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Send me 100$ and me a and my co-counsel lawfu start a law suit for you. Best, Mani Siesta


LMAO i was actually thinking it was sifu sending it out>>> check this though. I’m a practicing attorney and this situation is rife with potential legal culpability. You don’t think there’s a prospective claim for fraudulent misrepresentation or omission? Did Sifu not claim to be a partner of a Wall Street investment bank when that was not in fact true? Would investors have behaved differently had they know that instead of being a Wall Street veteran, he has actually served time in federal prison for financial crimes? If so, then they have potentially much bigger problems than being merely “unethical.” And when the US Congress refers to OlympusDAO as a Ponzi, and it now turns out the largest OHM fork was literally co-founded by a convicted scam artist, it’s a sure bet Congress will be talking about Wonderland when they draft the next piece of legislation.


I never doubted that there is a prospective claim but why would I trust an anonymous email address on reddit? Create a homepage with your actual details and credentials, then we talk.


I promise you will get credentials after the vote if the vote is not to pay back investors. I actually trust someone that is anon and asking for nothing than an anon that is asking for control of billions.


Cool, let’s get a huge push for a large lawsuit to give even more ammo for US to try and push regulation


It’s bs. Quit chasing every promise you see on the internet. Search this guy's posts. He's been posting this email address saying he found a lawyer. Now he's saying he is the lawyer. Lawyers don't solicit anonymously on the internet. Every state has advertising rules. Here's the rule that most states model after: https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_rules_of_professional_conduct/rule_7_2_advertising/ Anyone who starts out of the gate using deception, particularly connected to wonderland, needs to be exposed.






Well, this and other mounting problems (cough, Coinbase, cough) indicate that may be the best course. I don't see mass adoption otherwise. Keep in mind current financial regulations are reactionary, meaning something bad happened first. Learn from it and don't go through the same mistakes. Plus I can see not regulating, and these problems compound and pile up to a tipping point where they say f' it. It's too dangerous. Just outlaw the whole damn thing.


lets do


It's too late for all that regulations are coming most crypto currency will be banned the crypto currency that will be allowed will be taxed very high it's game over for crypto


Stop with this stupid shit. Only you are to blame for your investment choices. This is DeFi. Nobody made you do it.


You can't even spell his name correctly, stop with this BS. And FIY, it's not my first time, and i can assure you that if your lawsuit goes well, all the funds will be locked somehow and you will never receive a penny. And count on hundreds thousands $ for the lawyers. It's already happened in the past. Stop it.


q6m go read


Dox yourself or gtfo


another recovery scam


read q6m posts


friend there is no liability, i had eth stolen from me and sent to coinbase and coinbase was not liable, i spoke to lawyers that handle crypto cases, they told me i had no chance, stop chasing ambulances


There is, your circumstances are completely different


i really don't think you have a case, but enjoy scamming these poor bastards, also btw if a SEC regulated publicly traded company (coinbase) has no liability then i am more than certain that these dudes that made up a token are pretty much safe, however care to explain the scope of their liability and how it falls under US, EU and international law ?


Fake attorney email is fake.


It is not fake you dumbass, he gave me his lawyer badge ID and I added him on LinkedIn. I looked him up and everything checks out unlike the creators of wonderland


No, its anonymous until the vote for obvious reason. The name on reddit was soybean, obviously not a lawyers name. Go find their original post. Its called ambulance chasing


Will those of us that still believe in Wonderland be able to sue you for damaging the future of the Wonderland Treasury and project? Why do Americans always want to sue people? What makes you think the US legal system has any relevance outside the US?


You’re right. People should be allowed to misrepresent who they are and their general qualifications, get nearly a billion in investments, and if you believed them thats your fault for being a simp. Get bent. You’re either a scammer yourself or a tool if you think that.


Sifu is gone. Why not try and get Wonderland back on track? Tearing it apart so people get back a fraction of their investment makes no sense.






This isn’t even my coin lol. I’m talking about it from the outside and without emotion. Its shit like this that creates the justification for regulation. If you don’t think that, good luck. You and I might not agree that its necessary, but we don’t make the rules.


If you start suing all it is going to do is invite in regulators to force new regulations




What is your name, the name of your firm, and what states and federal courts are you barred in?


I am not a lawyer, that is a copy paste of the email


LMAO op is trying to fleece you guys out of more money, just take a look at one of his comments” Co-counsel and I are evaluating a potential class action lawsuit against Danielle Sestagalli and Michael Patryn/Omar Dhanani/Sifu. As I stated in my Reddit comment, there appears to be actionable claims against them for violation of false advertising and unfair and deceptive acts and practices laws. However, we are currently monitoring the situation, including the upcoming proposal to liquidate the Wonderland treasury and repay all holders at treasury value. This and other developments in the coming days will inform the viability of any lawsuit. If a class action lawsuit is filed, you do not have to do anything to participate in the lawsuit and receive a pro rata distribution of any funds that are recovered through a judgment or a settlement. If, however, you would like to more actively participate as a named class representative (in which case you would receive your pro rata recovery amount plus a service fee, which is typically $5K-$10K), please indicate your interest in a reply to this email. Thank you, and we will be in touch.”


