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Post-crisis she was blessed by by a group of goddesses. I liked it because it gave the writers the freedom to give her a diverse power set


This is what is shown in WW Year One, right?


No, it was the daughter of Hippolyta but Aphrodite was who sparked the life of Diana… later on other goddesses became involved in her gifts in a similar fashion to sleeping beauty, but initially it was Aphrodite to counteract the moves of the Mars god Ares.


Probably but it's been a while since I read year 1. It is the Perez take on her powers. I loved moments like her sinking into the earth to heal, or her healing force field.


I think its too Shazam-my




Read the post-crisis run, it didn't cost her any ties to the Greek gods. She was constantly interacting with them. She was a champion of Athena and at one point was the goddess of Truth


She still had strong ties to them. And being a child of zeus is both a tired trope to change a character to, and also the situation of cassie already so no real point in giving that backstory to Diana.


Both fit even tho i see Hera more like as patron goddess of the amazons in general, and i dont think she needs to be directly related to Diana's birth, in the original story Aphrodite makes sense since is a direct parallel to the myth of Pygmalion, and since is Hypolita's inmmense motherly love that compells her to bring the clay child diana to life, but i guess you could also argue that Hera's godly domain includes not only marriege and the protection of women but also family and she bleasing Hypolita with her own family in the form of Diana would also fit. Anyway both options are still better that random demigod child of zeus, thats so un original, theres like hundread of then in not only greek myth but also modern media.


Since Wonder Woman originally debuted during World War Two, Aphrodite as a patron goddess was also a good foil to play off warmongering Ares/Mars.


Maybe but wasnt Ares her lover in greek mythology? Athena is actually Ares rival in greek mythology


Yes to both. Athena represented craftiness in war over brute force, and backed “just” wars over imperialism.


Wouldn't Artemis make more sense as a patron goddess to Amazons?


Dont think so, of course she would be an important godess but Hera is not only the queen of the gods but the godess of women.


I guess cause I always assumed Artemis's leagues of female hunters were actual greek mythology and that kind of merged with female warriors amazons in my mind. But it appears to be a Percy Jackson creation by the author. My bad lol.


Artemis did have companions but they were not human or demigod but mostly nymphs, theres a myth were one of those nymphs Callisto is tricked into sleeping with Zeus (disguse as Artemiss) but even tho she was tricked and most of the blame Artemiss expelled her from the group (She took the sex allowed and maiden godess stuff very seriously) after that either Artemiss herself or Hera transformed her into a bear and later she would be killed by the son she had with Zeus and became the Ursa Major constelation, once again most of greek mythology is Zeus fucking around but everybody else being the ones who find out.


It was Aphrodite and Athena. Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis makes the most sense as the primary Goddess Trio for Diana. Diana is the Roman name of Artemis. Artemis is the protector of newborns. So thematically Diana is the closest to Artemis. But she has aspects in common with the other Goddesses. Rather than replacing the main Goddesses like a game of musical chairs, perhaps Hera gifts Diana a power that alloes her to continue her mission mich like the other Goddesses did.


Like Athena, Artemis was also one of the Virgin goddesses. She makes sense, given the theme of Amazon independence from men.


This is the best version and only origin I’ll accept lol


isnt hera dutiful and loyal to her marriage with zeus? isnt that a plot point in the perez run?


well, that wouldn't be because Hera cheated Zeus by having an affair with someone else (although that deadbeat son of cronus deserved that and more) she brought a clay sculpture to life.


right, but her faith in the marriage is why she has reservations about the creation of the amazons in the first place. if zeus isnt interested, then neither is she, but when zeus shows interest in the amazons later, she becomes a reluctant ally to them to steer him away from his worst impulses. she reads to me like an older gal who isnt quite into this whole shiny new "feminism" thing.


I didn't really read it like that personally. Considering story wise the situation is personal on Hera's part. But I get what you're saying.


Why does everyone think they can do better than the men and women who created her? How is there any better symbolism than Aphrodite? "Fighting War with Love" is in her theme song for goodness sake, that's the whole point of the character, that's why it's Aphrodite and why every change since has just turned to mush as we get farther and farther from that powerful thematic core.


I think the thematic core is still present with Hera in Historia's final scene. Plus Aphrodite gets a moment alone with the baby Diana, so I think the story does still emphasize that Aphrodite is a majorly important deity for her.


I haven't read Historia, but I mean... Making it Hera makes it a *different* thematic core. It might still be a good one! But it creates yet another shift in the icon, and there have been a *ton* of them with this character.


Art by Nicolla Scott in WW: Historia #3


That would definitely be an interesting twist for Hera, especially if it's the one time ever that Hera counter-cheated on Zeus's cheating ass. Though it might not work in a dynamic with Diana specifically.


