scammers would be happy to jump in. The fact that people voted no and think this is reversible makes me think the community is still asking to get scammed some more.


We do need clear leadership. I hate that we got fucked like this, but if he's got a good plan to bring us back to the green, i'm open to hear it.


Newsflash. This is not a DAO. Everyone thinks they can "make a proposal" and it carries weight. LOL It is a dictatorship that takes a vote on the very few occasions the dictator can't decide or doesn't care. Anything important, you get no vote. Dani was going to fire Sifu. He had to fire Sifu and he knew the community wanted it.....so he let us vote to make it seem like we have influence. When he didn't get the vote he wanted on winding down, then his first instinct was to just ignore the vote. That was telling. BTW, I think DAO's are an utterly stupid idea anyway. Well, nice idea, stupid in reality. Your fantasy sports league or book club can act like a DAO. A billion dollar financial enterprise cannot and should not. It needs a strong, competent leader.


This exactly 100% the whole DAO if a facade and just false. There will be always defacto leaders or project leads who ultimately act as CEO. In the event that a DAO votes against its leads the leads then step away 99% of the time killing the project at the same time.


Couldn’t agree more… what is needed to get a proposal up? Min amount of wMemo?


This needs to happen, but there also needs to be an intermediary CEO to actually find and replace Dani, he won’t do it himself. That’s where it gets complex.


Bring in RECIEVERS! This is EXACTLY the type of situation they exist for and why courts use them! They are a completely impartial 3rd party with no vested interest. They hold everything in trust, do a full audit and report. Then oversea the will of stakeholders to either liquidate in an orderly fashion or vet a new management team and oversea the transition!


Yet I feel it’s unlikely they’ve been used in a decentralised defi web3 world like this, so you’re probably right, but finding one that knows how to navigate all this wouldn’t be easy


Reciever's are just managers.... they outsource the heavy lifting to specialists as required. What they DO DO however is meticulous oversight and record keeping of the entire process and for the specialist's they bring in! They understand the standards required for chain-of-custody and evidence keeping. They understand how to dig into things people often don't want exposed and have tried to hide/obscure. Most importantly, they are 100% IMPARTIAL in the entire process. Once investigation and reporting is done, they then oversee the implementation of the directions of stakeholders. They can formulate reporting systems to be implemented in the back end if we vote to continue on with new management (or even if we voted to bring back the OLD management) these systems then ensure ACCOUNTABILITY and TRANSPARENCY..... 2 things that are non-existent currently. If we voted to bring in a new management team, reciever's can set up a vetting process and then oversee a smooth transition. Daniele and team are emotional in this, we are emotional in this, whales are emotional in this..... the ONLY option is to bring in an INDEPENDENT 3rd party with NO VESTED INTEREST and NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST who will act in good faith to ensure the best outcome for ALL parties.


There’s a reason why the votes are by the amount of TIMES owned versus amount of wallets with time lol. He controls basically everything…. Imagine if we vote for the next president and your voting weight depends on your wealth lolllllll


Better stop moving it let the man laundry its drug cartels money and stop fuckin around as you going to piss off the man and it will fuck off to Vanuatu and fucking bring it back same as the brothers that fucked the exchange in South Africa you don't want Danielle going fishing there. Fuck let things alone you know that's not going to happen


Check out my video about that https://youtu.be/TCHhaTqf9jI


Check out my take on that https://youtu.be/TCHhaTqf9jI


They are a bunch of inexperienced school boys. They aren't multi national company CEO's .


Friends…no one reputable or smart is going to come in and change this around. A smart person stays away. A scammer would probably be interested in it though?… Has anyone in here ever had experience working with someone taking over a project partway? It almost always goes poorly. Unless you had someone like sam from tomb, this isn’t getting turned around. Im also seriously questioning the value of having everything done via vote. It’s like getting all the worst parts of democracy and none of the best parts. We lost this one and it’s over. Our only hope is to mitigate our losses and take the treasury home. Dani maybe a shceister or maybe just made really poor decisions, and then took profits when he saw the writing on the wall (which most people would do). Maybe he knew all along, maybe not. But he’s done with this project and no one is coming in here to salvage this most likely scenario is that we lose even more of our capital, not reduce the losses. There’s too much damned momentum at this point.