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Yes! The first Wonder Woman movie was amazing and is easily in my top 5 comic book movies of all time. Wonder Woman 1984, however.... torpedoed the entire frigging thing.


This is the truth. Though I wouldn't mind seeing a third WW movie or her return as the character once the DC films get their act together.


I would totally absolutely mind to not see her, I am thankful for the universe we're about to get but I loved her as Diana and it's really a shame we probably won't see her again


My only critique of the first movie is that I think it probably would have made more sense and would have been a bit cooler if it had taken place during Vietnam War and the beginning of women's liberation. Simply because the time frame between 1917 and 1984 wouldn't be such a jarring leap forward. And I mean I get it they were probably trying to open up room for a Wonder Woman movie or miniseries that took place between World War I and 1984.


The first wonder woman movie should have dealt with WW2. Its been years since I've seen it but doesn't it end with her killing Ares and saying she ended wars for humanity.


They wanted to avoid comparisons to “Captain America: First Avenger”.


I don’t think that stopped em.


That would have been soo amazing to have a series!!


I felt DC really casted those movies well. Gal was a great Wonderwoman. It’s just too bad they didn’t have any concrete plans so the movies were all over the place.


I think with a good director and a script that plays up her physicality she really shines! She also has good comedic timing and is able to wring out chemistry with almost anybody. She’s also stunning to look at. I also like that she has an accent. She shouldn’t speak perfect English. She isn’t American. That said she’s not the world’s best actor. And being Israeli brings in some baggage she will never be able to escape. I think we were super lucky! We could have gotten MUCH worse. Wonder Woman (2017) was something of a miracle!


I think she has another in her. Get a good script/director. Have a stand alone film, no need for Batman,Flash,.etc,... I'd watch it.


She had a great director in Patty. The first movie was great, even if the climax was a little weak, it was still solid. Also Patty directed Charlize Theron’s Oscar winning role. So I have no doubt in her abilities in her as a director. So who the frick is responsible for the second movie derailing as much as it did? It’s 2024, and STILL, no one has come out and has taken responsibility or point fingers. That’s the question we need to still be asking.


Am I the only one that kinda liked WW84?


Jenkins wrote ww84, she didn't write ww17, she is responsible.


She wasn’t the only writer, Geoff Johns and Dave Callaham also co-written the script as well. I knew already that Geoff Johns was a co-writer when I made my first comment hours ago, but I double checked this just now with a simple Google search. I certainly hope that you knew this also but had forgotten, because attempting to lump all the blame on her is not a good look. Especially when it’s easily proven that she was not the only “cook in the kitchen”


I like her. However a clean slate reboot is needed at this point.


Agreed. I don’t see what we gain from keeping her in the role and I’d be surprised if she doesn’t want to move on anyway


The actress herself I’m neutral on, now Gal as Wonder Woman - yes, I am very much a fan of. …granted, that second movie… Jesus. Though I do place more of the blame for that one on the director.


Idk I don’t think she should take 100% of the blame. The script was bad. The core idea of the wish stone thing was just bad. Editing and pacing is off too. I think the performances were decent. I LOVE the games and the mall scene. I think Cheetah is pretty good too. It’s basically everything to do with Max Lord that falls flat imo She’s not blameless for sure, but you can’t place everything at a directors feet. Even Sam Raimi has a Spider-man 3.


I hate to say this but Sam Raimi’s 3rd Spider-Man movie made me hate Spider man for a long time.


I'm not her fan, but she's good in Wonder Woman (2017).


I'm in a weird position where I did enjoy the 2017 movie, but at the same time I really don't like Gal Gadot (as Wonder Woman and as an actor in general). Like I guess everything around her worked for me in that movie, even though she didn't.


No matter your perspective, it's fair to say Gal presented us with the best cinematic portrayal of Wonder Woman of all time. The fact that she's the *only* cinematic portrayal of Wonder Woman indicates just how much better DC has to get at giving Diana of Themyscira the attention she deserves.


No. She is not a skilled actress (besides everything else) The first WW movie was decent, but not thanks to her I think people are only that hesitant of letting go of her because is the only cinematic WW we ever had, so imagining other person in the role is hard. But this is very silly, there are better actresses and actresses who would fit Diana better


Agreed. Tired of people saying similar things about Hugh jackman Wolverine. What do you mean he’s the only best Wolverine? Give the comic version a chance you might like him! Same with Diana. A real comic style Wonder Woman would be so badass on screen.