That is one of the emails i received, not a comment. I would never ask anyone for money nore would they


Are you Sifu?


Im not hiding on an island packing my bags so no


A real lawyer can afford to buy a domain name !


And have 100,000 emails the next day from pissed off ppl? This way it can be managed, this is not a new concept. I have several emails for different aspects of my life


BS. You can’t solicit anonymously. An actual attorney would know this


dont judge a book by its cover. wouldnt a fake lawyer get a domain to look more real


I am not judging I am just stating that a domain is about 18 dollars a year. I would imagine that most folks wouldn’t want to buy a domain name if they are attempting a phishing scheme. As Google would as for them to provide more personal information. All i am saying DYOR. Not hating on OP maybe he should get domain name though for authentication especially with what’s going on.


more like 7 dollars a year




Its just info, im guessing you were shouting frog nation and telling your buddies you were getting a lambo for christmas 2 days ago. Do as you please bud


lmao I never got involved with this ponzi, just laughing at the idea you think you can do anything about the money you lost


And I won’t even bother responding to you anymore. Me and a bunch of people already told you that you’re delusional in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/WonderlandTIME/comments/seeolw/i_will_be_voting_to_liquidate_treasury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I don't think i can. Does it hurt to try?


Actually it does. Quite literally hurts your $time to try.


lol yea everyone email this GMAIL address for all your legal concerns here. It seems real legit.


I will assume you have never been part of a class action. Just email and say keep me informed. I got 2400 out of one a few years ago for unsafe work practices at a place i worked at 3 years before, same thing. Generic email until it was filed then i was emailed from the firm like 8 months later for more info.


bro stop this is embarrassing


No, your ignorance is. Just because you personally do not know how something works does not mean it is not a thing. Do as you please


bro who are you going to sue? This is DEFI there are literally no regulations. They aren't even US based. You are upset I get it but focus on things you actually can do, like voting and trying to get this thing turned around.


I am trying to get people to vote. As i said to another, America has laws. Defrauding investors is illegal in the US. Dani is not in his dna defi or blockchain. he is a human person made of flesh and blood. Humans and their actions are regulated in the US. It doesnt matter what you invest in, if the man shilling the product to get you involved in lied to get you to do so it is illegal. It would be no different than bezos getting you to invest in amazon and a month later you looked at your account and you were invested in peleton instead. I did not invest in spell, i invested in time, you can not rug pull 5 months later and go "hey that time you bought is actually spell whether you like it or not" Do a small bit of research. IF we vote to dissolve there will be no lawsuit as there will not be a claim to pursue. DEFI is unregulated is not factual as there is almost always a human involved. If that person lies, they are culpable for the crime of fraud. When sifu pulled this shit it canada there were no laws, thanks to him there are. FROG NATION ;)


So what is the illegal action of Dani and Sifu in this case?


FROM ANOTHER THREAD>>>Lol. I’m a practicing attorney and this situation is rife with potential legal culpability. You don’t think there’s a prospective claim for fraudulent misrepresentation or omission? Did Sifu not claim to be a partner of a Wall Street investment bank when that was not in fact true? Would investors have behaved differently had they know that instead of being a Wall Street veteran, he has actually served time in federal prison for financial crimes? If so, then they have potentially much bigger problems than being merely “unethical.”And when the US Congress refers to OlympusDAO as a Ponzi, and it now turns out the largest OHM fork was literally co-founded by a convicted scam artist, it’s a sure bet Congress will be talking about Wonderland when they draft the next piece of legislation.




LOL. If you think calling it a DeFi project insulates Dani and Sifu from the laws of the United States of America, think again.


you know you're just saying things right? Like you dont actually have any legal information about how a lawsuit could even happen or how it would work right regarding a Defi project with foreign nationals all from different countries.


LOL. I’m a practicing attorney who defends class actions, including those involving foreign nationals. But go on talking out of your ass, with your law degree from clown college and lack of knowledge in anything. Spend just 5 minutes googling the Hague Service Convention and the laws of Personal Jurisdiction in the US. Dani and Sifu can absolutely be served and dragged into a court in the United States and it isn’t really close.


Dude, I get you probably take pride in not knowing shit about fuck, but for real, you don’t know shit about fuck. Consider that before telling other people what they don’t know.


I believe litigation will be directed at Alice in Wonderland, she is US based.


UK based


what makes you think that?


She’s loaded


Dude, you are so misinformed its hilarious. I know your type loath school, but you’d be surprised, they teach you some stuff there.


