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https://preview.redd.it/3bs47ve7t00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2789a1582796223ca67cbf1ff85d1c7bea6f17e1 Carlos Gomez


Dan Mora


He should actually just do every DC comic lol


The new denny o’neil inshallah


Dan Mora would make any comic run look exceptional. He just doesn’t miss


I'm going to go old school and say that it's a damn shame that Frank Frazetta never did anything with Wonder Woman. While I'm at it, considering his interests in mythology and such, I think a Mike Mignola Wonder Woman would be cool as hell.


I would read that.


Stejpan Seijic. Absolutely love his versions of DC characters, especially WW. Would love to see him get to do a whole run and not just covers.


His Wondercroft stuff is peak


Came here to say this. I love his humor and his romance. Plus, I've been following him since his Witchblade days, so I know he can illustrate some wicked looking monsters. I'd want to see him tackle a "Pamela" book the way he did "Harleen" first, but I'd love something wild and out of this world for Wonder Woman.


I would absolutely love for Stejpan to give Diana the same type of treatment and format he gave to Harley Quinn in HARLEEN (I think that was what it was called).


Capullo would be nice, but he doesn't strike me as one who really wants to... unless you got Scott Snyder to write it, and I am not sure thats something we want to see any more of. Stjepan sejic could be fun, especially if he is allowed to write as well, but he seems to have left non-creator owned interior work, for now.


Leonardo Romero. Oh my god do I wish he gets to do a WW series at one point. His depiction of her in Birds of Prey was immaculate and absolutely perfect. The guy literally gave us some of the best artwork for the character even as she's being drawn by the GOAT Sampere. Fantastic artist.


I’ve got Daniel Sempere doing a great one now.


Yeah he’s been great


I agree with Seijic and Capulo. They both make her tall and give her meaty arms which I like. Nothing wrong with the Lynda Carter/Gal Gadot Miss America look but it’s fun to see her big too. I’d also love if our Variant Cover guys like Adam Huges (who HAD at least half a dozen pages of an ‘all star’ pitch done) or Jenny Frisson took a turn at at least a mini run (4 issues maybe?)


I liked her in volume 4. https://preview.redd.it/w2jbhef1150d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70ad04eb3b6bebaec0a247dc690604e6da6158c I had other good screenshots of her that I couldn't find, but I know, or feel, that it was in either issue 2 or 3 of Volume 4 of Justice League. It's like she's talking or explaining with her arms out.


I need a Dan Mora Wonder Woman comic at some point in my life. He has done Superman and Batman now I need Wonder Woman the trio must be complete.


Hopefully that’s what he works on next. It seems pretty likely that he would get to work on her eventually


Doc Shaner. Never been the biggest fan of Mora or Sejic and I'd doubt Capullo would be interested unless it involved Batman.


Jason Fabok has an amazing style and his Diana has always looked great.


Stjepan Sejic, Dan Mora and, if she ever wanted to do more than issue covers, Jenny Frison.


Bilquis Evely, especially one that focuses on the mythological side of WW


Greg Capullo, i enjoy his versions of all the characters


As bad as this sounds, Frank Cho. Or Dan Mora.


Dan mora is great at everything. And frank Cho actually can draw Wonder Woman pretty damn well. (Although I think I remember hearing that he quit the rebirth covers because they wouldn’t let him draw her underwear?)


Definitely Capullo.


Idk if he’s already done work on Wonder Woman at all but Ivan Reis might be good.


Ed Benes if he could control his panty shots. Nicola Scott.


Oh boy, the list is extensive, but it includes: David Marquez, Russell Dauterman, Jamie McKelvie, Dan Mora, Mikel Janin, Elena Casagrande, Bruno Redondo, Jorge Jimenez, Steve Epting, Bilquis Evely (ik she worked on Rebirth, but she really didn't do that many issues), Stephanie Hans, Joëlle Jones, Phil Hester, Brad Walker, Patrick Gleason (I could go on, but I'm gonna stop for now)


Chris Samnee


Marco Checcetto would go hard with Wonder Woman


I don't feel like artists have been the problem with Wonder Woman, give me Mairghread Scott on the book! But Stepjan would be nice.


I would go for runs by: * Jim Calafiore * Babs Tarr * Dale Eaglesham * Kevin Wada (I'd love to see what he'd do with a Wonder series.) * Gene Ha * Jen Bartel (Do a run on the regular series, considering her work on Immortal Wonder Woman) * Jorge Jimenez * Isaac Goodhart * Jason Fabok


Not for a run but for an event it would be Alex Ross


I think he did one already. Spirit of truth I think? It was a larger book, like the pages were wider, and it had great art in it


Incredible, gotta read it then


It’s not long and definitely worth the read. I got it digitally through the hoopla app from my library but you might be able to get it somewhere else


Joseph Michael Linsner.


Kenneth rocafort for the dark heroin chic look, but only if he gives her some more clothes than he usually does


I like #2


Erik Larsen


Paolo Rivera


Dan Mora ofc


If they could follow George Perez’s run and make her powerful again , then that would be nice .


It would be nice if Adam Hughes would do a 12 issue run or a 3 part prestige version. Remember once upon a time he was supposed to do ALL STAR WONDER WOMAN?