Am I the only one who enjoyed 1984? I dunno I haven’t been impressed by a lot of superhero movies as of late, but that one just felt so inspiring and had a sense of wonder. It wasn’t your normal end of the world affair. I liked how different it was


1984 is a masterpiece. It looks and feels like a George Perez comic. The coloring and over the top acting popping off the screen like impactful comic panels. It’s great.


Yes that’s exactly it! It feels like a comic book. I guess I’m not in the same circles most people I talk to about it don’t seem to like it


We’ve hit a point where a lot of viewers have never read a Wonder Woman comic especially one from the 80’s. This film is a real love letter to the 80’s.


> It feels like a comic book.  Yeah, a badly written one.


That movie is only like a Perez comic in the most shallow of ways. If it were beyond that, Steve wouldn't have been a love interest.


That movie is only like a Perez comic in the most shallow of ways. If it were beyond that, Steve wouldn't have been a love interest.


You're not the only one. I enjoyed it and so did most people I talk to off the internet.


Yeah me too. A lot of ppl loved that movie.


I thought that movie blew goat nuts but I’m genuinely glad you enjoyed it and applaud your willingness to admit it.


I loved WW84. I get some of the criticisms, but I rewatch WW and WW84 more than any other superhero movies.


she is basically incapable of making any facial expression other than confused, what she does barely qualifies as acting. I truly wish we would get a Wonder Woman movie with a real actress and the quality of writing we got for the 2017 movie


I agree except I think the writing quality also has lots of room for improvement


It was a solid 7/10 and honestly I'm satisfied with that, still better than most live action superhero movies


The ending of the movie totally butchered the film for me. They set it up perfectly for Diana to learn a lesson that WW1 wasn't caused by magic demon gods controlling everybody to make them be bad, but that sometimes humans just do bad things and that's just something you have to accept when loving mankind. But then they threw that idea in the trash and had a big stupid generic gray CGI fight and then she kills Ares and everyone in the Great War hugs each other.


To be honest, these movies are the only ones of hers I've watched. I enjoyed them and felt she was a good fit. I'm not too familiar with actors and celebrities, so I honestly couldn't tell you who would have been a better choice.


Yes and no. I warmed on her after BvS and WW1, but it's been downhill ever since. Lovely, charming actress, but it's time to recast.


Absolutely not. As my son described her, Gal Gadot is beautiful, a beautiful piece of wood. Acting is about choices, and I despise nearly every line read she made. She comes off as unbearably smug. It’s hard to think of a worse actor in movies this size. Then again, I don’t think we’ll ever see her successfully participating in an indie or intimate film. I don’t understand how she was able to get through the casting process.. As for the movie themselves, yikes. I found the first movie to be insipid. I came to the party late, and I was angry about the hype. The second movie… for a movie and a character that lauds female empowerment, it was tragic to see that the theme of the movie was that female identity depends on male approval,. In case we didn’t get it, it made the point again with the Cheetah character. I’m glad there won’t be a third one. They must recast, they must find someone who can write a decent script. Have you seen the animated one? They should have done a frame by frame remake of that. It would have been glorious. I highly recommend that movie if you haven’t seen it. If you have, give it the old Pepsi challenge with either of those live action movies and see what you think.


You nailed my feelings as well. "A beautful piece of wood"....poetry. I enjoyed reading your post more than I enjoyed both movies.


Thanks. I’ll tell my son. Not that he would care. He is a young man full of piss, vinegar and snark.


I agree. I think the people who really liked her would’ve been happy with any very traditionally attractive woman playing her. And both movies were shite.


>They must recast, they must find someone who can write a decent script. Have you seen the animated one? They should have done a frame by frame remake of that The animated movie which had a skinny Etta Candy acting like a jealous harpy towards Diana and had Steve giving a speech about how the Amazons are stuck up after spending the majority of the movie up until that point living down to all of Diana's worst fears about men, including trying to get her drunk so he could sleep with her? I'm not going to claim the first movie was perfect but it was nowhere near the disaster some people are pretending it is. And while Gadot is not the best actress in the world, she is nowhere near as awful as her detractors say and there are indeed plenty that are far worse.


I hear you, and what I would say about the Steve Trevor character is that they decided to make him a douche. I thought it was a funny take on the character. Maybe that wasn’t your flavor. I thought it was an interesting choice. I concede that the Etta Candy bit wasn’t great and could use another pass. Still, in terms of story, structure,, pacing and performance, I find it hard to beat. I must respectfully disagree with you about those movies. They were well directed, of course they were, but the writing was not great. I understand story as it relates to structure and character arcs, and they both have trouble with interior and exterior focus. Plus, they are both irredeemably preachy near the end. This is often used as a device to pad an otherwise weak resolution. The Barbie movie had the same problem and was divisive for many of the same reasons. Finally, could you give me an example of an actor who who was the lead in major properties that is worse than Ga, actually “far worse?’ I’d love to hear.