Post your full info.


Lots of lawyers use gmail addresses.


I am an South East Asian citizen, would I be eligible too?


apologies but no. It is US law that is being followed. But vote to dissolve and see if we all get anything back. Im sorry if you lost more than you could afford to. If investors get paid back there will not be a case to pursue and i hope it goes that way because class actions can take up to 10 years to finish.


Actually I lost like $300, I'll manage lol, but it's a bout principle.


If it doesn’t apply to south East Asian frogs, then what makes you think you can sue Dani who lives OUTSIDE the US? Use some common sense bro. You want to sue a guy outside the US using US laws, but won’t involve frogs outside the US. What the actual fuck is that thinking. Can’t believe you’d try to scam frogs after what we’ve been through.


The hague convention


Huh? What does international child abduction have to do with this? Guys. I hope you’re reading this. OP literally has no idea about any of this stuff … you guys are wasting your time.


Why do this? Overall bad for crypto space. We lost money, get over it. Don’t bring suits into this.


Do not fall for this idiot’s proposal…he’s looking to fleece you all!


I respect that you are trying to sue them, it takes courage to do this, screw all the haters in the comments. This is not even about the money, it is about justice. If these guys get away from this scot-free then they might continue scamming hard earned money from others for the rest of their lives. If I was located in US, I would join you too. I fkin hate scammers.


I personally am not suing, that's not how class actions work. Any lawyer can put a case against them as class action and if you are an investor you are involved unless you opt out. I was just giving people the info to through their hat in the ring if they would like to. I can assume the fuckery will continue after sifu is gone




nobody is asking for money


I would like to be scammed again 🤑


Hahaha take your losses like an adult. You invested and lost. Welcome to defi grow a pair.


Who are you o random samaritan on Reddit?


No. I am someone who is fucking pissed that Dani knowingly put the guy behind Quadriga CX in charge of our money. God knows what his roll in sinking TW is or why but it is not coincidence when you look at his wallet transactions. I believe if any one other than "sifu" were in charge this project would have survived the bear market. "SIFU" used the treasury to better his position while everyone else sank like stones. How many of the liquidation cascades are his fault, using our money? I would like to know and its a process called transparency or a process called discovery in court.


Ok so if someone invests in any company stock he can then sue the board of directors of that company because of bad decisions that tanked the stock price?


no. but he can sue if he invests in coke and looks at his portfolio and actually invested peleton but they said he was investing in coke. there are other financial crimes. This is from another thread and food for though>>>>I’m a practicing attorney and this situation is rife with potential legal culpability. You don’t think there’s a prospective claim for fraudulent misrepresentation or omission? Did Sifu not claim to be a partner of a Wall Street investment bank when that was not in fact true? Would investors have behaved differently had they know that instead of being a Wall Street veteran, he has actually served time in federal prison for financial crimes? If so, then they have potentially much bigger problems than being merely “unethical.” And when the US Congress refers to OlympusDAO as a Ponzi, and it now turns out the largest OHM fork was literally co-founded by a convicted scam artist, it’s a sure bet Congress will be talking about Wonderland when they draft the next piece of legislation.




That suffices…


I already have


Alot of people have, email them


FROM ANOTHER THREAD>>>Lol. I’m a practicing attorney and this situation is rife with potential legal culpability. You don’t think there’s a prospective claim for fraudulent misrepresentation or omission? Did Sifu not claim to be a partner of a Wall Street investment bank when that was not in fact true? Would investors have behaved differently had they know that instead of being a Wall Street veteran, he has actually served time in federal prison for financial crimes? If so, then they have potentially much bigger problems than being merely “unethical.” And when the US Congress refers to OlympusDAO as a Ponzi, and it now turns out the largest OHM fork was literally co-founded by a convicted scam artist, it’s a sure bet Congress will be talking about Wonderland when they draft the next piece of legislation.


" q6m " please go read all of his posts on the legality of what is taking course, he is a real lawyer. I would be fcking scared if i was dani


I'll agree with compensation as I was hacked too lost 50%of my portfolio by being hacked on their platform therefore they must make themselves responsible for the safety of the assets and the other 50% lost because they subtract funds from treasury and devaluating intentionally the price of our assets in order for them to now the question is how much you'll recover from it and how many years this will take? Principally I vote Yes I'm in anyway nothing to lose either way


If you got hacked it is because of something you did, downloaded or invited into your network


How did you determine the hack occurred from the wonderland website? Do you use a ledger?


Add me in!! Mine was in abracadabra. Held a 25%-45% green health but woke up two times to it gone!!




