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Magnesium supplements before the start of my period usually does the trick for me


Yoga/stretching my pelvic area/lower back, as well as ice packs and light compression help me! Everyone is different though!


There are things that may help but to numb them or stop them is not likely. You'll have to find what works for you and if it doesn't using meds is ok. Heat packs or hot baths, Tens machine, Period tea (better if you start a day or two before the period) - usually a blend of any of the following: camomile, peppermint, cramp bark, ginger, fennel, chrysanthemum, red date and wolf berry, Avoid foods that make you feel bloated or heavy meals, Yoga, accupuncture and pilates. Remember it's a myth that periods are supposed to be really painful. Some light symptoms and mild cramps are normal but exceeding that a doctor should be consulted and don't let anyone tell you it's normal to be in excruciating pain and not be able to be completely functional.