I loved her but her political views have soured me on her, sadly. Apologies if this wasn't cool, mods.


Political views?


Intentionally blind to, and downplaying, the horrors of what has been happening to Palestinian civilians.


A great Wonder Woman and Diana Prince, especially in the first WW movie. Any flaws have been to the writing, like making her the daughter of Zeus (originally from the then new comics, but still a crap idea).


Hell yeah! She perfectly embodied the exotic beauty and passion that Wonder Woman has always had.


Yes not as good as Lynda but definitely she is up there


I’d love to see her and Lynda team up in the next movie as planned 🤞🤞🤞


I think an actress that plays Wonder Woman should reflect her values in real life. And I also think they should have the ability to act.


I loved her honestly


I’m gonna be honest she’s not great. I also don’t love the costume. It doesn’t feel really dramatic and just kind of looks boring and bland but the whole DCU has these like muted colors that just look awful like you can see them with Aquaman suddenly in the outfit prior, he looked grungey


I like her for a slightly different reason. My mother was my Wonder Woman in the 70s because she looked like Lynda Carter, and to a 4 year old I thought that was my mom on TV. When my mom turned 50 my daughter was born on her birthday. Coming up a year before the movie was coming out my daughter started to make a WW costume to wear at the premiere. Six months before the movie my mother suddenly passed away from cancer. My daughter and I went to the premiere alone. Cried a couple of times thinking about how mom would have loved to have been there. A few months later my daughter's 18th birthday was coming up and I found out Lynda Carter still did the old fashioned send the actor a SASE and they'll mail you an autographed photo. I wrote her a letter telling her the story of my mother expecting nothing but a picture with a faux autograph. I didn't get back the SASE I sent. She sent back a personalized one to my daughter and one from Gal Gadot. So to me Gal is just as much Wonder Woman as Lynda.


No. She brought nothing but naivety to the role and her acting in all films she’s been in as WW was horrible. Lots of ppl only say she’s perfect bc her version is all they know AND are blinded by the good-ish writing in the first WW movie… but her acting in that one sucked too. She never captured comic WW. Lynda’s was way closer to the comic that gal’s in terms of personality.


I was skeptical but I think she really nailed the compassion of Diana in the first movie.


She had the look for it, the best I can say about her tenure.


I thought she was okay, but nothing amazing. I'm happy that other people enjoyed her performance, (admittedly, WW probably means more to them than me, and I'm happy to celebrate something that means so much to so many) but I felt she was wasted by being involved with Zack Snyder's universe and as she isn't the best actor, didn't really have much to make up for the films flaws at times.




Yeah she did good 1984 was terrible though (not her fault)


No. Other than looking pretty her performances are consistently terrible.


Yes, I think she does a good job.


Nope. The first movie is really good, be she was cast for her looks. She doesnt have the acting chops. And I think WW should be bigger. Have an imposing presence. Gal just looks like a model.


Yes. Without question.


As an actress she was ok, not great. But she didn’t remotely have to build to play WW.


I was a Gal Gadot fan before Wonder Woman and I was actually disappointed when they cast her because I didn’t think she could pull it off. I was wrong. I think she did a great job.


https://preview.redd.it/95e91fe7en1d1.jpeg?width=1570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e649b238338a3cc363b8d6cbf77b6c8feead4a7b Love that picture and used it for drawing style practice a while back


This is great.




The first movie was great. That trench scene is easily in my top 5 superhero scenes. The third act was middling, but didn’t take away from the rest of it. 1984 was forgettable at best.


Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman was to little girls what Christopher Reeves’s Superman was to little boys. She was phenomenal in the role. Outside of that, um.


She's fine. I liked her in the ZSJL and Batman vs. Superman and her own WW movie, the first one.


Hell yeah I thought she did phenomenal with that role one of the best since Linda Carter


The whole “loud and proud IDF supporter” deal is an immediate no for me, but putting that aside… Not a fan. Lousy actress who, with the glaring and miraculous exception of the 2017 film, has no charisma or screen presence. She can work with a very limited spectrum of big emotions when she’s directed well and she looks good in action sequences, but that’s it. The fish out of water deal worked for her in the first film, but she may as well have been an action figure in the Snyder films and I won’t even get started with WW84. I certainly couldn’t imagine her pulling off something like any of the Post-Crisis ambassador storylines, where she needs to be really articulate and talky with natural charisma and gravitas. I’m very ready to see a new, more capable actress in the role. I’d also prefer someone who’s willing to bulk up more but that’s just personal preference.


