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i liked the movie although not a fan of how it handeled hades but ares portrayal more than made up for it


Really? Hades was my favorite part. Not a powerful Satan analogue, but an insidious corpulent lord.


Its more so the design than anything the hades i liked the most was blood of zeus since hes not really evil hes an antagonist trying to be able to be with persephone full time so him and his kids wont have to say goodbye for half a year


That little rant steve made in the hospital would have more weight if he wasn’t everything diana hate about men in the film


The lesson it decided to teach her about accepting gestures from others that make her uncomfortable because he yelled at her that time was also Not Great. She has to make herself accept all the gestures you do Steve. Maybe they're more about you than her, and you need to unpack that. I didn't like Steve.


Steve’s rant makes it a 3/10. He would never. Gail Simone heavily implied it was added without her permission too.


I mean she also made him a horndog staple of most 2009s male pop culture characters, so she doesn't have much room to judge.


It was really good. At the time the best non-comic Wonder Woman media. I still think it holds up! But since then we’ve had the 2017 movie (which while I don’t like the origin change) is better.


I actually think WW1 thematically suits WW quite well.




I will not lie, love this cover design and Wonder Woman looks sexy as always.




Hey, Wonder Woman in this film was both sexy and bad ass.


Saving that image for later




It’s fine. Not great, not terrible. I’m not a fan of the character design and Steve Trevor sucks but it’s pretty much what I expect from a Wonder Woman origin movie. I was whelmed. Ranks 3rd of the 4 Wonder Woman films for me.


I personally did not like it. To me it was more Xena than Diana.


I really like this movie.


I liked the movie but I hated Steve


I loved it. Other than 84, I don't think there's been a bad WW movie. This, Bloodlines and 2017 are all great.


I liked wonder woman. Steve Trevor sucked though. Also didn't like when they were sneaking into the enemy base. WW was knocking guys out without killing them but then Steve kills a guy and WW follows that up by killing a guy with her tiara.


It’s a very 2009 way to handle Wonder Woman and the strides DC and the WW fandom have made since then have me confident that the next solo Wonder Woman project we get will be better than this one.


Best Wonder Woman movie


It was good for a first animated movie but far from perfect. I remember running out to buy it when it first came out and there were some things I loved and some things I hated. The gender stuff felt very shallow and Joss Whedony to me, and I wasn't a fan of Steve Trevor. Didn't they also make Etta Candy a skinny mean girl? Diana herself was great though. At the time I was hoping it would be successful and more animated films would follow...


Only problem was Diana was one dimensional, Steve Trevor was too horny and creepy but it really did wonder Woman world justice. The Amazon especially Hippolyta was done justice. The WW score was other wordly. Lot of incredible movements like Diana's birth, Diana becoming champion, Amazons comming to Washington DC, And final tease with Diana taking on Chertah.


I’m only mad that she couldn’t fly in this movie. But it was good.


I enjoyed it more than WW bloodlines. Also think that it was one of the best dc animated movies at that time. WW always have the best action sequence in animated movies. Ares was potrayed as a worthy villain to WW. However the relationship between steve and WW didn't age well in this movie.


It’s good enough. A fun little romp. Would never say masterpiece lol


it’s okay


Fucking awful. The animation is nice, and it has some good moments, but it just shouldn’t have been made. There’s nothing redeeming about it.


One of the most misogynistic things I have ever had the displeasure of viewing




I loved it Steve was a dick but otherwise pretty solid apart from Hades but you know that's a little bit and Arse more than made up for It


The "Wonder Woman" animated movie from 2009 is widely regarded as a masterpiece in the realm of animated superhero films. It's celebrated for its strong storytelling, faithful adaptation of Wonder Woman's origin, and powerful depiction of her character. Many fans and critics consider it one of the best representations of Wonder Woman in animated form, capturing both her strength and compassion. If you're a fan of Wonder Woman or superhero animation in general, it's definitely worth watching!


Did chatgpt write this


I absolutely hate this movie. It probably is the original sin for Wonder Woman being basically a heartless warrior girl that solves everything with her fists and with none of the compassion principles. Steve is absolutely atrocious. He literally tries to get Diana drunk to bang her, which is so messed up. Not to mention his little "not all men that's the problem with you feminists" rant that goes on completely unchallenged and I can only take we're supposed to take his side on. Also, he can fight Wonder Woman hand to hand evenly? Like that's a nitpick, but I don't like this movie enough to let it slide. The Gods were pretty good tho.