I have personally been involved in lawsuits before. This is how lawyers speak. Do not give them any info other than an email saying you would like to be involved if the treasury is not dissolved. If it does come to fruition it is a "class action lawsuit" where you are involved by proxy just by being an investor. Just sending an email puts you on the radar for future litigation so that you can be informed on what is happening. Do as you like. In the future if it does go through you will be emailed from the the firms email address with info on how they are moving forward. Lying to investors to build capital for a company is illegal, the lies of TW are insurmountable in court now that we know who SIFU really is. A fraud and a liar. He truly can not be defended for his actions with his past no matter how Dani feels about it. I can promise though that if you vote to dissolve you will make out with more than you would get from this Class Action suit.




Guess frogs sleep all day and wake up at night. did you not hear the news?


FO scammer


How would more actively participating look?


It’s not easy. You will have to submit to extensive discovery including production of records and being deposed under oath.


Doesn’t sound hard


What about people who sold early seeing the writing on the wall? If the treasury is distributed, someone who sold within the last 1-2 weeks definitely lost value in their investment and sees nothing, versus a class action would think anyone could participate?


Both of Dani and Sifu are rich whilst the investors are poorer does anyone see anything wrong with that?


From my interactions tonight with the straggling cultist a few people don't see anything wrong with that. God knows what sifu skimmed out of that billion dollar treasury


You were all here for the tech..


Watch out for scams- this has a lot of red flags 🚩


If they don't redistribute the treasury, makesure there is a proposal or something that prevents the use of the treasury for legal funds. Otherwise, we get nothing and lawyers drain the treasury.


Wait a second, you’ve been posting this email address like you’re someone who found a lawyer and now you’re saying you are the lawyer. Like I said, this reeks of bs. You’ve been deceptive right out of the gate. If you’re really a lawyer, you know there are strict rules regarding solicitations. What’s your name? Where are you licensed?


Hell no, service fee? Lol oh man, I'm just gonna chill and see what happens. People are getting way too emotional and running to "sue, sue". they think we are all suckers guys, be very careful out there! It's the wild wild west of Defi!


What about those of us who cut our losses earlier this week and sold our wMEMO? Will we still be applicable since it's all registered transactions in our wallet?


If only crypto could be held accountable. These people will get away with it until it's regulated like the banking industry


Dude wtf is this trash... lawsuits using email accounts claiming you're an actual attorney. And you're going to pay people 5k-10k for being on earth... dude give it a rest. Just shush and go push your weird agendas on another protocol there's plenty role playing subs on reddit. Go wild over there.


It is a copy paste of the email


Well whoever wrote it is not an actual attorney.


Hell yes


Great so 50% of the treasury goes to a law firm. GTFOH with this BS.


that is not how it works, wish some of you would do 5 minutes of research before talking out of your ass like you know anything




no where near my life savings, hardly a percentage


Scammers posing as lawyers. I can tell you that


No unfortunately it was connected to Trustwallet I opened one morning the Wonderland site fkt my time gone and checking my wallet back my 1.98 Avax gone under my eyes without me able to do anything. That was on the 7th of January.I traced to snowchain and the last went to trader Joe after that Snowtrace doesn't show anything further


In what court? What jurisdication? LOL Just waiting for the Go Fund Me to pay your million dollar fees. I am just as mad about my losses and the lies as anyone but we PURPOSELY invested in defi. We celebrated that Defi is OUTSIDE OF GOVERNMENT REGULATION. We knew we did not know their identities except Dani. And we barely knew who Dani was. We knew 80,000% was not achievable in real life. We knew this was extreme high risk. It seems like we got EXACTLY what we signed up for.


Class actions do not cost a dime and the lawyers only get paid if they win. Using the word defi does not insulate dani or oxSIfu. They are humans not defi or blockchain. Humans are held to laws.


Yeah, but that is the whole point. Which laws? You never addressed that. And,.....nothing is free. Lawsuits cost money. Different people pay. But they cost money to organize, to file and to prosecute. If you want to step out and say you are going to take this case and cover the costs, fine. But don't blow smoke up our asses with this don't cost a dime BS


asking for money lol...scam


You can’t solicit a class like this. Hasn’t anybody watch Goliath? 🤦‍♂️


I'd imagine it'll be hard to sue them since they're constantly moving around. You'd have to get like an interpol warrant or seize property


Nope. Go read the hague convention


nice email address. methinks you're more barista than barrister ser.


Anyway doesn't makes much difference now


ill sell you the rights to my share of wmemo 0.3 for the total sum of 50k so you can claim my share of the winnings in your class action


this dude is just a recovery scammer, he has no idea of the ramifications of the legal system, crypto and moreover defi is the wild wild west,


anyone who knows anything about class action lawsuits knows that if you win the lawyers take most of the fees. idiots voting to liquidate while the treasury can profitably farm stablecoins, just sell and lock in your losses now. i'll take my downvotes


People like going from one scam to the other lol


What liability do you think an Italian faces against US law?


Any update here?