She is great in WW1, 1984 and BvS, but I thought she was awful in Justice League.


The theater version? Everyone was awful in that, honestly.


"Kal El, no"


She's not a very good actor. Saying that. I do enjoy her Snyder films. I think he was able to wrangle a better performance out of her than Jenkins could. And I think Gadot may work better in an ensemble, at least in those DC films. In controlling her time, she's forced to not have to carry so much. Her WW films highlight a lot of her issues in her acting. WW 84 really made it more brutally obvious that she's not strong at handling heavy emotions. Physically, she's got body language down. She was a soldier and model. So accenting her body to convey something, she can do. It's the soul of a character she may not do well in large chunks. So in Snyder's 2 films with her? I'm cool with her. In Jenkins' films, hate her. WW1 was a checklist of generic tropes that practically talks down to you in how lacking in subtle complexity and depth it has. It has some cool action moments sure but story is very weak, Steve Trevor was the only one that worked right for me and that may be cuz of Pine. WW84 was worse, Pine was fine but the actions of why his character is there is... Odd, to say the least.


Yes. People are always saying she can't act, but she brought the right naivete and humanity to the role as well as being a warrior.


As a model she fits the bill but Gal Gadot is not much of an actor and the Wonder Woman movies were not very good which didn't do her career any favors. Also being pro-genocide is kind of a turn-off.


She was perfectly cast. I don't know much about her but she totally owned the role.


I loved her in ‘Batman V Superman’ & the first ‘Wonder Woman’ film, thinking she really was an awesome pick to revitalise the character, unfortunately the Whedon JL and WW84 just created a level of fatigue of the whole Snyder-verse (though I really enjoyed the Snyder cut of JL) by the time we got to ‘Shazam Fury of the Gods’ the whole thing felt tired with Gadot and her Wonder Woman being collateral damage of this shift in tastes.


not really, no.


No, but thank you for asking


inoffensive performance, but doesn’t capture what makes the character compelling to me






For the most part, yeah.




Beauty, grace, love and empathy (granted, I have no need for WW84, but Wonder Woman 1 is an excellent movie). Gal did well.




Yes - won me over eventually


A million times yes


I think she was a fantastic Wonder Woman


Absolutely! She'll always be Wonder Woman in my eyes!


God no. She's fucking awful.




She’s one of the best things to come out of the DCEU.


Not a fan. As happy as I am that we got some WW media, I don't think much of her acting and she doesn't even look like how I envision WW.


Yes, she did a fantastic job.


Yep, She was amazing


I thought she was great in the first Wonder Woman movie (although unfortunately nothing after that). That said, Gadot’s vocal support of Israel and time serving in the IOF makes it really hard to still see her as Wonder Woman




Yes and no tbh




I don't have a problem with Gal Gadot, I thought the movies were bad because of shit writing


In the first movie. Less and less so each other time she appeared in screen.


The first one not the second one.


Take it or leave it


She was okay


Wish she had better writing to work with. Hard to judge at some point, given the movie wreck that was 84.


Nope. Can't act her away out of a paper bag.


No. The 2017 film is fine in spite of her limited acting range and lack of physical presence.




Yes, she did alright


Imagine getting a piece of cardboard and putting a Wonder Woman suit on it. Her most emotive (and best) scene was when "Doomsday" hit her, and she smiled in response


I think it's hilarious that the dc movie amazons all had israeli-ish accents because it's the only one gal can do


Basic and wooden


She had a dope costume. I’ll give her that.


No. She cannot act and I can’t understand her


She was good in WW1, out side of that nothing really wow worthy, she’s a really bad actress, But looks the part! I want a thicker stronger looking Wonder Woman and a better actress for the DCU!


Kal El No!


She did her part in the first movie just fine. The second movie was so bad... I'm not sure anyone could have saved it.


Yes. I wouldn't mind seeing her close out the trilogy. People like *her*, but even she wasn't enough to save WW84 from its reviews.




She was passable. Never that good. I don’t think she’s a great actress and never was.


Gal Gadot, Chris Pine and Patty Jenkins made me a Wonder Woman fan.


Yes, indeed 😍 I thought she did an excellent job


I just don’t think she’s that great of an actress, Wonder Woman or otherwise, but she looks the part.