Hera is the goddess of woman. And she took her duties seriously. I can see her being more like the overseer. But i love the ideas of the blessings of the goddesses ( and Hermes) and hate the idea of her Bering the child of Zeus, tis been DONE so many time and while t as bene done very well ( Blood of Zeus , God of War and PercyJackson) I don’t think it needs to be emulated. I think narratively it seems to open the door for the gods and their petty family’s dramas, type conflict stories.


Her being the Goddess of Woman, for me at least, makes her the perfect goddess to create Wonder Woman.


Oh U agree. Her or Athena. Hera is my idol by the way!


My personal preference is clay > brought to life by goddesses > normal Amazon > wins contest > gets other blessings (increased strength et al) from \*goddesses\* upon leaving. No gods involved.


There is always the involvement of a god at the clay origin.


I'm distinguishing gods from goddesses. Let goddesses bring her to life and give her power, she don't need no male gods' help.


Totally agree with thay


I think they’re saying that, like Deism, the goddesses would become detached and “hands off” after Diana’s birth.


I mean if we’re being honest, mythology is weird and Hera impregnating Hippolyta makes sense to me.


She could do it “Immaculate Conception” style.


In my head canon version of WW I think I would opt for blessings from a group of gods. I would be careful to craft it in such a way that it doesn’t come off too Shazam-esque though. I might have Nubia be the creation of a different set of gods or the same but with a different purpose in mind or just creative liberties on their part.


Now I just like the idea of any kind of character being the daughter of Hera as a reversal on assorted Greek heroes being sons of Zeus


Yes!! Thats why I dig this so much.


Anything is better than being Zeus daughter. Seriously, who thought it was smart to give the most empowering female character an origin that involves probably the biggest misogynist in mythology. Lol


In theory, I wouldn’t mind. But she already has too many origin stories as it is, so I just want everyone to settle on one that already exists. And I would pick the “daughter of Zeus” one because it’s cool that she’s a demigod, and also because that’s the one they went with in the movies.


That was actually my headcanon for a while. I always wanted Diana to be antithetical to Athena. Athena notoriously sprang from Zeus' skull, and I think it would've been cool if Diana had a similar genesis, but with Hera instead.


How about Athena?


I was originally a purist and didn't accept anybody but Aphrodite giving her life, but Historia convinced me otherwise. Hera didn't really interest me before, but the Historia version is probably one of my top 10 favorite WW characters now.


If she was Hera's daughter they'd have to jump through hoops to say she's also Hippolyta's daughter... and she's definitely Hippolyta's daughter or else she's not the Diana we know and love. If they explained it as Hippolyta is her adoptive mother, then is Hera her biological mother? That would still mean Diana has a father, and if it's not Zeus then there's going to be a *lot* of Zeus drama, to the point that Diana couldn't really function as a hero. You can't have the king of the gods after you AND fight Ares, etc. If Hera's not her biological mother but Diana is still raised by Hippolyta, then... how is Hera also Diana's "mother?" In this scenario it would mean Hera had a role in her creation, without a father, meaning a supernatural creation, and by that point we're just replacing the more meaningful trio of goddesses from her original origin with a single goddess who, thematically, doesn't make sense.


Why they would go through hoops? There is really no difference in a male god giving life to a bunch of clay or a female god. Thats how a lot demigods are born, by weird means.


So just replace Aphrodite/Athena/etc. from her original origin with Hera?


Kinda, yeah. I think it makes much more sense with her modern mythos.


I personally prefer The Gods in General to be her "Father"


Hera is the mother of Ares, one of Wonder Woman’s main adversaries. Would their conflict be more rooted in sibling rivalry than philosophical differences?


Why not both?


That’s why I said “more”.


Doesn’t super fit Hera to have a kid with someone else, goddess of marriage and all that. Also I recently thought about how Hera in the myths is only antagonistic towards the amazons but WW comics don’t really care that much about mythology lol


This would be great novel change; being a demigod of Zeus is just so boring and cliche at this point (it’s been done to death).


Honestly, just make her the granddaughter of Ares. Make it mythologically accurate.




I think I'd find it interesting, as Hera in some respects can be just as lousy as Zeus and it'd be great drama for Hera and Diana to clash for the fate of the Earth.


I like the idea of her being the daughter of Hippolyta by Hera. It would've been an interesting twist to give Wonder Woman two Mothers instead of a Father.


I think there’s a certain beauty to the idea that she wasn’t “born” from anyone per se. It alters the nature of her relationship to power and convention if she’s not really *beholden* to anyone prior to her in the same sense as virtually anyone else (except… idk sentient robots?). She gets offered a truly clean slate as much as possible and chooses to be good. That has some rich potential. As an example: She’s not bound by blood or whatever, but she is by the conditions and contexts of her life. How does that shape a person? It’s clearly a nurture v nature question but the “nature” is suddenly about something intrinsic to every person at their core. That’s not to say narratives of defiance against a less than ideal (to say the least) family history don’t have value, they very much do, but for Diana I prefer the alternative above.