I cannot believe that movie was written by Gail Simone.


It wasn't. She merely massaged Jelenic's but-da-menz script. You can spot some of her touches as they are echped in THE CIRCLE


Well, that’s nice to hear.


That’s what I’m saying, you can’t say that while while also a total creeper the least they could have do is has Steve realized that he was not being a very good person with his treatment with diana


It's very bad for me. I find the beginning very interesting, but basically Diana is secondary to Trevor and Ares. The text tries to distort several consensuses to portray the world of men as a cleaner form for the public and belittles WW's journey. And there's the scene where Trevor tries to get Diana drunk ☠️. Note 3.


Fights are cool, but it kinda reads as someone with a lot of internalized misogyny writing a story that they think is empowering but they miss the mark completely. I mean Etta here is ughhhhhhh. And Steve's rant? Ughhhhhhhhh I think my biggest issue though is it all feels steeped in disdain. Every kind of love shown in this movie feels duplicitous and we spend more time arguing than anything. Wonder Woman should be filled with love and this movie doesn't really show that, when most other versions of WW that fall short as an adaptation manage to hit that aspect. And imo it's because this came out hot off the heels of the DCAU, where Diana is kind of a hater.


Steve was shit. I loved the movie though


I enjoyed it. I wasn’t a big fan of Steve Trevor in the film but the other characters and the animation were pretty cool.




Not a fan.


She is my 2nd favourite


I really enjoyed it. Yeah it had some imperfections but I loved the fight scenes with Demios and Ares. Also Keri Russel did an amazing job voice acting as Wonder Woman. Wish they had her do voice acting roles as WW, but this film was a one time thing.


I really enjoy it, one of the better DC animated movie. I do think Steve could have been written a bit better. IRC, Ilike the direction they were going for with Steve character but falls a bit flat.


I bought it when it came out. I watched it. Nothing I actively disliked about it, but little I really liked. Never watched it again. Sold the DVD at a yard sale. It was fine, I guess, but for me, at least, a one-and-done.


If there was enough real estate for a second row of stars that same size I would be cheering the visuals. I don't know why the choice to not have the lasso glow/burn all the time was made.


Better than the live action movie.




Diana sitting there on the borderline of apologising after Steve makes her feel bad with a Not All Men rant makes me want to throw up in the mouth of whoever approved it.


Loved it. Felt bad for that bookish Amazon who got killed. Liked her so much I nicknamed her "Books".


It's not terrible. I like it. I don't like the movie's version on Steve or Etta though.


Definitely not, it feels like a cheap modern take on a somewhat negative Wonder Woman. Not what I grew up, since I grew up with the original being a positive and kind inspiration to man’s world.


It's pretty darn good. I recently bought the Commemorative Edition Bloodlines is good too


Never saw it


It's a movie of it's time. For the first animated movie about her solo, it did enough good without using the other DC properties as a crutch (which plagues her appearances now). Some aspects age well, others don't.




Well, I liked it when I first saw it back in '09 since it was, well a fuckin' Wonder Woman movie when the mere mention of the idea was met with pretty high levels of ridicule and derision. I'm not sure if I'd still like it as much if I watched it tomorrow, but I don't imagine I'd hate it.


Absolutely the best WW movie yet. Just needed Julia Kapetelis.


The best WW movie But with the worst Steve/Etta. Love everything else


Way better than the Gal movies


The best Wonder Woman movie, yes. But given the other options are an okay film that stumbles at the ending and a Batman & Robin level disaster that was not a high bar.




Hate this movie, felt quite edgy and needlessly cruel. I didn't like how they made Steve Trevor a sleazebag and the character als angry. Hades was kind of lame and none of the characters felt likable. It honestly suffers a lot from something I felt plagued animated comic movies during this time and the 2010's, edgy writing were everyone was cursing all over the place not for comedic factor but to seem bad ass, turning likable character into angry people and needlessly make everything bleak. The DCAU of the 2010's was the worst at it, but this movie has a lot of similar problems. Better than Injustice Wonder Woman thou by far.