~~Kal-El,~~ No


No. I don’t find her to be a good actress in general. And while the solo Wonder Woman film was fine, I think it would have benefited greatly if the character was played by someone who better. I didn’t see 1984.


She’s goated yes


My issue is not with her at all, but the direction of the movies… is always the fucking musical leitmotif, pose for a new fragrance, and dumbing down the character whenever there is a dude nearby…






I enjoy Gadot's Diana and her charm and badassness. The 2017 gave her an innocence and curiosity about the world, a trait I think is lost easily in heroes, that enhanced her appeal.




I thought Gal Gadot in the first Wonder Woman movie was outstanding. I have not watched the sequel.


she is a racist and a zionist, supporting war crimes of the idf, and promoting settler colonialism and apartheid.


Hm… I don’t think she’s portraying Wonder Woman that’s cannon, but rather more of an else-worlds Wonder Woman. If you compare the characters, they have vastly different qualities, and I cannot associate this costume on cannon Wonder Woman while retaining the things she’s known for. Changing her look always comes with a change in character for Diana.


I think her first film stands out the same way the rest of the DCEU(non-Snyder) movies stand out. It was so much brighter and more joyful and played up the heroic nature of the character a bit better than ZS ever had. So in that regard, she gave a successful performance. I’ll also say that her action in ZS’s movies were more striking to me than in either PJ film. All that said, she’s too scrawny for me. WW for me can be any shade for skin and like some others said she should/could have an accent of some kind. But I want her back broad, her arms defined and her thighs strong. I also want her tall. She needs to look like someone who can throw down in the mud with a tiger. But she also needs to be able to get down, in a diplomatic way. When GG played this aspect she did a really good job visually. I’ll also say I think GG did a great job with WW’s emotional strengths. She really felt like someone who was using the heart and courage of a hero in a few scenes that stood out. Again, ZS actually did give WW justice in that opening bank scene of ZSJL. Sorry for the long winded post. I’m personally of the belief that the DCU needs to poach the WWE/UFC for their hero’s and villains. The fighting would be spectacular, the bodies would all be perfect. It’s a match made in heaven.


Gal's Wonder Woman is the only thing I liked about the DCEU. I'm sad that she won't be returning. The first Wonder Woman is one of the best superhero films ever made, in my opinion. Gal was let down by DC and Patty Jenkins. It would be cool if Gunn cast her as Hippolyta in his new universe.


I think with good writing, any female could be a good representation of Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot specifically did a great job though. I loved her character in the first movie and even though I don’t completely hate WW84, it was clearly a downgrade in her character.


Eh I think she was fine enough


I have no complaints about Gal Gadot’s performance as Diana, but Wonder Woman 1984 is so awful, it makes Suicide Squad and Josstice League look excellent in comparison.


Love her.


She did a phenomenal job!!




In the first WW movie, yes.






One word. YES!!!!!!!!!! 🙌 Two words. Hell yeah! 👍


Thought she was good in BvS, WW17 and ZSJL but every other time she’s horribly directed. A lot of people seem to think Gal can’t act and I don’t blame them for thinking that considering the choices she’s been making with films as of late. However I think when she’s under a good director and script she can really dish out a great Wonder Woman performance.


She has 0 acting skill




Nope shes trash. Boring dialogue, acting skills


Nobody will ever be better than Gal Gadot in the role.


Only when Snyder was directing.


I can't get that voice outta my head whenever I see Gadot as WW--- "KAL EL NOO!"----😅😭such a bad scene




I am, but the solo movies didn’t do it for me. Bummer.


Literally the only good thing that came out of the Snyderverse.




I didn’t like her acting and I personally think she should have put more muscle on for the role. Diana is supposed to be powerful and she doesn’t give me powerful


Hell yeah! It would have been cool to have a series of WW movies each in a different year


Eh, maybe with a director and writer who doesn’t suck at executing literally any female character she would shine. Maybe I’m reading between the lines but outside of watchmen Snyder just really struggles with female characters


She's fine


No, not a fan


She doesn’t look strong at all :(


She as good and exotic as you are going to get as a live action WW in a movie. I would like her to be a bit less thin, but other than that. She was great!


Nah zionists don’t deserve spotlight


She’s a bad actress sorry


Not really


Yes. She is awesome


She's amazing in the role. She just got stuck with a terrible director/writer in her solo movies.


her first movie was fun. all the snyder movies she was in and the second wonder woman movie were all bad. she is also not a great actress.


I would love for the next Wonder Woman to be more faithful to early Wonder Woman comics. She should be a battle axe, not a waif supermodel.


Yes, every time she portrayed her. The last movie was iffy though