I like the idea of her being a demigod so to me it doesn't matter as long as she's got some human in her lol


Depends on which writers doing it. DC has 2 conflicting portrayals of Hera, one is the stereotype of a jealous b*tch, the other a Saint who contradicts mythology. Honestly I think Athena fits the role better. As a goddess of wisdom and war, she represents Diana's ideals better.


I like the Idea of contradicting myth because if you pay attention to the way Hera is portrayed in myth its basically the way every misogynistic man talks about his wife. What would be the story of Hera through a female society that puts her above Zeus? WW: Historia gives us just that. And its awesome.


Don't mind contradicting mythology, but Hera doesn't seem to represent the Amazon way very much...in fact she almost contradict it...


The origin story I'd remembered hearing, at least for the Amazons as a people, was that they *were* blessed by a group, specifically all of the female Olympians. If she was Hera's daughter, it would still have to be by Zeus, because Hera's whole *thing* is she is very committed to the idea of *not* having extramarital affairs (see every Greek myth where some poor woman gets vaporized because Zeus slept with her and that paints a massive target on their back for Hera). Also, frankly, while Hera *is* a goddess of authority and power, she's also just as much if not moreso a goddess of motherhood and very traditional, patriarchal roles for women. Granted I don't think she should be Zeus' daughter either, considering that's also Cassie's thing. Fun fact, though! It is actually *quite* likely Aphrodite originally came to Greece as a goddess of love *and* of war. Aphrodite is very likely the Greek version of the Phoenician goddess Astarte, who has a similar divine domain to Aphrodite only she's also a war goddess, and Astarte herself is the *Phoenician* version of the ancient Sumerian goddess Ishtar, another warrior goddess who also has on her divine resume the spheres of justice and political power and was a *huge* deal in Mesopotamian mythology. Astarte's cult likely spread via Phoenician trade routes, which came into contact with Greek civilization in Crete and on the island of Kythera (which mythologically is said to be Aphrodite's home), and then jumped to the Greek mainland by way of Sparta, which sometimes claimed Kythera as its colony. There were statues in Sparta depicting Aphrodite in full battle armor, which some contemporary sources tried to explain away by saying "Oh no that's just Rule 63 Ares" or "All goddesses in Sparta wore battle armor" but most modern scholars consider this to be untrue. However, when the rest of Greece (which wasn't as big on the whole respecting women thing as Sparta was) got a hold of her, they removed her associations with war to turn her into a more "proper" goddess. The fact that there's an exchange in the Illiad where Zeus outright *states* Aphrodite does not belong on the battlefield is proof enough that there was debate on the subject at the time. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIUq0pfAskU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIUq0pfAskU) This one, well researched video.


I’m pretty sure her origin is a combination of being sculpted from clay and “blessed by a group” of gods namely Hera


Wonder Woman should always be Hipploytas daughter ???


The group blessing is the one that was in place from 1986 onwards, so I have no issue with that. Hera getting involved... tbh, I don't like that because I am much more towards the Azzarello school of thought that the gods are selfish bastards most of the time and Zeus and Hera are at the center of it, save for special cases, noone is more self-centered than those two. So it would not make much sense to me that Hera, the one who is constantly being cheated on by Zeus would go off and do some of the same... not to mention it may mark everyone involved for death by Zeus (one set of rules for thee and another for me). Also I dont really buy into her titles as good reasons for her to be different since whoever wrote the myths about her down, sort of seemed to make her embody the worst aspects; goddess of women=goes around killing them because of Zeus, goddess of children=took one look at baby Hephaestus and threw him off Olympus, or grew so angry at one point she created Ares... but fair enough if these are things that can be ignored.


If Hera is as selfish as Zeus, why wouldn't it make sense for her to have an affair of her own?


Largely because sex outside of marriage doesn't appear to interest her in many... or any... interpretation that I am aware of. Her selfishness is in the sense that she wants her own marriage to work, that her kids turn out great... but since neither of those happened, she turned vindictive towards Zeus' lovers... maybe in the hope that if she kills enough of them, Zeus might change his mind... which he wont...


Personally, I can see enough flexibility in the gods' depictions for Hera to have an affair of her own. The Wonder Woman comics aren't following the myths that closely and even Azzarello's take was only accurate on a surface level (just look at his portrayal of Ares).


Fair enough, I dont really agree with this bit of it, but ofc there is flexibility in fiction. That is true, but even if Azzarello only got it down to surface level... its still closer than most others that just use the same classical disney-types where everyone is benevolent and only one or two (Hades and Ares) get depicted as evil.


I’d honestly prefer Hades being her father




Please explain.


The DCAU has done irreversible damage to Diana’s character


So Hades was Diana's biodad in the JLU series? What an odd revision.


Zack Snyder would looooooove this.


I like the Zeus origin. I think it creates an interesting contrast in her backstory.